#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # backport-create-issue # # Standalone version of the "backport-create-issue" subcommand of # "ceph-workbench" by Loic Dachary. # # This script scans Redmine (tracker.ceph.com) for issues in "Pending Backport" # status and creates backport issues for them, based on the contents of the # "Backport" field while trying to avoid creating duplicate backport issues. # # Copyright (C) 2015 # Copyright (C) 2018, SUSE LLC # # Author: Loic Dachary # Author: Nathan Cutler # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> # import argparse import logging import os import re import time from redminelib import Redmine # https://pypi.org/project/python-redmine/ from redminelib.exceptions import ResourceAttrError redmine_endpoint = "https://tracker.ceph.com" project_name = "Ceph" release_id = 16 custom_field_tag = 'cf_3' tag_separator = ' ' tag_backport_processed = 'backport_processed' delay_seconds = 5 redmine_key_file="~/.redmine_key" redmine_key_env="REDMINE_API_KEY" # # NOTE: release_id is hard-coded because # http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_CustomFields # requires administrative permissions. If and when # https://www.redmine.org/issues/18875 # is resolved, it could maybe be replaced by the following code: # # for field in redmine.custom_field.all(): # if field.name == 'Release': # release_id = field.id # status2status_id = {} project_id2project = {} tracker2tracker_id = {} version2version_id = {} resolve_parent = None def usage(): logging.error("Redmine credentials are required to perform this operation. " "Please provide either a Redmine key (via %s or $%s) " "or a Redmine username and password (via --user and --password). " "Optionally, one or more issue numbers can be given via positional " "argument(s). In the absence of positional arguments, the script " "will loop through all issues in Pending Backport status.", redmine_key_file, redmine_key_env) exit(-1) def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("issue_numbers", nargs='*', help="Issue number") parser.add_argument("--user", help="Redmine user") parser.add_argument("--password", help="Redmine password") parser.add_argument("--resolve-parent", help="Resolve parent issue if all backports resolved/rejected", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Show debug-level messages", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Do not write anything to Redmine", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--force", help="When issue numbers provided, process " "them even if not in 'Pending Backport' status. " "Otherwise, process all issues in 'Pending Backport' " "status even if already processed " f"(tag '{tag_backport_processed}' added)", action="store_true") return parser.parse_args() def set_logging_level(a): if a.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) return None def report_dry_run(a): if a.dry_run: logging.info("Dry run: nothing will be written to Redmine") else: logging.warning("Missing issues will be created in Backport tracker " "of the relevant Redmine project") def process_resolve_parent_option(a): global resolve_parent resolve_parent = a.resolve_parent if a.resolve_parent: logging.warning("Parent issues with all backports resolved/rejected will be marked Resolved") def connect_to_redmine(a): full_path=os.path.expanduser(redmine_key_file) redmine_key='' try: with open(full_path, "r") as f: redmine_key = f.read().strip() except FileNotFoundError: pass if a.user and a.password: logging.info("Redmine username and password were provided; using them") return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, username=a.user, password=a.password) elif redmine_key: logging.info("Redmine key was read from '%s'; using it" % redmine_key_file) return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, key=redmine_key) elif os.getenv(redmine_key_env): logging.info("Redmine key was read from '$%s'; using it", redmine_key_env) return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, key=os.getenv(redmine_key_env)) else: usage() def releases(): return ('argonaut', 'bobtail', 'cuttlefish', 'dumpling', 'emperor', 'firefly', 'giant', 'hammer', 'infernalis', 'jewel', 'kraken', 'luminous', 'mimic', 'nautilus', 'octopus', 'pacific', 'quincy') def populate_status_dict(r): for status in r.issue_status.all(): status2status_id[status.name] = status.id