# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ceph dashboard mgr plugin (based on CherryPy) """ import collections import errno import logging import os import socket import ssl import sys import tempfile import threading import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse if TYPE_CHECKING: if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal else: from typing_extensions import Literal from mgr_module import CLIReadCommand, CLIWriteCommand, HandleCommandResult, \ MgrModule, MgrStandbyModule, NotifyType, Option, _get_localized_key from mgr_util import ServerConfigException, build_url, \ create_self_signed_cert, get_default_addr, verify_tls_files from . import mgr from .controllers import Router, json_error_page from .grafana import push_local_dashboards from .services.auth import AuthManager, AuthManagerTool, JwtManager from .services.exception import dashboard_exception_handler from .services.rgw_client import configure_rgw_credentials from .services.sso import SSO_COMMANDS, handle_sso_command from .settings import Settings, handle_option_command, options_command_list, options_schema_list from .tools import NotificationQueue, RequestLoggingTool, TaskManager, \ prepare_url_prefix, str_to_bool try: import cherrypy from cherrypy._cptools import HandlerWrapperTool except ImportError: # To be picked up and reported by .can_run() cherrypy = None from .services.sso import load_sso_db if cherrypy is not None: from .cherrypy_backports import patch_cherrypy patch_cherrypy(cherrypy.__version__) # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from .plugins import PLUGIN_MANAGER, debug, feature_toggles, motd # isort:skip # noqa E501 # pylint: disable=unused-import PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.init() # cherrypy likes to sys.exit on error. don't let it take us down too! # pylint: disable=W0613 def os_exit_noop(*args): pass # pylint: disable=W0212 os._exit = os_exit_noop logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CherryPyConfig(object): """ Class for common server configuration done by both active and standby module, especially setting up SSL. """ def __init__(self): self._stopping = threading.Event() self._url_prefix = "" self.cert_tmp = None self.pkey_tmp = None def shutdown(self): self._stopping.set() @property def url_prefix(self): return self._url_prefix @staticmethod def update_cherrypy_config(config): PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.configure_cherrypy(config=config) cherrypy.config.update(config) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _configure(self): """ Configure CherryPy and initialize self.url_prefix :returns our URI """ server_addr = self.get_localized_module_option( # type: ignore 'server_addr', get_default_addr()) use_ssl = self.get_localized_module_option('ssl', True) # type: ignore if not use_ssl: server_port = self.get_localized_module_option('server_port', 8080) # type: ignore else: server_port = self.get_localized_module_option('ssl_server_port', 8443) # type: ignore if server_addr is None: raise ServerConfigException( 'no server_addr configured; ' 'try "ceph config set mgr mgr/{}/{}/server_addr "' .format(self.module_name, self.get_mgr_id())) # type: ignore self.log.info('server: ssl=%s host=%s port=%d', 'yes' if use_ssl else 'no', # type: ignore server_addr, server_port) # Initialize custom handlers. cherrypy.tools.authenticate = AuthManagerTool() self.configure_cors() cherrypy.tools.plugin_hooks_filter_request = cherrypy.Tool( 'before_handler', lambda: PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.filter_request_before_handler(request=cherrypy.request), priority=1) cherrypy.tools.request_logging = RequestLoggingTool() cherrypy.tools.dashboard_exception_handler = HandlerWrapperTool(dashboard_exception_handler, priority=31) cherrypy.log.access_log.propagate = False cherrypy.log.error_log.propagate = False # Apply the 'global' CherryPy configuration. config = { 'engine.autoreload.on': False, 'server.socket_host': server_addr, 'server.socket_port': int(server_port), 'error_page.default': json_error_page, 'tools.request_logging.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': [ # text/html and text/plain are the default types to compress 'text/html', 'text/plain', # We also want JSON and JavaScript to be compressed 'application/json', 'application/*+json', 'application/javascript', ], 'tools.json_in.on': True, 'tools.json_in.force': True, 'tools.plugin_hooks_filter_request.on': True, } if use_ssl: # SSL initialization cert = self.get_localized_store("crt") # type: ignore if cert is not None: self.cert_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.cert_tmp.write(cert.encode('utf-8')) self.cert_tmp.flush() # cert_tmp must not be gc'ed cert_fname = self.cert_tmp.name else: cert_fname = self.get_localized_module_option('crt_file') # type: ignore pkey = self.get_localized_store("key") # type: ignore if pkey is not None: self.pkey_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.pkey_tmp.write(pkey.encode('utf-8')) self.pkey_tmp.flush() # pkey_tmp must not be gc'ed pkey_fname = self.pkey_tmp.name else: pkey_fname = self.get_localized_module_option('key_file') # type: ignore verify_tls_files(cert_fname, pkey_fname) # Create custom SSL context to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1. context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) context.load_cert_chain(cert_fname, pkey_fname) if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): if Settings.UNSAFE_TLS_v1_2: context.