// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat * Author: Adam C. Emerson * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #define BOOST_COROUTINES_NO_DEPRECATION_WARNING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/buffer.h" // :( #include "include/neorados/RADOS.hpp" using namespace std::literals; namespace ba = boost::asio; namespace bs = boost::system; namespace R = neorados; namespace s = spawn; std::string verstr(const std::tuple& v) { const auto [maj, min, p] = v; return fmt::format("v{}.{}.{}", maj, min, p); } template void printseq(const V& v, std::ostream& m) { std::for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [&m](const auto& e) { fmt::print(m, "{}\n", e); }); } template void printseq(const V& v, std::ostream& m, F&& f) { std::for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [&m, &f](const auto& e) { fmt::print(m, "{}\n", f(e)); }); } std::int64_t lookup_pool(R::RADOS& r, const std::string& pname, s::yield_context y) { bs::error_code ec; auto p = r.lookup_pool(pname, y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error( ec, fmt::format("when looking up '{}'", pname)); return p; } void lspools(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector&, s::yield_context y) { const auto l = r.list_pools(y); printseq(l, std::cout, [](const auto& p) -> const std::string& { return p.second; }); } void ls(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; const auto pool = lookup_pool(r, pname, y); std::vector ls; R::Cursor next = R::Cursor::begin(); bs::error_code ec; do { std::tie(ls, next) = r.enumerate_objects(pool, next, R::Cursor::end(), 1000, {}, y[ec], R::all_nspaces); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format("when listing {}", pname)); printseq(ls, std::cout); ls.clear(); } while (next != R::Cursor::end()); } void mkpool(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; bs::error_code ec; r.create_pool(pname, std::nullopt, y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format("when creating pool '{}'", pname)); } void rmpool(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; bs::error_code ec; r.delete_pool(pname, y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format("when removing pool '{}'", pname)); } void create(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; const R::Object obj = p[1]; const auto pool = lookup_pool(r, pname, y); bs::error_code ec; R::WriteOp op; op.create(true); r.execute(obj, pool, std::move(op), y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format( "when creating object '{}' in pool '{}'", obj, pname)); } inline constexpr std::size_t io_size = 4 << 20; void write(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; const R::Object obj(p[1]); const auto pool = lookup_pool(r, pname, y); bs::error_code ec; std::unique_ptr buf = std::make_unique(io_size); std::size_t off = 0; boost::io::ios_exception_saver ies(std::cin); std::cin.exceptions(std::istream::badbit); std::cin.clear(); while (!std::cin.eof()) { auto curoff = off; std::cin.read(buf.get(), io_size); auto len = std::cin.gcount(); off += len; if (len == 0) break; // Nothin' to do. ceph::buffer::list bl; bl.append(buffer::create_static(len, buf.get())); R::WriteOp op; op.write(curoff, std::move(bl)); r.execute(obj, pool, std::move(op), y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format( "when writing object '{}' in pool '{}'", obj, pname)); } } void read(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; const R::Object obj(p[1]); const auto pool = lookup_pool(r, pname, y); bs::error_code ec; std::uint64_t len; { R::ReadOp op; op.stat(&len, nullptr); r.execute(obj, pool, std::move(op), nullptr, y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error( ec, fmt::format("when getting length of object '{}' in pool '{}'", obj, pname)); } std::size_t off = 0; ceph::buffer::list bl; while (auto toread = std::max(len - off, io_size)) { R::ReadOp op; op.read(off, toread, &bl); r.execute(obj, pool, std::move(op), nullptr, y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error( ec, fmt::format("when reading from object '{}' in pool '{}'", obj, pool)); off += bl.length(); bl.write_stream(std::cout); bl.clear(); } } void rm(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context y) { const auto& pname = p[0]; const R::Object obj = p[1]; const auto pool = lookup_pool(r, pname, y); bs::error_code ec; R::WriteOp op; op.remove(); r.execute(obj, pool, std::move(op), y[ec]); if (ec) throw bs::system_error(ec, fmt::format( "when removing object '{}' in pool '{}'", obj, pname)); } static constexpr auto version = std::make_tuple(0ul, 0ul, 1ul); using cmdfunc = void (*)(R::RADOS& r, const std::vector& p, s::yield_context); struct cmdesc { std::string_view name; std::size_t arity; cmdfunc f; std::string_view usage; std::string_view desc; }; const std::array commands = { // Pools operations ;) cmdesc{ "lspools"sv, 0, &lspools, ""sv, "List all pools"sv }, // Pool operations cmdesc{ "ls"sv, 1, &ls, "POOL"sv, "list all objects in POOL"sv }, cmdesc{ "mkpool"sv, 1, &mkpool, "POOL"sv, "create POOL"sv }, cmdesc{ "rmpool"sv, 1, &rmpool, "POOL"sv, "remove POOL"sv }, // Object operations cmdesc{ "create"sv, 2, &create, "POOL OBJECT"sv, "exclusively create OBJECT in POOL"sv }, cmdesc{ "write"sv, 2, &write, "POOL OBJECT"sv, "write to OBJECT in POOL from standard input"sv }, cmdesc{ "read"sv, 2, &read, "POOL OBJECT"sv, "read contents of OBJECT in POOL to standard out"sv }, cmdesc{ "rm"sv, 2, &rm, "POOL OBJECT"sv, "remove OBJECT in POOL"sv } }; #if FMT_VERSION >= 90000 template <> struct fmt::formatter : ostream_formatter {}; #endif // FMT_VERSION int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const std::string_view prog(argv[0]); std::string command; namespace po = boost::program_options; try { std::vector parameters; po::options_description desc(fmt::format("{} options", prog)); desc.add_options() ("help", "show help") ("version", "show version") ("command", po::value(&command), "the operation to perform") ("parameters", po::value>(¶meters), "parameters to the command"); po::positional_options_description p; p.add("command", 1); p.add("parameters", -1); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { fmt::print("{}", desc); fmt::print("Commands:\n"); for (const auto& cmd : commands) { fmt::print(" {} {}{}{}\n", cmd.name, cmd.usage, cmd.name.length() + cmd.usage.length() < 13 ? "\t\t"sv : "\t"sv, cmd.desc); } return 0; } if (vm.count("version")) { fmt::print( "{}: RADOS command exerciser, {},\n" "RADOS library version {}\n" "Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat \n" "This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" "modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n" "License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software\n" "Foundation. See file COPYING.\n", prog, verstr(version), verstr(R::RADOS::version())); return 0; } if (vm.find("command") == vm.end()) { fmt::print(std::cerr, "{}: a command is required\n", prog); return 1; } ba::io_context c; if (auto ci = std::find_if(commands.begin(), commands.end(), [&command](const cmdesc& c) { return c.name == command; }); ci != commands.end()) { if (parameters.size() < ci->arity) { fmt::print(std::cerr, "{}: {}: too few arguments\n\t{} {}\n", prog, command, ci->name, ci->usage); return 1; } if (parameters.size() > ci->arity) { fmt::print(std::cerr, "{}: {}: too many arguments\n\t{} {}\n", prog, command, ci->name, ci->usage); return 1; } s::spawn(c, [&](s::yield_context y) { auto r = R::RADOS::Builder{}.build(c, y); ci->f(r, parameters, y); }); } else { fmt::print(std::cerr, "{}: {}: unknown command\n", prog, command); return 1; } c.run(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { fmt::print(std::cerr, "{}: {}: {}\n", prog, command, e.what()); return 1; } return 0; }