-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl and seed 1490436826 select case when (select count(*) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) > 98972190 then (select avg(ss_ext_discount_amt) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) else (select avg(ss_net_profit) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) end bucket1 , case when (select count(*) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) > 160856845 then (select avg(ss_ext_discount_amt) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) else (select avg(ss_net_profit) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) end bucket2, case when (select count(*) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) > 12733327 then (select avg(ss_ext_discount_amt) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) else (select avg(ss_net_profit) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) end bucket3, case when (select count(*) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) > 96251173 then (select avg(ss_ext_discount_amt) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) else (select avg(ss_net_profit) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) end bucket4, case when (select count(*) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) > 80049606 then (select avg(ss_ext_discount_amt) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) else (select avg(ss_net_profit) from store_sales where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) end bucket5 from reason where r_reason_sk = 1 ; -- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl