import datetime import logging import re import threading import functools import os import json from ceph.deployment import inventory from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, NFSServiceSpec, RGWSpec, PlacementSpec from ceph.utils import datetime_now from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Callable, Any, TypeVar, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING try: from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec except ImportError: pass # just for type checking try: from kubernetes import client, config from import ApiException kubernetes_imported = True # from kubernetes.client.models.v1_container_image import V1ContainerImage def names(self: Any, names: Any) -> None: self._names = names V1ContainerImage.names = V1ContainerImage.names.setter(names) except ImportError: kubernetes_imported = False client = None config = None from mgr_module import MgrModule, Option, NFS_POOL_NAME import orchestrator from orchestrator import handle_orch_error, OrchResult, raise_if_exception from .rook_cluster import RookCluster T = TypeVar('T') FuncT = TypeVar('FuncT', bound=Callable) ServiceSpecT = TypeVar('ServiceSpecT', bound=ServiceSpec) class RookEnv(object): def __init__(self) -> None: # POD_NAMESPACE already exist for Rook 0.9 self.namespace = os.environ.get('POD_NAMESPACE', 'rook-ceph') # ROOK_CEPH_CLUSTER_CRD_NAME is new is Rook 1.0 self.cluster_name = os.environ.get('ROOK_CEPH_CLUSTER_CRD_NAME', self.namespace) self.operator_namespace = os.environ.get('ROOK_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE', self.namespace) self.crd_version = os.environ.get('ROOK_CEPH_CLUSTER_CRD_VERSION', 'v1') self.api_name = "" + self.crd_version def api_version_match(self) -> bool: return self.crd_version == 'v1' def has_namespace(self) -> bool: return 'POD_NAMESPACE' in os.environ class RookOrchestrator(MgrModule, orchestrator.Orchestrator): """ Writes are a two-phase thing, firstly sending the write to the k8s API (fast) and then waiting for the corresponding change to appear in the Ceph cluster (slow) Right now, we are calling the k8s API synchronously. """ MODULE_OPTIONS: List[Option] = [ # TODO: configure k8s API addr instead of assuming local Option( 'storage_class', type='str', default='local', desc='storage class name for LSO-discovered PVs', ), ] @staticmethod def can_run() -> Tuple[bool, str]: if not kubernetes_imported: return False, "`kubernetes` python module not found" if not RookEnv().api_version_match(): return False, "Rook version unsupported." return True, '' def available(self) -> Tuple[bool, str, Dict[str, Any]]: if not kubernetes_imported: return False, "`kubernetes` python module not found", {} elif not self._rook_env.has_namespace(): return False, "ceph-mgr not running in Rook cluster", {} try: self.k8s.list_namespaced_pod(self._rook_env.namespace) except ApiException as e: return False, "Cannot reach Kubernetes API: {}".format(e), {} else: return True, "", {} def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super(RookOrchestrator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._initialized = threading.Event() self._k8s_CoreV1_api: Optional[client.CoreV1Api] = None self._k8s_BatchV1_api: Optional[client.BatchV1Api] = None self._k8s_CustomObjects_api: Optional[client.CustomObjectsApi] = None self._k8s_StorageV1_api: Optional[client.StorageV1Api] = None self._rook_cluster: Optional[RookCluster] = None self._rook_env = RookEnv() self._k8s_AppsV1_api: Optional[client.AppsV1Api] = None self.config_notify() if TYPE_CHECKING: self.storage_class = 'foo' self._shutdown = threading.Event() def config_notify(self) -> None: """ This method is called whenever one of our config options is changed. TODO: this method should be moved into """ for opt in self.MODULE_OPTIONS: setattr(self, opt['name'], # type: ignore self.get_module_option(opt['name'])) # type: ignore self.log.debug(' mgr option %s = %s', opt['name'], getattr(self, opt['name'])) # type: ignore assert