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 else: context.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_3 else: if Settings.UNSAFE_TLS_v1_2: context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 else: context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_2 config['server.ssl_module'] = 'builtin' config['server.ssl_certificate'] = cert_fname config['server.ssl_private_key'] = pkey_fname config['server.ssl_context'] = context self.update_cherrypy_config(config) self._url_prefix = prepare_url_prefix(self.get_module_option( # type: ignore 'url_prefix', default='')) if server_addr in ['::', '']: server_addr = self.get_mgr_ip() # type: ignore base_url = build_url( scheme='https' if use_ssl else 'http', host=server_addr, port=server_port, ) uri = f'{base_url}{self.url_prefix}/' return uri def await_configuration(self): """ Block until configuration is ready (i.e. all needed keys are set) or self._stopping is set. :returns URI of configured webserver """ while not self._stopping.is_set(): try: uri = self._configure() except ServerConfigException as e: self.log.info( # type: ignore "Config not ready to serve, waiting: {0}".format(e) ) # Poll until a non-errored config is present self._stopping.wait(5) else: self.log.info("Configured CherryPy, starting engine...") # type: ignore return uri def configure_cors(self): """ Allow CORS requests if the cross_origin_url option is set. """ cross_origin_url = mgr.get_localized_module_option('cross_origin_url', '') if cross_origin_url: cherrypy.tools.CORS = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', self.cors_tool) config = { 'tools.CORS.on': True, } self.update_cherrypy_config(config) def cors_tool(self): ''' Handle both simple and complex CORS requests Add CORS headers to each response. If the request is a CORS preflight request swap out the default handler with a simple, single-purpose handler that verifies the request and provides a valid CORS response. ''' req_head = cherrypy.request.headers resp_head = cherrypy.response.headers # Always set response headers necessary for 'simple' CORS. req_header_cross_origin_url = req_head.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') cross_origin_urls = mgr.get_localized_module_option('cross_origin_url', '') cross_origin_url_list = [url.strip() for url in cross_origin_urls.split(',')] if req_header_cross_origin_url in cross_origin_url_list: resp_head['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = req_header_cross_origin_url resp_head['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = 'GET, POST' resp_head['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' # Non-simple CORS preflight request; short-circuit the normal handler. if cherrypy.request.method == 'OPTIONS': req_header_origin_url = req_head.get('Origin') if req_header_origin_url in cross_origin_url_list: resp_head['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = req_header_origin_url ac_method = req_head.get('Access-Control-Request-Method', None) allowed_methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT'] allowed_headers = [ 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Accept', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ] if ac_method and ac_method in allowed_methods: resp_head['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = ', '.join(allowed_methods) resp_head['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = ', '.join(allowed_headers) resp_head['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' resp_head['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '3600' # CORS requests should short-circuit the other tools. cherrypy.response.body = ''.encode('utf8') cherrypy.response.status = 200 cherrypy.serving.request.handler = None # Needed to avoid the auth_tool check. if cherrypy.request.config.get('tools.sessions.on', False): cherrypy.session['token'] = True return True if TYPE_CHECKING: SslConfigKey = Literal['crt', 'key'] class Module(MgrModule, CherryPyConfig): """ dashboard module entrypoint """ COMMANDS = [ { 'cmd': 'dashboard set-jwt-token-ttl ' 'name=seconds,type=CephInt', 'desc': 'Set the JWT token TTL in seconds', 'perm': 'w' }, { 'cmd': 'dashboard get-jwt-token-ttl', 'desc': 'Get the JWT token TTL in seconds', 