// // A substitute for ft/txn/txn.h // #pragma once #include #include "../util/omt.h" typedef uint64_t TXNID; #define TXNID_NONE ((TXNID)0) // A set of transactions // (TODO: consider using class toku::txnid_set. The reason for using STL // container was that its API is easier) class TxnidVector : public std::set { public: bool contains(TXNID txnid) { return find(txnid) != end(); } }; // A value for lock structures with a meaning "the lock is owned by multiple // transactions (and one has to check the TxnidVector to get their ids) #define TXNID_SHARED (TXNID(-1)) // Auxiliary value meaning "any transaction id will do". No real transaction // may have this is as id. #define TXNID_ANY (TXNID(-2))