// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2011 New Dream Network * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "common/ConfUtils.h" #include "common/config_proxy.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "include/buffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; using namespace std; using ceph::bufferlist; using std::cerr; using std::ostringstream; #define MAX_FILES_TO_DELETE 1000UL static size_t config_idx = 0; static size_t unlink_idx = 0; static char *to_unlink[MAX_FILES_TO_DELETE]; static std::string get_temp_dir() { static std::string temp_dir; if (temp_dir.empty()) { const char *tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (!tmpdir) tmpdir = "/tmp"; srand(time(NULL)); ostringstream oss; oss << tmpdir << "/confutils_test_dir." << rand() << "." << getpid(); umask(022); if (!fs::exists(oss.str())) { std::error_code ec; if (!fs::create_directory(oss.str(), ec)) { cerr << "failed to create temp directory '" << temp_dir << "' " << ec.message() << std::endl; return ""; } fs::permissions(oss.str(), fs::perms::sticky_bit | fs::perms::all); } temp_dir = oss.str(); } return temp_dir; } static void unlink_all(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < unlink_idx; ++i) { unlink(to_unlink[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < unlink_idx; ++i) { free(to_unlink[i]); } rmdir(get_temp_dir().c_str()); } static int create_tempfile(const std::string &fname, const char *text) { FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"); if (!fp) { int err = errno; cerr << "Failed to write file '" << fname << "' to temp directory '" << get_temp_dir() << "'. " << cpp_strerror(err) << std::endl; return err; } std::shared_ptr fpp(fp, fclose); if (unlink_idx >= MAX_FILES_TO_DELETE) return -ENOBUFS; if (unlink_idx == 0) { memset(to_unlink, 0, sizeof(to_unlink)); atexit(unlink_all); } to_unlink[unlink_idx++] = strdup(fname.c_str()); size_t strlen_text = strlen(text); size_t res = fwrite(text, 1, strlen_text, fp); if (res != strlen_text) { int err = errno; cerr << "fwrite error while writing to " << fname << ": " << cpp_strerror(err) << std::endl; return err; } return 0; } static std::string next_tempfile(const char *text) { ostringstream oss; std::string temp_dir(get_temp_dir()); if (temp_dir.empty()) return ""; oss << temp_dir << "/test_config." << config_idx++ << ".config"; int ret = create_tempfile(oss.str(), text); if (ret) return ""; return oss.str(); } const char * const trivial_conf_1 = ""; const char * const trivial_conf_2 = "log dir = foobar"; const char * const trivial_conf_3 = "log dir = barfoo\n"; const char * const trivial_conf_4 = "log dir = \"barbaz\"\n"; const char * const simple_conf_1 = "\ ; here's a comment\n\ [global]\n\ keyring = .my_ceph_keyring\n\ \n\ [mds]\n\ log dir = out\n\ log per instance = true\n\ log sym history = 100\n\ profiling logger = true\n\ profiling logger dir = wowsers\n\ chdir = ""\n\ pid file = out/$name.pid\n\ \n\ mds debug frag = true\n\ [osd]\n\ pid file = out/$name.pid\n\ osd scrub load threshold = 5.0\n\ \n\ lockdep = 1\n\ [osd0]\n\ osd data = dev/osd0\n\ osd journal size = 100\n\ [mds.a]\n\ [mds.b]\n\ [mds.c]\n\ "; // we can add whitespace at odd locations and it will get stripped out. const char * const simple_conf_2 = "\ [mds.a]\n\ log dir = special_mds_a\n\ [mds]\n\ log sym history = 100\n\ log dir = out # after a comment, anything # can ### happen ;;; right?\n\ log per instance = true\n\ profiling logger = true\n\ profiling logger dir = log\n\ chdir = ""\n\ pid file\t=\tfoo2\n\ [osd0]\n\ keyring = osd_keyring ; osd's keyring\n\ \n\ \n\ [global]\n\ # I like pound signs as comment markers.\n\ ; Do you like pound signs as comment markers?\n\ keyring = shenanigans ; The keyring of a leprechaun\n\ \n\ # Let's just have a line with a lot of whitespace and nothing else.