// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2012 Inktank * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include "include/stringify.h" #include "mds/SessionMap.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" typedef std::vector args_eg; typedef std::vector args_eg_set; TEST(MDSSessionFilter, ParseGood) { args_eg_set examples = { {"id=34"}, {"auth_name=foxtrot"}, {"state=reconnecting"}, {"reconnecting=true"}, {"client_metadata.root=/foo/bar"}, {}, {"id=123"}, {"id=34", "client_metadata.root=/foo/bar", "auth_name=foxtrot", "state=reconnecting", "reconnecting=true"} }; for (auto ex : examples) { SessionFilter f; std::stringstream ss; std::cout << "Testing '" << ex << "'" << std::endl; int r = f.parse(ex, &ss); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(ss.str().empty()); } } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, ParseBad) { args_eg_set examples = { {"rhubarb"}, {"id="}, {"id=custard"}, {"=custard"}, {"reconnecting=MAYBE"}, {"reconnecting=2"} }; for (auto ex : examples) { SessionFilter f; std::stringstream ss; std::cout << "Testing '" << ex << "'" << std::endl; int r = f.parse(ex, &ss); ASSERT_EQ(r, -EINVAL); ASSERT_FALSE(ss.str().empty()); } } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, IdEquality) { SessionFilter filter; std::stringstream ss; filter.parse({"id=123"}, &ss); auto a = ceph::make_ref(nullptr);; auto b = ceph::make_ref(nullptr);; a->info.inst.name.parse("client.123"); b->info.inst.name.parse("client.456"); ASSERT_TRUE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); ASSERT_FALSE(filter.match(*b, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, StateEquality) { SessionFilter filter; std::stringstream ss; filter.parse({"state=closing"}, &ss); auto a = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); a->set_state(Session::STATE_CLOSING); auto b = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); b->set_state(Session::STATE_OPENING); ASSERT_TRUE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); ASSERT_FALSE(filter.match(*b, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, AuthEquality) { SessionFilter filter; std::stringstream ss; filter.parse({"auth_name=rhubarb"}, &ss); auto a = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); a->info.auth_name.set_id("rhubarb"); auto b = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); b->info.auth_name.set_id("custard"); ASSERT_TRUE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); ASSERT_FALSE(filter.match(*b, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, MetadataEquality) { SessionFilter filter; std::stringstream ss; int r = filter.parse({"client_metadata.root=/rhubarb"}, &ss); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); client_metadata_t meta; auto a = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); meta.kv_map = {{"root", "/rhubarb"}}; a->set_client_metadata(meta); auto b = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); meta.kv_map = {{"root", "/custard"}}; b->set_client_metadata(meta); ASSERT_TRUE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); ASSERT_FALSE(filter.match(*b, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); } TEST(MDSSessionFilter, ReconnectingEquality) { SessionFilter filter; std::stringstream ss; int r = filter.parse({"reconnecting=true"}, &ss); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); auto a = ceph::make_ref(nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return true;})); ASSERT_FALSE(filter.match(*a, [](client_t c) -> bool {return false;})); }