isinstance(self.storage_class, str) if self._rook_cluster: self._rook_cluster.storage_class_name = self.storage_class def shutdown(self) -> None: self._shutdown.set() @property def k8s(self): # type: () -> client.CoreV1Api self._initialized.wait() assert self._k8s_CoreV1_api is not None return self._k8s_CoreV1_api @property def rook_cluster(self): # type: () -> RookCluster self._initialized.wait() assert self._rook_cluster is not None return self._rook_cluster def serve(self) -> None: # For deployed clusters, we should always be running inside # a Rook cluster. For development convenience, also support # running outside (reading ~/.kube config) if self._rook_env.has_namespace(): config.load_incluster_config() else: self.log.warning("DEVELOPMENT ONLY: Reading kube config from ~") config.load_kube_config() # So that I can do port forwarding from my workstation - jcsp from kubernetes.client import configuration configuration.verify_ssl = False self._k8s_CoreV1_api = client.CoreV1Api() self._k8s_BatchV1_api = client.BatchV1Api() self._k8s_CustomObjects_api = client.CustomObjectsApi() self._k8s_StorageV1_api = client.StorageV1Api() self._k8s_AppsV1_api = client.AppsV1Api() try: # XXX mystery hack -- I need to do an API call from # this context, or subsequent API usage from handle_command # fails with SSLError('bad handshake'). Suspect some kind of # thread context setup in SSL lib? self._k8s_CoreV1_api.list_namespaced_pod(self._rook_env.namespace) except ApiException: # Ignore here to make self.available() fail with a proper error message pass assert isinstance(self.storage_class, str) self._rook_cluster = RookCluster( self._k8s_CoreV1_api, self._k8s_BatchV1_api, self._k8s_CustomObjects_api, self._k8s_StorageV1_api, self._k8s_AppsV1_api, self._rook_env, self.storage_class) self._initialized.set() self.config_notify() @handle_orch_error def get_inventory(self, host_filter: Optional[orchestrator.InventoryFilter] = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List[orchestrator.InventoryHost]: host_list = None if host_filter and host_filter.hosts: # Explicit host list host_list = host_filter.hosts elif host_filter and host_filter.labels: # TODO: query k8s API to resolve to host list, and pass # it into RookCluster.get_discovered_devices raise NotImplementedError() discovered_devs = self.rook_cluster.get_discovered_devices(host_list) result = [] for host_name, host_devs in discovered_devs.items(): devs = [] for d in host_devs: devs.append(d) result.append(orchestrator.InventoryHost(host_name, inventory.Devices(devs))) return result @handle_orch_error def get_hosts(self): # type: () -> List[orchestrator.HostSpec] return self.rook_cluster.get_hosts() @handle_orch_error def describe_service(self, service_type: Optional[str] = None, service_name: Optional[str] = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List[orchestrator.ServiceDescription]: now = datetime_now() # CephCluster cl = self.rook_cluster.rook_api_get( "cephclusters/{0}".format(self.rook_cluster.rook_env.cluster_name)) self.log.debug('CephCluster %s' % cl) image_name = cl['spec'].get('cephVersion', {}).get('image', None) num_nodes = len(self.rook_cluster.get_node_names()) def sum_running_pods(service_type: str, service_name: Optional[str] = None) -> int: all_pods = self.rook_cluster.describe_pods(None, None, None) if service_name is None: return sum(pod['phase'] == 'Running' for pod in all_pods if pod['labels']['app'] == f"rook-ceph-{service_type}") else: if service_type == 'mds': key = 'rook_file_system' elif service_type == 'rgw': key = 'rook_object_store' elif service_type == 'nfs': key = 'ceph_nfs' else: self.log.error(f"Unknow service type {service_type}") return 0 return sum(pod['phase'] == 'Running' \ for pod in all_pods \ if pod['labels']['app'] == f"rook-ceph-{service_type}" \ and service_name == pod['labels'][key]) spec = {} if service_type == 'mon' or service_type is None: spec['mon'] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=ServiceSpec( 