/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "loopback_socket.hh" #include "tmpdir.hh" #include #if 0 static void enable_gnutls_logging() { gnutls_global_set_log_level(99); gnutls_global_set_log_function([](int lv, const char * msg) { std::cerr << "GNUTLS (" << lv << ") " << msg << std::endl; }); } #endif static const auto cert_location = boost::dll::program_location().parent_path(); static std::string certfile(const std::string& file) { return (cert_location / file).string(); } using namespace seastar; static future<> connect_to_ssl_addr(::shared_ptr certs, socket_address addr, const sstring& name = {}) { return repeat_until_value([=]() mutable { return tls::connect(certs, addr, name).then([](connected_socket s) { return do_with(std::move(s), [](connected_socket& s) { return do_with(s.output(), [&s](auto& os) { static const sstring msg("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); auto f = os.write(msg); return f.then([&s, &os]() mutable { auto f = os.flush(); return f.then([&s]() mutable { return do_with(s.input(), sstring{}, [](auto& in, sstring& buffer) { return do_until(std::bind(&input_stream::eof, std::cref(in)), [&buffer, &in] { auto f = in.read(); return f.then([&](temporary_buffer buf) { buffer.append(buf.get(), buf.size()); }); }).then([&buffer]() -> future> { if (buffer.empty()) { // # 1127 google servers have a (pretty short) timeout between connect and expected first // write. If we are delayed inbetween connect and write above (cert verification, scheduling // solar spots or just time sharing on AWS) we could get a short read here. Just retry. // If we get an actual error, it is either on protocol level (exception) or HTTP error. return make_ready_future>(std::nullopt); } BOOST_CHECK(buffer.size() > 8); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(buffer.substr(0, 5), sstring("HTTP/")); return make_ready_future>(true); }); }); }); }).finally([&os] { return os.close(); }); }); }); }); }).discard_result(); } #if SEASTAR_TESTING_WITH_NETWORKING static const auto google_name = "www.google.com"; // broken out from below. to allow pre-lookup static future google_address() { static socket_address google; if (google.is_unspecified()) { return net::dns::resolve_name(google_name, net::inet_address::family::INET).then([](net::inet_address addr) { google = socket_address(addr, 443); return google_address(); }); } return make_ready_future(google); } static future<> connect_to_ssl_google(::shared_ptr certs) { return google_address().then([certs](socket_address addr) { return connect_to_ssl_addr(std::move(certs), addr, google_name); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client) { auto certs = ::make_shared(); return certs->set_x509_trust_file(certfile("tls-ca-bundle.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).then([certs]() { return connect_to_ssl_google(certs); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_system_trust) { auto certs = ::make_shared(); return certs->set_system_trust().then([certs]() { return connect_to_ssl_google(certs); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_builder_system_trust) { tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); return connect_to_ssl_google(b.build_certificate_credentials()); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_builder_system_trust_multiple) { // avoid getting parallel connects stuck on dns lookup (if running single case). // pre-lookup www.google.com return google_address().then([](socket_address) { tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); auto creds = b.build_certificate_credentials(); return parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0, 20), [creds](auto i) { return connect_to_ssl_google(creds); }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_system_trust_and_priority_strings) { static std::vector prios( { "NORMAL:+ARCFOUR-128", // means normal ciphers plus ARCFOUR-128. "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:+COMP-DEFLATE", // means that only secure ciphers are enabled, SSL3.0 is disabled, and libz compression enabled. "SECURE256:+SECURE128", "NORMAL:%COMPAT", "NORMAL:-MD5", "NONE:+VERS-TLS-ALL:+MAC-ALL:+RSA:+AES-128-CBC:+SIGN-ALL:+COMP-NULL", "NORMAL:+ARCFOUR-128", "SECURE128:-VERS-TLS1.0:+COMP-DEFLATE", "SECURE128:+SECURE192:-VERS-TLS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.2" }); return do_for_each(prios, [](const sstring & prio) { tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); b.set_priority_string(prio); return connect_to_ssl_google(b.build_certificate_credentials()); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_system_trust_and_priority_strings_fail) { static std::vector prios( { "NONE", "NONE:+CURVE-SECP256R1" }); return do_for_each(prios, [](const sstring & prio) { tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); b.set_priority_string(prio); try { return