logging.debug("Statuses {}".format(status2status_id)) return None # not used currently, but might be useful def populate_version_dict(r, p_id): versions = r.version.filter(project_id=p_id) for version in versions: version2version_id[version.name] = version.id #logging.debug("Versions {}".format(version2version_id)) return None def populate_tracker_dict(r): for tracker in r.tracker.all(): tracker2tracker_id[tracker.name] = tracker.id logging.debug("Trackers {}".format(tracker2tracker_id)) return None def has_tracker(r, p_id, tracker_name): for tracker in get_project(r, p_id).trackers: if tracker['name'] == tracker_name: return True return False def get_project(r, p_id): if p_id not in project_id2project: p_obj = r.project.get(p_id, include='trackers') project_id2project[p_id] = p_obj return project_id2project[p_id] def url(issue): return redmine_endpoint + "/issues/" + str(issue['id']) def set_backport(issue): for field in issue['custom_fields']: if field['name'] == 'Backport' and field['value'] != 0: issue['backports'] = set(re.findall('\w+', field['value'])) logging.debug("backports for " + str(issue['id']) + " is " + str(field['value']) + " " + str(issue['backports'])) return True return False def get_release(issue): for field in issue.custom_fields: if field['name'] == 'Release': return field['value'] def update_relations(r, issue, dry_run): global resolve_parent relations = r.issue_relation.filter(issue_id=issue['id']) existing_backports = set() existing_backports_dict = {} for relation in relations: other = r.issue.get(relation['issue_to_id']) if other['tracker']['name'] != 'Backport': logging.debug(url(issue) + " ignore relation to " + url(other) + " because it is not in the Backport " + "tracker") continue if relation['relation_type'] != 'copied_to': logging.error(url(issue) + " unexpected relation '" + relation['relation_type'] + "' to " + url(other)) continue release = get_release(other) if release in existing_backports: logging.error(url(issue) + " duplicate " + release + " backport issue detected") continue existing_backports.add(release) existing_backports_dict[release] = relation['issue_to_id'] logging.debug(url(issue) + " backport to " + release + " is " + redmine_endpoint + "/issues/" + str(relation['issue_to_id'])) if existing_backports == issue['backports']: logging.debug(url(issue) + " has all the required backport issues") if resolve_parent: maybe_resolve(issue, existing_backports_dict, dry_run) return None if existing_backports.issuperset(issue['backports']): logging.error(url(issue) + " has more backport issues (" + ",".join(sorted(existing_backports)) + ") than expected (" + ",".join(sorted(issue['backports'])) + ")") return None backport_tracker_id = tracker2tracker_id['Backport'] for release in issue['backports'] - existing_backports: if release not in releases(): logging.error(url(issue) + " requires backport to " + "unknown release " + release) break subject = (release + ": " + issue['subject'])[:255] assigned_to_id = None try: assigned_to_id = issue.assigned_to.id except ResourceAttrError: # not assigned pass if dry_run: logging.info(url(issue) + " add backport to " + release) continue other = r.issue.create(project_id=issue['project']['id'], tracker_id=backport_tracker_id, subject=subject, priority_id=issue['priority']['id'], assigned_to_id=assigned_to_id, target_version=None, custom_fields=[{ "id": release_id, "value": release, }]) logging.debug("Rate-limiting to avoid seeming like a spammer") time.sleep(delay_seconds) r.issue_relation.create(issue_id=issue['id'], issue_to_id=other['id'], relation_type='copied_to') logging.info(url(issue) + " added backport to " + release + " " + url(other)) return None def maybe_resolve(issue, backports, dry_run): ''' issue is a parent issue in Pending Backports status, and backports is a dict like, e.g., { "luminous": 25345, "mimic": 32134 }. If all the backport issues are Resolved/Rejected, set the parent issue to Resolved, too. ''' global delay_seconds global redmine global status2status_id if not backports: return None pending_backport_status_id = status2status_id["Pending Backport"] resolved_status_id = status2status_id["Resolved"] rejected_status_id = status2status_id["Rejected"] logging.debug("entering maybe_resolve with parent issue ->{}<- backports ->{}<-" .format(issue.id, backports)) assert issue.status.id == pending_backport_status_id, \ "Parent Redmine