\n\ \n\ lockdep = 1\n\ "; // test line-combining const char * const conf3 = "\ [global]\n\ log file = /quite/a/long/path\\\n\ /for/a/log/file\n\ pid file = \\\n\ spork\\\n\ \n\ [mon] #nothing here \n\ "; const char * const escaping_conf_1 = "\ [global]\n\ log file = the \"scare quotes\"\n\ pid file = a \\\n\ pid file\n\ [mon]\n\ keyring = \"nested \\\"quotes\\\"\"\n\ "; const char * const escaping_conf_2 = "\ [apple \\]\\[]\n\ log file = floppy disk\n\ [mon]\n\ keyring = \"backslash\\\\\"\n\ "; // illegal because it contains an invalid utf8 sequence. const char illegal_conf1[] = "\ [global]\n\ log file = foo\n\ pid file = invalid-utf-\xe2\x28\xa1\n\ [osd0]\n\ keyring = osd_keyring ; osd's keyring\n\ "; // illegal because it contains a malformed section header. const char illegal_conf2[] = "\ [global\n\ log file = foo\n\ [osd0]\n\ keyring = osd_keyring ; osd's keyring\n\ "; // illegal because it contains a line that doesn't parse const char illegal_conf3[] = "\ [global]\n\ who_what_where\n\ [osd0]\n\ keyring = osd_keyring ; osd's keyring\n\ "; // illegal because it has unterminated quotes const char illegal_conf4[] = "\ [global]\n\ keyring = \"unterminated quoted string\n\ [osd0]\n\ keyring = osd_keyring ; osd's keyring\n\ "; const char override_config_1[] = "\ [global]\n\ log file = global_log\n\ [mds]\n\ log file = mds_log\n\ [osd]\n\ log file = osd_log\n\ [osd.0]\n\ log file = osd0_log\n\ "; const char dup_key_config_1[] = "\ [mds.a]\n\ log_file = 1\n\ log_file = 3\n\ "; TEST(ConfUtils, ParseFiles0) { std::string val; { std::ostringstream err; std::string trivial_conf_1_f(next_tempfile(trivial_conf_1)); ConfFile cf1; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(trivial_conf_1_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); } { std::ostringstream err; std::string trivial_conf_2_f(next_tempfile(trivial_conf_2)); ConfFile cf2; ASSERT_EQ(cf2.parse_file(trivial_conf_2_f.c_str(), &err), -EINVAL); ASSERT_GT(err.tellp(), 0U); } { std::ostringstream err; bufferlist bl3; bl3.append(trivial_conf_3, strlen(trivial_conf_3)); ConfFile cf3; ASSERT_EQ(cf3.parse_bufferlist(&bl3, &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf3.read("global", "log dir", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "barfoo"); } { std::ostringstream err; std::string trivial_conf_4_f(next_tempfile(trivial_conf_4)); ConfFile cf4; ASSERT_EQ(cf4.parse_file(trivial_conf_4_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf4.read("global", "log dir", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "barbaz"); } } TEST(ConfUtils, ParseFiles1) { std::ostringstream err; std::string simple_conf_1_f(next_tempfile(simple_conf_1)); ConfFile cf1; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(simple_conf_1_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); std::string simple_conf_2_f(next_tempfile(simple_conf_1)); ConfFile cf2; ASSERT_EQ(cf2.parse_file(simple_conf_2_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); bufferlist bl3; bl3.append(simple_conf_1, strlen(simple_conf_1)); ConfFile cf3; ASSERT_EQ(cf3.parse_bufferlist(&bl3, &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); bufferlist bl4; bl4.append(simple_conf_2, strlen(simple_conf_2)); ConfFile cf4; ASSERT_EQ(cf4.parse_bufferlist(&bl4, &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); } TEST(ConfUtils, ReadFiles1) { std::ostringstream err; std::string simple_conf_1_f(next_tempfile(simple_conf_1)); ConfFile cf1; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(simple_conf_1_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); std::string val; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "keyring", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, ".my_ceph_keyring"); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("mds", "profiling logger dir", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "wowsers"); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("mds", "something that does not exist", val), -ENOENT); // exists in mds section, but not in global ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "profiling logger dir", val), -ENOENT); bufferlist