path: root/src/lib/dns/tsig.h
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diff --git a/src/lib/dns/tsig.h b/src/lib/dns/tsig.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+// IMPORTANT: the server side of this code MUST NOT be used until
+// it was fixed, cf RFC 8945. Note that Kea uses only the client side.
+#ifndef TSIG_H
+#define TSIG_H
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <dns/tsigerror.h>
+#include <dns/tsigkey.h>
+#include <dns/tsigrecord.h>
+namespace isc {
+namespace dns {
+/// An exception that is thrown for logic errors identified in TSIG
+/// sign/verify operations.
+/// Note that this exception is not thrown for TSIG protocol errors such as
+/// verification failures. In general, this exception indicates an internal
+/// program bug.
+class TSIGContextError : public isc::Exception {
+ TSIGContextError(const char* file, size_t line, const char* what) :
+ isc::Exception(file, line, what) {}
+/// TSIG session context.
+/// The \c TSIGContext class maintains a context of a signed session of
+/// DNS transactions by TSIG. In many cases a TSIG signed session consists
+/// of a single set of request (e.g. normal query) and reply (e.g. normal
+/// response), where the request is initially signed by the client, and the
+/// reply is signed by the server using the initial signature. As mentioned
+/// in RFC2845, a session can consist of multiple exchanges in a TCP
+/// connection. As also mentioned in the RFC, an AXFR response often contains
+/// multiple DNS messages, which can belong to the same TSIG session.
+/// This class supports all these cases.
+/// A \c TSIGContext object is generally constructed with a TSIG key to be
+/// used for the session, and keeps track of various kinds of session specific
+/// information, such as the original digest while waiting for a response or
+/// verification error information that is to be used for a subsequent
+/// response.
+/// This class has two main methods, \c sign() and \c verify().
+/// The \c sign() method signs given data (which is supposed to be a complete
+/// DNS message without the TSIG itself) using the TSIG key and other
+/// related information associated with the \c TSIGContext object.
+/// The \c verify() method verifies a given DNS message that contains a TSIG
+/// RR using the key and other internal information.
+/// In general, a DNS client that wants to send a signed query will construct
+/// a \c TSIGContext object with the TSIG key that the client is intending to
+/// use, and sign the query with the context. The client will keeps the
+/// context, and verify the response with it.
+/// On the other hand, a DNS server will construct a \c TSIGContext object
+/// with the information of the TSIG RR included in a query with a set of
+/// possible keys (in the form of a \c TSIGKeyRing object). The constructor
+/// in this mode will identify the appropriate TSIG key (or internally record
+/// an error if it doesn't find a key). The server will then verify the
+/// query with the context, and generate a signed response using the same
+/// same context.
+/// When multiple messages belong to the same TSIG session, either side
+/// (signer or verifier) will keep using the same context. It records
+/// the latest session state (such as the previous digest) so that repeated
+/// calls to \c sign() or \c verify() work correctly in terms of the TSIG
+/// protocol.
+/// \b Examples
+/// This is a typical client application that sends a TSIG signed query
+/// and verifies the response.
+/// \code
+/// // "renderer" is of MessageRenderer to render the message.
+/// // (TSIGKey would be configured from config or command line in real app)
+/// TSIGContext ctx(TSIGKey("key.example:MSG6Ng=="));
+/// Message message(Message::RENDER);
+/// message.addQuestion(Question(Name(""), RRClass::IN(),
+/// RRType::A()));
+/// message.toWire(renderer, ctx);
+/// // sendto, then recvfrom. received result in (data, data_len)
+/// message.clear(Message::PARSE);
+/// InputBuffer buffer(data, data_len);
+/// message.fromWire(buffer);
+/// TSIGError tsig_error = ctx.verify(message.getTSIGRecord(),
+/// data, data_len);
+/// if (tsig_error == TSIGError::NOERROR()) {
+/// // okay. ctx can be continuously used if it's receiving subsequent
+/// // signed responses from a TCP stream.
+/// } else if (message.getRcode() == Rcode::NOTAUTH()) {
+/// // hard error. give up this transaction per RFC2845 4.6.
+/// } else {
+/// // Other error: discard response keep waiting with the same ctx
+/// // for another (again, RFC2845 4.6).
+/// } \endcode
+/// And this is a typical server application that authenticates a signed
+/// query and returns a response according to the result.
+/// \code
+/// // Assume "message" is of type Message for query handling and
+/// // "renderer" is of MessageRenderer to render responses.
