// This is an example configuration file for the DHCPv6 server in Kea. // It uses embedded (i.e., which will be included in configuration objects // and not stripped by at lexical analysis) comments. { "Dhcp6": { // Global scope "comment": "A DHCPv6 server", // In interface config "interfaces-config": { "comment": "Use wildcard", "interfaces": [ "*" ] }, // In option definitions "option-def": [ { "comment": "An option definition", "name": "foo", "code": 100, "type": "ipv6-address", "space": "isc" } ], // In option data "option-data": [ { "comment": "Set option value", "name": "subscriber-id", "data": "ABCDEF0105", "csv-format": false } ], // In client classes "client-classes": [ { "comment": "match all", "name": "all", "test": "'' == ''" }, // Of course comments are optional { "name": "none" }, // A comment and a user-context can be specified { "comment": "a comment", "name": "both", "user-context": { "version": 1 } } ], // In control socket (more for the agent) "control-socket": { "socket-type": "unix", "socket-name": "/tmp/kea6-ctrl-socket", "user-context": { "comment": "Indirect comment" } }, // In shared networks "shared-networks": [ { "comment": "A shared network", "name": "foo", // In subnets "subnet6": [ { "comment": "A subnet", "subnet": "2001:db1::/64", "id": 100, // In pools "pools": [ { "comment": "A pool", "pool": "2001:db1::/64" } ], // In prefix pools "pd-pools": [ { "comment": "A prefix pool", "prefix": "2001:db2::", "prefix-len": 48, "delegated-len": 64 } ], // In host reservations "reservations": [ { "comment": "A host reservation", "hw-address": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF", "hostname": "foo.example.com", // Again in an option data "option-data": [ { "comment": "An option in a reservation", "name": "domain-search", "data": "example.com" } ] } ] } ] } ], // In dhcp ddns "dhcp-ddns": { "comment": "No dynamic DNS", "enable-updates": false }, // In loggers "loggers": [ { "comment": "A logger", "name": "kea-dhcp6" } ] } }