Feature: CephFS Management Goal: To test out the CephFS management features Background: Login Given I am logged in Scenario: Create a CephFS Volume Given I am on the "cephfs" page And I click on "Create" button And enter "name" "test_cephfs" And I click on "Create File System" button Then I should see a row with "test_cephfs" Scenario: Edit CephFS Volume Given I am on the "cephfs" page And I select a row "test_cephfs" And I click on "Edit" button And enter "name" "test_cephfs_edit" And I click on "Edit File System" button Then I should see a row with "test_cephfs_edit" Scenario: Remove CephFS Volume Given I am on the "cephfs" page And I select a row "test_cephfs_edit" And I click on "Remove" button from the table actions Then I should see the modal And I check the tick box in modal And I click on "Remove File System" button Then I should not see a row with "test_cephfs_edit"