connect_to_ssl_google(b.build_certificate_credentials()).then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Expected exception"); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { // ok. }); } catch (...) { // also ok } return make_ready_future<>(); }); } #endif // SEASTAR_TESTING_WITH_NETWORKING class https_server { const sstring _cert; const std::string _addr = ""; experimental::process _process; uint16_t _port; static experimental::process spawn(const std::string& addr, const sstring& key, const sstring& cert) { auto httpd = boost::dll::program_location().parent_path() / "https-server.py"; const std::vector argv{ "httpd", "--server", fmt::format("{}:{}", addr, 0), "--key", key, "--cert", cert, }; return experimental::spawn_process(httpd.string(), {.argv = argv}).get0(); } // https-server.py picks an available port and listens on it. when it is // ready to serve, it prints out the listening port. without hardwiring to // a fixed port, we are able to run multiple tests in parallel. static uint16_t read_port(experimental::process& process) { using consumption_result_type = typename input_stream::consumption_result_type; using stop_consuming_type = typename consumption_result_type::stop_consuming_type; using tmp_buf = stop_consuming_type::tmp_buf; struct consumer { future operator()(tmp_buf buf) { if (auto newline = std::find(buf.begin(), buf.end(), '\n'); newline != buf.end()) { size_t consumed = newline - buf.begin(); line += std::string_view(buf.get(), consumed); buf.trim_front(consumed); return make_ready_future(stop_consuming_type(std::move(buf))); } else { line += std::string_view(buf.get(), buf.size()); return make_ready_future(stop_consuming_type({})); } } std::string line; }; auto reader = ::make_shared(); process.stdout().consume(*reader).get(); return std::stoul(reader->line); } public: https_server(const std::string& ca = "mtls_ca") : _cert(certfile(fmt::format("{}.crt", ca))) , _process(spawn(_addr, certfile(fmt::format("{}.key", ca)), _cert)) , _port(read_port(_process)) {} ~https_server() { _process.terminate(); _process.wait().discard_result().get(); } const sstring& cert() const { return _cert; } socket_address addr() const { return ipv4_addr(_addr, _port); } sstring name() const { // should be identical to the one passed as the "-addext" option when // generating the cert. return ""; } }; #if !SEASTAR_TESTING_WITH_NETWORKING SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client) { auto certs = ::make_shared(); https_server server; certs->set_x509_trust_file(server.cert(), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); connect_to_ssl_addr(certs, server.addr(), server.name()).get(); } #endif // !SEASTAR_TESTING_WITH_NETWORKING SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_builder) { tls::credentials_builder b; https_server server; b.set_x509_trust_file(server.cert(), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); connect_to_ssl_addr(b.build_certificate_credentials(), server.addr()).get(); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_builder_multiple) { tls::credentials_builder b; https_server server; b.set_x509_trust_file(server.cert(), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); auto creds = b.build_certificate_credentials(); auto addr = server.addr(); parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0, 20), [creds, addr](auto i) { return connect_to_ssl_addr(creds, addr); }).get(); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_priority_strings) { static std::vector prios( { "NORMAL:+ARCFOUR-128", // means normal ciphers plus ARCFOUR-128. "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:+COMP-DEFLATE", // means that only secure ciphers are enabled, SSL3.0 is disabled, and libz compression enabled. "SECURE256:+SECURE128", "NORMAL:%COMPAT", "NORMAL:-MD5", "NONE:+VERS-TLS-ALL:+MAC-ALL:+RSA:+AES-256-GCM:+SIGN-ALL:+COMP-NULL:+GROUP-EC-ALL", "NORMAL:+ARCFOUR-128", "SECURE128:-VERS-TLS1.0:+COMP-DEFLATE", "SECURE128:+SECURE192:-VERS-TLS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.2" }); tls::credentials_builder b; https_server server; b.set_x509_trust_file(server.cert(), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); auto addr = server.addr(); do_for_each(prios, [&b, addr](const sstring& prio) { b.set_priority_string(prio); return connect_to_ssl_addr(b.build_certificate_credentials(), addr); }).get(); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_with_priority_strings_fail) { static std::vector prios( { "NONE", "NONE:+CURVE-SECP256R1" }); tls::credentials_builder b; https_server server; b.set_x509_trust_file(server.cert(), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); auto addr = server.addr(); do_for_each(prios, [&b, addr](const sstring& prio) { b.set_priority_string(prio); try { return connect_to_ssl_addr(b.build_certificate_credentials(), addr).then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Expected