// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include "rgw_b64.h" #include "rgw_common.h" #include "rgw_coroutine.h" #include "rgw_sync_module.h" #include "rgw_data_sync.h" #include "rgw_sync_module_es.h" #include "rgw_sync_module_es_rest.h" #include "rgw_rest_conn.h" #include "rgw_cr_rest.h" #include "rgw_op.h" #include "rgw_es_query.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using namespace std; /* * allowlist utility. Config string is a list of entries, where an entry is either an item, * a prefix, or a suffix. An item would be the name of the entity that we'd look up, * a prefix would be a string ending with an asterisk, a suffix would be a string starting * with an asterisk. For example: * * bucket1, bucket2, foo*, *bar */ class ItemList { bool approve_all{false}; set entries; set prefixes; set suffixes; void parse(const string& str) { list l; get_str_list(str, ",", l); for (auto& entry : l) { entry = rgw_trim_whitespace(entry); if (entry.empty()) { continue; } if (entry == "*") { approve_all = true; return; } if (entry[0] == '*') { suffixes.insert(entry.substr(1)); continue; } if (entry.back() == '*') { prefixes.insert(entry.substr(0, entry.size() - 1)); continue; } entries.insert(entry); } } public: ItemList() {} void init(const string& str, bool def_val) { if (str.empty()) { approve_all = def_val; } else { parse(str); } } bool exists(const string& entry) { if (approve_all) { return true; } if (entries.find(entry) != entries.end()) { return true; } auto i = prefixes.upper_bound(entry); if (i != prefixes.begin()) { --i; if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(entry, *i)) { return true; } } for (i = suffixes.begin(); i != suffixes.end(); ++i) { if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(entry, *i)) { return true; } } return false; } }; #define ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN 5 #define ES_NUM_SHARDS_DEFAULT 16 #define ES_NUM_REPLICAS_DEFAULT 1 using ESVersion = std::pair; static constexpr ESVersion ES_V5{5,0}; static constexpr ESVersion ES_V7{7,0}; struct ESInfo { std::string name; std::string cluster_name; std::string cluster_uuid; ESVersion version; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); std::string get_version_str(){ return std::to_string(version.first) + "." + std::to_string(version.second); } }; // simple wrapper structure to wrap the es version nested type struct es_version_decoder { ESVersion version; int parse_version(const std::string& s) { int major, minor; int ret = sscanf(s.c_str(), "%d.%d", &major, &minor); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } version = std::make_pair(major,minor); return 0; } void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { std::string s; JSONDecoder::decode_json("number",s,obj); if (parse_version(s) < 0) throw JSONDecoder::err("Failed to parse ElasticVersion"); } }; void ESInfo::decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("name", name, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("cluster_name", cluster_name, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("cluster_uuid", cluster_uuid, obj); es_version_decoder esv; JSONDecoder::decode_json("version", esv, obj); version = std::move(esv.version); } struct ElasticConfig { uint64_t sync_instance{0}; string id; string index_path; std::unique_ptr conn; bool explicit_custom_meta{true}; string override_index_path; ItemList index_buckets; ItemList allow_owners; uint32_t num_shards{0}; uint32_t num_replicas{0}; std::map default_headers = {{ "Content-Type", "application/json" }}; ESInfo es_info; void init(CephContext *cct, const JSONFormattable& config) { string elastic_endpoint = config["endpoint"]; id = string("elastic:") + elastic_endpoint; conn.reset(new RGWRESTConn(cct, (rgw::sal::Driver*)nullptr, id, { elastic_endpoint }, nullopt /* region */ )); explicit_custom_meta = config["explicit_custom_meta"](true); index_buckets.init(config["index_buckets_list"], true); /* approve all buckets by default */ allow_owners.init(config["approved_owners_list"], true); /* approve all bucket owners by default */ override_index_path = config["override_index_path"]; num_shards = config["num_shards"](ES_NUM_SHARDS_DEFAULT); if (num_shards < ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN) { num_shards = ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN; } num_replicas = config["num_replicas"](ES_NUM_REPLICAS_DEFAULT); if (string user = config["username"], pw = config["password"]; !user.empty() && !pw.empty()) { auto auth_string = user + ":" + pw; default_headers.emplace("AUTHORIZATION", "Basic " + rgw::to_base64(auth_string)); } } void init_instance(const RGWRealm& realm, uint64_t instance_id) { sync_instance = instance_id; if (!override_index_path.empty()) { index_path = override_index_path; return; } char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%08x", (uint32_t)(sync_instance & 0xFFFFFFFF)); index_path = "/rgw-" + realm.get_name() + buf; } string get_index_path() { return index_path; } map& get_request_headers() { return default_headers; } string get_obj_path(const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw_obj_key& key) { if (es_info.version >= ES_V7) { return index_path+ "/_doc/" + url_encode(bucket_info.bucket.bucket_id + ":" + key.name + ":" + (key.instance.empty() ? "null" : key.instance)); ; } else { return index_path + "/object/" + url_encode(bucket_info.bucket.bucket_id + ":" + key.name + ":" + (key.instance.empty() ? "null" : key.instance)); } } bool should_handle_operation(RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info) { return index_buckets.exists(bucket_info.bucket.name) && allow_owners.exists(bucket_info.owner.to_str()); } }; using ElasticConfigRef = std::shared_ptr; static const char *es_type_to_str(const ESType& t) { switch (t) { case ESType::String: return "string"; case ESType::Text: return "text"; case ESType::Keyword: return "keyword"; case ESType::Long: return "long"; case ESType::Integer: return "integer"; case ESType::Short: return "short"; case ESType::Byte: return "byte"; case ESType::Double: return "double"; case ESType::Float: return "float"; case ESType::Half_Float: return "half_float"; case ESType::Scaled_Float: return "scaled_float"; case ESType::Date: return "date"; case ESType::Boolean: return "boolean"; case ESType::Integer_Range: return "integer_range"; case ESType::Float_Range: return "float_range"; case ESType::Double_Range: return "date_range"; case ESType::Date_Range: return "date_range"; case ESType::Geo_Point: return "geo_point"; case ESType::Ip: return "ip"; default: return ""; } } struct es_type_v2 { ESType estype; const char *format{nullptr}; std::optional analyzed; es_type_v2(ESType et) : estype(et) {} void dump(Formatter *f) const { const char *type_str = es_type_to_str(estype); encode_json("type", type_str, f); if (format) { encode_json("format", format, f); } auto is_analyzed = analyzed; if (estype == ESType::String && !is_analyzed) { is_analyzed = false; } if (is_analyzed) { encode_json("index", (is_analyzed.value() ? "analyzed" : "not_analyzed"), f); } } }; struct es_type_v5 { ESType estype; const char *format{nullptr}; std::optional analyzed; std::optional index; es_type_v5(ESType et) : estype(et) {} void dump(Formatter *f) const { ESType new_estype; if (estype != ESType::String) { new_estype = estype; } else { bool is_analyzed = analyzed.value_or(false); new_estype = (is_analyzed ? ESType::Text : ESType::Keyword); /* index = true; ... Not setting index=true, because that's the default, * and dumping a boolean value *might* be a problem when backporting this * because value might get quoted */ } const char *type_str = es_type_to_str(new_estype); encode_json("type", type_str, f); if (format) { encode_json("format", format, f); } if (index) { encode_json("index", index.value(), f); } } }; template struct es_type : public T { es_type(T t) : T(t) {} es_type& set_format(const char *f) { T::format = f; return *this; } es_type& set_analyzed(bool a) { T::analyzed = a; return *this; } }; template struct es_index_mappings { ESVersion es_version; ESType string_type {ESType::String}; es_index_mappings(ESVersion esv):es_version(esv) { } es_type est(ESType t) const { return es_type(t); } void dump_custom(const char *section, ESType type, const char *format, Formatter *f) const { f->open_object_section(section); ::encode_json("type", "nested", f); f->open_object_section("properties"); encode_json("name", est(string_type), f); encode_json("value", est(type).set_format(format), f); f->close_section(); // entry f->close_section(); // custom-string } void dump(Formatter *f) const { if (es_version <= ES_V7) f->open_object_section("object"); f->open_object_section("properties"); encode_json("bucket", est(string_type), f); encode_json("name", est(string_type), f); encode_json("instance", est(string_type), f); encode_json("versioned_epoch", est(ESType::Long), f); f->open_object_section("meta"); f->open_object_section("properties"); encode_json("cache_control", est(string_type), f); encode_json("content_disposition", est(string_type), f); encode_json("content_encoding", est(string_type), f); encode_json("content_language", est(string_type), f); encode_json("content_type", est(string_type), f); encode_json("storage_class", est(string_type), f); encode_json("etag", est(string_type), f); encode_json("expires", est(string_type), f); encode_json("mtime", est(ESType::Date) .set_format("strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"), f); encode_json("size", est(ESType::Long), f); dump_custom("custom-string", string_type, nullptr, f); dump_custom("custom-int", ESType::Long, nullptr, f); dump_custom("custom-date", ESType::Date, "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis", f); f->close_section(); // properties