# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : require 'open3' def checkboxtype(distro) localboxes, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("vagrant box list") if localboxes.include? "spdk/"+distro return "spdk/"+distro else case distro when "centos7" return "centos/7" when "centos8" return "centos/8" when "ubuntu1604" return "peru/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64" when "ubuntu1804" return "peru/ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64" when "fedora30" return "generic/fedora30" when "fedora31" return "generic/fedora31" when "fedora32" return "generic/fedora32" when "arch" return "generic/arch" when "freebsd11" return "generic/freebsd11" when "freebsd12" return "generic/freebsd12" when "clearlinux" return "AntonioMeireles/ClearLinux" else "Invalid argument #{distro}" abort("Invalid argument!") end end end Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # Pick the right distro and bootstrap, default is fedora30 distro = ( ENV['SPDK_VAGRANT_DISTRO'] || "fedora30") provider = (ENV['SPDK_VAGRANT_PROVIDER'] || "virtualbox") # Get all variables for creating vm vmcpu=(ENV['SPDK_VAGRANT_VMCPU'] || 2) vmram=(ENV['SPDK_VAGRANT_VMRAM'] || 4096) spdk_dir=(ENV['SPDK_DIR'] || "none") vmemulator=(ENV['SPDK_QEMU_EMULATOR'] || "") emulated_nvme_types=(ENV['NVME_DISKS_TYPE'] || "nvme").split(',') nvme_namespaces=(ENV['NVME_DISKS_NAMESPACES'] || "").split(',') nvme_file=(ENV['NVME_FILE'] || "").split(',') nvme_cmbs=(ENV['NVME_CMB'] || "").split(',') vagrantfile_dir=(ENV['VAGRANTFILE_DIR'] || "none") # generic/freebsd boxes do not work properly with vagrant-proxyconf and # have issues installing rsync and sshfs for syncing files. NFS is # pre-installed, so use it. # generic/fedora boxes on the other hand have problems running NFS # service so use sshfs+rsync combo instead. plugins_sync_backend = {type: :sshfs} # Remove --copy-links from default rsync cmdline since we do want to sync # actual symlinks as well. Also, since copy is made between host and its # local VM we don't need to worry about saturating the local link so skip # the compression to speed up the whole transfer. files_sync_backend = {type: "rsync", rsync__auto: false, rsync__args: ["--archive", "--verbose", "--delete"]} if (distro.include? "freebsd") || (distro.include? "clearlinux") plugins_sync_backend = {type: :nfs, nfs_udp: false} files_sync_backend = {type: :nfs, nfs_udp: false, mount_options: ['ro']} end config.vm.box = checkboxtype(distro) config.vm.box_check_update = false config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true # Copy in the .gitconfig if it exists if File.file?(File.expand_path("~/.gitconfig")) config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.gitconfig", destination: ".gitconfig" end # Copy the tsocks configuration file for use when installing some spdk test pool dependencies if File.file?("/etc/tsocks.conf") $tsocks_copy = <<-SCRIPT sudo -s mv -f tsocks.conf /etc/tsocks.conf chown root /etc/tsocks.conf chmod 644 /etc/tsocks.conf SCRIPT config.vm.provision "file", source: "/etc/tsocks.conf", destination: "tsocks.conf" config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $tsocks_copy end # vagrant-cachier caches apt/yum etc to speed subsequent # vagrant up # to enable, run # vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier # if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier") config.cache.scope = :box config.cache.synced_folder_opts = plugins_sync_backend end # use http proxy if avaiable if ENV['http_proxy'] if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") config.proxy.http = ENV['http_proxy'] config.proxy.https = ENV['https_proxy'] config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost," end # Proxyconf does not seem to support FreeBSD boxes or at least it's # docs do not mention that. Set up proxy configuration manually. if distro.include?("freebsd") $freebsd_proxy = <<-SCRIPT sudo -s echo "export http_proxy=#{ENV['http_proxy']}" >> /etc/profile echo "export https_proxy=#{ENV['http_proxy']}" >> /etc/profile echo "pkg_env: {http_proxy: #{ENV['http_proxy']}}" > /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf SCRIPT config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $freebsd_proxy end end # freebsd and clearlinux boxes in order to have spdk sources synced from # host properly will use NFS with "ro" option enabled to prevent changes # on host filesystem. # To make sources usable in the guest VM we need to unmount them and use # local copy. if distro.include? "freebsd" $freebsd_spdk_repo = <<-SCRIPT sudo -s cp -R /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk /tmp/spdk umount /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk && rm -rf /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk mv /tmp/spdk /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk chown -R vagrant:vagrant /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk SCRIPT config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $freebsd_spdk_repo elsif distro.include? "clearlinux" $clearlinux_spdk_repo = <<-SCRIPT sudo -s cp -R /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk /tmp/spdk umount /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk && rm -rf /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk mv /tmp/spdk /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk chown -R clear:clear /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk SCRIPT config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $clearlinux_spdk_repo end config.ssh.forward_agent = true config.ssh.forward_x11 = true if ENV['VAGRANT_PASSWORD_AUTH'] == "1" config.ssh.username = "vagrant" config.ssh.password = "vagrant" end config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"] vb.memory = "#{vmram}" vb.cpus = "#{vmcpu}" nvme_disk=(ENV['NVME_FILE'] || "nvme_disk.img") unless File.exist? (nvme_disk) vb.customize ["createhd", "--filename", nvme_disk, "--variant", "Fixed", "--size", "1024"] vb.customize ["storagectl", :id, "--name", "nvme", "--add", "pcie", "--controller", "NVMe", "--portcount", "1", "--bootable", "off"] vb.customize ["storageattach", :id, "--storagectl", "nvme", "--type", "hdd", "--medium", nvme_disk, "--port", "0"] end #support for the SSE4.x instruction is required in some versions of VB. vb.