# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Exit with error if commands exit with non-zero and if undefined variables are
# used.
set -eu
############################### Public functions ###############################
# Add an entry to the XML test report.
report_test_result_in_xml() {
# If GTEST_OUTPUT is not defined...
if ! test -n "${GTEST_OUTPUT+x}"; then
# There is nowhere to report.
# Declarations
local test_name="${1}"; shift
local exit_code="${1}"; shift
local duration="${1}"; shift # milliseconds
local now
local test_case
local test_suite
local xml
now=$(date '+%FT%H:%M:%S')
test_suite=$(printf '%s' "${test_name}" | cut -d '.' -f 1)
test_case=$(printf '%s' "${test_name}" | cut -d '.' -f 2-)
# Strip the 'xml:' at the start of GTEST_OUTPUT if it is there.
if test "$(printf '%s' "${xml}" | cut -c 1-4)" = 'xml:'; then
xml=$(printf '%s' "${xml}" | cut -c 5-)
# Convert to seconds, but keep the millisecond precision.
duration=$(_calculate "${duration} / 1000.0")
# For test suites that have a single test case and no name for the test
# case, name the test case after the test suite.
if test -z "${test_case}"; then
# Determine result based on exit code. Googletest seems to omit the failed
# tests, instead we are explicitly adding them with a 'failed' result.
local result
if test "${exit_code}" -eq 0; then
_create_xml "${xml}" "${now}"
_add_test_suite "${test_suite}" "${xml}" "${now}"
_add_test_case "${test_suite}" "${test_case}" "${result}" "${duration}" \
"${xml}" "${now}"
############################## Private functions ###############################
# Add ${string} after ${reference} in ${file}.
_add_after() {
local string="${1}"; shift
local reference="${1}"; shift
local file="${1}"; shift
# Escape all slashes.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
reference=$(printf '%s' "${reference}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
# Escape all spaces. Only trailing spaces need escaped, but that's harder
# and this still empirically works.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | sed 's#\ #\\\ #g')
reference=$(printf '%s' "${reference}" | sed 's#\ #\\\ #g')
# Linearize. To avoid this change, add one line at a time.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | tr '\n' ' ')
# Add ${string} after ${reference} in ${file}.
# The "\\" followed by newline is for BSD support.
sed "/${reference}/a\\
" "${file}" > "${file}.tmp"
mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}"
# Add ${string} before ${reference} in ${file}.
_add_before() {
local string="${1}"; shift
local reference="${1}"; shift
local file="${1}"; shift
# Get the line number of the reference line.
local line_number
line_number=$(grep -Fn "${reference}" "${file}" | cut -d ':' -f 1)
# Escape all slashes.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
reference=$(printf '%s' "${reference}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
# Escape all spaces. Only trailing spaces need escaped, but that's harder
# and this still empirically works.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | sed 's#\ #\\\ #g')
reference=$(printf '%s' "${reference}" | sed 's#\ #\\\ #g')
# Linearize. To avoid this change, add one line at a time.
string=$(printf '%s' "${string}" | tr '\n' ' ')
# Add ${string} before ${reference} in ${file}.
# The "\\" followed by newline is for BSD support.
sed "${line_number}i\\
" "${file}" > "${file}.tmp"
mv "${file}.tmp" "${file}"
_add_failure_tag() {
local test_case_tag="${1}"; shift
local xml="${1}"; shift
local closing_tag=' '
local failure_tag
local failure_text
local linearized_failure_text
# Remove characters which are suspected to not be allowed in:
# * sed
# * XML attribute values
failure_text=$(printf '%s\n%s' "${ERROR-}" "${OUTPUT-}" | \
sed 's/"/ /g' | sed 's/\[/ /g' | sed 's/\]/ /g')
linearized_failure_text=$(printf '%s' "${failure_text}" | tr '\n' ' ')
failure_tag=$(printf ' ' \
"${linearized_failure_text}" "${failure_text}")
# Add.
_add_after "${closing_tag}" "${test_case_tag}" "${xml}"
_add_after "${failure_tag}" "${test_case_tag}" "${xml}"
# Add test result if not in file.
_add_test_case() {
local test_suite="${1}"; shift
local test_case="${1}"; shift
local result="${1}"; shift
local duration="${1}"; shift
local xml="${1}"; shift
local now="${1}"; shift
# Determine the test case tag.
local closing_backslash
local closing_tag
if test "${result}" = 'success'; then
closing_backslash=' /'
# Create the test XML tag.
local test_case_line
test_case_line=$(printf ' ' \
"${test_case}" "${duration}" "${now}" "${test_suite}" \
# Add this test case to all the other test cases.
local all_test_cases
all_test_cases=$(_print_lines_between_matching_patterns \
" ' "${xml}")
all_test_cases=$(printf '%s\n%s' "${all_test_cases}" "${test_case_line}")
# Find the test following this one.
local following_line
following_line=$(printf '%s' "${all_test_cases}" | \
grep -A1 -F "${test_case_line}" | \
grep -Fv "${test_case_line}" || true)