+/// Message message(Message::RENDER);
+/// TSIGKeyRing keyring; // this must be configured with keys somewhere
+/// // Receive a query and store it in (data, data_len)
+/// InputBuffer buffer(data, data_len);
+/// message.clear(Message::PARSE);
+/// message.fromWire(buffer);
+/// const TSIGRecord* tsig = message.getTSIGRecord();
+/// if (tsig) {
+/// TSIGContext ctx(tsig->getName(), tsig->getRdata().getAlgorithm(),
+/// keyring);
+/// ctx.verify(tsig, data, data_len);
+/// // prepare response
+/// message.makeResponse();
+/// //...
+/// message.toWire(renderer, ctx);
+/// // send the response data back to the client.
+/// // If this is a beginning of a signed session over a TCP and
+/// // server has more data to send to the client, this ctx
+/// // will be used to sign subsequent messages.
+/// } \endcode
+/// <b>TCP Consideration</b>
+/// RFC2845 describes the case where a single TSIG session is used for
+/// multiple DNS messages (Section 4.4). This class supports signing and
+/// verifying the messages in this scenario, but does not care if the messages
+/// were delivered over a TCP connection or not. If, for example, the
+/// same \c TSIGContext object is used to sign two independent DNS queries
+/// sent over UDP, they will be considered to belong to the same TSIG
+/// session, and, as a result, verification will be likely to fail.
+/// \b Copyability
+/// This class is currently non copyable based on the observation of the
+/// typical usage as described above. But there is no strong technical
+/// reason why this class cannot be copyable. If we see the need for it
+/// in future we may change the implementation on this point.
+/// <b>Note to developers:</b>
+/// One basic design choice is to make the \c TSIGContext class is as
+/// independent from the \c Message class. This is because the latter is
+/// much more complicated, depending on many other classes, while TSIG is
+/// a very specific part of the entire DNS protocol set. If the \c TSIGContext
+/// class depends on \c \c Message, it will be more vulnerable to changes
+/// to other classes, and will be more difficult to test due to the
+/// direct or indirect dependencies. The interface of \c sign() that takes
+/// opaque data (instead of, e.g., a \c Message or \c MessageRenderer object)
+/// is therefore a deliberate design decision.
+class TSIGContext : boost::noncopyable {
+ /// Internal state of context
+ ///
+ /// The constants of this enum type define a specific state of
+ /// \c TSIGContext to adjust the behavior. The definition is public
+ /// and the state can be seen via the \c getState() method, but this is
+ /// mostly private information. It's publicly visible mainly for testing
+ /// purposes; there is no API for the application to change the state
+ /// directly.
+ enum State {
+ INIT, ///< Initial state
+ SENT_REQUEST, ///< Client sent a signed request, waiting response
+ RECEIVED_REQUEST, ///< Server received a signed request
+ SENT_RESPONSE, ///< Server sent a signed response
+ VERIFIED_RESPONSE ///< Client successfully verified a response
+ };
+ /// \name Constructors and destructor
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// Constructor from a TSIG key.
+ ///
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Resource allocation for internal data fails
+ ///
+ /// \param key The TSIG key to be used for TSIG sessions with this context.
+ explicit TSIGContext(const TSIGKey& key);
+ /// Constructor from key parameters and key ring.
+ TSIGContext(const Name& key_name, const Name& algorithm_name,
+ const TSIGKeyRing& keyring);
+ /// The destructor.
+ virtual ~TSIGContext();
+ //@}
+ /// Sign a DNS message.
+ ///
+ /// This method computes the TSIG MAC for the given data, which is
+ /// generally expected to be a complete, wire-format DNS message
+ /// that doesn't contain a TSIG RR, based on the TSIG key and
+ /// other context information of \c TSIGContext, and returns a
+ /// result in the form of a (pointer object pointing to)
+ /// \c TSIGRecord object.
+ ///
+ /// The caller of this method will use the returned value to render a
+ /// complete TSIG RR into the message that has been signed so that it
+ /// will become a complete TSIG-signed message.
+ ///
+ /// In general, this method is called once by a client to send a
+ /// signed request or one more times by a server to sign
+ /// response(s) to a signed request. To avoid allowing accidental
+ /// misuse, if this method is called after a "client" validates a
+ /// response, an exception of class \c TSIGContextError will be
+ /// thrown.
+ ///
+ /// \note Normal applications are not expected to call this method
+ /// directly; they will usually use the \c Message::toWire() method
+ /// with a \c TSIGContext object being a parameter and have the
+ /// \c Message class create a complete signed message.