exception"); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { // ok. }); } catch (...) { // also ok } return make_ready_future<>(); }).get(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_failed_connect) { tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); return connect_to_ssl_addr(b.build_certificate_credentials(), ipv4_addr()).handle_exception([](auto) {}); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_non_tls) { ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = server_socket(seastar::listen(addr, opts)); auto c = server.accept(); tls::credentials_builder b; (void)b.set_system_trust(); auto f = connect_to_ssl_addr(b.build_certificate_credentials(), addr); return c.then([f = std::move(f)](accept_result ar) mutable { ::connected_socket s = std::move(ar.connection); std::cerr << "Established connection" << std::endl; auto sp = std::make_unique<::connected_socket>(std::move(s)); timer<> t([s = std::ref(*sp)] { std::cerr << "Killing server side" << std::endl; s.get() = ::connected_socket(); }); t.arm(timer<>::clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(5)); return std::move(f).finally([t = std::move(t), sp = std::move(sp)] {}); }).handle_exception([server = std::move(server)](auto ep) { std::cerr << "Got expected exception" << std::endl; }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_abort_accept_before_handshake) { auto certs = ::make_shared(::make_shared()); return certs->set_x509_key_file(certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).then([certs] { ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = server_socket(tls::listen(certs, addr, opts)); auto c = server.accept(); BOOST_CHECK(!c.available()); // should not be finished server.abort_accept(); return c.then([](auto) { BOOST_FAIL("Should not reach"); }).handle_exception([](auto) { // ok }).finally([server = std::move(server)] {}); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_abort_accept_after_handshake) { return async([] { auto certs = ::make_shared(::make_shared()); certs->set_x509_key_file(certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = tls::listen(certs, addr, opts); auto sa = server.accept(); tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("catest.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); auto c = tls::connect(b.build_certificate_credentials(), addr).get0(); server.abort_accept(); // should not affect the socket we got. auto s = sa.get0(); auto out = c.output(); auto in = s.connection.input(); out.write("apa").get(); auto f = out.flush(); auto buf = in.read().get0(); f.get(); BOOST_CHECK(sstring(buf.begin(), buf.end()) == "apa"); out.close().get(); in.close().get(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_abort_accept_on_server_before_handshake) { return async([] { ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = server_socket(seastar::listen(addr, opts)); auto sa = server.accept(); tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("catest.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); auto creds = b.build_certificate_credentials(); auto f = tls::connect(creds, addr); server.abort_accept(); try { sa.get(); } catch (...) { } server = {}; try { // the connect as such should succeed, but the handshare following it // should not. auto c = f.get0(); auto out = c.output(); out.write("apa").get(); out.flush().get(); out.close().get(); BOOST_FAIL("Expected exception"); } catch (...) { // ok } }); } struct streams { ::connected_socket s; input_stream in; output_stream out; // note: using custom output_stream, because we don't want polled flush streams(::connected_socket cs) : s(std::move(cs)), in(s.input()), out(s.output().detach(), 8192) {} }; static const sstring message = "hej lilla fisk du kan dansa fint"; class echoserver { ::server_socket _socket; ::shared_ptr _certs; seastar::gate _gate; bool _stopped = false; size_t _size; std::exception_ptr _ex; public: echoserver(size_t message_size, bool use_dh_params = true) : _certs( use_dh_params ? ::make_shared(::make_shared()) : ::make_shared() ) , _size(message_size) {} future<> listen(socket_address addr, sstring crtfile, sstring keyfile, tls::client_auth ca = tls::client_auth::NONE, sstring trust = {}) { _certs->set_client_auth(ca); auto f = _certs->set_x509_key_file(crtfile, keyfile, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM); if (!trust.empty()) { f = f.then([this, trust = std::move(trust)] { return _certs->set_x509_trust_file(trust, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM); }); } return f.then([this, addr] { ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; _socket = tls::listen(_certs, addr, opts); (void)try_with_gate(_gate, [this] { return _socket.accept().then([this](accept_result ar) { ::connected_socket s = std::move(ar.connection); auto strms = ::make_lw_shared(std::move(s)); return