/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2020 ScyllaDB */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; namespace fs = std::filesystem; class expected_exception : std::runtime_error { public: expected_exception() : runtime_error("expected") {} }; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_make_tmp_file) { return make_tmp_file().then([] (tmp_file tf) { return async([tf = std::move(tf)] () mutable { const sstring tmp_path = tf.get_path().native(); BOOST_REQUIRE(file_exists(tmp_path).get0()); tf.close().get(); tf.remove().get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(!file_exists(tmp_path).get0()); }); }); } static temporary_buffer get_init_buffer(file& f) { auto buf = temporary_buffer::aligned(f.memory_dma_alignment(), f.memory_dma_alignment()); memset(buf.get_write(), 0, buf.size()); return buf; } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_tmp_file) { size_t expected = ~0; size_t actual = 0; tmp_file::do_with([&] (tmp_file& tf) mutable { auto& f = tf.get_file(); auto buf = get_init_buffer(f); return do_with(std::move(buf), [&] (auto& buf) mutable { expected = buf.size(); return f.dma_write(0, buf.get(), buf.size()).then([&] (size_t written) { actual = written; return make_ready_future<>(); }); }); }).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected , actual); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_non_existing_TMPDIR) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(tmp_file::do_with("/tmp/non-existing-TMPDIR", [] (tmp_file& tf) {}).get(), std::system_error, testing::exception_predicate::message_contains("No such file or directory")); } static future<> touch_file(const sstring& filename, open_flags oflags = open_flags::rw | open_flags::create) noexcept { return open_file_dma(filename, oflags).then([] (file f) { return f.close().finally([f] {}); }); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_recursive_remove_directory) { struct test_dir { test_dir *parent; sstring name; std::list sub_files = {}; std::list sub_dirs = {}; test_dir(test_dir* parent, sstring name) : parent(parent) , name(std::move(name)) { } fs::path path() const { if (!parent) { return fs::path(name.c_str()); } return parent->path() / name.c_str(); } void fill_random_file(std::uniform_int_distribution& dist, std::default_random_engine& eng) { sub_files.emplace_back(format("file-{}", dist(eng))); } test_dir& fill_random_dir(std::uniform_int_distribution& dist, std::default_random_engine& eng) { sub_dirs.emplace_back(this, format("dir-{}", dist(eng))); return sub_dirs.back(); } void random_fill(int level, int levels, std::uniform_int_distribution& dist, std::default_random_engine& eng) { int num_files = dist(eng) % 10; int num_dirs = (level < levels - 1) ? (1 + dist(eng) % 3) : 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_files; i++) { fill_random_file(dist, eng); } if (num_dirs) { level++; for (int i = 0; i < num_dirs; i++) { fill_random_dir(dist, eng).random_fill(level, levels, dist, eng); } } } future<> populate() { return touch_directory(path().native()).then([this] { return parallel_for_each(sub_files, [this] (auto& name) { return touch_file((path() / name.c_str()).native()); }).then([this] { return parallel_for_each(sub_dirs, [] (auto& sub_dir) { return sub_dir.populate(); }); }); }); } }; auto& eng = testing::local_random_engine; auto dist = std::uniform_int_distribution(); int levels = 1 + dist(eng) % 3; test_dir root = { nullptr, default_tmpdir().native() }; test_dir base = { &root, format("base-{}", dist(eng)) }; base.random_fill(0, levels, dist, eng); base.populate().get(); recursive_remove_directory(base.path()).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(!file_exists(base.path().native()).get0()); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_make_tmp_dir) { return make_tmp_dir().then([] (tmp_dir td) { return async([td = std::move(td)] () mutable { const sstring tmp_path = td.get_path().native(); BOOST_REQUIRE(file_exists(tmp_path).get0()); td.remove().get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(!file_exists(tmp_path).get0()); }); }); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_tmp_dir) { size_t expected; size_t actual; tmp_dir::do_with([&] (tmp_dir& td) { return tmp_file::do_with(td.get_path(), [&] (tmp_file& tf) { auto& f = tf.get_file(); auto buf = get_init_buffer(f); return do_with(std::move(buf), [&] (auto& buf) mutable { expected = buf.size(); return f.dma_write(0, buf.get(), buf.size()).then([&] (size_t written) { actual = written; return make_ready_future<>(); }); }); }); }).