// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include "rgw_obj_manifest.h" #include "rgw_rados.h" // RGW_OBJ_NS_SHADOW and RGW_OBJ_NS_MULTIPART using namespace std; void RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator::operator++() { if (manifest->explicit_objs) { ++explicit_iter; if (explicit_iter == manifest->objs.end()) { ofs = manifest->obj_size; stripe_size = 0; return; } update_explicit_pos(); update_location(); return; } uint64_t obj_size = manifest->get_obj_size(); uint64_t head_size = manifest->get_head_size(); if (ofs == obj_size) { return; } if (manifest->rules.empty()) { return; } /* are we still pointing at the head? */ if (ofs < head_size) { rule_iter = manifest->rules.begin(); const RGWObjManifestRule *rule = &rule_iter->second; ofs = std::min(head_size, obj_size); stripe_ofs = ofs; cur_stripe = 1; stripe_size = std::min(obj_size - ofs, rule->stripe_max_size); if (rule->part_size > 0) { stripe_size = std::min(stripe_size, rule->part_size); } update_location(); return; } const RGWObjManifestRule *rule = &rule_iter->second; stripe_ofs += rule->stripe_max_size; cur_stripe++; ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "RGWObjManifest::operator++(): rule->part_size=" << rule->part_size << " rules.size()=" << manifest->rules.size() << dendl; if (rule->part_size > 0) { /* multi part, multi stripes object */ ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "RGWObjManifest::operator++(): stripe_ofs=" << stripe_ofs << " part_ofs=" << part_ofs << " rule->part_size=" << rule->part_size << dendl; if (stripe_ofs >= part_ofs + rule->part_size) { /* moved to the next part */ cur_stripe = 0; part_ofs += rule->part_size; stripe_ofs = part_ofs; bool last_rule = (next_rule_iter == manifest->rules.end()); /* move to the next rule? */ if (!last_rule && stripe_ofs >= next_rule_iter->second.start_ofs) { rule_iter = next_rule_iter; last_rule = (next_rule_iter == manifest->rules.end()); if (!last_rule) { ++next_rule_iter; } cur_part_id = rule_iter->second.start_part_num; } else { cur_part_id++; } rule = &rule_iter->second; } stripe_size = std::min(rule->part_size - (stripe_ofs - part_ofs), rule->stripe_max_size); } cur_override_prefix = rule->override_prefix; ofs = stripe_ofs; if (ofs > obj_size) { ofs = obj_size; stripe_ofs = ofs; stripe_size = 0; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "RGWObjManifest::operator++(): result: ofs=" << ofs << " stripe_ofs=" << stripe_ofs << " part_ofs=" << part_ofs << " rule->part_size=" << rule->part_size << dendl; update_location(); } void RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator::seek(uint64_t o) { ofs = o; if (manifest->explicit_objs) { explicit_iter = manifest->objs.upper_bound(ofs); if (explicit_iter != manifest->objs.begin()) { --explicit_iter; } if (ofs < manifest->obj_size) { update_explicit_pos(); } else { ofs = manifest->obj_size; } update_location(); return; } if (o < manifest->get_head_size()) { rule_iter = manifest->rules.begin(); stripe_ofs = 0; stripe_size = manifest->get_head_size(); if (rule_iter != manifest->rules.end()) { cur_part_id = rule_iter->second.start_part_num; cur_override_prefix = rule_iter->second.override_prefix; } update_location(); return; } rule_iter = manifest->rules.upper_bound(ofs); next_rule_iter = rule_iter; if (rule_iter != manifest->rules.begin()) { --rule_iter; } if (rule_iter == manifest->rules.end()) { update_location(); return; } const RGWObjManifestRule& rule = rule_iter->second; if (rule.part_size > 0) { cur_part_id = rule.start_part_num + (ofs - rule.start_ofs) / rule.part_size; } else { cur_part_id = rule.start_part_num; } part_ofs = rule.start_ofs + (cur_part_id - rule.start_part_num) * rule.part_size; if (rule.stripe_max_size > 0) { cur_stripe = (ofs - part_ofs) / rule.stripe_max_size; stripe_ofs = part_ofs + cur_stripe * rule.stripe_max_size; if (!cur_part_id && manifest->get_head_size() > 0) { cur_stripe++; } } else { cur_stripe = 0; stripe_ofs = part_ofs; } if (!rule.part_size) { stripe_size = rule.stripe_max_size; stripe_size = std::min(manifest->get_obj_size() - stripe_ofs, stripe_size); } else { uint64_t next = std::min(stripe_ofs + rule.stripe_max_size, part_ofs + rule.part_size); stripe_size = next - stripe_ofs; } cur_override_prefix = rule.override_prefix; update_location(); } void RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator::update_explicit_pos() { ofs = explicit_iter->first; stripe_ofs = ofs; auto next_iter = explicit_iter; ++next_iter; if (next_iter != manifest->objs.end()) { stripe_size = next_iter->first - ofs; } else { stripe_size = manifest->obj_size - ofs; } } void RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator::update_location() { if (manifest->explicit_objs) { if (manifest->empty()) { location = rgw_obj_select{}; } else { location = explicit_iter->second.loc; } return; } if (ofs < manifest->get_head_size()) { location = manifest->get_obj(); location.set_placement_rule(manifest->get_head_placement_rule()); return; } manifest->get_implicit_location(cur_part_id, cur_stripe, ofs, &cur_override_prefix, &location); } void RGWObjManifest::get_implicit_location(uint64_t cur_part_id, uint64_t cur_stripe, uint64_t ofs, string *override_prefix, rgw_obj_select *location) const { rgw_obj loc; string& oid = loc.key.name; string& ns = loc.key.ns; if (!override_prefix || override_prefix->empty()) { oid = prefix; } else { oid = *override_prefix; } if (!cur_part_id) { if (ofs < max_head_size) { location->set_placement_rule(head_placement_rule); *location = obj; return; } else { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (int)cur_stripe); oid += buf; ns = RGW_OBJ_NS_SHADOW; } } else { char buf[32]; if (cur_stripe == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ".%d", (int)cur_part_id); oid += buf; ns= RGW_OBJ_NS_MULTIPART; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ".%d_%d", (int)cur_part_id, (int)cur_stripe); oid += buf; ns = RGW_OBJ_NS_SHADOW; } } if (!tail_placement.bucket.name.empty()) { loc.bucket = tail_placement.bucket; } else { loc.bucket = obj.bucket; } // Always overwrite instance with tail_instance // to get the right shadow object location loc.key.set_instance(tail_instance); location->set_placement_rule(tail_placement.placement_rule); *location = loc; }