repeat([strms, this]() { return strms->in.read_exactly(_size).then([strms](temporary_buffer buf) { if (buf.empty()) { return make_ready_future(stop_iteration::yes); } sstring tmp(buf.begin(), buf.end()); return strms->out.write(tmp).then([strms]() { return strms->out.flush(); }).then([] { return make_ready_future(stop_iteration::no); }); }); }).finally([strms]{ return strms->out.close(); }).finally([strms]{}); }).handle_exception([this](auto ep) { if (_stopped) { return make_ready_future<>(); } _ex = ep; return make_ready_future<>(); }); }).handle_exception_type([] (const gate_closed_exception&) {/* ignore */}); return make_ready_future<>(); }); } future<> stop() { _stopped = true; _socket.abort_accept(); return _gate.close().handle_exception([this] (std::exception_ptr ignored) { if (_ex) { std::rethrow_exception(_ex); } }); } }; static future<> run_echo_test(sstring message, int loops, sstring trust, sstring name, sstring crt = certfile("test.crt"), sstring key = certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth ca = tls::client_auth::NONE, sstring client_crt = {}, sstring client_key = {}, bool do_read = true, bool use_dh_params = true, tls::dn_callback distinguished_name_callback = {} ) { static const auto port = 4711; auto msg = ::make_shared(std::move(message)); auto certs = ::make_shared(); auto server = ::make_shared>(); auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, port}); assert(do_read || loops == 1); future<> f = make_ready_future(); if (!client_crt.empty() && !client_key.empty()) { f = certs->set_x509_key_file(client_crt, client_key, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM); if (distinguished_name_callback) { certs->set_dn_verification_callback(std::move(distinguished_name_callback)); } } return f.then([=] { return certs->set_x509_trust_file(trust, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM); }).then([=] { return server->start(msg->size(), use_dh_params).then([=]() { sstring server_trust; if (ca != tls::client_auth::NONE) { server_trust = trust; } return server->invoke_on_all(&echoserver::listen, addr, crt, key, ca, server_trust); }).then([=] { return tls::connect(certs, addr, name).then([loops, msg, do_read](::connected_socket s) { auto strms = ::make_lw_shared(std::move(s)); auto range = boost::irange(0, loops); return do_for_each(range, [strms, msg](auto) { auto f = strms->out.write(*msg); return f.then([strms, msg]() { return strms->out.flush().then([strms, msg] { return strms->in.read_exactly(msg->size()).then([msg](temporary_buffer buf) { if (buf.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected EOF"); } sstring tmp(buf.begin(), buf.end()); BOOST_CHECK(*msg == tmp); }); }); }); }).then_wrapped([strms, do_read] (future<> f1) { // Always call close() return (do_read ? strms->out.close() : make_ready_future<>()).then_wrapped([strms, f1 = std::move(f1)] (future<> f2) mutable { // Verification errors will be reported by the call to output_stream::close(), // which waits for the flush to actually happen. They can also be reported by the // input_stream::read_exactly() call. We want to keep only one and avoid nested exception mess. if (f1.failed()) { (void)f2.handle_exception([] (std::exception_ptr ignored) { }); return std::move(f1); } (void)f1.handle_exception([] (std::exception_ptr ignored) { }); return f2; }).finally([strms] { }); }); }); }).finally([server] { return server->stop().finally([server]{}); }); }); } /* * Certificates: * * make -f tests/unit/mkcert.gmk domain=scylladb.org server=test * * -> test.crt * test.csr * catest.pem * catest.key * * catest == snakeoil root authority for these self-signed certs * */ SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server) { // Make sure we load our own auth trust pem file, otherwise our certs // will not validate // Must match expected name with cert CA or give empty name to ignore // server name return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org"); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server_again) { return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org"); } #if GNUTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x030600 // Test #769 - do not set dh_params in server certs - let gnutls negotiate. SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_server_default_dhparams) { return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::NONE, {}, {}, true, /* use_dh_params */ false ); } #endif SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_server_cert_validation_fail) { // Load a real trust authority here, which out certs are _not_ signed with. return run_echo_test(message, 1, certfile("tls-ca-bundle.pem"), {}).then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Should have gotten validation error"); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { try { std::rethrow_exception(ep); } catch (tls::verification_error&) { // ok. } catch (...) { BOOST_FAIL("Unexpected exception"); } }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_x509_client_server_cert_validation_fail_name) { // Use trust store with our signer, but wrong host name return run_echo_test(message, 1, certfile("tls-ca-bundle.pem"), "nils.holgersson.gov").then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Should have gotten validation error"); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { try { std::rethrow_exception(ep); } catch (tls::verification_error&) { // ok. } catch (...) { BOOST_FAIL("Unexpected exception"); } }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_large_message_x509_client_server) { // Make sure we load our own auth trust pem file, otherwise our certs // will not validate // Must match expected name with cert CA or give empty name to ignore // server name sstring msg = uninitialized_string(512 * 1024); for (size_t i = 0; i < msg.size(); ++i) { msg[i] = '0' + char(i % 30); } return run_echo_test(std::move(msg), 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org"); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server_fail_client_auth) { // Make sure we load our own auth trust pem file, otherwise our certs // will not validate // Must match expected name with cert CA or give empty name to ignore // server name // Server will require certificate auth. We supply none, so should fail connection return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::REQUIRE).then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Expected exception"); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { // ok. }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server_client_auth) { // Make sure we load our own auth trust pem file, otherwise our certs // will not validate // Must match expected name with cert CA or give empty name to ignore // server name // Server will require certificate auth. We supply one, so should succeed with connection return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::REQUIRE, certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key")); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server_client_auth_with_dn_callback) { // In addition to the above test, the certificate's subject and issuer // Distinguished Names (DNs) will be checked for the occurrence of a specific // substring (in this case, the test.scylladb.org url) return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::REQUIRE, certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), true, true, [](tls::session_type t, sstring subject, sstring issuer) { BOOST_REQUIRE(t == tls::session_type::CLIENT); BOOST_REQUIRE(subject.find("test.scylladb.org") != sstring::npos); BOOST_REQUIRE(issuer.find("test.scylladb.org") != sstring::npos); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_simple_x509_client_server_client_auth_dn_callback_fails) { // Test throwing an exception from within the Distinguished Names callback return run_echo_test(message, 20, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::REQUIRE, certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), true, true, [](tls::session_type, sstring, sstring) { throw tls::verification_error("to test throwing from within the callback"); }).then([] { BOOST_FAIL("Should have gotten a verification_error exception"); }).handle_exception([](auto) { // ok. }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_many_large_message_x509_client_server) { // Make sure we load our own auth trust pem file, otherwise our certs // will not validate // Must match expected name with cert CA or give empty name to ignore // server name sstring msg = uninitialized_string(4 * 1024 * 1024); for (size_t i = 0; i < msg.size(); ++i) { msg[i] = '0' + char(i % 30); } // Sending a huge-ish message a and immediately closing the session (see params) // provokes case where tls::vec_push entered race and asserted on broken IO state // machine. auto range = boost::irange(0, 20); return do_for_each(range, [msg = std::move(msg)](auto) { return run_echo_test(std::move(msg), 1, certfile("catest.pem"), "test.scylladb.org", certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::client_auth::NONE, {}, {}, false); }); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_close_timout) { tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("catest.