// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include "common/ceph_json.h" #include "rgw_op.h" #include "rgw_user.h" #include "rgw_rest_user.h" #include "rgw_sal.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "services/svc_sys_obj.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using namespace std; int fetch_access_keys_from_master(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::Driver* driver, RGWUserAdminOpState &op_state, req_state *s, optional_yield y) { bufferlist data; JSONParser jp; RGWUserInfo ui; int op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, &jp, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return op_ret; } ui.decode_json(&jp); op_state.op_access_keys = std::move(ui.access_keys); return 0; } class RGWOp_User_List : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_User_List() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_READ); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "list_user"; } }; void RGWOp_User_List::execute(optional_yield y) { RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); uint32_t max_entries; std::string marker; RESTArgs::get_uint32(s, "max-entries", 1000, &max_entries); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "marker", marker, &marker); op_state.max_entries = max_entries; op_state.marker = marker; op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_User::list(this, driver, op_state, flusher); } class RGWOp_User_Info : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_User_Info() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_READ); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "get_user_info"; } }; void RGWOp_User_Info::execute(optional_yield y) { RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); std::string uid_str, access_key_str; bool fetch_stats; bool sync_stats; RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key_str, &access_key_str); // if uid was not supplied in rest argument, error out now, otherwise we'll // end up initializing anonymous user, for which keys.init will eventually // return -EACESS if (uid_str.empty() && access_key_str.empty()){ op_ret=-EINVAL; return; } rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "stats", false, &fetch_stats); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "sync", false, &sync_stats); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_access_key(access_key_str); op_state.set_fetch_stats(fetch_stats); op_state.set_sync_stats(sync_stats); op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_User::info(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_User_Create : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_User_Create() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "create_user"; } }; void RGWOp_User_Create::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string display_name; std::string email; std::string access_key; std::string secret_key; std::string key_type_str; std::string caps; std::string tenant_name; std::string op_mask_str; std::string default_placement_str; std::string placement_tags_str; bool gen_key; bool suspended; bool system; bool exclusive; int32_t max_buckets; const int32_t default_max_buckets = s->cct->_conf.get_val("rgw_user_max_buckets"); RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "display-name", display_name, &display_name); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "email", email, &email); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key, &access_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "secret-key", secret_key, &secret_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "user-caps", caps, &caps); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "tenant", tenant_name, &tenant_name); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "generate-key", true, &gen_key); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "suspended", false, &suspended); RESTArgs::get_int32(s, "max-buckets", default_max_buckets, &max_buckets); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "system", false, &system); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "exclusive", false, &exclusive); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "op-mask", op_mask_str, &op_mask_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "default-placement", default_placement_str, &default_placement_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "placement-tags", placement_tags_str, &placement_tags_str); if (!s->user->get_info().system && system) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "cannot set system flag by non-system user" << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } if (!tenant_name.empty()) { uid.tenant = tenant_name; } // TODO: validate required args are passed in. (for eg. uid and display_name here) op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_display_name(display_name); op_state.set_user_email(email); op_state.set_caps(caps); op_state.set_access_key(access_key); op_state.set_secret_key(secret_key); if (!op_mask_str.empty()) { uint32_t op_mask; int ret = rgw_parse_op_type_list(op_mask_str, &op_mask); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "failed to parse op_mask: " << ret << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_op_mask(op_mask); } if (!key_type_str.empty()) { int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_UNDEFINED; if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; op_state.set_key_type(key_type); } if (max_buckets != default_max_buckets) { if (max_buckets < 0) { max_buckets = -1; } op_state.set_max_buckets(max_buckets); } if (s->info.args.exists("suspended")) op_state.set_suspension(suspended); if (s->info.args.exists("system")) op_state.set_system(system); if (s->info.args.exists("exclusive")) op_state.set_exclusive(exclusive); if (!default_placement_str.empty()) { rgw_placement_rule target_rule; target_rule.from_str(default_placement_str); if (!driver->valid_placement(target_rule)) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "NOTICE: invalid dest placement: " << target_rule.to_str() << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_default_placement(target_rule); } if (!placement_tags_str.empty()) { list placement_tags_list; get_str_list(placement_tags_str, ",", placement_tags_list); op_state.set_placement_tags(placement_tags_list); } if(!