import { DaemonsPageHelper } from './daemons.po'; describe('RGW daemons page', () => { const daemons = new DaemonsPageHelper(); beforeEach(() => { cy.login(); daemons.navigateTo(); }); describe('breadcrumb and tab tests', () => { it('should open and show breadcrumb', () => { daemons.expectBreadcrumbText('Gateways'); }); it('should show two tabs', () => { daemons.getTabsCount().should('eq', 2); }); it('should show daemons list tab at first', () => { daemons.getTabText(0).should('eq', 'Gateways List'); }); it('should show overall performance as a second tab', () => { daemons.getTabText(1).should('eq', 'Overall Performance'); }); }); describe('details and performance counters table tests', () => { it('should check that details/performance tables are visible when daemon is selected', () => { daemons.checkTables(); }); }); });