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); b.set_system_trust().get(); auto creds = b.build_certificate_credentials(); auto serv = b.build_server_credentials(); semaphore sem(0); class my_loopback_connected_socket_impl : public loopback_connected_socket_impl { public: semaphore& _sem; bool _close = false; my_loopback_connected_socket_impl(semaphore& s, lw_shared_ptr tx, lw_shared_ptr rx) : loopback_connected_socket_impl(tx, rx) , _sem(s) {} ~my_loopback_connected_socket_impl() { _sem.signal(); } class my_sink_impl : public data_sink_impl { public: data_sink _sink; my_loopback_connected_socket_impl& _impl; promise<> _p; my_sink_impl(data_sink sink, my_loopback_connected_socket_impl& impl) : _sink(std::move(sink)) , _impl(impl) {} future<> flush() override { return _sink.flush(); } using data_sink_impl::put; future<> put(net::packet p) override { if (std::exchange(_impl._close, false)) { return _p.get_future().then([this, p = std::move(p)]() mutable { return put(std::move(p)); }); } return _sink.put(std::move(p)); } future<> close() override { _p.set_value(); return make_ready_future<>(); } }; data_sink sink() override { return data_sink(std::make_unique(loopback_connected_socket_impl::sink(), *this)); } }; auto constexpr iterations = 500; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { auto b1 = ::make_lw_shared(nullptr, loopback_buffer::type::SERVER_TX); auto b2 = ::make_lw_shared(nullptr, loopback_buffer::type::CLIENT_TX); auto ssi = std::make_unique(sem, b1, b2); auto csi = std::make_unique(sem, b2, b1); auto& ssir = *ssi; auto& csir = *csi; auto ss = tls::wrap_server(serv, connected_socket(std::move(ssi))).get0(); auto cs = tls::wrap_client(creds, connected_socket(std::move(csi))).get0(); auto os = cs.output().detach(); auto is = ss.input(); auto f1 = os.put(temporary_buffer(10)); auto f2 = is.read(); f1.get(); f2.get(); // block further writes ssir._close = true; csir._close = true; } sem.wait(2 * iterations).get(); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_reload_certificates) { tmpdir tmp; namespace fs = std::filesystem; // copy the wrong certs. We don't trust these // blocking calls, but this is a test and seastar does not have a copy // util and I am lazy... fs::copy_file(certfile("other.crt"), tmp.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("other.key"), tmp.path() / "test.key"); auto cert = (tmp.path() / "test.crt").native(); auto key = (tmp.path() / "test.key").native(); std::unordered_set changed; promise<> p; tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(cert, key, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); auto certs = b.build_reloadable_server_credentials([&](const std::unordered_set& files, std::exception_ptr ep) { if (ep) { return; } changed.insert(files.begin(), files.end()); if (changed.count(cert) && changed.count(key)) { p.set_value(); } }).get0(); ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = tls::listen(certs, addr, opts); tls::credentials_builder b2; b2.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("catest.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); { auto sa = server.accept(); auto c = tls::connect(b2.build_certificate_credentials(), addr).get0(); auto s = sa.get0(); auto in = s.connection.input(); output_stream out(c.output().detach(), 4096); try { out.write("apa").get(); auto f = out.flush(); auto f2 = in.read(); try { f.get(); BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); } catch (tls::verification_error&) { // ok } try { out.close().get(); } catch (...) { } try { f2.get(); BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); } catch (...) { // ok } try { in.close().get(); } catch (...) { } } catch (tls::verification_error&) { // ok } } // copy the right (trusted) certs over the old ones. fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp.path() / "test0.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp.path() / "test0.key"); rename_file((tmp.path() / "test0.crt").native(), (tmp.path() / "test.crt").native()).get(); rename_file((tmp.path() / "test0.key").native(), (tmp.path() / "test.key").native()).get(); p.get_future().get(); // now it should work { auto sa = server.accept(); auto c = tls::connect(b2.build_certificate_credentials(), addr).get0(); auto s = sa.get0(); auto in = s.connection.input(); output_stream out(c.output().detach(), 4096); out.write("apa").get(); auto f = out.flush(); auto buf = in.read().get0(); f.get(); out.close().get(); in.read().get(); // ignore - just want eof in.close().get(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sstring(buf.begin(), buf.end()), "apa"); } } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_reload_broken_certificates) { tmpdir tmp; namespace fs = std::filesystem; fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp.path() / "test.key"); auto cert = (tmp.path() / "test.crt").native(); auto key = (tmp.path() / "test.key").native(); std::unordered_set changed; promise<> p; tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(cert, key, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); queue q(10); auto certs = b.build_reloadable_server_credentials([&](const std::unordered_set& files, std::exception_ptr ep) { if (ep) { q.push(std::move(ep)); return; } changed.insert(files.begin(), files.end()); if (changed.count(cert) && changed.count(key)) { p.set_value(); } }).get0(); // very