// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2011 New Dream Network * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "include/compat.h" #include "include/cephfs/libcephfs.h" #include "include/fs_types.h" #include #include TEST(LibCephFS, ReaddirRCB) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); char c_dir[256]; sprintf(c_dir, "/readdir_r_cb_tests_%d", getpid()); struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mkdirs(cmount, c_dir, 0777)); ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_opendir(cmount, c_dir, &dirp)); // dir is empty, check that it only contains . and .. int buflen = 100; char *buf = new char[buflen]; // . is 2, .. is 3 (for null terminators) ASSERT_EQ(5, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, buf, buflen)); char c_file[256]; sprintf(c_file, "/readdir_r_cb_tests_%d/foo", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_file, O_CREAT, 0777); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); // check correctness with one entry ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_opendir(cmount, c_dir, &dirp)); ASSERT_EQ(9, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, buf, buflen)); // ., .., foo // check correctness if buffer is too small ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ASSERT_GE(0, ceph_opendir(cmount, c_dir, &dirp)); ASSERT_EQ(-CEPHFS_ERANGE, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, buf, 1)); //check correctness if it needs to split listing ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_opendir(cmount, c_dir, &dirp)); ASSERT_EQ(5, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, buf, 6)); ASSERT_EQ(4, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, buf, 6)); // free cmount after finishing testing ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_unmount(cmount)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_release(cmount)); }