// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "common/ceph_context.h" #include "common/common_init.h" #include "common/Cond.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/Timer.h" #include "common/WorkQueue.h" #include "include/types.h" #include "mon/MonClient.h" #include "msg/Messenger.h" #include "aio_utils.h" #include "Mirror.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_cephfs_mirror #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "cephfs::mirror::Mirror " << __func__ namespace cephfs { namespace mirror { namespace { const std::string SERVICE_DAEMON_MIRROR_ENABLE_FAILED_KEY("mirroring_failed"); class SafeTimerSingleton : public CommonSafeTimer { public: ceph::mutex timer_lock = ceph::make_mutex("cephfs::mirror::timer_lock"); explicit SafeTimerSingleton(CephContext *cct) : SafeTimer(cct, timer_lock, true) { init(); } }; class ThreadPoolSingleton : public ThreadPool { public: ContextWQ *work_queue = nullptr; explicit ThreadPoolSingleton(CephContext *cct) : ThreadPool(cct, "Mirror::thread_pool", "tp_mirror", 1) { work_queue = new ContextWQ("Mirror::work_queue", ceph::make_timespan(60), this); start(); } }; } // anonymous namespace struct Mirror::C_EnableMirroring : Context { Mirror *mirror; Filesystem filesystem; uint64_t pool_id; C_EnableMirroring(Mirror *mirror, const Filesystem &filesystem, uint64_t pool_id) : mirror(mirror), filesystem(filesystem), pool_id(pool_id) { } void finish(int r) override { enable_mirroring(); } void enable_mirroring() { Context *ctx = new C_CallbackAdapter(this); mirror->enable_mirroring(filesystem, pool_id, ctx); } void handle_enable_mirroring(int r) { mirror->handle_enable_mirroring(filesystem, r); delete this; } // context needs to live post completion void complete(int r) override { finish(r); } }; struct Mirror::C_DisableMirroring : Context { Mirror *mirror; Filesystem filesystem; C_DisableMirroring(Mirror *mirror, const Filesystem &filesystem) : mirror(mirror), filesystem(filesystem) { } void finish(int r) override { disable_mirroring(); } void disable_mirroring() { Context *ctx = new C_CallbackAdapter(this); mirror->disable_mirroring(filesystem, ctx); } void handle_disable_mirroring(int r) { mirror->handle_disable_mirroring(filesystem, r); delete this; } // context needs to live post completion void complete(int r) override { finish(r); } }; struct Mirror::C_PeerUpdate : Context { Mirror *mirror; Filesystem filesystem; Peer peer; bool remove = false; C_PeerUpdate(Mirror *mirror, const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer) : mirror(mirror), filesystem(filesystem), peer(peer) { } C_PeerUpdate(Mirror *mirror, const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer, bool remove) : mirror(mirror), filesystem(filesystem), peer(peer), remove(remove) { } void finish(int r) override { if (remove) { mirror->remove_peer(filesystem, peer); } else { mirror->add_peer(filesystem, peer); } } }; struct Mirror::C_RestartMirroring : Context { Mirror *mirror; Filesystem filesystem; uint64_t pool_id; Peers peers; C_RestartMirroring(Mirror *mirror, const Filesystem &filesystem, uint64_t pool_id, const Peers &peers) : mirror(mirror), filesystem(filesystem), pool_id(pool_id), peers(peers) { } void finish(int r) override { disable_mirroring(); } void disable_mirroring() { Context *ctx = new C_CallbackAdapter(this); mirror->disable_mirroring(filesystem, ctx); } void handle_disable_mirroring(int r) { enable_mirroring(); } void enable_mirroring() { std::scoped_lock locker(mirror->m_lock); Context *ctx = new C_CallbackAdapter(this); mirror->enable_mirroring(filesystem, pool_id, ctx, true); } void handle_enable_mirroring(int r) { mirror->handle_enable_mirroring(filesystem, peers, r); mirror->_unset_restarting(filesystem); delete this; } // context needs to live post completion void complete(int r) override { finish(r); } }; Mirror::Mirror(CephContext *cct, const std::vector &args, MonClient *monc, Messenger *msgr) : m_cct(cct), m_args(args), m_monc(monc), m_msgr(msgr), m_listener(this), m_local(new librados::Rados()) { auto thread_pool = &(cct->lookup_or_create_singleton_object( "cephfs::mirror::thread_pool", false, cct)); auto safe_timer = &(cct->lookup_or_create_singleton_object( "cephfs::mirror::safe_timer", false, cct)); m_thread_pool = thread_pool; m_work_queue = thread_pool->work_queue; m_timer = safe_timer; m_timer_lock = &safe_timer->timer_lock; std::scoped_lock timer_lock(*m_timer_lock); schedule_mirror_update_task(); } Mirror::~Mirror() { dout(10) << dendl; { std::scoped_lock timer_lock(*m_timer_lock); m_timer->shutdown(); } m_work_queue->drain(); delete m_work_queue; { std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); m_thread_pool->stop(); } } int Mirror::init_mon_client() { dout(20) << dendl; m_monc->set_messenger(m_msgr); m_msgr->add_dispatcher_head(m_monc); m_monc->set_want_keys(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON); int r = m_monc->init(); if (r < 0) { derr << ": failed to init mon client: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } r = m_monc->authenticate(std::chrono::duration(m_cct->_conf.get_val("client_mount_timeout")).count()); if (r < 0) { derr << ": failed to authenticate to