+ ///
+ /// This method treats the given data as opaque, even though it's generally
+ /// expected to represent a wire-format DNS message (see also the class
+ /// description), and doesn't inspect it in any way. For example, it
+ /// doesn't check whether the data length is sane for a valid DNS message.
+ /// This is also the reason why this method takes the \c qid parameter,
+ /// which will be used as the original ID of the resulting
+ /// \c TSIGRecordx object, even though this value should be stored in the
+ /// first two octets (in wire format) of the given data.
+ ///
+ /// \note This method still checks and rejects empty data (null pointer
+ /// data or the specified data length is 0) in order to avoid catastrophic
+ /// effect such as program crash. Empty data is not necessarily invalid
+ /// for HMAC computation, but obviously it doesn't make sense for a DNS
+ /// message.
+ ///
+ /// This method provides the strong exception guarantee; unless the method
+ /// returns (without an exception being thrown), the internal state of
+ /// the \c TSIGContext won't be modified.
+ ///
+ /// \exception TSIGContextError Context already verified a response.
+ /// \exception InvalidParameter \c data is 0 or \c data_len is 0
+ /// \exception cryptolink::LibraryError Some unexpected error in the
+ /// underlying crypto operation
+ /// \exception std::bad_alloc Temporary resource allocation failure
+ ///
+ /// \param qid The QID to be as the value of the original ID field of
+ /// the resulting TSIG record
+ /// \param data Points to the wire-format data to be signed
+ /// \param data_len The length of \c data in bytes
+ ///
+ /// \return A TSIG record for the given data along with the context.
+ virtual ConstTSIGRecordPtr
+ sign(const uint16_t qid, const void* const data, const size_t data_len);
+ /// Verify a DNS message.
+ ///
+ /// This method verifies given data along with the context and a given
+ /// TSIG in the form of a \c TSIGRecord object. The data to be verified
+ /// is generally expected to be a complete, wire-format DNS message,
+ /// exactly as received by the host, and ending with a TSIG RR.
+ /// After verification process this method updates its internal state,
+ /// and returns the result in the form of a \c TSIGError object.
+ /// Possible return values are (see the \c TSIGError class description
+ /// for the mnemonics):
+ ///
+ /// - \c NOERROR: The data has been verified correctly.
+ /// - \c FORMERR: \c TSIGRecord is not given (see below).
+ /// - \c BAD_KEY: Appropriate key is not found or specified key doesn't
+ /// match for the data.
+ /// - \c BAD_TIME: The current time doesn't fall in the range specified
+ /// in the TSIG.
+ /// - \c BAD_SIG: The signature given in the TSIG doesn't match against
+ /// the locally computed digest or is the signature is
+ /// invalid in other way.
+ /// - \c BAD_MODE: Not yet implemented TKEY error
+ /// - \c BAD_NAME: Not yet implemented TKEY error
+ /// - \c BAD_ALG: Not yet implemented TKEY error
+ /// - \c BAD_TRUNC: The signature or truncated signature length is too
+ /// small.
+ ///
+ /// If this method is called by a DNS client waiting for a signed
+ /// response and the result is not \c NOERROR, the context can be used
+ /// to try validating another signed message as described in RFC2845
+ /// Section 4.6.
+ ///
+ /// If this method is called by a DNS server that tries to authenticate
+ /// a signed request, and if the result is not \c NOERROR, the
+ /// corresponding error condition is recorded in the context so that
+ /// the server can return a response indicating what was wrong by calling
+ /// \c sign() with the updated context.
+ ///
+ /// In general, this method is called once by a server for
+ /// authenticating a signed request or one more times by a client to
+ /// validate signed response(s) to a signed request. To avoid allowing
+ /// accidental misuse, if this method is called after a "server" signs
+ /// a response, an exception of class \c TSIGContextError will be thrown.
+ ///
+ /// The \c record parameter can be 0; in that case this method simply
+ /// returns \c FORMERR as the case described in Section 4.6 of RFC2845,
+ /// i.e., receiving an unsigned response to a signed request. This way
+ /// a client can transparently pass the result of
+ /// \c Message::getTSIGRecord() without checking whether it isn't 0
+ /// and take an appropriate action based on the result of this method.
+ ///
+ /// This method handles the given data mostly as opaque. It digests
+ /// the data assuming it begins with a DNS header and ends with a TSIG
+ /// RR whose length is given by calling \c TSIGRecord::getLength() on
+ /// \c record, but otherwise it doesn't parse the data to confirm the
+ /// assumption. It's caller's responsibility to ensure the data is
+ /// valid and consistent with \c record. To avoid disruption, this
+ /// method performs minimal validation on the given \c data and \c record:
+ /// \c data must not be 0; \c data_len must not be smaller than the
+ /// sum of the DNS header length (fixed, 12 octets) and the length of
+ /// the TSIG RR. If this check fails it throws an \c InvalidParameter
+ /// exception.