'mon', placement=PlacementSpec( count=cl['spec'].get('mon', {}).get('count', 1), ), ), size=cl['spec'].get('mon', {}).get('count', 1), container_image_name=image_name, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('mon') ) if service_type == 'mgr' or service_type is None: spec['mgr'] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=ServiceSpec( 'mgr', placement=PlacementSpec.from_string('count:1'), ), size=1, container_image_name=image_name, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('mgr') ) if ( service_type == 'crash' or service_type is None and not cl['spec'].get('crashCollector', {}).get('disable', False) ): spec['crash'] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=ServiceSpec( 'crash', placement=PlacementSpec.from_string('*'), ), size=num_nodes, container_image_name=image_name, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('crashcollector') ) if service_type == 'mds' or service_type is None: # CephFilesystems all_fs = self.rook_cluster.get_resource("cephfilesystems") for fs in all_fs: fs_name = fs['metadata']['name'] svc = 'mds.' + fs_name if svc in spec: continue # FIXME: we are conflating active (+ standby) with count active = fs['spec'].get('metadataServer', {}).get('activeCount', 1) total_mds = active if fs['spec'].get('metadataServer', {}).get('activeStandby', False): total_mds = active * 2 spec[svc] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=ServiceSpec( service_type='mds', service_id=fs['metadata']['name'], placement=PlacementSpec(count=active), ), size=total_mds, container_image_name=image_name, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('mds', fs_name) ) if service_type == 'rgw' or service_type is None: # CephObjectstores all_zones = self.rook_cluster.get_resource("cephobjectstores") for zone in all_zones: zone_name = zone['metadata']['name'] svc = 'rgw.' + zone_name if svc in spec: continue active = zone['spec']['gateway']['instances']; if 'securePort' in zone['spec']['gateway']: ssl = True port = zone['spec']['gateway']['securePort'] else: ssl = False port = zone['spec']['gateway']['port'] or 80 rgw_zone = zone['spec'].get('zone', {}).get('name') or None spec[svc] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=RGWSpec( service_id=zone['metadata']['name'], rgw_zone=rgw_zone, ssl=ssl, rgw_frontend_port=port, placement=PlacementSpec(count=active), ), size=active, container_image_name=image_name, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('rgw', zone_name) ) if service_type == 'nfs' or service_type is None: # CephNFSes all_nfs = self.rook_cluster.get_resource("cephnfses") nfs_pods = self.rook_cluster.describe_pods('nfs', None, None) for nfs in all_nfs: # Starting with V.17.2.0, the 'rados' spec part in 'cephnfs' resources does not contain the 'pool' item if 'pool' in nfs['spec']['rados']: if nfs['spec']['rados']['pool'] != NFS_POOL_NAME: continue nfs_name = nfs['metadata']['name'] svc = 'nfs.' + nfs_name if svc in spec: continue active = nfs['spec'].get('server', {}).get('active') creation_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(nfs['metadata']['creationTimestamp'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') spec[svc] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=NFSServiceSpec( service_id=nfs_name, placement=PlacementSpec(count=active), ), size=active, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('nfs', nfs_name), created=creation_timestamp.astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) ) if service_type == 'osd' or service_type is None: # OSDs # FIXME: map running OSDs back to their respective services... # the catch-all unmanaged all_osds = self.rook_cluster.get_osds() svc = 'osd' spec[svc] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=DriveGroupSpec( unmanaged=True, service_type='osd', ), size=len(all_osds), last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('osd') ) if service_type == 'rbd-mirror' or service_type is None: # rbd-mirrors all_mirrors = self.rook_cluster.get_resource("cephrbdmirrors") for