// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace isc::asiolink; using namespace isc::dhcp; using isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError; namespace isc { namespace data { void SimpleParser::checkRequired(const SimpleRequiredKeywords& required, ConstElementPtr scope) { for (auto const& name : required) { if (scope->contains(name)) { continue; } isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "missing '" << name << "' parameter"); } } void SimpleParser::checkKeywords(const SimpleKeywords& keywords, ConstElementPtr scope) { string spurious; for (auto const& entry : scope->mapValue()) { if (keywords.count(entry.first) == 0) { if (spurious.empty()) { spurious = entry.first; } continue; } Element::types expected = keywords.at(entry.first); if ((expected == Element::any) || (entry.second->getType() == expected)) { continue; } isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "'" << entry.first << "' parameter is not " << (expected == Element::integer ? "an " : "a ") << Element::typeToName(expected)); } if (!spurious.empty()) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "spurious '" << spurious << "' parameter"); } } std::string SimpleParser::getString(ConstElementPtr scope, const std::string& name) { ConstElementPtr x = scope->get(name); if (!x) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "missing parameter '" << name << "' (" << scope->getPosition() << ")"); } if (x->getType() != Element::string) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid type specified for parameter '" << name << "' (" << x->getPosition() << ")"); } return (x->stringValue()); } int64_t SimpleParser::getInteger(ConstElementPtr scope, const std::string& name) { ConstElementPtr x = scope->get(name); if (!x) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "missing parameter '" << name << "' (" << scope->getPosition() << ")"); } if (x->getType() != Element::integer) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid type specified for parameter '" << name << "' (" << x->getPosition() << ")"); } return (x->intValue()); } int64_t SimpleParser::getInteger(isc::data::ConstElementPtr scope, const std::string& name, int64_t min, int64_t max) { int64_t tmp = getInteger(scope, name); if (tmp < min || tmp > max) { isc_throw(OutOfRange, "The '" << name << "' value (" << tmp << ") is not within expected range: (" << min << " - " << max << ")"); } return (tmp); } bool SimpleParser::getBoolean(ConstElementPtr scope, const std::string& name) { ConstElementPtr x = scope->get(name); if (!x) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "missing parameter '" << name << "' (" << scope->getPosition() << ")"); } if (x->getType() != Element::boolean) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid type specified for parameter '" << name << "' (" << x->getPosition() << ")"); } return (x->boolValue()); } IOAddress SimpleParser::getAddress(const ConstElementPtr& scope, const std::string& name) { std::string str = getString(scope, name); try { return (IOAddress(str)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Failed to convert '" << str << "' to address: " << e.what() << "(" << getPosition(name, scope) << ")"); } } double SimpleParser::getDouble(const ConstElementPtr& scope, const std::string& name) { ConstElementPtr x = scope->get(name); if (!x) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "missing parameter '" << name << "' (" << scope->getPosition() << ")"); } if (x->getType() != Element::real) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid type specified for parameter '" << name << "' (" << x->getPosition() << ")"); } return (x->doubleValue()); } const data::Element::Position& SimpleParser::getPosition(const std::string& name, const data::ConstElementPtr parent) { if (!parent) { return (data::Element::ZERO_POSITION()); } ConstElementPtr elem = parent->get(name); if (!elem) { return (parent->getPosition()); } return (elem->getPosition()); } size_t SimpleParser::setDefaults(ElementPtr scope, const SimpleDefaults& default_values) { size_t cnt = 0; // This is the position representing a default value. As the values // we're inserting here are not present in whatever the config file // came from, we need to make sure it's clearly labeled as default. const Element::Position pos("", 0, 0); // Let's go over all parameters we have defaults for. for (auto const& def_value : default_values) { // Try if such a parameter is there. If it is, let's // skip it, because user knows best *cough*. ConstElementPtr x = scope->get(string(def_value.name_)); if (x) { // There is such a value already, skip it. continue; } // There isn't such a value defined, let's create the default // value... switch (def_value.type_) { case Element::string: { x.reset(new StringElement(def_value.value_, pos)); break; } case Element::integer: { try { int int_value = boost::lexical_cast(def_value.value_); x.reset(new IntElement(int_value, pos)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(BadValue, "Internal error. Integer value expected for: " << def_value.name_ << ", value is: " << def_value.value_ ); } break; } case Element::boolean: { bool bool_value; if (def_value.value_ == string("true")) { bool_value = true; } else if (def_value.value_ == string("false")) { bool_value = false; } else { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Internal error. Boolean value specified as " << def_value.value_ << ", expected true or false"); } x.reset(new BoolElement(bool_value, pos)); break; } case Element::real: { double dbl_value = boost::lexical_cast(def_value.value_); x.reset(new DoubleElement(dbl_value, pos)); break; } default: // No default values for null, list or map isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Internal error. Incorrect default value type."); } // ... and insert it into the provided Element tree. scope->set(def_value.name_, x); ++cnt; } return (cnt); } size_t SimpleParser::setListDefaults(ConstElementPtr list, const SimpleDefaults& default_values) { size_t cnt = 0; for (auto const& entry : list->listValue()) { cnt += setDefaults(entry, default_values); } return (cnt); } size_t SimpleParser::deriveParams(ConstElementPtr parent, ElementPtr child, const ParamsList& params) { if ( (parent->getType() != Element::map) || (child->getType() != Element::map)) { return (0); } size_t cnt = 0; for (auto const& param : params) { ConstElementPtr x = parent->get(param); if (!x) { // Parent doesn't define this parameter, so there's // nothing to derive from continue; } if (child->get(param)) { // Child defines this parameter already. There's // nothing to do here. continue; } // Copy the parameters to the child scope. child->set(param, x); cnt++; } return (cnt); } const util::Triplet SimpleParser::parseIntTriplet(const ConstElementPtr& scope, const std::string& name) { // Initialize as some compilers complain otherwise. uint32_t value = 0; bool has_value = false; uint32_t min_value = 0; bool has_min = false; uint32_t max_value = 0; bool has_max = false; if (scope->contains(name)) { value = getInteger(scope, name); has_value = true; } if (scope->contains("min-" + name)) { min_value = getInteger(scope, "min-" + name); has_min = true; } if (scope->contains("max-" + name)) { max_value = getInteger(scope, "max-" + name); has_max = true; } if (!has_value && !has_min && !has_max) { return (util::Triplet()); } if (has_value) { if (!has_min && !has_max) { // default only. min_value = value; max_value = value; } else if (!has_min) { // default and max. min_value = value; } else if (!has_max) { // default and min. max_value = value; } } else if (has_min) { // min only. if (!has_max) { value = min_value; max_value = min_value; } else { // min and max. isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "have min-" << name << " and max-" << name << " but no " << name << " (default) in " << scope->getPosition()); } } else { // max only. min_value = max_value; value = max_value; } // Check that min <= max. if (min_value > max_value) { if (has_min && has_max) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "the value of min-" << name << " (" << min_value << ") is not less than max-" << name << " (" << max_value << ")"); } else if (has_min) { // Only min and default so min > default. isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "the value of min-" << name << " (" << min_value << ") is not less than (default) " << name << " (" << value << ")"); } else { // Only default and max so default > max. isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "the value of (default) " << name << " (" << value << ") is not less than max-" << name << " (" << max_value << ")"); } } // Check that value is between min and max. if ((value < min_value) || (value > max_value)) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "the value of (default) " << name << " (" << value << ") is not between min-" << name << " (" << min_value << ") and max-" << name << " (" << max_value << ")"); } return (util::Triplet(min_value, value, max_value)); } } // end of isc::dhcp namespace } // end of isc namespace