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.1", "1"] vb.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.2", "1"] end # This setup was Tested on Fedora 27 # libvirt configuration need modern Qemu(tested on 2.10) & vagrant-libvirt in version 0.0.39+ # There are few limitation for SElinux - The file added outside libvirt must have proper SE ACL policy or setenforce 0 config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt, override| libvirt.random_hostname = "1" libvirt.disk_bus = "virtio" # generic/freebsd boxes need to be explicitly run with SCSI bus, # otherwise boot process fails on mounting the disk if (distro.include?("freebsd")) libvirt.disk_bus = "scsi" end # Run generic/arch boxes explicitly with IDE bus, # otherwise boot process fails on mounting the disk if (distro.include?("arch")) libvirt.disk_bus = "ide" end if not vmemulator.empty? libvirt.emulator_path = "#{vmemulator}" libvirt.machine_type = "pc" end # we put nvme_disk inside default pool to eliminate libvirt/SELinux Permissions Problems # and to be able to run vagrant from user $HOME directory # Loop to create all emulated disks set emulated_nvme_types.each_with_index { |disk, index| if ENV['NVME_FILE'] nvme_disk_id="#{disk}" + "-#{index}" nvme_disk="#{nvme_file["#{index}".to_i]}" else nvme_disk="/var/lib/libvirt/images/nvme_disk.img" end unless File.exist? (nvme_disk) puts "If run with libvirt provider please execute create_nvme_img.sh" end if disk == "nvme" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "-drive" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "format=raw,file=#{nvme_disk},if=none,id=#{nvme_disk_id}" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "-device" nvme_drive = "nvme,drive=#{nvme_disk_id},serial=1234#{index}" if !nvme_namespaces["#{index}".to_i].nil? && nvme_namespaces["#{index}".to_i] != 1 nvme_drive << ",namespaces=#{nvme_namespaces["#{index}".to_i]}" end if !nvme_cmbs["#{index}".to_i].nil? && nvme_cmbs["#{index}".to_i] == "true" # Fix the size of the buffer to 128M nvme_drive << ",cmb_size_mb=128" end libvirt.qemuargs :value => nvme_drive elsif disk == "ocssd" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "-drive" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "format=raw,file=#{nvme_disk},if=none,id=#{nvme_disk_id}" libvirt.qemuargs :value => "-device" # create ocssd drive with special parameters # lba_index=4 it is LBA namespace format, 4 means that block size is 4K and have 64B metadata # lnum_lun, lnum_pln, lpgs_per_blk, lsecs_per_pg, lblks_per_pln this are parameters describing the device geometry # we need to multiply these parameters by ourselves to have backend file minimal size: # in our case: 4K * 8 * 2 * 1536 * 2 * 45 = 8640 MB libvirt.qemuargs :value => "nvme,drive=#{nvme_disk_id},serial=deadbeef,oacs=0,namespaces=1,lver=2,lba_index=4,mdts=10,lnum_lun=8,lnum_pln=2,lpgs_per_blk=1536,lsecs_per_pg=2,lblks_per_pln=45,metadata=#{nvme_disk}_ocssd_md,nsdatafile=#{nvme_disk}_ocssd_blknvme.ns,laer_thread_sleep=3000,stride=4" end } libvirt.driver = "kvm" libvirt.graphics_type = "vnc" libvirt.memory = "#{vmram}" libvirt.cpus = "#{vmcpu}" libvirt.video_type = "cirrus" if ENV['VAGRANT_HUGE_MEM'] == "1" libvirt.memorybacking :hugepages end # Optional field if we want use other storage pools than default # libvirt.storage_pool_name = "vm" end # rsync the spdk directory if provision hasn't happened yet # Warning: rsync does not work with freebsd boxes, so this step is disabled if ENV['COPY_SPDK_DIR'] == "1" && spdk_dir != "none" config.vm.synced_folder "#{spdk_dir}", "/home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk", files_sync_backend end # rsync artifacts from build if ENV['COPY_SPDK_ARTIFACTS'] == "1" config.vm.synced_folder "#{vagrantfile_dir}/output", "/home/vagrant/spdk_repo/output", plugins_sync_backend end # provision the vm with all of the necessary spdk dependencies for running the autorun.sh tests if ENV['DEPLOY_TEST_VM'] == "1" && spdk_dir != "none" config.vm.provision "shell" do |setup| setup.path = "#{spdk_dir}/test/common/config/vm_setup.sh" setup.privileged = false setup.args = ["-u", "-i"] end end # Clear CFLAGS in clear linux if distro == "clearlinux" $clearcflags = <<-SCRIPT echo "export CFLAGS=" >> /etc/profile.d/clearcflags.sh echo "export CFFLAGS=" >> /etc/profile.d/clearcflags.sh echo "export CXXFLAGS=" >> /etc/profile.d/clearcflags.sh echo "export FFLAGS=" >> /etc/profile.d/clearcflags.sh echo "export THEANO_FLAGS=" >> /etc/profile.d/clearcflags.sh SCRIPT config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $clearcflags, run: "always" end # Copy in the user's tools if they exists if File.directory?(File.expand_path("~/vagrant_tools")) config.vm.synced_folder "~/vagrant_tools", "/home/vagrant/tools", files_sync_backend end end