mirror in all_mirrors: logging.warn(mirror) mirror_name = mirror['metadata']['name'] svc = 'rbd-mirror.' + mirror_name if svc in spec: continue spec[svc] = orchestrator.ServiceDescription( spec=ServiceSpec( service_id=mirror_name, service_type="rbd-mirror", placement=PlacementSpec(count=1), ), size=1, last_refresh=now, running=sum_running_pods('rbd-mirror', mirror_name) ) for dd in self._list_daemons(): if dd.service_name() not in spec: continue service = spec[dd.service_name()] if not service.container_image_id: service.container_image_id = dd.container_image_id if not service.container_image_name: service.container_image_name = dd.container_image_name if service.last_refresh is None or not dd.last_refresh or dd.last_refresh < service.last_refresh: service.last_refresh = dd.last_refresh if service.created is None or dd.created is None or dd.created < service.created: service.created = dd.created return [v for k, v in spec.items()] @handle_orch_error def list_daemons(self, service_name: Optional[str] = None, daemon_type: Optional[str] = None, daemon_id: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]: return self._list_daemons(service_name=service_name, daemon_type=daemon_type, daemon_id=daemon_id, host=host, refresh=refresh) def _list_daemons(self, service_name: Optional[str] = None, daemon_type: Optional[str] = None, daemon_id: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, refresh: bool = False) -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]: def _pod_to_servicename(pod: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]: if 'ceph_daemon_type' not in pod['labels']: return None daemon_type = pod['labels']['ceph_daemon_type'] if daemon_type in ['mds', 'rgw', 'nfs', 'rbd-mirror']: if '' in pod['labels']: service_name = f"{daemon_type}.{pod['labels']['']}" else: service_name = f"{daemon_type}" else: service_name = f"{daemon_type}" return service_name pods = self.rook_cluster.describe_pods(daemon_type, daemon_id, host) result = [] for p in pods: pod_svc_name = _pod_to_servicename(p) sd = orchestrator.DaemonDescription(service_name=pod_svc_name) sd.hostname = p['hostname'] # In Rook environments, the 'ceph-exporter' daemon is named 'exporter' whereas # in the orchestrator interface, it is named 'ceph-exporter'. The purpose of the # following adjustment is to ensure that the 'daemon_type' is correctly set. # Without this adjustment, the 'service_to_daemon_types' lookup would fail, as # it would be searching for a non-existent entry called 'exporter if p['labels']['app'] == 'rook-ceph-exporter': sd.daemon_type = 'ceph-exporter' else: sd.daemon_type = p['labels']['app'].replace('rook-ceph-', '') status = { 'Pending': orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.starting, 'Running': orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.running, 'Succeeded': orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.stopped, 'Failed': orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.error, 'Unknown': orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.unknown, }[p['phase']] sd.status = status if 'ceph_daemon_id' in p['labels']: sd.daemon_id = p['labels']['ceph_daemon_id'] elif 'ceph-osd-id' in p['labels']: sd.daemon_id = p['labels']['ceph-osd-id'] else: # Unknown type -- skip it continue if service_name is not None and service_name != sd.service_name(): continue sd.container_image_name = p['container_image_name'] sd.container_image_id = p['container_image_id'] sd.created = p['created'] sd.last_configured = p['created'] sd.last_deployed = p['created'] sd.started = p['started'] sd.last_refresh = p['refreshed'] result.append(sd) return result def _get_pool_params(self) -> Tuple[int, str]: num_replicas = self.get_ceph_option('osd_pool_default_size') assert type(num_replicas) is int leaf_type_id = self.get_ceph_option('osd_crush_chooseleaf_type') assert type(leaf_type_id) is int crush = self.get('osd_map_crush') leaf_type = 'host' for t in crush['types']: if t['type_id'] == leaf_type_id: leaf_type = t['name'] break return num_replicas, leaf_type @handle_orch_error def remove_service(self, service_name: str, force: bool = False) -> str: if service_name == 'rbd-mirror': return self.rook_cluster.rm_service('cephrbdmirrors', 'default-rbd-mirror') service_type, service_id = service_name.split('.', 1) if service_type == 'mds': return self.rook_cluster.rm_service('cephfilesystems', service_id) elif service_type == 'rgw': return self.rook_cluster.rm_service('cephobjectstores', service_id) elif service_type == 'nfs': ret, out, err = self.mon_command({ 'prefix': 'auth ls' }) matches = re.findall(rf'client\.nfs-ganesha\.{service_id}\..*', out) for match in matches: self.check_mon_command({ 'prefix': 'auth rm', 'entity': match }) return self.rook_cluster.rm_service('cephnfses', service_id) elif service_type == 'rbd-mirror': return self.rook_cluster.rm_service('cephrbdmirrors', service_id) elif service_type == 'osd': return f'Removed {service_name}' elif service_type == 'ingress':"{0} service '{1}' does not exist".format('ingress', service_id)) return 'The Rook orchestrator does not currently support ingress' else: raise orchestrator.OrchestratorError(f'Service type {service_type} not supported') def zap_device(self, host: str, path: str) -> OrchResult[str]: try: self.rook_cluster.create_zap_job(host, path) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return OrchResult(None, Exception("Unable to zap device: " + str(e.with_traceback(None)))) return OrchResult(f'{path} on {host} zapped') @handle_orch_error def apply_mon(self, spec): # type: (ServiceSpec) -> str if spec.placement.hosts or spec.placement.label: raise RuntimeError("Host list or label is not supported by rook.") return self.rook_cluster.update_mon_count(spec.placement.count) def apply_rbd_mirror(self, spec: ServiceSpec) -> OrchResult[str]: try: self.rook_cluster.rbd_mirror(spec) return OrchResult("Success") except Exception as e: return OrchResult(None, e) @handle_orch_error def apply_mds(self, spec): # type: (ServiceSpec) -> str num_replicas, leaf_type = self._get_pool_params() return self.rook_cluster.apply_filesystem(spec, num_replicas, leaf_type) @handle_orch_error def apply_rgw(self, spec): # type: (RGWSpec) -> str num_replicas, leaf_type = self._get_pool_params() return self.rook_cluster.apply_objectstore(spec, num_replicas, leaf_type) @handle_orch_error def apply_nfs(self, spec): # type: (NFSServiceSpec) -> str try: return self.rook_cluster.apply_nfsgw(spec, self) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return "Unable to create NFS daemon, check logs for more traceback\n" + str(e.with_traceback(None)) @handle_orch_error def remove_daemons(self, names: List[str]) -> List[str]: return self.rook_cluster.remove_pods(names) def add_host_label(self, host: str, label: str) -> OrchResult[str]: return self.rook_cluster.add_host_label(host, label) def remove_host_label(self, host: str, label: str, force: bool = False) -> OrchResult[str]: return self.rook_cluster.remove_host_label(host, label) @handle_orch_error def create_osds(self, drive_group: DriveGroupSpec) -> str: raise orchestrator.OrchestratorError('Creating OSDs is not supported by rook orchestrator. Please, use Rook operator.') @handle_orch_error def remove_osds(self, osd_ids: List[str], replace: bool = False, force: bool = False, zap: bool = False, no_destroy: bool = False) -> str: raise orchestrator.OrchestratorError('Removing OSDs is not supported by rook orchestrator. Please, use Rook operator.') @handle_orch_error def blink_device_light(self, ident_fault: str, on: bool, locs: List[orchestrator.DeviceLightLoc]) -> List[str]: return self.rook_cluster.blink_light(ident_fault, on, locs) @handle_orch_error def upgrade_status(self) -> orchestrator.UpgradeStatusSpec: return orchestrator.UpgradeStatusSpec() @handle_orch_error def upgrade_ls(self, image: Optional[str], tags: bool, show_all_versions: Optional[bool]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: return {}