-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query23.tpl and seed 2031708268 with frequent_ss_items as (select substr(i_item_desc,1,30) itemdesc,i_item_sk item_sk,d_date solddate,count(*) cnt from store_sales ,date_dim ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and d_year in (2000,2000+1,2000+2,2000+3) group by substr(i_item_desc,1,30),i_item_sk,d_date having count(*) >4), max_store_sales as (select max(csales) tpcds_cmax from (select c_customer_sk,sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) csales from store_sales ,customer ,date_dim where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and d_year in (2000,2000+1,2000+2,2000+3) group by c_customer_sk) x), best_ss_customer as (select c_customer_sk,sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) ssales from store_sales ,customer where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk group by c_customer_sk having sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) > (95/100.0) * (select * from max_store_sales)) select sum(sales) from (select cs_quantity*cs_list_price sales from catalog_sales ,date_dim where d_year = 2000 and d_moy = 3 and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and cs_item_sk in (select item_sk from frequent_ss_items) and cs_bill_customer_sk in (select c_customer_sk from best_ss_customer) union all select ws_quantity*ws_list_price sales from web_sales ,date_dim where d_year = 2000 and d_moy = 3 and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ws_item_sk in (select item_sk from frequent_ss_items) and ws_bill_customer_sk in (select c_customer_sk from best_ss_customer)) y limit 100; with frequent_ss_items as (select substr(i_item_desc,1,30) itemdesc,i_item_sk item_sk,d_date solddate,count(*) cnt from store_sales ,date_dim ,item where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and d_year in (2000,2000 + 1,2000 + 2,2000 + 3) group by substr(i_item_desc,1,30),i_item_sk,d_date having count(*) >4), max_store_sales as (select max(csales) tpcds_cmax from (select c_customer_sk,sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) csales from store_sales ,customer ,date_dim where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and d_year in (2000,2000+1,2000+2,2000+3) group by c_customer_sk) x), best_ss_customer as (select c_customer_sk,sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) ssales from store_sales ,customer where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk group by c_customer_sk having sum(ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) > (95/100.0) * (select * from max_store_sales)) select c_last_name,c_first_name,sales from (select c_last_name,c_first_name,sum(cs_quantity*cs_list_price) sales from catalog_sales ,customer ,date_dim where d_year = 2000 and d_moy = 3 and cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and cs_item_sk in (select item_sk from frequent_ss_items) and cs_bill_customer_sk in (select c_customer_sk from best_ss_customer) and cs_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk group by c_last_name,c_first_name union all select c_last_name,c_first_name,sum(ws_quantity*ws_list_price) sales from web_sales ,customer ,date_dim where d_year = 2000 and d_moy = 3 and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and ws_item_sk in (select item_sk from frequent_ss_items) and ws_bill_customer_sk in (select c_customer_sk from best_ss_customer) and ws_bill_customer_sk = c_customer_sk group by c_last_name,c_first_name order by c_last_name,c_first_name,sales) y limit 100; -- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query23.tpl