// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace isc::config; using namespace isc::dhcp; using namespace isc::process; using namespace isc::data; namespace isc { namespace agent { CtrlAgentCfgContext::CtrlAgentCfgContext() : http_host_(""), http_port_(0), trust_anchor_(""), cert_file_(""), key_file_(""), cert_required_(true) { } CtrlAgentCfgContext::CtrlAgentCfgContext(const CtrlAgentCfgContext& orig) : ConfigBase(), ctrl_sockets_(orig.ctrl_sockets_), http_host_(orig.http_host_), http_port_(orig.http_port_), trust_anchor_(orig.trust_anchor_), cert_file_(orig.cert_file_), key_file_(orig.key_file_), cert_required_(orig.cert_required_), hooks_config_(orig.hooks_config_), auth_config_(orig.auth_config_) { } CtrlAgentCfgMgr::CtrlAgentCfgMgr() : DCfgMgrBase(ConfigPtr(new CtrlAgentCfgContext())) { } CtrlAgentCfgMgr::~CtrlAgentCfgMgr() { } std::string CtrlAgentCfgMgr::getConfigSummary(const uint32_t /*selection*/) { CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext(); // First print the http stuff. std::ostringstream s; s << "listening on " << ctx->getHttpHost() << ", port " << ctx->getHttpPort(); // When TLS is setup print its config. if (!ctx->getTrustAnchor().empty()) { s << ", trust anchor " << ctx->getTrustAnchor() << ", cert file " << ctx->getCertFile() << ", key file " << ctx->getKeyFile(); if (ctx->getCertRequired()) { s << ", client certs are required"; } else { s << ", client certs are optional"; } } s << ", control sockets: "; // Then print the control-sockets s << ctx->getControlSocketInfoSummary(); // Add something if authentication is required. const isc::http::HttpAuthConfigPtr& auth = ctx->getAuthConfig(); if (auth && !auth->empty()) { s << ", requires basic HTTP authentication"; } // Finally, print the hook libraries names const isc::hooks::HookLibsCollection libs = ctx->getHooksConfig().get(); s << ", " << libs.size() << " lib(s):"; for (auto const& lib : libs) { s << lib.first << " "; } return (s.str()); } ConfigPtr CtrlAgentCfgMgr::createNewContext() { return (ConfigPtr(new CtrlAgentCfgContext())); } ConstElementPtr CtrlAgentCfgMgr::parse(ConstElementPtr config_set, bool check_only) { // Do a sanity check first. if (!config_set) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Mandatory config parameter not provided"); } CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext(); // Set the defaults ElementPtr cfg = boost::const_pointer_cast(config_set); AgentSimpleParser::setAllDefaults(cfg); // And parse the configuration. ConstElementPtr answer; std::string excuse; try { // Do the actual parsing AgentSimpleParser parser; parser.checkTlsSetup(cfg); parser.parse(ctx, cfg, check_only); } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) { excuse = ex.what(); answer = createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, excuse); } catch (...) { excuse = "undefined configuration parsing error"; answer = createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, excuse); } // At this stage the answer was created only in case of exception. if (answer) { if (check_only) { LOG_ERROR(agent_logger, CTRL_AGENT_CONFIG_CHECK_FAIL).arg(excuse); } else { LOG_ERROR(agent_logger, CTRL_AGENT_CONFIG_FAIL).arg(excuse); } return (answer); } if (check_only) { answer = createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Configuration check successful"); } else { answer = createAnswer(CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Configuration applied successfully."); } return (answer); } std::list> CtrlAgentCfgMgr::jsonPathsToRedact() const { static std::list> const list({ {"authentication", "clients", "[]"}, {"hooks-libraries", "[]", "parameters", "*"}, }); return list; } data::ConstElementPtr CtrlAgentCfgContext::getControlSocketInfo(const std::string& service) const { auto si = ctrl_sockets_.find(service); return ((si != ctrl_sockets_.end()) ? si->second : ConstElementPtr()); } void CtrlAgentCfgContext::setControlSocketInfo(const ConstElementPtr& control_socket, const std::string& service) { ctrl_sockets_[service] = control_socket; } std::string CtrlAgentCfgContext::getControlSocketInfoSummary() const { std::ostringstream s; for (auto const& si : ctrl_sockets_) { if (s.tellp() != 0) { s << " "; } s << si.first; } if (s.tellp() == 0) { s << "none"; } return (s.str()); } ElementPtr CtrlAgentCfgContext::toElement() const { ElementPtr ca = ConfigBase::toElement(); // Set user-context contextToElement(ca); // Set http-host ca->set("http-host", Element::create(http_host_)); // Set http-port ca->set("http-port", Element::create(static_cast(http_port_))); // Set TLS setup when enabled if (!trust_anchor_.empty()) { ca->set("trust-anchor", Element::create(trust_anchor_)); ca->set("cert-file", Element::create(cert_file_)); ca->set("key-file", Element::create(key_file_)); ca->set("cert-required", Element::create(cert_required_)); } // Set authentication if (auth_config_) { ca->set("authentication", auth_config_->toElement()); } ca->set("hooks-libraries", hooks_config_.toElement()); // Set control-sockets ElementPtr control_sockets = Element::createMap(); for (auto const& si : ctrl_sockets_) { ConstElementPtr socket = UserContext::toElement(si.second); control_sockets->set(si.first, socket); } ca->set("control-sockets", control_sockets); // Set Control-agent ElementPtr result = Element::createMap(); result->set("Control-agent", ca); return (result); } } // namespace isc::agent } // namespace isc