(driver->is_meta_master())) { op_ret = fetch_access_keys_from_master(this, driver, op_state, s, y); if(op_ret < 0) { return; } else { // set_generate_key() is not set if keys have already been fetched from master zone gen_key = false; } } if (gen_key) { op_state.set_generate_key(); } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_User::create(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_User_Modify : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_User_Modify() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "modify_user"; } }; void RGWOp_User_Modify::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string display_name; std::string email; std::string access_key; std::string secret_key; std::string key_type_str; std::string op_mask_str; std::string default_placement_str; std::string placement_tags_str; bool gen_key; bool suspended; bool system; bool email_set; bool quota_set; int32_t max_buckets; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "display-name", display_name, &display_name); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "email", email, &email, &email_set); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key, &access_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "secret-key", secret_key, &secret_key); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "generate-key", false, &gen_key); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "suspended", false, &suspended); RESTArgs::get_int32(s, "max-buckets", RGW_DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS, &max_buckets, "a_set); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "system", false, &system); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "op-mask", op_mask_str, &op_mask_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "default-placement", default_placement_str, &default_placement_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "placement-tags", placement_tags_str, &placement_tags_str); if (!s->user->get_info().system && system) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "cannot set system flag by non-system user" << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_display_name(display_name); if (email_set) op_state.set_user_email(email); op_state.set_access_key(access_key); op_state.set_secret_key(secret_key); if (quota_set) { if (max_buckets < 0 ) { max_buckets = -1; } op_state.set_max_buckets(max_buckets); } if (!key_type_str.empty()) { int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_UNDEFINED; if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; op_state.set_key_type(key_type); } if (!op_mask_str.empty()) { uint32_t op_mask; if (rgw_parse_op_type_list(op_mask_str, &op_mask) < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "failed to parse op_mask" << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_op_mask(op_mask); } if (s->info.args.exists("suspended")) op_state.set_suspension(suspended); if (s->info.args.exists("system")) op_state.set_system(system); if (!op_mask_str.empty()) { uint32_t op_mask; int ret = rgw_parse_op_type_list(op_mask_str, &op_mask); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "failed to parse op_mask: " << ret << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_op_mask(op_mask); } if (!default_placement_str.empty()) { rgw_placement_rule target_rule; target_rule.from_str(default_placement_str); if (!driver->valid_placement(target_rule)) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "NOTICE: invalid dest placement: " << target_rule.to_str() << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_default_placement(target_rule); } if (!placement_tags_str.empty()) { list placement_tags_list; get_str_list(placement_tags_str, ",", placement_tags_list); op_state.set_placement_tags(placement_tags_list); } if(!(driver->is_meta_master())) { op_ret = fetch_access_keys_from_master(this, driver, op_state, s, y); if(op_ret < 0) { return; } else { // set_generate_key() is not set if keys have already been fetched from master zone gen_key = false; } } if (gen_key) { op_state.set_generate_key(); } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_User::modify(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_User_Remove : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_User_Remove() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "remove_user"; } }; void RGWOp_User_Remove::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; bool purge_data; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "purge-data", false, &purge_data); // FIXME: no double checking if (!uid.empty()) op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_purge_data(purge_data); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_User::remove(s, driver, op_state, flusher, s->yield); } class RGWOp_Subuser_Create : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Subuser_Create() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "create_subuser"; } }; void RGWOp_Subuser_Create::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string subuser; std::string secret_key; std::string access_key; std::string perm_str; std::string key_type_str; bool gen_subuser = false; // FIXME placeholder bool gen_secret; bool gen_access; uint32_t perm_mask = 0; int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "subuser", subuser, &subuser); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key, &access_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "secret-key", secret_key, &secret_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access", perm_str, &perm_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "generate-secret", false, &gen_secret); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "gen-access-key", false, &gen_access); perm_mask = rgw_str_to_perm(perm_str.c_str()); op_state.set_perm(perm_mask); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_subuser(subuser); op_state.set_access_key(access_key); op_state.set_secret_key(secret_key); op_state.set_generate_subuser(gen_subuser); if (gen_access) op_state.set_gen_access(); if (gen_secret) op_state.set_gen_secret(); if (!key_type_str.empty()) { if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; } op_state.set_key_type(key_type); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Subuser::create(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Subuser_Modify : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Subuser_Modify() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "modify_subuser"; } }; void