f->close_section(); // meta f->close_section(); // properties if (es_version <= ES_V7) f->close_section(); // object } }; struct es_index_settings { uint32_t num_replicas; uint32_t num_shards; es_index_settings(uint32_t _replicas, uint32_t _shards) : num_replicas(_replicas), num_shards(_shards) {} void dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("number_of_replicas", num_replicas, f); encode_json("number_of_shards", num_shards, f); } }; struct es_index_config_base { virtual ~es_index_config_base() {} virtual void dump(Formatter *f) const = 0; }; template struct es_index_config : public es_index_config_base { es_index_settings settings; es_index_mappings mappings; es_index_config(es_index_settings& _s, ESVersion esv) : settings(_s), mappings(esv) { } void dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("settings", settings, f); encode_json("mappings", mappings, f); } }; static bool is_sys_attr(const std::string& attr_name){ static constexpr std::initializer_list rgw_sys_attrs = {RGW_ATTR_PG_VER, RGW_ATTR_SOURCE_ZONE, RGW_ATTR_ID_TAG, RGW_ATTR_TEMPURL_KEY1, RGW_ATTR_TEMPURL_KEY2, RGW_ATTR_UNIX1, RGW_ATTR_UNIX_KEY1 }; return std::find(rgw_sys_attrs.begin(), rgw_sys_attrs.end(), attr_name) != rgw_sys_attrs.end(); } static size_t attr_len(const bufferlist& val) { size_t len = val.length(); if (len && val[len - 1] == '\0') { --len; } return len; } struct es_obj_metadata { const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; CephContext *cct; ElasticConfigRef es_conf; RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; rgw_obj_key key; ceph::real_time mtime; uint64_t size; map attrs; uint64_t versioned_epoch; es_obj_metadata(CephContext *_cct, ElasticConfigRef _es_conf, const RGWBucketInfo& _bucket_info, const rgw_obj_key& _key, ceph::real_time& _mtime, uint64_t _size, map& _attrs, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : cct(_cct), es_conf(_es_conf), bucket_info(_bucket_info), key(_key), mtime(_mtime), size(_size), attrs(std::move(_attrs)), versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) {} void dump(Formatter *f) const { map out_attrs; map custom_meta; RGWAccessControlPolicy policy; set permissions; RGWObjTags obj_tags; for (auto i : attrs) { const string& attr_name = i.first; bufferlist& val = i.second; if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(attr_name, RGW_ATTR_PREFIX)) { continue; } if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(attr_name, RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX)) { custom_meta.emplace(attr_name.substr(sizeof(RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX) - 1), string(val.c_str(), attr_len(val))); continue; } if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(attr_name, RGW_ATTR_CRYPT_PREFIX)) { continue; } if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(attr_name, RGW_ATTR_OLH_PREFIX)) { // skip versioned object olh info continue; } if (attr_name == RGW_ATTR_ACL) { try { auto i = val.cbegin(); decode(policy, i); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode acl for " << bucket_info.bucket << "/" << key << dendl; continue; } const RGWAccessControlList& acl = policy.get_acl(); permissions.insert(policy.get_owner().get_id().to_str()); for (auto acliter : acl.get_grant_map()) { const ACLGrant& grant = acliter.second; if (grant.get_type().get_type() == ACL_TYPE_CANON_USER && ((uint32_t)grant.get_permission().get_permissions() & RGW_PERM_READ) != 0) { rgw_user user; if (grant.get_id(user)) { permissions.insert(user.to_str()); } } } } else if (attr_name == RGW_ATTR_TAGS) { try { auto tags_bl = val.cbegin(); decode(obj_tags, tags_bl); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode obj tags for " << bucket_info.bucket << "/" << key << dendl; continue; } } else if (attr_name == RGW_ATTR_COMPRESSION) { RGWCompressionInfo cs_info; try { auto vals_bl = val.cbegin(); decode(cs_info, vals_bl); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode compression attr for " << bucket_info.bucket << "/" << key << dendl; continue; } out_attrs.emplace("compression",std::move(cs_info.compression_type)); } else { if (!is_sys_attr(attr_name)) { out_attrs.emplace(attr_name.substr(sizeof(RGW_ATTR_PREFIX) - 1), std::string(val.c_str(), attr_len(val))); } } } ::encode_json("bucket", bucket_info.bucket.name, f); ::encode_json("name", key.name, f); string instance = key.instance; if (instance.empty()) instance = "null"; ::encode_json("instance", instance, f); ::encode_json("versioned_epoch", versioned_epoch, f); ::encode_json("owner", policy.get_owner(), f); ::encode_json("permissions", permissions, f); f->open_object_section("meta"); ::encode_json("size", size, f); string