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected , actual); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_tmp_dir_with_path) { size_t expected; size_t actual; tmp_dir::do_with(".", [&] (tmp_dir& td) { return tmp_file::do_with(td.get_path(), [&] (tmp_file& tf) { auto& f = tf.get_file(); auto buf = get_init_buffer(f); return do_with(std::move(buf), [&] (auto& buf) mutable { expected = buf.size(); return tf.get_file().dma_write(0, buf.get(), buf.size()).then([&] (size_t written) { actual = written; return make_ready_future<>(); }); }); }); }).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected , actual); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_tmp_dir_with_non_existing_path) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(tmp_dir::do_with("/tmp/this_name_should_not_exist", [] (tmp_dir&) {}).get(), std::system_error, testing::exception_predicate::message_contains("No such file or directory")); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_with_thread_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& td) { tmp_file tf = make_tmp_file(td.get_path()).get0(); auto& f = tf.get_file(); auto buf = get_init_buffer(f); auto expected = buf.size(); auto actual = f.dma_write(0, buf.get(), buf.size()).get0(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected, actual); tf.close().get(); tf.remove().get(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_with_leftovers_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& td) { fs::path path = td.get_path() / "testfile.tmp"; touch_file(path.native()).get(); BOOST_REQUIRE(file_exists(path.native()).get0()); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_do_with_fail_func_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& outer) { BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(tmp_dir::do_with([] (tmp_dir& inner) mutable { return make_exception_future<>(expected_exception()); }).get(), expected_exception); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_do_with_fail_remove_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& outer) { auto saved_default_tmpdir = default_tmpdir(); sstring outer_path = outer.get_path().native(); sstring inner_path; sstring inner_path_renamed; set_default_tmpdir(outer_path.c_str()); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(tmp_dir::do_with([&] (tmp_dir& inner) mutable { inner_path = inner.get_path().native(); inner_path_renamed = inner_path + ".renamed"; return rename_file(inner_path, inner_path_renamed); }).get(), std::system_error); BOOST_REQUIRE(!file_exists(inner_path).get0()); BOOST_REQUIRE(file_exists(inner_path_renamed).get0()); set_default_tmpdir(saved_default_tmpdir.c_str()); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_do_with_thread_fail_func_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& outer) { BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& inner) mutable { throw expected_exception(); }).get(), expected_exception); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(tmp_dir_do_with_thread_fail_remove_test) { return tmp_dir::do_with_thread([] (tmp_dir& outer) { auto saved_default_tmpdir = default_tmpdir(); sstring outer_path = outer.get_path().native(); sstring inner_path; sstring inner_path_renamed; set_default_tmpdir(outer_path.c_str()); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(tmp_dir::do_with_thread([&] (tmp_dir& inner) mutable { inner_path = inner.get_path().native(); inner_path_renamed = inner_path + ".renamed"; return rename_file(inner_path, inner_path_renamed); }).get(), std::system_error); BOOST_REQUIRE(!file_exists(inner_path).get0()); BOOST_REQUIRE(file_exists(inner_path_renamed).get0()); set_default_tmpdir(saved_default_tmpdir.c_str()); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_read_entire_file_contiguous) { return tmp_file::do_with([] (tmp_file& tf) { return async([&tf] { file& f = tf.get_file(); auto& eng = testing::local_random_engine; auto dist = std::uniform_int_distribution(); size_t size = f.memory_dma_alignment() * (1 + dist(eng) % 1000); auto wbuf = temporary_buffer::aligned(f.memory_dma_alignment(), size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { static char chars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; wbuf.get_write()[i] = chars[dist(eng) % sizeof(chars)]; } BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(f.dma_write(0, wbuf.begin(), wbuf.size()).get0(), wbuf.size()); f.flush().get(); sstring res = util::read_entire_file_contiguous(tf.get_path()).get0(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(res, std::string_view(wbuf.begin(), wbuf.size())); }); }); }