#!/usr/bin/env bash testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../..) source $rootdir/test/common/autotest_common.sh source $rootdir/test/nvmf/common.sh rpc_py="$rootdir/scripts/rpc.py" TEST_TIMEOUT=1200 # This argument is used in addition to the test arguments in autotest_common.sh for i in "$@"; do case "$i" in --timeout=*) TEST_TIMEOUT="${i#*=}" ;; esac done nvmftestinit timing_enter nvmf_fuzz_test echo "[Nvme]" > $testdir/nvmf_fuzz.conf echo " TransportID \"trtype:$TEST_TRANSPORT adrfam:IPv4 subnqn:nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 traddr:$NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP trsvcid:$NVMF_PORT\" Nvme0" >> $testdir/nvmf_fuzz.conf "${NVMF_APP[@]}" -m 0xF &> "$output_dir/nvmf_autofuzz_tgt_output.txt" & nvmfpid=$! trap 'process_shm --id $NVMF_APP_SHM_ID; rm -f $testdir/nvmf_fuzz.conf; killprocess $nvmfpid; nvmftestfini $1; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT waitforlisten $nvmfpid $rpc_py nvmf_create_transport -t $TEST_TRANSPORT -u 8192 $rpc_py bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc0 64 512 $rpc_py nvmf_create_subsystem nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 -a -s SPDK00000000000001 $rpc_py nvmf_subsystem_add_ns nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 Malloc0 $rpc_py nvmf_subsystem_add_listener nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 -t $TEST_TRANSPORT -a $NVMF_FIRST_TARGET_IP -s $NVMF_PORT # Note that we chose a consistent seed to ensure that this test is consistent in nightly builds. $rootdir/test/app/fuzz/nvme_fuzz/nvme_fuzz -m 0xF0 -r "/var/tmp/nvme_fuzz" -t $TEST_TIMEOUT -C $testdir/nvmf_fuzz.conf -N -a 2> $output_dir/nvmf_autofuzz_logs.txt rm -f $testdir/nvmf_fuzz.conf $rpc_py nvmf_delete_subsystem nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 trap - SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT nvmfcleanup nvmftestfini timing_exit nvmf_fuzz_test