// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "common/intrusive_lru.h" template struct item_to_unsigned { using type = unsigned; const type &operator()(const TestLRUItem &item) { return item.key; } }; struct TestLRUItem : public ceph::common::intrusive_lru_base< ceph::common::intrusive_lru_config< unsigned, TestLRUItem, item_to_unsigned>> { unsigned key = 0; int value = 0; TestLRUItem(unsigned key) : key(key) {} }; class LRUTest : public TestLRUItem::lru_t { public: auto add(unsigned int key, int value) { auto [ref, key_existed] = get_or_create(key); if (!key_existed) { ref->value = value; } return std::pair(ref, key_existed); } }; TEST(LRU, add_immediate_evict) { LRUTest cache; unsigned int key = 1; int value1 = 2; int value2 = 3; { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(key, value1); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); ASSERT_EQ(value1, ref->value); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref2, existed] = cache.add(key, value2); ASSERT_EQ(value2, ref2->value); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } } TEST(LRU, lookup_lru_size) { LRUTest cache; int key = 1; int value = 1; cache.set_target_size(1); { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(key, value); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(key, value); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } cache.set_target_size(0); auto [ref2, existed2] = cache.add(key, value); ASSERT_TRUE(ref2); ASSERT_FALSE(existed2); { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(key, value); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } } TEST(LRU, eviction) { const unsigned SIZE = 3; LRUTest cache; cache.set_target_size(SIZE); for (unsigned i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && !existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(0, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && existed); } for (unsigned i = SIZE; i < (2*SIZE) - 1; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && !existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(0, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && existed); } for (unsigned i = 1; i < SIZE; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && !existed); } } TEST(LRU, eviction_live_ref) { const unsigned SIZE = 3; LRUTest cache; cache.set_target_size(SIZE); auto [live_ref, existed2] = cache.add(1, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(live_ref && !existed2); for (unsigned i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); if (i == 1) { ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } else { ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(0, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && existed); } for (unsigned i = SIZE; i < (2*SIZE) - 1; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref && !existed); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(i, i); ASSERT_TRUE(ref); if (i == 1) { ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } else { ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } } } TEST(LRU, clear_range) { LRUTest cache; const unsigned SIZE = 10; cache.set_target_size(SIZE); { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(1, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(2, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(3, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } // Unlike above, the reference is not being destroyed auto [live_ref1, existed1] = cache.add(4, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed1); auto [live_ref2, existed2] = cache.add(5, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed2); cache.clear_range(0,4); // Should not exists (Unreferenced): { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(1, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(2, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(3, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } // Should exist (Still being referenced): { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(4, 4); ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } // Should exists (Still being referenced and wasn't removed) { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(5, 4); ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } // Test out of bound deletion: { cache.clear_range(3,8); auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(4, 4); ASSERT_TRUE(existed); } { auto [ref, existed] = cache.add(3, 4); ASSERT_FALSE(existed); } }