RGWOp_Subuser_Modify::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string subuser; std::string secret_key; std::string key_type_str; std::string perm_str; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); uint32_t perm_mask; int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; bool gen_secret; RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "subuser", subuser, &subuser); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "secret-key", secret_key, &secret_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access", perm_str, &perm_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "generate-secret", false, &gen_secret); perm_mask = rgw_str_to_perm(perm_str.c_str()); op_state.set_perm(perm_mask); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_subuser(subuser); if (!secret_key.empty()) op_state.set_secret_key(secret_key); if (gen_secret) op_state.set_gen_secret(); if (!key_type_str.empty()) { if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; } op_state.set_key_type(key_type); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Subuser::modify(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Subuser_Remove : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Subuser_Remove() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "remove_subuser"; } }; void RGWOp_Subuser_Remove::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string subuser; bool purge_keys; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "subuser", subuser, &subuser); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "purge-keys", true, &purge_keys); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_subuser(subuser); if (purge_keys) op_state.set_purge_keys(); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Subuser::remove(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Key_Create : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Key_Create() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "create_access_key"; } }; void RGWOp_Key_Create::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string subuser; std::string access_key; std::string secret_key; std::string key_type_str; bool gen_key; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "subuser", subuser, &subuser); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key, &access_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "secret-key", secret_key, &secret_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "generate-key", true, &gen_key); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_subuser(subuser); op_state.set_access_key(access_key); op_state.set_secret_key(secret_key); if (gen_key) op_state.set_generate_key(); if (!key_type_str.empty()) { int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_UNDEFINED; if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; op_state.set_key_type(key_type); } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Key::create(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Key_Remove : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Key_Remove() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "remove_access_key"; } }; void RGWOp_Key_Remove::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string subuser; std::string access_key; std::string key_type_str; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "subuser", subuser, &subuser); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "access-key", access_key, &access_key); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "key-type", key_type_str, &key_type_str); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_subuser(subuser); op_state.set_access_key(access_key); if (!key_type_str.empty()) { int32_t key_type = KEY_TYPE_UNDEFINED; if (key_type_str.compare("swift") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_SWIFT; else if (key_type_str.compare("s3") == 0) key_type = KEY_TYPE_S3; op_state.set_key_type(key_type); } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Key::remove(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Caps_Add : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Caps_Add() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "add_user_caps"; } }; void RGWOp_Caps_Add::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string caps; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "user-caps", caps, &caps); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_caps(caps); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Caps::add(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } class RGWOp_Caps_Remove : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Caps_Remove() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "remove_user_caps"; } }; void RGWOp_Caps_Remove::execute(optional_yield y) { std::string uid_str; std::string caps; RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); rgw_user uid(uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "user-caps", caps, &caps); op_state.set_user_id(uid); op_state.set_caps(caps); bufferlist data; op_ret = driver->forward_request_to_master(s, s->user.get(), nullptr, data, nullptr, s->info, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "forward_request_to_master returned ret=" << op_ret << dendl; return; } op_ret = RGWUserAdminOp_Caps::remove(s, driver, op_state, flusher, y); } struct UserQuotas { RGWQuota quota; UserQuotas() {} explicit UserQuotas(RGWUserInfo& info){ quota.bucket_quota = info.quota.bucket_quota; quota.user_quota = info.quota.user_quota; } void dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("bucket_quota", quota.bucket_quota, f); encode_json("user_quota", quota.user_quota, f); } void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("bucket_quota", quota.bucket_quota, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("user_quota", quota.user_quota, obj); } }; class RGWOp_Quota_Info : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Quota_Info() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_READ); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "get_quota_info"; } }; void RGWOp_Quota_Info::execute(optional_yield y) { RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); std::string uid_str; std::string quota_type; RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "quota-type", quota_type, "a_type); if (uid_str.empty()) { op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } rgw_user uid(uid_str); bool show_all = quota_type.empty(); bool show_bucket = show_all || (quota_type == "bucket"); bool show_user = show_all || (quota_type == "user"); if (!