+ ///
+ /// One unexpected case that is not covered by this method is that a
+ /// client receives a signed response to an unsigned request. RFC2845 is
+ /// silent about such cases; BIND 9 explicitly identifies the case and
+ /// rejects it. With this implementation, the client can know that the
+ /// response contains a TSIG via the result of
+ /// \c Message::getTSIGRecord() and that it is an unexpected TSIG due to
+ /// the fact that it doesn't have a corresponding \c TSIGContext.
+ /// It's up to the client implementation whether to react to such a case
+ /// explicitly (for example, it could either ignore the TSIG and accept
+ /// the response or drop it).
+ ///
+ /// This method provides the strong exception guarantee; unless the method
+ /// returns (without an exception being thrown), the internal state of
+ /// the \c TSIGContext won't be modified.
+ ///
+ /// \todo Signature truncation support based on RFC4635
+ ///
+ /// \exception TSIGContextError Context already signed a response.
+ /// \exception InvalidParameter \c data is 0 or \c data_len is too small.
+ ///
+ /// \param record The \c TSIGRecord to be verified with \c data
+ /// \param data Points to the wire-format data (exactly as received) to
+ /// be verified
+ /// \param data_len The length of \c data in bytes
+ /// \return The \c TSIGError that indicates verification result
+ virtual TSIGError
+ verify(const TSIGRecord* const record, const void* const data, const size_t data_len);
+ /// \brief Check whether the last verified message was signed.
+ ///
+ /// RFC2845 allows for some of the messages not to be signed. However,
+ /// the last message must be signed and the class has no knowledge if a
+ /// given message is the last one, therefore it can't check directly.
+ ///
+ /// It is up to the caller to check if the last verified message was signed
+ /// after all are verified by calling this function.
+ ///
+ /// \return If the last message was signed or not.
+ /// \exception TSIGContextError if no message was verified yet.
+ virtual bool lastHadSignature() const;
+ /// Return the expected length of TSIG RR after \c sign()
+ ///
+ /// This method returns the length of the TSIG RR that would be
+ /// produced as a result of \c sign() with the state of the context
+ /// at the time of the call. The expected length can be decided
+ /// from the key and the algorithm (which determines the MAC size if
+ /// included) and the recorded TSIG error. Specifically, if a key
+ /// related error has been identified, the MAC will be excluded; if
+ /// a time error has occurred, the TSIG will include "other data".
+ ///
+ /// This method is provided mainly for the convenience of the Message
+ /// class, which needs to know the expected TSIG length in rendering a
+ /// signed DNS message so that it can handle truncated messages with TSIG
+ /// correctly. Normal applications wouldn't need this method. The Python
+ /// binding for this method won't be provided for the same reason.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ ///
+ /// \return The expected TSIG RR length in bytes
+ virtual size_t getTSIGLength() const;
+ /// Return the current state of the context
+ ///
+ /// \note
+ /// The states are visible in public mainly for testing purposes.
+ /// Normal applications won't have to deal with them.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ virtual State getState() const;
+ /// Return the TSIG error as a result of the latest verification
+ ///
+ /// This method can be called even before verifying anything, but the
+ /// returned value is meaningless in that case.
+ ///
+ /// \exception None
+ virtual TSIGError getError() const;
+ /// \name Protocol constants and defaults
+ ///
+ //@{
+ /// The recommended fudge value (in seconds) by RFC2845.
+ ///
+ /// Right now fudge is not tunable, and all TSIGs generated by this API
+ /// will have this value of fudge.
+ static const uint16_t DEFAULT_FUDGE = 300;
+ //@}
+ /// \brief Update internal HMAC state by more data.
+ ///
+ /// This is used mostly internally, when we need to verify a message without
+ /// TSIG signature in the middle of signed TCP stream. However, it is also
+ /// used in tests, so it's protected instead of private, to allow tests
+ /// in.
+ ///
+ /// It doesn't contain sanity checks, and it is not tested directly. But
+ /// we may want to add these one day to allow generating the skipped TSIG
+ /// messages too. Until then, do not use this method.
+ void update(const void* const data, size_t len);
+ struct TSIGContextImpl;
+ boost::shared_ptr<TSIGContextImpl> impl_;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TSIGContext> TSIGContextPtr;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<TSIGKey> TSIGKeyPtr;
+#endif // TSIG_H