'perm': 'r' }, { "cmd": "dashboard create-self-signed-cert", "desc": "Create self signed certificate", "perm": "w" }, { "cmd": "dashboard grafana dashboards update", "desc": "Push dashboards to Grafana", "perm": "w", }, ] COMMANDS.extend(options_command_list()) COMMANDS.extend(SSO_COMMANDS) PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.register_commands() MODULE_OPTIONS = [ Option(name='server_addr', type='str', default=get_default_addr()), Option(name='server_port', type='int', default=8080), Option(name='ssl_server_port', type='int', default=8443), Option(name='jwt_token_ttl', type='int', default=28800), Option(name='url_prefix', type='str', default=''), Option(name='key_file', type='str', default=''), Option(name='crt_file', type='str', default=''), Option(name='ssl', type='bool', default=True), Option(name='standby_behaviour', type='str', default='redirect', enum_allowed=['redirect', 'error']), Option(name='standby_error_status_code', type='int', default=500, min=400, max=599), Option(name='redirect_resolve_ip_addr', type='bool', default=False), Option(name='cross_origin_url', type='str', default=''), ] MODULE_OPTIONS.extend(options_schema_list()) for options in PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.get_options() or []: MODULE_OPTIONS.extend(options) NOTIFY_TYPES = [NotifyType.clog] __pool_stats = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.deque(maxlen=10))) # type: dict def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) CherryPyConfig.__init__(self) mgr.init(self) self._stopping = threading.Event() self.shutdown_event = threading.Event() self.ACCESS_CTRL_DB = None self.SSO_DB = None self.health_checks = {} @classmethod def can_run(cls): if cherrypy is None: return False, "Missing dependency: cherrypy" if not os.path.exists(cls.get_frontend_path()): return False, ("Frontend assets not found at '{}': incomplete build?" .format(cls.get_frontend_path())) return True, "" @classmethod def get_frontend_path(cls): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'frontend/dist') if os.path.exists(path): return path else: path = os.path.join(current_dir, '../../../../build', 'src/pybind/mgr/dashboard', 'frontend/dist') return os.path.abspath(path) def serve(self): if 'COVERAGE_ENABLED' in os.environ: import coverage __cov = coverage.Coverage(config_file="{}/.coveragerc" .format(os.path.dirname(__file__)), data_suffix=True) __cov.start() cherrypy.engine.subscribe('after_request', __cov.save) cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', __cov.stop) AuthManager.initialize() load_sso_db() uri = self.await_configuration() if uri is None: # We were shut down while waiting return # Publish the URI that others may use to access the service we're # about to start serving self.set_uri(uri) mapper, parent_urls = Router.generate_routes(self.url_prefix) config = {} for purl in parent_urls: config[purl] = { 'request.dispatch': mapper } cherrypy.tree.mount(None, config=config) PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.setup() cherrypy.engine.start() NotificationQueue.start_queue() TaskManager.init() logger.info('Engine started.') update_dashboards = str_to_bool( self.get_module_option('GRAFANA_UPDATE_DASHBOARDS', 'False')) if update_dashboards: logger.info('Starting Grafana dashboard task') TaskManager.run( 'grafana/dashboards/update', {}, push_local_dashboards, kwargs=dict(tries=10, sleep=60), ) # wait for the shutdown event self.shutdown_event.wait() self.shutdown_event.clear() NotificationQueue.stop() cherrypy.engine.stop() logger.info('Engine stopped') def shutdown(self): super(Module, self).shutdown() CherryPyConfig.shutdown(self) logger.info('Stopping engine...') self.shutdown_event.set() def _set_ssl_item(self, item_label: str, item_key: 'SslConfigKey' = 'crt', mgr_id: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None): if inbuf is None: return -errno.EINVAL, '', f'Please specify the {item_label} with "-i" option' if mgr_id is not None: self.set_store(_get_localized_key(mgr_id, item_key), inbuf) else: self.set_store(item_key, inbuf) return 0, f'SSL {item_label} updated', '' @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard set-ssl-certificate") def set_ssl_certificate(self, mgr_id: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None): return self._set_ssl_item('certificate', 'crt', mgr_id, inbuf) @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard set-ssl-certificate-key") def set_ssl_certificate_key(self, mgr_id: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None): return self._set_ssl_item('certificate key', 'key', mgr_id, inbuf) @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard create-self-signed-cert") def set_mgr_created_self_signed_cert(self): cert, pkey = create_self_signed_cert('IT', 'ceph-dashboard') result = HandleCommandResult(*self.set_ssl_certificate(inbuf=cert)) if result.retval != 