-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query6.tpl and seed 1819994127 select a.ca_state state, count(*) cnt from customer_address a ,customer c ,store_sales s ,date_dim d ,item i where a.ca_address_sk = c.c_current_addr_sk and c.c_customer_sk = s.ss_customer_sk and s.ss_sold_date_sk = d.d_date_sk and s.ss_item_sk = i.i_item_sk and d.d_month_seq = (select distinct (d_month_seq) from date_dim where d_year = 2002 and d_moy = 3 ) and i.i_current_price > 1.2 * (select avg(j.i_current_price) from item j where j.i_category = i.i_category) group by a.ca_state having count(*) >= 10 order by cnt, a.ca_state limit 100; -- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query6.tpl