bl2; bl2.append(simple_conf_2, strlen(simple_conf_2)); ConfFile cf2; ASSERT_EQ(cf2.parse_bufferlist(&bl2, &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf2.read("osd0", "keyring", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "osd_keyring"); ASSERT_EQ(cf2.read("mds", "pid file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "foo2"); ASSERT_EQ(cf2.read("nonesuch", "keyring", val), -ENOENT); } TEST(ConfUtils, ReadFiles2) { std::ostringstream err; std::string conf3_f(next_tempfile(conf3)); ConfFile cf1; std::string val; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(conf3_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "log file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "/quite/a/long/path/for/a/log/file"); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "pid file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "spork"); } TEST(ConfUtils, IllegalFiles) { { std::ostringstream err; ConfFile cf1; std::string illegal_conf1_f(next_tempfile(illegal_conf1)); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(illegal_conf1_f.c_str(), &err), -EINVAL); ASSERT_GT(err.tellp(), 0U); } { std::ostringstream err; bufferlist bl2; bl2.append(illegal_conf2, strlen(illegal_conf2)); ConfFile cf2; ASSERT_EQ(cf2.parse_bufferlist(&bl2, &err), -EINVAL); ASSERT_GT(err.tellp(), 0U); } { std::ostringstream err; std::string illegal_conf3_f(next_tempfile(illegal_conf3)); ConfFile cf3; ASSERT_EQ(cf3.parse_file(illegal_conf3_f.c_str(), &err), -EINVAL); ASSERT_GT(err.tellp(), 0U); } { std::ostringstream err; std::string illegal_conf4_f(next_tempfile(illegal_conf4)); ConfFile cf4; ASSERT_EQ(cf4.parse_file(illegal_conf4_f.c_str(), &err), -EINVAL); ASSERT_GT(err.tellp(), 0U); } } TEST(ConfUtils, EscapingFiles) { std::ostringstream err; std::string escaping_conf_1_f(next_tempfile(escaping_conf_1)); ConfFile cf1; std::string val; ASSERT_EQ(cf1.parse_file(escaping_conf_1_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "log file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "the \"scare quotes\""); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("global", "pid file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "a pid file"); ASSERT_EQ(cf1.read("mon", "keyring", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "nested \"quotes\""); std::string escaping_conf_2_f(next_tempfile(escaping_conf_2)); ConfFile cf2; ASSERT_EQ(cf2.parse_file(escaping_conf_2_f.c_str(), &err), 0); ASSERT_EQ(err.tellp(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(cf2.read("apple ][", "log file", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "floppy disk"); ASSERT_EQ(cf2.read("mon", "keyring", val), 0); ASSERT_EQ(val, "backslash\\"); } TEST(ConfUtils, Overrides) { ConfigProxy conf{false}; std::ostringstream warn; std::string override_conf_1_f(next_tempfile(override_config_1)); conf->name.set(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON, "0"); conf.parse_config_files(override_conf_1_f.c_str(), &warn, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(conf.has_parse_error()); ASSERT_EQ(conf->log_file, "global_log"); conf->name.set(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MDS, "a"); conf.parse_config_files(override_conf_1_f.c_str(), &warn, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(conf.has_parse_error()); ASSERT_EQ(conf->log_file, "mds_log"); conf->name.set(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD, "0"); conf.parse_config_files(override_conf_1_f.c_str(), &warn, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(conf.has_parse_error()); ASSERT_EQ(conf->log_file, "osd0_log"); } TEST(ConfUtils, DupKey) { ConfigProxy conf{false}; std::ostringstream warn; std::string dup_key_config_f(next_tempfile(dup_key_config_1)); conf->name.set(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MDS, "a"); conf.parse_config_files(dup_key_config_f.c_str(), &warn, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(conf.has_parse_error()); ASSERT_EQ(conf->log_file, string("3")); }