intentionally use blocking calls. We want all our modifications to happen // before any other continuation is allowed to process. fs::remove(cert); fs::remove(key); std::ofstream(cert.c_str()) << "lala land" << std::endl; std::ofstream(key.c_str()) << "lala land" << std::endl; // should get one or two exceptions q.pop_eventually().get(); fs::remove(cert); fs::remove(key); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), cert); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), key); // now it should reload p.get_future().get(); } using namespace std::chrono_literals; // the same as previous test, but we set a big tolerance for // reload errors, and verify that either our scheduling/fs is // super slow, or we got through the changes without failures. SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_reload_tolerance) { tmpdir tmp; namespace fs = std::filesystem; fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp.path() / "test.key"); auto cert = (tmp.path() / "test.crt").native(); auto key = (tmp.path() / "test.key").native(); std::unordered_set changed; promise<> p; tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(cert, key, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); int nfails = 0; // use 5s tolerance - this should ensure we don't generate any errors. auto certs = b.build_reloadable_server_credentials([&](const std::unordered_set& files, std::exception_ptr ep) { if (ep) { ++nfails; return; } changed.insert(files.begin(), files.end()); if (changed.count(cert) && changed.count(key)) { p.set_value(); } }, std::chrono::milliseconds(5000)).get0(); // very intentionally use blocking calls. We want all our modifications to happen // before any other continuation is allowed to process. auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); fs::remove(cert); fs::remove(key); std::ofstream(cert.c_str()) << "lala land" << std::endl; std::ofstream(key.c_str()) << "lala land" << std::endl; fs::remove(cert); fs::remove(key); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), cert); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), key); // now it should reload p.get_future().get(); auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); BOOST_ASSERT(nfails == 0 || (end - start) > 4s); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_reload_by_move) { tmpdir tmp; tmpdir tmp2; namespace fs = std::filesystem; fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp.path() / "test.key"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp2.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp2.path() / "test.key"); auto cert = (tmp.path() / "test.crt").native(); auto key = (tmp.path() / "test.key").native(); auto cert2 = (tmp2.path() / "test.crt").native(); auto key2 = (tmp2.path() / "test.key").native(); std::unordered_set changed; promise<> p; tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(cert, key, tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); int nfails = 0; // use 5s tolerance - this should ensure we don't generate any errors. auto certs = b.build_reloadable_server_credentials([&](const std::unordered_set& files, std::exception_ptr ep) { if (ep) { ++nfails; return; } changed.insert(files.begin(), files.end()); if (changed.count(cert) && changed.count(key)) { p.set_value(); } }, std::chrono::milliseconds(5000)).get0(); // very intentionally use blocking calls. We want all our modifications to happen // before any other continuation is allowed to process. fs::remove(cert); fs::remove(key); // deletes should _not_ cause errors/reloads try { with_timeout(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + 3s, p.get_future()).get(); BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); } catch (timed_out_error&) { // ok } BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(changed.size(), 0); p = promise(); fs::rename(cert2, cert); fs::rename(key2, key); // now it should reload p.get_future().get(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(changed.size(), 2); changed.clear(); // again, without delete fs::copy_file(certfile("test.crt"), tmp2.path() / "test.crt"); fs::copy_file(certfile("test.key"), tmp2.path() / "test.key"); p = promise(); fs::rename(cert2, cert); fs::rename(key2, key); // it should reload here as well. p.get_future().get(); // could get two notifications. but not more. for (int i = 0;; ++i) { p = promise(); try { with_timeout(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + 3s, p.get_future()).get(); BOOST_ASSERT(i == 0); } catch (timed_out_error&) { // ok break; } } } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_closed_write) { tls::credentials_builder b; b.set_x509_key_file(certfile("test.crt"), certfile("test.