% The pandoc command line (see configure.py) can communicate variables to this % LaTeX skelaton, by using the "-V varname=value" command line parameter, and % there are also some builtin variables defined by other options. With such a % variable, we can use "$varname$" for the value, and $if(varname)$...$endif$ % for conditional code when this varname is defined. % % For an example of a more complete LaTeX template covering more of pandoc's % features, check out the example templates/default.latex in pandoc's % installation, or pandoc.org/demo/mytemplate.tex on their site. \documentclass[11]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{microtype} % In code snippets, show backtick (`, grave accent) as a short straight line, % not a curved quote. I could have used \IfFileExists{upquote.sty}{...}{} % to make this package optional, but I really think it's important, and % the user in a modern Linux distribution should be able to get it easily. \usepackage{upquote} % Nice header with document's name and section name, and footer % with page number. \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{\itshape Seastar} \chead{} \rhead{\itshape{\nouppercase{\leftmark}}} \lfoot{} \cfoot{} \rfoot{\thepage} $if(highlighting-macros)$ $highlighting-macros$ $endif$ % Support links in PDF files \usepackage[]{hyperref} \hypersetup{breaklinks=true, bookmarks=true, % show bookmark bar (i.e, TOC sidebar) in PDF viewer pdfstartview=FitH, % cause Adobe Acrobat to do "fit to width" pdfauthor={ScyllaDB}, pdftitle={Asynchronous Programming with Seastar}, colorlinks=true, % if false, uses boxed links urlcolor=blue, % color of external links linkcolor=magenta % color of internal links (to other sections) } % Indentation went out of style with Disco music... It is especially % inconvenient in text which includes a lot of code snippets, etc, which % causes a lot of indents not preceeded by a text paragraph. So replace % the indentation with increased spacing between paragraphs. Note that this % also makes the TOC more spacious, I'm not sure it's a great idea. \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} % Apparently, newer versions of pandoc use a "\tightlist" command, and % we need to implement it. \providecommand{\tightlist}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} % Fancy-formatted title, but take the author list and date (if set) from the % preable in the markdown file. \title{\textbf{\fontsize{0.75cm}{1.5em}\selectfont Asynchronous Programming} \\ \textbf{\fontsize{0.75cm}{1.5em}\selectfont with} \\ \textbf{\fontsize{3cm}{1.5em}\selectfont Seastar}} \author{$for(author)$$author$$sep$ \and $endfor$} \date{$date$} \begin{document} \maketitle % Table of contents, before the body of the document. Make the TOC clickable, % with links to the respective sections, but override the internal link color % set above (magenta) by normal black color, because the entire TOC being in % a different color looks rather conspicuous. { \hypersetup{linkcolor=black} \tableofcontents } $body$ \end{document}