issue ->{}<- has status ->{}<- (expected Pending Backport)".format(issue.id, issue.status) all_resolved = True resolved_equiv_statuses = [resolved_status_id, rejected_status_id] for backport in backports.keys(): tracker_issue_id = backports[backport] backport_issue = redmine.issue.get(tracker_issue_id) logging.debug("{} backport is in status {}".format(backport, backport_issue.status.name)) if backport_issue.status.id not in resolved_equiv_statuses: all_resolved = False break if all_resolved: logging.debug("Parent ->{}<- all backport issues in status Resolved".format(url(issue))) note = ("While running with --resolve-parent, the script \"backport-create-issue\" " "noticed that all backports of this issue are in status \"Resolved\" or \"Rejected\".") if dry_run: logging.info("Set status of parent ->{}<- to Resolved".format(url(issue))) else: redmine.issue.update(issue.id, status_id=resolved_status_id, notes=note) logging.info("Parent ->{}<- status changed from Pending Backport to Resolved".format(url(issue))) logging.debug("Rate-limiting to avoid seeming like a spammer") time.sleep(delay_seconds) else: logging.debug("Some backport issues are still unresolved: leaving parent issue open") def mark_as_processed(r, issue): """ This script will add a custom Tag to indicate whether the tracker was already processed for backport tracker creation. """ custom_fields = list(issue['custom_fields'].values()) for i, field in enumerate(custom_fields): if field['name'] == 'Tags': if tag_backport_processed not in field['value']: if field['value']: custom_fields[i]['value'] += (tag_separator + tag_backport_processed) else: custom_fields[i]['value'] = tag_backport_processed logging.info("%s adding tag '%s'", url(issue), tag_backport_processed) r.issue.update(issue.id, custom_fields=custom_fields) return def iterate_over_backports(r, issues, dry_run=False): counter = 0 for issue in issues: counter += 1 logging.debug("{} ({}) {}".format(issue.id, issue.project, issue.subject)) print('Examining issue#{} ({}/{})\r'.format(issue.id, counter, len(issues)), end='', flush=True) if not has_tracker(r, issue['project']['id'], 'Backport'): logging.info("{} skipped because the project {} does not " "have a Backport tracker".format(url(issue), issue['project']['name'])) continue if not set_backport(issue): logging.error(url(issue) + " no backport field") continue if len(issue['backports']) == 0: logging.error(url(issue) + " the backport field is empty") update_relations(r, issue, dry_run) if not dry_run: mark_as_processed(r, issue) print(' \r', end='', flush=True) logging.info("Processed {} issues".format(counter)) return None if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_arguments() set_logging_level(args) process_resolve_parent_option(args) report_dry_run(args) redmine = connect_to_redmine(args) project = redmine.project.get(project_name) ceph_project_id = project.id logging.debug("Project {} has ID {}".format(project_name, ceph_project_id)) populate_status_dict(redmine) pending_backport_status_id = status2status_id["Pending Backport"] logging.debug("Pending Backport status has ID {}" .format(pending_backport_status_id)) populate_tracker_dict(redmine) force_create = False if args.issue_numbers: issue_list = ','.join(args.issue_numbers) logging.info("Processing issue list ->{}<-".format(issue_list)) if args.force: force_create = True logging.warn("--force option was given: ignoring issue status!") issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=ceph_project_id, issue_id=issue_list) else: issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=ceph_project_id, issue_id=issue_list, status_id=pending_backport_status_id) else: if args.force or args.resolve_parent: if args.force: logging.warn("--force option was given: ignoring '%s' tag!", tag_backport_processed) issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=ceph_project_id, status_id=pending_backport_status_id) else: # https://python-redmine.com/resources/issue.html#filter issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=ceph_project_id, status_id=pending_backport_status_id, **{ custom_field_tag: '!~' + tag_backport_processed}) if force_create: logging.info("Processing {} issues regardless of status" .format(len(issues))) else: logging.info("Processing {} issues with status Pending Backport" .format(len(issues))) iterate_over_backports(redmine, issues, dry_run=args.dry_run)