/* Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ %skeleton "lalr1.cc" /* -*- C++ -*- */ %require "3.3.0" %defines %define api.parser.class {AgentParser} %define api.prefix {agent_} %define api.token.constructor %define api.value.type variant %define api.namespace {isc::agent} %define parse.assert %code requires { #include #include #include #include using namespace isc::agent; using namespace isc::data; using namespace std; } // The parsing context. %param { isc::agent::ParserContext& ctx } %locations %define parse.trace %define parse.error verbose %code { #include // Avoid warnings with the error counter. #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable" #endif } %define api.token.prefix {TOKEN_} // Tokens in an order which makes sense and related to the intended use. // Actual regexps for tokens are defined in agent_lexer.ll. %token END 0 "end of file" COMMA "," COLON ":" LSQUARE_BRACKET "[" RSQUARE_BRACKET "]" LCURLY_BRACKET "{" RCURLY_BRACKET "}" NULL_TYPE "null" CONTROL_AGENT "Control-agent" HTTP_HOST "http-host" HTTP_PORT "http-port" USER_CONTEXT "user-context" COMMENT "comment" AUTHENTICATION "authentication" TYPE "type" BASIC "basic" REALM "realm" DIRECTORY "directory" CLIENTS "clients" USER "user" USER_FILE "user-file" PASSWORD "password" PASSWORD_FILE "password-file" TRUST_ANCHOR "trust-anchor" CERT_FILE "cert-file" KEY_FILE "key-file" CERT_REQUIRED "cert-required" CONTROL_SOCKETS "control-sockets" DHCP4_SERVER "dhcp4" DHCP6_SERVER "dhcp6" D2_SERVER "d2" SOCKET_NAME "socket-name" SOCKET_TYPE "socket-type" UNIX "unix" HOOKS_LIBRARIES "hooks-libraries" LIBRARY "library" PARAMETERS "parameters" LOGGERS "loggers" NAME "name" OUTPUT_OPTIONS "output-options" OUTPUT "output" DEBUGLEVEL "debuglevel" SEVERITY "severity" FLUSH "flush" MAXSIZE "maxsize" MAXVER "maxver" PATTERN "pattern" // Not real tokens, just a way to signal what the parser is expected to // parse. This define the starting point. It either can be full grammar // (START_AGENT), part of the grammar related to control-agent (START_SUB_AGENT) // or can be any valid JSON (START_JSON) START_JSON START_AGENT START_SUB_AGENT ; %token STRING "constant string" %token INTEGER "integer" %token FLOAT "floating point" %token BOOLEAN "boolean" %type value %type map_value %type socket_type_value %type auth_type_value %printer { yyoutput << $$; } <*>; %% // The whole grammar starts with a map, because the config file // consists of only Control-Agent entry in one big { }. %start start; // The starting token can be one of those listed below. Note these are // "fake" tokens. They're produced by the lexer before any input text // is parsed. start: START_JSON { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.NO_KEYWORDS; } json | START_AGENT { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.CONFIG; } agent_syntax_map | START_SUB_AGENT { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.AGENT; } sub_agent ; // This rule defines a "shortcut". Instead of specifying the whole structure // expected by full grammar, we can tell the parser to start from content of // the Control-agent. This is very useful for unit-testing, so we don't need // to repeat the outer map and "Control-agent" map. We can simply provide // the contents of that map. sub_agent: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the Control-agent map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } global_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; // --- generic JSON parser ----------------------------------------------------- // json expression can be a value. What value means is defined below. json: value { // Push back the JSON value on the stack ctx.stack_.push_back($1); }; // Rules for value. This can be one of the primary types allowed in JSON. value: INTEGER { $$ = ElementPtr(new IntElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | FLOAT { $$ = ElementPtr(new DoubleElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | BOOLEAN { $$ = ElementPtr(new BoolElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | STRING { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | NULL_TYPE { $$ = ElementPtr(new NullElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | map { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); } | list_generic { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); } ; // Rule for map. It will start with {, have some content and will end with }. map: LCURLY_BRACKET { // This code is executed when we're about to start parsing // the content of the map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } map_content RCURLY_BRACKET { // map parsing completed. If we ever want to do any wrap up // (maybe some sanity checking), this would be the best place // for it. }; map_value: map { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; // Rule for map content. In some cases it is allowed to have an empty map, // so we should say that explicitly. In most cases, though, there will // be some actual content inside. That's defined by not_empty_map map_content: %empty // empty map | not_empty_map ; // Rule for content of the map. It can have one of two formats: // 1) string: value // 2) non_empty_map , string: value // The first case covers a single entry, while the second case // covers all longer lists recursively. not_empty_map: STRING COLON value { // map containing a single entry ctx.unique($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.stack_.back()->set($1, $3); } | not_empty_map COMMA STRING COLON value { // map consisting of a shorter map followed by // comma and string:value ctx.unique($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3)); ctx.stack_.back()->set($3, $5); } | not_empty_map COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; list_generic: LSQUARE_BRACKET { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); } list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { }; list_content: %empty // Empty list | not_empty_list ; not_empty_list: value { // List consisting of a single element. ctx.stack_.back()->add($1); } | not_empty_list COMMA value { // List ending with , and a value. ctx.stack_.back()->add($3); } | not_empty_list COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; // --- generic JSON parser ends here ------------------------------------------- // --- syntax checking parser starts here -------------------------------------- // Unknown keyword in a map. This clever rule can be added to any map // if you want to have a nice expression printed when unknown (mistyped?) // parameter is found. unknown_map_entry: STRING COLON { const std::string& where = ctx.contextName(); const std::string& keyword = $1; error(@1, "got unexpected keyword \"" + keyword + "\" in " + where + " map."); }; // This defines the top-level { } that holds only Control-agent object. agent_syntax_map: LCURLY_BRACKET { // This code is executed when we're about to start parsing // the content of the map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } global_object RCURLY_BRACKET { // map parsing completed. If we ever want to do any wrap up // (maybe some sanity checking), this would be the best place // for it. }; // This represents the single top level entry, e.g. Control-agent. global_object: CONTROL_AGENT { // Let's create a MapElement that will represent it, add it to the // top level map (that's already on the stack) and put the new map // on the stack as well, so child elements will be able to add // themselves to it. ctx.unique("Control-agent", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("Control-agent", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.AGENT); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET global_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // Ok, we're done with parsing control-agent. Let's take the map // off the stack. ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); } | global_object_comma ; global_object_comma: global_object COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); }; global_params: global_param | global_params COMMA global_param | global_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; // These are the parameters that are allowed in the top-level for // Dhcp6. global_param: http_host | http_port | trust_anchor | cert_file | key_file | cert_required | authentication | control_sockets | hooks_libraries | loggers | user_context | comment | unknown_map_entry ; http_host: HTTP_HOST { ctx.unique("http-host", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr host(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("http-host", host); ctx.leave(); }; http_port: HTTP_PORT COLON INTEGER { ctx.unique("http-port", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("http-port", prf); }; trust_anchor: TRUST_ANCHOR { ctx.unique("trust-anchor", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr ca(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("trust-anchor", ca); ctx.leave(); }; cert_file: CERT_FILE { ctx.unique("cert-file", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr cert(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("cert-file", cert); ctx.leave(); }; key_file: KEY_FILE { ctx.unique("key-file", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr key(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("key-file", key); ctx.leave(); }; cert_required: CERT_REQUIRED COLON BOOLEAN { ctx.unique("cert-required", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr req(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("cert-required", req); }; user_context: USER_CONTEXT { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON map_value { ElementPtr parent = ctx.stack_.back(); ElementPtr user_context = $4; ConstElementPtr old = parent->get("user-context"); // Handle already existing user context if (old) { // Check if it was a comment or a duplicate if ((old->size() != 1) || !old->contains("comment")) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "duplicate user-context entries (previous at " << old->getPosition().str() << ")"; error(@1, msg.str()); } // Merge the comment user_context->set("comment", old->get("comment")); } // Set the user context parent->set("user-context", user_context); ctx.leave(); }; comment: COMMENT { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr parent = ctx.stack_.back(); ElementPtr user_context(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ElementPtr comment(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); user_context->set("comment", comment); // Handle already existing user context ConstElementPtr old = parent->get("user-context"); if (old) { // Check for duplicate comment if (old->contains("comment")) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "duplicate user-context/comment entries (previous at " << old->getPosition().str() << ")"; error(@1, msg.str()); } // Merge the user context in the comment merge(user_context, old); } // Set the user context parent->set("user-context", user_context); ctx.leave(); }; // --- hooks-libraries --------------------------------------------------------- hooks_libraries: HOOKS_LIBRARIES { ctx.unique("hooks-libraries", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hooks-libraries", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.HOOKS_LIBRARIES); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET hooks_libraries_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; hooks_libraries_list: %empty | not_empty_hooks_libraries_list ; not_empty_hooks_libraries_list: hooks_library | not_empty_hooks_libraries_list COMMA hooks_library | not_empty_hooks_libraries_list COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; hooks_library: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } hooks_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; hooks_params: hooks_param | hooks_params COMMA hooks_param | hooks_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } | unknown_map_entry ; hooks_param: library | parameters ; library: LIBRARY { ctx.unique("library", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr lib(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("library", lib); ctx.leave(); }; parameters: PARAMETERS { ctx.unique("parameters", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON map_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("parameters", $4); ctx.leave(); }; // --- hooks-libraries end here ------------------------------------------------ // --- control-sockets starts here --------------------------------------------- control_sockets: CONTROL_SOCKETS COLON LCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.unique("control-sockets", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("control-sockets", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.CONTROL_SOCKETS); } control_sockets_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // This defines what kind of control-sockets parameters we allow. // Note that empty map is not allowed here, because at least one control socket // is required. control_sockets_params: control_socket | control_sockets_params COMMA control_socket | control_sockets_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; // We currently support three types of sockets: DHCPv4, DHCPv6 and D2 // (even though D2 socket support is not yet implemented). control_socket: dhcp4_server_socket | dhcp6_server_socket | d2_server_socket | unknown_map_entry ; // That's an entry for dhcp4 socket. dhcp4_server_socket: DHCP4_SERVER { ctx.unique("dhcp4", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("dhcp4", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.SERVER); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET control_socket_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // That's an entry for dhcp6 socket. dhcp6_server_socket: DHCP6_SERVER { ctx.unique("dhcp6", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("dhcp6", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.SERVER); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET control_socket_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // That's an entry for d2 socket. d2_server_socket: D2_SERVER { ctx.unique("d2", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("d2", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.SERVER); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET control_socket_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // Socket parameters consist of one or more parameters. control_socket_params: control_socket_param | control_socket_params COMMA control_socket_param | control_socket_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; // We currently support two socket parameters: type and name. control_socket_param: socket_name | socket_type | user_context | comment | unknown_map_entry ; // This rule defines socket-name parameter. socket_name: SOCKET_NAME { ctx.unique("socket-name", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr