/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(alloc_almost_all_and_realloc_it_with_a_smaller_size) { #ifndef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR auto all = memory::stats().total_memory(); auto reserve = size_t(0.02 * all); auto to_alloc = all - (reserve + (10 << 20)); auto orig_to_alloc = to_alloc; auto obj = malloc(to_alloc); while (!obj) { to_alloc *= 0.9; obj = malloc(to_alloc); } BOOST_REQUIRE(to_alloc > orig_to_alloc / 4); BOOST_REQUIRE(obj != nullptr); auto obj2 = realloc(obj, to_alloc - (1 << 20)); BOOST_REQUIRE(obj == obj2); free(obj2); #endif return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(malloc_0_and_free_it) { #ifndef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR auto obj = malloc(0); BOOST_REQUIRE(obj != nullptr); free(obj); #endif return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_live_objects_counter_with_cross_cpu_free) { return smp::submit_to(1, [] { auto ret = std::vector>(1000000); for (auto& o : ret) { o = std::make_unique(false); } return ret; }).then([] (auto&& vec) { vec.clear(); // cause cross-cpu free BOOST_REQUIRE(memory::stats().live_objects() < std::numeric_limits::max() / 2); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_aligned_alloc) { for (size_t align = sizeof(void*); align <= 65536; align <<= 1) { for (size_t size = align; size <= align * 2; size <<= 1) { void *p = aligned_alloc(align, size); BOOST_REQUIRE(p != nullptr); BOOST_REQUIRE((reinterpret_cast(p) % align) == 0); ::memset(p, 0, size); free(p); } } return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_temporary_buffer_aligned) { for (size_t align = sizeof(void*); align <= 65536; align <<= 1) { for (size_t size = align; size <= align * 2; size <<= 1) { auto buf = temporary_buffer::aligned(align, size); void *p = buf.get_write(); BOOST_REQUIRE(p != nullptr); BOOST_REQUIRE((reinterpret_cast(p) % align) == 0); ::memset(p, 0, size); } } return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_memory_diagnostics) { auto report = memory::generate_memory_diagnostics_report(); #ifdef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR BOOST_REQUIRE(report.length() == 0); // empty report with default allocator #else // since the output format is unstructured text, not much // to do except test that we get a non-empty string BOOST_REQUIRE(report.length() > 0); // useful while debugging diagnostics // fmt::print("--------------------\n{}--------------------", report); #endif return make_ready_future<>(); } #ifndef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR struct thread_alloc_info { memory::statistics before; memory::statistics after; void *ptr; }; template thread_alloc_info run_with_stats(Func&& f) { return std::async([&f](){ auto before = seastar::memory::stats(); void* ptr = f(); auto after = seastar::memory::stats(); return thread_alloc_info{before, after, ptr}; }).get(); } template void test_allocation_function(Func f) { // alien alloc and free auto alloc_info = run_with_stats(f); auto free_info = std::async([p = alloc_info.ptr]() { auto before = seastar::memory::stats(); free(p); auto after = seastar::memory::stats(); return thread_alloc_info{before, after, nullptr}; }).get(); // there were mallocs BOOST_REQUIRE(alloc_info.after.foreign_mallocs() - alloc_info.before.foreign_mallocs() > 0); // mallocs balanced with frees BOOST_REQUIRE(alloc_info.after.foreign_mallocs() - alloc_info.before.foreign_mallocs() == free_info.after.foreign_frees() - free_info.before.foreign_frees()); // alien alloc reactor free auto info = run_with_stats(f); auto before_cross_frees = memory::stats().foreign_cross_frees(); free(info.ptr); BOOST_REQUIRE(memory::stats().foreign_cross_frees() - before_cross_frees == 1); // reactor alloc, alien free void *p = f(); auto alien_cross_frees = std::async([p]() { auto frees_before = memory::stats().cross_cpu_frees(); free(p); return memory::stats().cross_cpu_frees()-frees_before; }).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(alien_cross_frees == 1); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_foreign_function_use_glibc_malloc) { test_allocation_function([]() ->void * { return malloc(1); }); test_allocation_function([]() { return realloc(NULL, 10); }); test_allocation_function([]() { auto p = malloc(1); return realloc(p, 1000); }); test_allocation_function([]() { return aligned_alloc(4, 1024); }); return make_ready_future<>(); } // So the compiler won't optimize the call to realloc(nullptr, size) // and call malloc directly. void* test_nullptr = nullptr; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_realloc_nullptr) { auto p0 = realloc(test_nullptr, 8); BOOST_REQUIRE(p0 != nullptr); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(realloc(p0, 0), nullptr); p0 = realloc(test_nullptr, 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(p0 != nullptr); auto p1 = malloc(0); BOOST_REQUIRE(p1 != nullptr); free(p0); free(p1); return make_ready_future<>(); } void * volatile sink; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_bad_alloc_throws) { // test that a large allocation throws bad_alloc auto stats = seastar::memory::stats(); // this allocation cannot be satisfied (at least when the seastar // allocator is used, which it is for this test) size_t size = stats.total_memory() * 2; auto failed_allocs = [&stats]() { return seastar::memory::stats().failed_allocations() - stats.failed_allocations(); }; // test that new throws stats = seastar::memory::stats(); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(sink = operator new(size), std::bad_alloc); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(failed_allocs(), 1); // test that huge malloc returns null stats = seastar::memory::stats(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(malloc(size), nullptr); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(failed_allocs(), 1); // test that huge realloc on nullptr returns null stats = seastar::memory::stats(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(realloc(nullptr, size), nullptr); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(failed_allocs(), 1); // test that huge realloc on an existing ptr returns null stats = seastar::memory::stats(); void *p = malloc(1); BOOST_REQUIRE(p); void *p2 = realloc(p, size); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(p2, nullptr); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(failed_allocs(), 1); free(p2 ?: p); return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_diagnostics_failures) { // test that an allocation failure is reflected in the diagnostics auto stats = seastar::memory::stats(); size_t size = stats.total_memory() * 2; // cannot be satisfied // we expect that the failure is immediately reflected in the diagnostics try { sink = operator new(size); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {} auto report = memory::generate_memory_diagnostics_report(); // +1 because we caused one additional hard failure from the allocation above auto expected = fmt::format("Hard failures: {}", stats.failed_allocations() + 1); if (report.find(expected) == seastar::sstring::npos) { BOOST_FAIL(fmt::format("Did not find expected message: {} in\n{}\n", expected, report)); } return seastar::make_ready_future(); } template SEASTAR_CONCEPT(requires requires (Func fn) { fn(); }) void check_function_allocation(const char* name, size_t expected_allocs, Func f) { auto before = seastar::memory::stats(); f(); auto after = seastar::memory::stats(); BOOST_TEST_INFO("After function: " << name); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_allocs, after.mallocs() - before.mallocs()); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_diagnostics_allocation) { check_function_allocation("empty", 0, []{}); check_function_allocation("operator new", 1, []{ // note that many pairs of malloc/free-alikes can just be optimized // away, but not operator new(size_t), per the standard void * volatile p = operator new(1); operator delete(p); }); // The meat of this test. Dump the diagnostics report to the log and ensure it // doesn't allocate. Doing it lots is important because it may alloc only occasionally: // a real example being the optimized timestamp logging which (used to) make an allocation // only once a second. check_function_allocation("log_memory_diagnostics_report", 0, [&]{ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { seastar::memory::internal::log_memory_diagnostics_report(log_level::info); } }); return seastar::make_ready_future(); } #endif // #ifndef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_large_allocation_warning_off_by_one) { #ifndef SEASTAR_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR constexpr size_t large_alloc_threshold = 1024*1024; seastar::memory::scoped_large_allocation_warning_threshold mtg(large_alloc_threshold); BOOST_REQUIRE(seastar::memory::get_large_allocation_warning_threshold() == large_alloc_threshold); auto old_large_allocs_count = memory::stats().large_allocations(); volatile auto obj = (char*)malloc(large_alloc_threshold); *obj = 'c'; // to prevent compiler from considering this a dead allocation and optimizing it out // Verify large allocation was detected by allocator. BOOST_REQUIRE(memory::stats().large_allocations() == old_large_allocs_count+1); free(obj); #endif return make_ready_future<>(); }