import collections import json import logging import re from functools import wraps import cherrypy from ceph_argparse import ArgumentFormat # pylint: disable=import-error from ..exceptions import DashboardException from import getargspec logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ENDPOINT_MAP = collections.defaultdict(list) # type: dict def _get_function_params(func): """ Retrieves the list of parameters declared in function. Each parameter is represented as dict with keys: * name (str): the name of the parameter * required (bool): whether the parameter is required or not * default (obj): the parameter's default value """ fspec = getargspec(func) func_params = [] nd = len(fspec.args) if not fspec.defaults else -len(fspec.defaults) for param in fspec.args[1:nd]: func_params.append({'name': param, 'required': True}) if fspec.defaults: for param, val in zip(fspec.args[nd:], fspec.defaults): func_params.append({ 'name': param, 'required': False, 'default': val }) return func_params def generate_controller_routes(endpoint, mapper, base_url): inst = endpoint.inst ctrl_class = endpoint.ctrl if endpoint.proxy: conditions = None else: conditions = dict(method=[endpoint.method]) # base_url can be empty or a URL path that starts with "/" # we will remove the trailing "/" if exists to help with the # concatenation with the endpoint url below if base_url.endswith("/"): base_url = base_url[:-1] endp_url = endpoint.url if endp_url.find("/", 1) == -1: parent_url = "{}{}".format(base_url, endp_url) else: parent_url = "{}{}".format(base_url, endp_url[:endp_url.find("/", 1)]) # parent_url might be of the form "/.../{...}" where "{...}" is a path parameter # we need to remove the path parameter definition parent_url = re.sub(r'(?:/\{[^}]+\})$', '', parent_url) if not parent_url: # root path case parent_url = "/" url = "{}{}".format(base_url, endp_url) logger.debug("Mapped [%s] to %s:%s restricted to %s", url, ctrl_class.__name__, endpoint.action, endpoint.method) ENDPOINT_MAP[endpoint.url].append(endpoint) name = ctrl_class.__name__ + ":" + endpoint.action mapper.connect(name, url, controller=inst, action=endpoint.action, conditions=conditions) # adding route with trailing slash name += "/" url += "/" mapper.connect(name, url, controller=inst, action=endpoint.action, conditions=conditions) return parent_url def json_error_page(status, message, traceback, version): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return json.dumps(dict(status=status, detail=message, traceback=traceback, version=version)) def allow_empty_body(func): # noqa: N802 """ The POST/PUT request methods decorated with ``@allow_empty_body`` are allowed to send empty request body. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access try: func._cp_config['tools.json_in.force'] = False except (AttributeError, KeyError): func._cp_config = {'tools.json_in.force': False} return func def validate_ceph_type(validations, component=''): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def validate_args(*args, **kwargs): input_values = kwargs for key, ceph_type in validations: try: ceph_type.valid(input_values[key]) except ArgumentFormat as e: raise DashboardException(msg=e, code='ceph_type_not_valid', component=component) return func(*args, **kwargs) return validate_args return decorator