name(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("socket-name", name); ctx.leave(); }; // This rule specifies socket type. socket_type: SOCKET_TYPE { ctx.unique("socket-type", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.SOCKET_TYPE); } COLON socket_type_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("socket-type", $4); ctx.leave(); }; // We currently allow only unix domain sockets socket_type_value : UNIX { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("unix", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; // --- control-sockets end here ------------------------------------------------ // --- authentication starts here ----------------------------------------------------- authentication: AUTHENTICATION { ctx.unique("authentication", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("authentication", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.AUTHENTICATION); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET auth_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // The type parameter is required ctx.require("type", ctx.loc2pos(@4), ctx.loc2pos(@6)); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; auth_params: auth_param | auth_params COMMA auth_param | auth_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; auth_param: auth_type | realm | directory | clients | comment | user_context | unknown_map_entry ; auth_type: TYPE { ctx.unique("type", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.AUTH_TYPE); } COLON auth_type_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("type", $4); ctx.leave(); }; auth_type_value: BASIC { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("basic", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; realm: REALM { ctx.unique("realm", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr realm(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("realm", realm); ctx.leave(); }; directory: DIRECTORY { ctx.unique("directory", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr directory(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("directory", directory); ctx.leave(); }; clients: CLIENTS { ctx.unique("clients", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("clients", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.CLIENTS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET clients_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; clients_list: %empty | not_empty_clients_list ; not_empty_clients_list: basic_auth | not_empty_clients_list COMMA basic_auth | not_empty_clients_list COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; basic_auth: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } clients_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; clients_params: clients_param | clients_params COMMA clients_param | clients_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; clients_param: user | user_file | password | password_file | user_context | comment | unknown_map_entry ; user: USER { ctx.unique("user", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr user(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("user", user); ctx.leave(); }; user_file: USER_FILE { ctx.unique("user-file", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr user(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("user-file", user); ctx.leave(); }; password: PASSWORD { ctx.unique("password", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr password(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("password", password); ctx.leave(); }; password_file: PASSWORD_FILE { ctx.unique("password-file", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr password(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("password-file", password); ctx.leave(); }; // --- authentication end here ----------------------------------------------------- // --- Loggers starts here ----------------------------------------------------- loggers: LOGGERS { ctx.unique("loggers", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("loggers", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.LOGGERS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET loggers_entries RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // These are the parameters allowed in loggers: either one logger // entry or multiple entries separate by commas. loggers_entries: logger_entry | loggers_entries COMMA logger_entry | loggers_entries COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; // This defines a single entry defined in loggers. logger_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr l(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); } logger_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; logger_params: logger_param | logger_params COMMA logger_param | logger_params COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; logger_param: name | output_options_list | debuglevel | severity | user_context | comment | unknown_map_entry ; name: NAME { ctx.unique("name", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr name(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("name", name); ctx.leave(); }; debuglevel: DEBUGLEVEL COLON INTEGER { ctx.unique("debuglevel", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr dl(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("debuglevel", dl); }; severity: SEVERITY { ctx.unique("severity", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr sev(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("severity", sev); ctx.leave(); }; output_options_list: OUTPUT_OPTIONS { ctx.unique("output-options", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("output-options", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.OUTPUT_OPTIONS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET output_options_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; output_options_list_content: output_entry | output_options_list_content COMMA output_entry | output_options_list_content COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; output_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } output_params_list RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; output_params_list: output_params | output_params_list COMMA output_params | output_params_list COMMA { ctx.warnAboutExtraCommas(@2); } ; output_params: output | flush | maxsize | maxver | pattern ; output: OUTPUT { ctx.unique("output", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr sev(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("output", sev); ctx.leave(); }; flush: FLUSH COLON BOOLEAN { ctx.unique("flush", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr flush(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("flush", flush); } maxsize: MAXSIZE COLON INTEGER { ctx.unique("maxsize", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr maxsize(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("maxsize", maxsize); } maxver: MAXVER COLON INTEGER { ctx.unique("maxver", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ElementPtr maxver(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("maxver", maxver); } pattern: PATTERN { ctx.unique("pattern", ctx.loc2pos(@1)); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORDS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr sev(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("pattern", sev); ctx.leave(); }; %% void isc::agent::AgentParser::error(const location_type& loc, const std::string& what) { ctx.error(loc, what); }