0: return result result = HandleCommandResult(*self.set_ssl_certificate_key(inbuf=pkey)) if result.retval != 0: return result return 0, 'Self-signed certificate created', '' @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard set-rgw-credentials") def set_rgw_credentials(self): try: configure_rgw_credentials() except Exception as error: return -errno.EINVAL, '', str(error) return 0, 'RGW credentials configured', '' @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard set-login-banner") def set_login_banner(self, inbuf: str): ''' Set the custom login banner read from -i ''' item_label = 'login banner file' if inbuf is None: return HandleCommandResult( -errno.EINVAL, stderr=f'Please specify the {item_label} with "-i" option' ) mgr.set_store('custom_login_banner', inbuf) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=f'{item_label} added') @CLIReadCommand("dashboard get-login-banner") def get_login_banner(self): ''' Get the custom login banner text ''' banner_text = mgr.get_store('custom_login_banner') if banner_text is None: return HandleCommandResult(stdout='No login banner set') else: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=banner_text) @CLIWriteCommand("dashboard unset-login-banner") def unset_login_banner(self): ''' Unset the custom login banner ''' mgr.set_store('custom_login_banner', None) return HandleCommandResult(stdout='Login banner removed') def handle_command(self, inbuf, cmd): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements res = handle_option_command(cmd, inbuf) if res[0] != -errno.ENOSYS: return res res = handle_sso_command(cmd) if res[0] != -errno.ENOSYS: return res if cmd['prefix'] == 'dashboard set-jwt-token-ttl': self.set_module_option('jwt_token_ttl', str(cmd['seconds'])) return 0, 'JWT token TTL updated', '' if cmd['prefix'] == 'dashboard get-jwt-token-ttl': ttl = self.get_module_option('jwt_token_ttl', JwtManager.JWT_TOKEN_TTL) return 0, str(ttl), '' if cmd['prefix'] == 'dashboard grafana dashboards update': push_local_dashboards() return 0, 'Grafana dashboards updated', '' return (-errno.EINVAL, '', 'Command not found \'{0}\'' .format(cmd['prefix'])) def notify(self, notify_type: NotifyType, notify_id): NotificationQueue.new_notification(str(notify_type), notify_id) def get_updated_pool_stats(self): df = self.get('df') pool_stats = {p['id']: p['stats'] for p in df['pools']} now = time.time() for pool_id, stats in pool_stats.items(): for stat_name, stat_val in stats.items(): self.__pool_stats[pool_id][stat_name].append((now, stat_val)) return self.__pool_stats def config_notify(self): """ This method is called whenever one of our config options is changed. """ PLUGIN_MANAGER.hook.config_notify() def refresh_health_checks(self): self.set_health_checks(self.health_checks) class StandbyModule(MgrStandbyModule, CherryPyConfig): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StandbyModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) CherryPyConfig.__init__(self) self.shutdown_event = threading.Event() # We can set the global mgr instance to ourselves even though # we're just a standby, because it's enough for logging. mgr.init(self) def serve(self): uri = self.await_configuration() if uri is None: # We were shut down while waiting return module = self class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def default(self, *args, **kwargs): if module.get_module_option('standby_behaviour', 'redirect') == 'redirect': active_uri = module.get_active_uri() if cherrypy.request.path_info.startswith('/api/prometheus_receiver'): module.log.debug("Suppressed redirecting alert to active '%s'", active_uri) cherrypy.response.status = 204 return None if active_uri: if module.get_module_option('redirect_resolve_ip_addr'): p_result = urlparse(active_uri) hostname = str(p_result.hostname) fqdn_netloc = p_result.netloc.replace( hostname, socket.getfqdn(hostname)) active_uri = p_result._replace(netloc=fqdn_netloc).geturl() module.log.info("Redirecting to active '%s'", active_uri) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(active_uri) else: template = """ Ceph No active ceph-mgr instance is currently running the dashboard. A failover may be in progress. Retrying in {delay} seconds... """ return template.format(delay=5) else: status = module.get_module_option('standby_error_status_code', 500) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status, message="Keep on looking") cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), "{}/".format(self.url_prefix), {}) self.log.info("Starting engine...") cherrypy.engine.start() self.log.info("Engine started...") # Wait for shutdown event self.shutdown_event.wait() self.shutdown_event.clear() cherrypy.engine.stop() self.log.info("Engine stopped.") def shutdown(self): CherryPyConfig.shutdown(self) self.log.info("Stopping engine...") self.shutdown_event.set() self.log.info("Stopped engine...")