mtime_str; rgw_to_iso8601(mtime, &mtime_str); ::encode_json("mtime", mtime_str, f); for (auto i : out_attrs) { ::encode_json(i.first.c_str(), i.second, f); } map custom_str; map custom_int; map custom_date; for (auto i : custom_meta) { auto config = bucket_info.mdsearch_config.find(i.first); if (config == bucket_info.mdsearch_config.end()) { if (!es_conf->explicit_custom_meta) { /* default custom meta is of type string */ custom_str[i.first] = i.second; } else { ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "custom meta entry key=" << i.first << " not found in bucket mdsearch config: " << bucket_info.mdsearch_config << dendl; } continue; } switch (config->second) { case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_DATE: custom_date[i.first] = i.second; break; case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_INT: custom_int[i.first] = i.second; break; default: custom_str[i.first] = i.second; } } if (!custom_str.empty()) { f->open_array_section("custom-string"); for (auto i : custom_str) { f->open_object_section("entity"); ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f); ::encode_json("value", i.second, f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } if (!custom_int.empty()) { f->open_array_section("custom-int"); for (auto i : custom_int) { f->open_object_section("entity"); ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f); ::encode_json("value", i.second, f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } if (!custom_date.empty()) { f->open_array_section("custom-date"); for (auto i : custom_date) { /* * try to exlicitly parse date field, otherwise elasticsearch could reject the whole doc, * which will end up with failed sync */ real_time t; int r = parse_time(i.second.c_str(), &t); if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << __func__ << "(): failed to parse time (" << i.second << "), skipping encoding of custom date attribute" << dendl; continue; } string time_str; rgw_to_iso8601(t, &time_str); f->open_object_section("entity"); ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f); ::encode_json("value", time_str.c_str(), f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); // meta const auto& m = obj_tags.get_tags(); if (m.size() > 0){ f->open_array_section("tagging"); for (const auto &it : m) { f->open_object_section("tag"); ::encode_json("key", it.first, f); ::encode_json("value",it.second, f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); // tagging } } }; class RGWElasticGetESInfoCBCR : public RGWCoroutine { public: RGWElasticGetESInfoCBCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sc->cct), sc(_sc), sync_env(_sc->env), conf(_conf) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { reenter(this) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": get elasticsearch info for zone: " << sc->source_zone << dendl; yield call(new RGWReadRESTResourceCR (sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(), sync_env->http_manager, "/", nullptr /*params*/, &(conf->default_headers), &(conf->es_info))); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": get elasticsearch failed: " << retcode << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": got elastic version=" << conf->es_info.get_version_str() << dendl; return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } private: RGWDataSyncCtx *sc; RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env; ElasticConfigRef conf; }; class RGWElasticPutIndexCBCR : public RGWCoroutine { public: RGWElasticPutIndexCBCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sc->cct), sc(_sc), sync_env(_sc->env), conf(_conf) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { reenter(this) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": put elasticsearch index for zone: " << sc->source_zone << dendl; yield { string path = conf->get_index_path(); es_index_settings settings(conf->num_replicas, conf->num_shards); std::unique_ptr index_conf; if (conf->es_info.version >= ES_V5) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "elasticsearch: index mapping: version >= 5" << dendl; index_conf.reset(new es_index_config(settings, conf->es_info.version)); } else { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "elasticsearch: index mapping: version < 5" << dendl; index_conf.reset(new es_index_config(settings, conf->es_info.version)); } call(new RGWPutRESTResourceCR (sc->cct, conf->conn.get(), sync_env->http_manager, path, nullptr /*params*/, &(conf->default_headers), *index_conf, nullptr, &err_response)); } if (retcode < 0) { if (err_response.error.type != "index_already_exists_exception" && err_response.error.type != "resource_already_exists_exception") { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "elasticsearch: failed to initialize index: response.type=" << err_response.error.type << " response.reason=" << err_response.error.reason << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "elasticsearch: index already exists, assuming external initialization" << dendl; } return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } private: RGWDataSyncCtx *sc; RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env; ElasticConfigRef conf; struct _err_response { struct err_reason { vector root_cause; string type; string reason; string index; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("root_cause", root_cause, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("type", type, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("reason", reason, obj); JSONDecoder::decode_json("index", index, obj); } } error; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("error", error, obj); } } err_response; }; class RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR : public RGWCoroutine { RGWDataSyncCtx *sc; RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env; ElasticConfigRef conf; public: RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sc->cct), sc(_sc), sync_env(_sc->env), conf(_conf) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { reenter(this) { yield call(new RGWElasticGetESInfoCBCR(sc, conf)); if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } yield call(new RGWElasticPutIndexCBCR(sc, conf)); if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; class RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR : public RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR { rgw_bucket_sync_pipe sync_pipe; ElasticConfigRef conf; uint64_t versioned_epoch; public: RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& _sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& _key, ElasticConfigRef _conf, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR(_sc, _sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket, _key), sync_pipe(_sync_pipe), conf(_conf), versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { reenter(this) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << ": stat of remote obj: z=" << sc->source_zone << " b=" << sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket << " k=" << key << " size=" << size << " mtime=" << mtime << dendl; yield { string path = conf->get_obj_path(sync_pipe.dest_bucket_info, key); es_obj_metadata doc(sync_env->cct, conf, sync_pipe.dest_bucket_info, key, mtime, size, attrs, versioned_epoch); call(new RGWPutRESTResourceCR(sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(), sync_env->http_manager, path, nullptr /* params */, &(conf->default_headers), doc, nullptr /* result */)); } if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; class RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR : public RGWCallStatRemoteObjCR { rgw_bucket_sync_pipe sync_pipe; ElasticConfigRef conf; uint64_t versioned_epoch; public: RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& _sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& _key, ElasticConfigRef _conf, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : RGWCallStatRemoteObjCR(_sc, _sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket, _key), sync_pipe(_sync_pipe), conf(_conf), versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) { } ~RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR() override {} RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR *allocate_callback() override { return new RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR(sc, sync_pipe, key, conf, versioned_epoch); } }; class RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR : public RGWCoroutine { RGWDataSyncCtx *sc; RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env; rgw_bucket_sync_pipe sync_pipe; rgw_obj_key key; ceph::real_time mtime; ElasticConfigRef conf; public: RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR(RGWDataSyncCtx *_sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& _sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& _key, const ceph::real_time& _mtime, ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sc->cct), sc(_sc), sync_env(_sc->env), sync_pipe(_sync_pipe), key(_key), mtime(_mtime), conf(_conf) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { reenter(this) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << ": remove remote obj: z=" << sc->source_zone << " b=" << sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime << dendl; yield { string path = conf->get_obj_path(sync_pipe.dest_bucket_info, key); call(new RGWDeleteRESTResourceCR(sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(), sync_env->http_manager, path, nullptr /* params */)); } if (retcode < 0) { return set_cr_error(retcode); } return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } }; class RGWElasticDataSyncModule : public RGWDataSyncModule { ElasticConfigRef conf; public: RGWElasticDataSyncModule(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, CephContext *cct, const JSONFormattable& config) : conf(std::make_shared()) { conf->init(cct, config); } ~RGWElasticDataSyncModule() override {} void init(RGWDataSyncCtx *sc, uint64_t instance_id) override { conf->init_instance(sc->env->svc->zone->get_realm(), instance_id); } RGWCoroutine *init_sync(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWDataSyncCtx *sc) override { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": init" << dendl; return new RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR(sc, conf); } RGWCoroutine *start_sync(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWDataSyncCtx *sc) override { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << conf->id << ": start_sync" << dendl; // try to get elastic search version return new RGWElasticGetESInfoCBCR(sc, conf); } RGWCoroutine *sync_object(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWDataSyncCtx *sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& key, std::optional versioned_epoch, const rgw_zone_set_entry& source_trace_entry, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": sync_object: b=" << sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket << " k=" << key << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch.value_or(0) << dendl; if (!conf->should_handle_operation(sync_pipe.dest_bucket_info)) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (bucket not approved)" << dendl; return nullptr; } return new RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR(sc, sync_pipe, key, conf, versioned_epoch.value_or(0)); } RGWCoroutine *remove_object(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWDataSyncCtx *sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& key, real_time& mtime, bool versioned, uint64_t versioned_epoch, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override { /* versioned and versioned epoch params are useless in the elasticsearch backend case */ ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": rm_object: b=" << sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime << " versioned=" << versioned << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch << dendl; if (!conf->should_handle_operation(sync_pipe.dest_bucket_info)) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (bucket not approved)" << dendl; return nullptr; } return new RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR(sc, sync_pipe, key, mtime, conf); } RGWCoroutine *create_delete_marker(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWDataSyncCtx *sc, rgw_bucket_sync_pipe& sync_pipe, rgw_obj_key& key, real_time& mtime, rgw_bucket_entry_owner& owner, bool versioned, uint64_t versioned_epoch, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": create_delete_marker: b=" << sync_pipe.info.source_bs.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime << " versioned=" << versioned << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch << dendl; ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (not handled)" << dendl; return NULL; } RGWRESTConn *get_rest_conn() { return conf->conn.get(); } string get_index_path() { return conf->get_index_path(); } map& get_request_headers() { return conf->get_request_headers(); } }; RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, CephContext *cct, const JSONFormattable& config) { data_handler = std::unique_ptr(new RGWElasticDataSyncModule(dpp, cct, config)); } RGWDataSyncModule *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_data_handler() { return data_handler.get(); } RGWRESTConn *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_rest_conn() { return data_handler->get_rest_conn(); } string RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_index_path() { return data_handler->get_index_path(); } map& RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_request_headers() { return data_handler->get_request_headers(); } RGWRESTMgr *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_rest_filter(int dialect, RGWRESTMgr *orig) { if (dialect != RGW_REST_S3) { return orig; } delete orig; return new RGWRESTMgr_MDSearch_S3(); } int RGWElasticSyncModule::create_instance(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, CephContext *cct, const JSONFormattable& config, RGWSyncModuleInstanceRef *instance) { string endpoint = config["endpoint"]; instance->reset(new RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance(dpp, cct, config)); return 0; }