if test -n "${following_line}"; then
# If found, add it before.
_add_before "${test_case_line}" "${following_line}" "${xml}"
# Find the test before this one.
local previous_line
previous_line=$(printf '%s' "${all_test_cases}" | \
grep -B1 -F "${test_case_line}" | \
grep -Fv "${test_case_line}" || true)
if test -n "${previous_line}"; then
# If found, add it after.
_add_after "${test_case_line}" "${previous_line}" "${xml}"
# If neither were found, add it as the first test case following the test
# suite line.
_add_after "${test_case_line}" " ' "${xml}")
# Update attributes for the parent and the global .
_update_test_suite_metrics "${test_suite}" "${all_test_cases}" "${xml}" "${now}"
# Add a set of test suite tags if not already present in the XML.
_add_test_suite() {
local test_suite="${1}"; shift
local xml="${1}"; shift
local now="${1}"; shift
local test_suite_line
local all_test_suites
# If test suite tag is already there, then there is nothing to do.
if grep -F " /dev/null 2>&1; then
# Create the test suite XML tag.
local test_suite_line
test_suite_line=$(printf ' ' \
"${test_suite}" "${now}")
# Add this test suite to all the other test suites and sort them.
local all_test_suites
all_test_suites=$(printf '%s\n%s' " ${test_suite_line}" \
"$(grep -E ' ' "${xml}")")
# Find the test suite following this one.
local following_line
following_line=$(printf '%s' "${all_test_suites}" | \
grep -A1 -F "${test_suite_line}" | \
grep -Fv "${test_suite_line}" || true)
# Add the test suite tag to the XML.
_add_before "${test_suite_line}" "${following_line}" "${xml}"
_add_after ' ' "${test_suite_line}" "${xml}"
# Calculate the given mathematical expression and print it in a format that
# matches googletest's time in the XML attribute time="..." which is seconds
# rounded to 3 decimals.
_calculate() {
awk "BEGIN{print ${*}}";
# Create XML with header and top-level tags if the file doesn't exist.
_create_xml() {
# If file exists and we have set GTEST_OUTPUT_CREATED previously, then there
# is nothing to do.
if test -f "${xml}" && test -n "${GTEST_OUTPUT_CREATED+x}"; then
local xml="${1}"; shift
local now="${1}"; shift
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${xml}")"
printf \
' "${now}" > "${xml}"
# GTEST_OUTPUT_CREATED is not a googletest variable, but our way of allowing
# to overwrite XMLs created in a previous test run. The lifetime of
# GTEST_OUTPUT_CREATED is extended to the oldest ancestor file who has
# sourced this script i.e. the *_test.sh file. So it gets lost from one
# *_test.sh to another. The consensus that need to be kept so that this
# works correctly are:
# * Needless to say, don't set this variable on your own.
# * Always call these scripts directly or through `make check`.
# Never source test files e.g. `source memfile_tests.sh` or
# `. memfile_tests.sh`.
# * The ${xml} passed here must be deterministically and uniquely
# attributed to the *_test.sh. At the time of this writing, ${xml} is the
# part of the name before the dot. So for example, for memfile, all tests
# should start with the same thing e.g. `memfile.*`.
# Print the lines between two matching regex patterns from a file. Excludes the
# lines that contain the patterns themselves. Matches only the first occurrence.
_print_lines_between_matching_patterns() {
local start_pattern="${1}"; shift
local end_pattern="${1}"; shift
local file="${1}"; shift
# Escape all slashes.
start_pattern=$(printf '%s' "${start_pattern}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
end_pattern=$(printf '%s' "${end_pattern}" | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g')
# Print with sed.
sed -n "/${start_pattern}/,/${end_pattern}/p;/${end_pattern}/q" "${file}" \
| sed '$d' | tail -n +2
# Update the test suite XML attributes with metrics collected from the child
# test cases.
_update_test_suite_metrics() {
local test_suite="${1}"; shift
local all_test_cases="${1}"; shift
local xml="${1}"; shift
local now="${1}"; shift
# Get the metrics on the parent test suite.
local duration
local durations_summed
local failures
local tests
tests=$(printf '%s' "${all_test_cases}" | \
grep -Fc '' \
"${test_suite}" "${tests}" "${failures}" "${duration}" "${now}")
# Update the test suite with the collected metrics.
sed "s# #${test_suite_line}#g" \
"${xml}" > "${xml}.tmp"
mv "${xml}.tmp" "${xml}"
# Create the test suites XML tag.
local test_suites_line
test_suites_line=$(printf '' \
"${tests}" "${failures}" "${duration}" "${now}")
# Update the test suites with the collected metrics.
sed "s##${test_suites_line}#g" \
"${xml}" > "${xml}.tmp"
mv "${xml}.tmp" "${xml}"