monitor: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } client_t me = m_monc->get_global_id(); m_msgr->set_myname(entity_name_t::CLIENT(me.v)); return 0; } int Mirror::init(std::string &reason) { dout(20) << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); int r = m_local->init_with_context(m_cct); if (r < 0) { derr << ": could not initialize rados handler" << dendl; return r; } r = m_local->connect(); if (r < 0) { derr << ": error connecting to local cluster" << dendl; return r; } m_service_daemon = std::make_unique(m_cct, m_local); r = m_service_daemon->init(); if (r < 0) { derr << ": error registering service daemon: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } r = init_mon_client(); if (r < 0) { return r; } return 0; } void Mirror::shutdown() { dout(20) << dendl; m_stopping = true; m_cluster_watcher->shutdown(); m_cond.notify_all(); } void Mirror::reopen_logs() { for (auto &[filesystem, mirror_action] : m_mirror_actions) { mirror_action.fs_mirror->reopen_logs(); } g_ceph_context->reopen_logs(); } void Mirror::handle_signal(int signum) { dout(10) << ": signal=" << signum << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); switch (signum) { case SIGHUP: reopen_logs(); break; case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: shutdown(); break; default: ceph_abort_msgf("unexpected signal %d", signum); } } void Mirror::handle_enable_mirroring(const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peers &peers, int r) { dout(20) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", peers=" << peers << ", r=" << r << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); ceph_assert(mirror_action.action_in_progress); mirror_action.action_in_progress = false; m_cond.notify_all(); if (r < 0) { derr << ": failed to initialize FSMirror for filesystem=" << filesystem << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; m_service_daemon->add_or_update_fs_attribute(filesystem.fscid, SERVICE_DAEMON_MIRROR_ENABLE_FAILED_KEY, true); return; } for (auto &peer : peers) { mirror_action.fs_mirror->add_peer(peer); } dout(10) << ": Initialized FSMirror for filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; } void Mirror::handle_enable_mirroring(const Filesystem &filesystem, int r) { dout(20) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", r=" << r << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); ceph_assert(mirror_action.action_in_progress); mirror_action.action_in_progress = false; m_cond.notify_all(); if (r < 0) { derr << ": failed to initialize FSMirror for filesystem=" << filesystem << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; m_service_daemon->add_or_update_fs_attribute(filesystem.fscid, SERVICE_DAEMON_MIRROR_ENABLE_FAILED_KEY, true); return; } dout(10) << ": Initialized FSMirror for filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; } void Mirror::enable_mirroring(const Filesystem &filesystem, uint64_t local_pool_id, Context *on_finish, bool is_restart) { ceph_assert(ceph_mutex_is_locked(m_lock)); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); if (is_restart) { mirror_action.fs_mirror.reset(); } else { ceph_assert(!mirror_action.action_in_progress); } ceph_assert(!mirror_action.fs_mirror); dout(10) << ": starting FSMirror: filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; mirror_action.action_in_progress = true; mirror_action.fs_mirror = std::make_unique(m_cct, filesystem, local_pool_id, m_service_daemon.get(), m_args, m_work_queue); mirror_action.fs_mirror->init(new C_AsyncCallback(m_work_queue, on_finish)); } void Mirror::mirroring_enabled(const Filesystem &filesystem, uint64_t local_pool_id) { dout(10) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", pool_id=" << local_pool_id << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); if (m_stopping) { return; } auto p = m_mirror_actions.emplace(filesystem, MirrorAction(local_pool_id)); auto &mirror_action = p.first->second; mirror_action.action_ctxs.push_back(new C_EnableMirroring(this, filesystem, local_pool_id)); } void Mirror::handle_disable_mirroring(const Filesystem &filesystem, int r) { dout(10) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", r=" << r << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); if (!mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_init_failed()) { ceph_assert(mirror_action.action_in_progress); mirror_action.action_in_progress = false; m_cond.notify_all(); } if (!m_stopping) { mirror_action.fs_mirror.reset(); if (mirror_action.action_ctxs.empty()) { dout(10) << ": no pending actions for filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; m_mirror_actions.erase(filesystem); } } } void Mirror::disable_mirroring(const Filesystem &filesystem, Context *on_finish) { ceph_assert(ceph_mutex_is_locked(m_lock)); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); ceph_assert(mirror_action.fs_mirror); ceph_assert(!mirror_action.action_in_progress); if (mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_init_failed()) { dout(10) << ": init failed for filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; m_work_queue->queue(on_finish, -EINVAL); return; } mirror_action.action_in_progress = true; mirror_action.fs_mirror->shutdown(new C_AsyncCallback(m_work_queue, on_finish)); } void Mirror::mirroring_disabled(const Filesystem &filesystem) { dout(10) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); if (m_stopping) { dout(5) << "shutting down" << dendl; return; } auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); mirror_action.action_ctxs.push_back(new C_DisableMirroring(this, filesystem)); } void Mirror::add_peer(const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer) { ceph_assert(ceph_mutex_is_locked(m_lock)); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); ceph_assert(mirror_action.fs_mirror); ceph_assert(!mirror_action.action_in_progress); mirror_action.fs_mirror->add_peer(peer); } void Mirror::peer_added(const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer) { dout(20) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", peer=" << peer << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); if (m_stopping) { dout(5) << "shutting down" << dendl; return; } auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); mirror_action.action_ctxs.push_back(new C_PeerUpdate(this, filesystem, peer)); } void Mirror::remove_peer(const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer) { ceph_assert(ceph_mutex_is_locked(m_lock)); auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); ceph_assert(mirror_action.fs_mirror); ceph_assert(!mirror_action.action_in_progress); mirror_action.fs_mirror->remove_peer(peer); } void Mirror::peer_removed(const Filesystem &filesystem, const Peer &peer) { dout(20) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << ", peer=" << peer << dendl; std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); if (m_stopping) { dout(5) << "shutting down" << dendl; return; } auto &mirror_action = m_mirror_actions.at(filesystem); mirror_action.action_ctxs.push_back(new C_PeerUpdate(this, filesystem, peer, true)); } void Mirror::update_fs_mirrors() { dout(20) << dendl; auto now = ceph_clock_now(); double blocklist_interval = g_ceph_context->_conf.get_val ("cephfs_mirror_restart_mirror_on_blocklist_interval").count(); double failed_interval = g_ceph_context->_conf.get_val ("cephfs_mirror_restart_mirror_on_failure_interval").count(); { std::scoped_lock locker(m_lock); for (auto &[filesystem, mirror_action] : m_mirror_actions) { auto failed_restart = mirror_action.fs_mirror && mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_failed() && (failed_interval > 0 && (mirror_action.fs_mirror->get_failed_ts() - now) > failed_interval); auto blocklisted_restart = mirror_action.fs_mirror && mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_blocklisted() && (blocklist_interval > 0 && (mirror_action.fs_mirror->get_blocklisted_ts() - now) > blocklist_interval); if (!mirror_action.action_in_progress && !_is_restarting(filesystem)) { if (failed_restart || blocklisted_restart) { dout(5) << ": filesystem=" << filesystem << " failed mirroring (failed: " << failed_restart << ", blocklisted: " << blocklisted_restart << dendl; _set_restarting(filesystem); auto peers = mirror_action.fs_mirror->get_peers(); auto ctx = new C_RestartMirroring(this, filesystem, mirror_action.pool_id, peers); ctx->complete(0); } } if (!failed_restart && !blocklisted_restart && !mirror_action.action_ctxs.empty() && !mirror_action.action_in_progress) { auto ctx = std::move(mirror_action.action_ctxs.front()); mirror_action.action_ctxs.pop_front(); ctx->complete(0); } } } schedule_mirror_update_task(); } void Mirror::schedule_mirror_update_task() { ceph_assert(m_timer_task == nullptr); ceph_assert(ceph_mutex_is_locked(*m_timer_lock)); m_timer_task = new LambdaContext([this](int _) { m_timer_task = nullptr; update_fs_mirrors(); }); double after = g_ceph_context->_conf.get_val ("cephfs_mirror_action_update_interval").count(); dout(20) << ": scheduling fs mirror update (" << m_timer_task << ") after " << after << " seconds" << dendl; m_timer->add_event_after(after, m_timer_task); } void Mirror::run() { dout(20) << dendl; std::unique_lock locker(m_lock); m_cluster_watcher.reset(new ClusterWatcher(m_cct, m_monc, m_service_daemon.get(), m_listener)); m_msgr->add_dispatcher_tail(m_cluster_watcher.get()); m_cluster_watcher->init(); m_cond.wait(locker, [this]{return m_stopping;}); locker.unlock(); { std::scoped_lock timer_lock(*m_timer_lock); if (m_timer_task != nullptr) { dout(10) << ": canceling timer task=" << m_timer_task << dendl; m_timer->cancel_event(m_timer_task); m_timer_task = nullptr; } } locker.lock(); for (auto &[filesystem, mirror_action] : m_mirror_actions) { dout(10) << ": trying to shutdown filesystem=" << filesystem << dendl; // wait for in-progress action and shutdown m_cond.wait(locker, [&mirror_action=mirror_action] {return !mirror_action.action_in_progress;}); if (mirror_action.fs_mirror && !mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_stopping() && !mirror_action.fs_mirror->is_init_failed()) { C_SaferCond cond; mirror_action.fs_mirror->shutdown(new C_AsyncCallback(m_work_queue, &cond)); int r = cond.wait(); dout(10) << ": shutdown filesystem=" << filesystem << ", r=" << r << dendl; } mirror_action.fs_mirror.reset(); } } } // namespace mirror } // namespace cephfs