#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex : ${CYPRESS_BASE_URL:=''} : ${CYPRESS_LOGIN_USER:='admin'} : ${CYPRESS_LOGIN_PWD:='password'} : ${CYPRESS_ARGS:=''} : ${DASHBOARD_PORT:='8443'} get_vm_ip () { local ip=$(kcli info vm "$1" -f ip -v | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}') echo -n $ip } if [[ -n "${JENKINS_HOME}" || (-z "${CYPRESS_BASE_URL}" && -z "$(get_vm_ip ceph-node-00)") ]]; then . "$(dirname $0)"/start-cluster.sh CYPRESS_BASE_URL="https://$(get_vm_ip ceph-node-00):${DASHBOARD_PORT}" fi export CYPRESS_BASE_URL CYPRESS_LOGIN_USER CYPRESS_LOGIN_PWD cypress_run () { local specs="$1" local timeout="$2" local override_config="excludeSpecPattern=*.po.ts,retries=0,specPattern=${specs},chromeWebSecurity=false" if [[ -n "$timeout" ]]; then override_config="${override_config},defaultCommandTimeout=${timeout}" fi rm -f cypress/reports/results-*.xml || true npx --no-install cypress run ${CYPRESS_ARGS} --browser chrome --headless --config "$override_config" } : ${CEPH_DEV_FOLDER:=${PWD}} cd ${CEPH_DEV_FOLDER}/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph config set mgr mgr/prometheus/exclude_perf_counters false"' # check if the prometheus daemon is running # before starting the e2e tests PROMETHEUS_RUNNING_COUNT=$(kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph orch ls --service_name=prometheus --format=json"' | jq -r '.[] | .status.running') while [[ $PROMETHEUS_RUNNING_COUNT -lt 1 ]]; do PROMETHEUS_RUNNING_COUNT=$(kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph orch ls --service_name=prometheus --format=json"' | jq -r '.[] | .status.running') done # grafana ip address is set to the fqdn by default. # kcli is not working with that, so setting the IP manually. kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host"' kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-host"' kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url"' kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-00 'cephadm shell "ceph orch apply node-exporter --placement 'count:2'"' cypress_run ["cypress/e2e/orchestrator/workflow/*.feature","cypress/e2e/orchestrator/workflow/*-spec.ts"] cypress_run "cypress/e2e/orchestrator/grafana/*.feature"