(show_all || show_bucket || show_user)) { op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_user_id(uid); RGWUser user; op_ret = user.init(s, driver, op_state, y); if (op_ret < 0) return; if (!op_state.has_existing_user()) { op_ret = -ERR_NO_SUCH_USER; return; } RGWUserInfo info; string err_msg; op_ret = user.info(info, &err_msg); if (op_ret < 0) return; flusher.start(0); if (show_all) { UserQuotas quotas(info); encode_json("quota", quotas, s->formatter); } else if (show_user) { encode_json("user_quota", info.quota.user_quota, s->formatter); } else { encode_json("bucket_quota", info.quota.bucket_quota, s->formatter); } flusher.flush(); } class RGWOp_Quota_Set : public RGWRESTOp { public: RGWOp_Quota_Set() {} int check_caps(const RGWUserCaps& caps) override { return caps.check_cap("users", RGW_CAP_WRITE); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "set_quota_info"; } }; /** * set quota * * two different ways to set the quota info: as json struct in the message body or via http params. * * as json: * * PUT /admin/user?uid=["a-type=] * * whereas quota-type is optional and is either user, or bucket * * if quota-type is not specified then we expect to get a structure that contains both quotas, * otherwise we'll only get the relevant configuration. * * E.g., if quota type not specified: * { * "user_quota" : { * "max_size_kb" : 4096, * "max_objects" : -1, * "enabled" : false * }, * "bucket_quota" : { * "max_size_kb" : 1024, * "max_objects" : -1, * "enabled" : true * } * } * * * or if quota type is specified: * { * "max_size_kb" : 4096, * "max_objects" : -1, * "enabled" : false * } * * Another option is not to pass any body and set the following http params: * * * max-size-kb= * max-objects= * enabled[={true,false}] * * all params are optionals and default to the current settings. With this type of configuration the * quota-type param is mandatory. * */ void RGWOp_Quota_Set::execute(optional_yield y) { RGWUserAdminOpState op_state(driver); std::string uid_str; std::string quota_type; RESTArgs::get_string(s, "uid", uid_str, &uid_str); RESTArgs::get_string(s, "quota-type", quota_type, "a_type); if (uid_str.empty()) { op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } rgw_user uid(uid_str); bool set_all = quota_type.empty(); bool set_bucket = set_all || (quota_type == "bucket"); bool set_user = set_all || (quota_type == "user"); if (!(set_all || set_bucket || set_user)) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "invalid quota type" << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } bool use_http_params; if (s->content_length > 0) { use_http_params = false; } else { const char *encoding = s->info.env->get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING"); use_http_params = (!encoding || strcmp(encoding, "chunked") != 0); } if (use_http_params && set_all) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "quota type was not specified, can't set all quotas via http headers" << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } op_state.set_user_id(uid); RGWUser user; op_ret = user.init(s, driver, op_state, y); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "failed initializing user info: " << op_ret << dendl; return; } if (!op_state.has_existing_user()) { op_ret = -ERR_NO_SUCH_USER; return; } #define QUOTA_INPUT_MAX_LEN 1024 if (set_all) { UserQuotas quotas; if ((op_ret = get_json_input(driver->ctx(), s, quotas, QUOTA_INPUT_MAX_LEN, NULL)) < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "failed to retrieve input" << dendl; return; } op_state.set_user_quota(quotas.quota.user_quota); op_state.set_bucket_quota(quotas.quota.bucket_quota); } else { RGWQuotaInfo quota; if (!use_http_params) { bool empty; op_ret = get_json_input(driver->ctx(), s, quota, QUOTA_INPUT_MAX_LEN, &empty); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "failed to retrieve input" << dendl; if (!empty) return; /* was probably chunked input, but no content provided, configure via http params */ use_http_params = true; } } if (use_http_params) { RGWUserInfo info; string err_msg; op_ret = user.info(info, &err_msg); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "failed to get user info: " << op_ret << dendl; return; } RGWQuotaInfo *old_quota; if (set_user) { old_quota = &info.quota.user_quota; } else { old_quota = &info.quota.bucket_quota; } RESTArgs::get_int64(s, "max-objects", old_quota->max_objects, "a.max_objects); RESTArgs::get_int64(s, "max-size", old_quota->max_size, "a.max_size); int64_t max_size_kb; bool has_max_size_kb = false; RESTArgs::get_int64(s, "max-size-kb", 0, &max_size_kb, &has_max_size_kb); if (has_max_size_kb) { quota.max_size = max_size_kb * 1024; } RESTArgs::get_bool(s, "enabled", old_quota->enabled, "a.enabled); } if (set_user) { op_state.set_user_quota(quota); } else { op_state.set_bucket_quota(quota); } } string err; op_ret = user.modify(s, op_state, y, &err); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 20) << "failed updating user info: " << op_ret << ": " << err << dendl; return; } } RGWOp *RGWHandler_User::op_get() { if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("quota")) return new RGWOp_Quota_Info; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("list")) return new RGWOp_User_List; return new RGWOp_User_Info; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_User::op_put() { if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("subuser")) return new RGWOp_Subuser_Create; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("key")) return new RGWOp_Key_Create; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("caps")) return new RGWOp_Caps_Add; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("quota")) return new RGWOp_Quota_Set; return new RGWOp_User_Create; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_User::op_post() { if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("subuser")) return new RGWOp_Subuser_Modify; return new RGWOp_User_Modify; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_User::op_delete() { if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("subuser")) return new RGWOp_Subuser_Remove; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("key")) return new RGWOp_Key_Remove; if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("caps")) return new RGWOp_Caps_Remove; return new RGWOp_User_Remove; }