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("catest.pem"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); b.set_dh_level(); b.set_system_trust().get(); auto creds = b.build_certificate_credentials(); auto serv = b.build_server_credentials(); ::listen_options opts; opts.reuse_address = true; opts.set_fixed_cpu(this_shard_id()); auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto server = tls::listen(serv, addr, opts); auto check_same_message_two_writes = [](output_stream& out) { std::exception_ptr ep1, ep2; try { out.write("apa").get(); out.flush().get(); BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); } catch (...) { // ok ep1 = std::current_exception(); } try { out.write("apa").get(); out.flush().get(); BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); } catch (...) { // ok ep2 = std::current_exception(); } try { std::rethrow_exception(ep1); } catch (std::exception& e1) { try { std::rethrow_exception(ep2); } catch (std::exception& e2) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(std::string(e1.what()), std::string(e2.what())); return; } } BOOST_FAIL("should not reach"); }; { auto sa = server.accept(); auto c = tls::connect(creds, addr).get0(); auto s = sa.get0(); auto in = s.connection.input(); output_stream out(c.output().detach(), 4096); // close on client end before writing out.close().get(); check_same_message_two_writes(out); } { auto sa = server.accept(); auto c = tls::connect(creds, addr).get0(); auto s = sa.get0(); auto in = s.connection.input(); output_stream out(c.output().detach(), 4096); out.write("apa").get(); auto f = out.flush(); in.read().get(); f.get(); // close on server end before writing in.close().get(); s.connection.shutdown_input(); s.connection.shutdown_output(); // we won't get broken pipe until // after a while (tm) for (;;) { try { out.write("apa").get(); out.flush().get(); } catch (...) { break; } } // now check we get the same message. check_same_message_two_writes(out); } } /* * Certificates: * * make -f tests/unit/mkmtls.gmk domain=scylladb.org server=test * * -> mtls_ca.crt * mtls_ca.key * mtls_server.crt * mtls_server.csr * mtls_server.key * mtls_client1.crt * mtls_client1.csr * mtls_client1.key * mtls_client2.crt * mtls_client2.csr * mtls_client2.key * */ SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_dn_name_handling) { // Connect to server using two different client certificates. // Make sure that for every client the server can fetch DN string // and the string is correct. // The setup consist of several certificates: // - CA // - mtls_server.crt - server certificate // - mtls_client1.crt - first client certificate // - mtls_client2.crt - second client certificate // // The test runs server that uses mtls_server.crt. // The server accepts two incomming connections, first one uses mtls_client1.crt // and the second one uses mtls_client2.crt. Every client sends a short string // that server receives and tries to find it in the DN string. auto addr = ::make_ipv4_address( {0x7f000001, 4712}); auto client1_creds = [] { tls::credentials_builder builder; builder.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("mtls_ca.crt"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); builder.set_x509_key_file(certfile("mtls_client1.crt"), certfile("mtls_client1.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); return builder.build_certificate_credentials(); }(); auto client2_creds = [] { tls::credentials_builder builder; builder.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("mtls_ca.crt"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); builder.set_x509_key_file(certfile("mtls_client2.crt"), certfile("mtls_client2.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); return builder.build_certificate_credentials(); }(); auto server_creds = [] { tls::credentials_builder builder; builder.set_x509_trust_file(certfile("mtls_ca.crt"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); builder.set_x509_key_file(certfile("mtls_server.crt"), certfile("mtls_server.key"), tls::x509_crt_format::PEM).get(); builder.set_client_auth(tls::client_auth::REQUIRE); return builder.build_server_credentials(); }(); auto fetch_dn = [server_creds, addr] (sstring id, shared_ptr client_cred) { listen_options lo{}; lo.reuse_address = true; auto server_sock = tls::listen(server_creds, addr, lo); auto sa = server_sock.accept(); auto c = tls::connect(client_cred, addr).get(); auto s = sa.get(); auto in = s.connection.input(); output_stream out(c.output().detach(), 1024); out.write(id).get(); auto fdn = tls::get_dn_information(s.connection); auto fout = out.flush(); auto fin = in.read(); fout.get(); auto dn = fdn.get(); auto client_id = fin.get(); in.close().get(); out.close().get(); s.connection.shutdown_input(); s.connection.shutdown_output(); c.shutdown_input(); c.shutdown_output(); auto it = dn->subject.find(sstring(client_id.get(), client_id.size())); BOOST_REQUIRE(it != sstring::npos); }; fetch_dn("client1.org", client1_creds); fetch_dn("client2.org", client2_creds); }