/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; using std::string; using namespace std::string_literals; using namespace std::chrono_literals; static logger iplog("unix_domain"); class ud_server_client { public: ud_server_client(string server_path, std::optional client_path, int rounds) : ud_server_client(server_path, client_path, rounds, 0) {}; ud_server_client(string server_path, std::optional client_path, int rounds, int abort_run) : server_addr{unix_domain_addr{server_path}}, client_path{client_path}, rounds{rounds}, rounds_left{rounds}, abort_after{abort_run} {} future<> run(); ud_server_client(ud_server_client&&) = default; ud_server_client(const ud_server_client&) = delete; private: const string test_message{"are you still the same?"s}; future<> init_server(); void client_round(); const socket_address server_addr; const std::optional client_path; server_socket server; const int rounds; int rounds_left; server_socket* lstn_sock; seastar::thread th; int abort_after; // if set - force the listening socket down after that number of rounds bool planned_abort{false}; // set when abort_accept() is called }; future<> ud_server_client::init_server() { return do_with(seastar::listen(server_addr), [this](server_socket& lstn) mutable { lstn_sock = &lstn; // required when aborting (on some tests) // start the clients here, where we know the server is listening th = seastar::thread([this]{ for (int i=0; iabort_accept(); break; } } client_round(); } }); return do_until([this](){return rounds_left<=0;}, [&lstn,this]() { return lstn.accept().then([this](accept_result from_accept) { connected_socket cn = std::move(from_accept.connection); socket_address cn_addr = std::move(from_accept.remote_address); --rounds_left; // verify the client address if (client_path) { socket_address tmmp{unix_domain_addr{*client_path}}; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(cn_addr, socket_address{unix_domain_addr{*client_path}}); } return do_with(cn.input(), cn.output(), [](auto& inp, auto& out) { return inp.read().then([&out](auto bb) { string ans = "-"s; if (bb && bb.size()) { ans = "+"s + string{bb.get(), bb.size()}; } return out.write(ans).then([&out](){return out.flush();}). then([&out](){return out.close();}); }).then([&inp]() { return inp.close(); }). then([]() { return make_ready_future<>(); }); }).then([]{ return make_ready_future<>();}); }); }).handle_exception([this](auto e) { // OK to get here only if the test was a "planned abort" one if (!planned_abort) { std::rethrow_exception(e); } }).finally([this]{ return th.join(); }); }); } /// Send a message to the server, and expect (almost) the same string back. /// If 'client_path' is set, the client binds to the named path. // Runs in a seastar::thread. void ud_server_client::client_round() { auto cc = client_path ? engine().net().connect(server_addr, socket_address{unix_domain_addr{*client_path}}).get0() : engine().net().connect(server_addr).get0(); auto inp = cc.input(); auto out = cc.output(); out.write(test_message).get(); out.flush().get(); auto bb = inp.read().get0(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(std::string_view(bb.begin(), bb.size()), "+"s+test_message); inp.close().get(); out.close().get(); } future<> ud_server_client::run() { return async([this] { auto serverfut = init_server(); (void)serverfut.get(); }); } // testing the various address types, both on the server and on the // client side SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_server) { system("rm -f /tmp/ry"); ud_server_client uds("/tmp/ry", std::nullopt, 3); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_abs) { char sv_name[]{'\0', '1', '1', '1'}; //ud_server_client uds(string{"\0111",4}, string{"\0112",4}, 1); ud_server_client uds(string{sv_name,4}, std::nullopt, 4); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); //return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_abs_bind) { char sv_name[]{'\0', '1', '1', '1'}; char cl_name[]{'\0', '1', '1', '2'}; ud_server_client uds(string{sv_name,4}, string{cl_name,4}, 1); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_abs_bind_2) { char sv_name[]{'\0', '1', '\0', '\12', '1'}; char cl_name[]{'\0', '1', '\0', '\12', '2'}; ud_server_client uds(string{sv_name,5}, string{cl_name,5}, 2); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_text) { socket_address addr1{unix_domain_addr{"abc"}}; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(format("{}", addr1), "abc"); socket_address addr2{unix_domain_addr{""}}; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(format("{}", addr2), "{unnamed}"); socket_address addr3{unix_domain_addr{std::string("\0abc", 5)}}; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(format("{}", addr3), "@abc_"); return make_ready_future<>(); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_bind) { system("rm -f 111 112"); ud_server_client uds("111"s, "112"s, 1); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_short) { system("rm -f 3"); ud_server_client uds("3"s, std::nullopt, 10); return do_with(std::move(uds), [](auto& uds){ return uds.run(); }); } // test our ability to abort the accept()'ing on a socket. // The test covers a specific bug in the handling of abort_accept() SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(unixdomain_abort) { std::string sockname{"7"s}; // note: no portable & warnings-free option std::ignore = ::unlink(sockname.c_str()); ud_server_client uds(sockname, std::nullopt, 10, 4); return do_with(std::move(uds), [sockname](auto& uds){ return uds.run().finally([sockname](){ std::ignore = ::unlink(sockname.c_str()); return seastar::make_ready_future<>(); }); }); }