// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace isc; using namespace isc::data; using namespace isc::test; using namespace isc::yang; using namespace isc::yang::test; using namespace sysrepo; namespace { /// @brief Test Fixture class for Yang <-> JSON configs. class ConfigTest : public ::testing::Test { public: ConfigTest() : session_(Connection{}.sessionStart()) { session_.switchDatastore(Datastore::Candidate); } virtual ~ConfigTest() = default; void SetUp() override { translator_.reset(new Translator(session_, model_)); cleanModelData(); } void TearDown() override { cleanModelData(); translator_.reset(); SysrepoSetup::cleanSharedMemory(); } void cleanModelData() { string toplevel_node("config"); if (model_ == IETF_DHCPV6_SERVER) { toplevel_node = "server"; } translator_->deleteItem("/" + model_ + ":" + toplevel_node); } /// @brief Reset session. void resetSession() { SetUp(); } /// @brief Loads YANG configuration from specified tree. /// /// @param tree The Yang tree to load. void load(const YRTree& tree) { YangRepr repr(model_); repr.set(tree, session_); } /// @brief Loads JSON configuration from specified Element tree. /// /// @param json The JSON tree to load. void load(ElementPtr json) { TranslatorConfig tc(session_, model_); tc.setConfig(json); } /// @brief Load a cofiguration from a string containing JSON. /// /// @param config The JSON tree to load in textual format. void load(const string& config) { ElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(json = Element::fromJSON(config)); load(json); } /// @brief Load a configuration from JSON file. /// /// @param filename The name of the JSON file to load, ConstElementPtr loadFile(const string& filename) { string decommented = isc::test::decommentJSONfile(filename); ElementPtr json = Element::fromJSONFile(decommented, true); ::remove(decommented.c_str()); load(json); return (json); } /// @brief Returns YANG tree configuration. YRTree getYang() { YangRepr repr(model_); return (repr.get(session_)); } /// @brief Returns configuration in JSON (translated by TranslatorConfig) ConstElementPtr getJSON() { TranslatorConfig tc(session_, model_); return (tc.getConfig()); } /// @brief Retrieves configuration as text (in pretty JSON format). string getText() { return (isc::data::prettyPrint(getJSON())); } /// @brief Verify Yang. /// /// @param expected The expected Yang tree. bool verify(const YRTree& expected) { YangRepr repr(model_); return (repr.verify(expected, session_, cerr)); } /// @brief Verify JSON. /// /// @param expected The expected JSON tree. bool verify(ConstElementPtr expected) { TranslatorConfig tc(session_, model_); ConstElementPtr content = tc.getConfig(); if (isEquivalent(expected, content)) { return (true); } string wanted = prettyPrint(expected); string got = prettyPrint(content); cerr << "Expected:\n" << wanted << "\n" << "Actual:\n" << got << "\nDiff:\n" << generateDiff(wanted, got) << "\n"; return (false); } /// @brief Verify JSON. /// /// @param expected The expected JSON tree in textual format. bool verify(const string& config) { ConstElementPtr expected; expected = Element::fromJSON(config); return (verify(expected)); } /// @brief The model. string model_; /// @brief The sysrepo session. Session session_; unique_ptr translator_; }; // ConfigTest struct ConfigTestKeaV4 : ConfigTest { ConfigTestKeaV4() { model_ = KEA_DHCP4_SERVER; } }; // ConfigTestKeaV4 struct ConfigTestKeaV6 : ConfigTest { ConfigTestKeaV6() { model_ = KEA_DHCP6_SERVER; } }; // ConfigTestKeaV6 struct ConfigTestIetfV6 : ConfigTest { ConfigTestIetfV6() { model_ = IETF_DHCPV6_SERVER; } }; // ConfigTestIetfV6 // Check empty config with ietf-dhcpv6-server model. TEST_F(ConfigTestIetfV6, emptyIetf6) { YRTree tree; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(tree)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(tree)); ElementPtr json = Element::fromJSON(emptyJson6); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(json)); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(json)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyJson6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(tree)); } // Check empty config with kea-dhcp4-server:config model. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV4, emptyKeaDhcp4) { YRTree tree; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(tree)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyTreeKeaDhcp4)); ElementPtr json = Element::fromJSON(emptyJson4); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(json)); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(json)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyJson4)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyTreeKeaDhcp4)); } // Check empty config with kea-dhcp6-server:config model. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV6, emptyKeaDhcp6) { YRTree tree; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(tree)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyTreeKeaDhcp6)); ElementPtr json = Element::fromJSON(emptyJson6); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(json)); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(json)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyJson6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(emptyTreeKeaDhcp6)); } // Check subnet with two pools with ietf-dhcpv6-server model. // Validation will fail because the current model has a vendor-info // container with a mandatory ent-num leaf and no presence flag, // and of course the candidate YANG tree has nothing for this. TEST_F(ConfigTestIetfV6, subnetTwoPoolsIetf6) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetTwoPoolsTreeIetf6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetTwoPoolsJson6)); resetSession(); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetTwoPoolsJson6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetTwoPoolsTreeIetf6)); } // Check subnet with a pool and option data lists with // kea-dhcp4-server:config model. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV4, subnetOptionsKeaDhcp4) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetOptionsTreeKeaDhcp4)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetOptionsJson4)); resetSession(); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetOptionsJson4)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetOptionsTreeKeaDhcp4)); } // Check subnet with a pool and option data lists with // kea-dhcp6-server:config model. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV6, subnetOptionsKeaDhcp6) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetOptionsTreeKeaDhcp6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetOptionsJson6)); resetSession(); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetOptionsJson6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetOptionsTreeKeaDhcp6)); } // Check with timers. TEST_F(ConfigTestIetfV6, subnetTimersIetf6) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetTimersIetf6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetTimersJson6)); resetSession(); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(subnetTimersJson6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(subnetTimersIetf6)); } // Check a ietf-dhcpv6-server configuration which validates. TEST_F(ConfigTestIetfV6, validateIetf6) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(validTreeIetf6)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(validTreeIetf6)); } // Check Kea4 example files. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV4, examples4) { vector examples = { "advanced.json", "all-keys-netconf.json", "all-options.json", "backends.json", "classify.json", "classify2.json", "comments.json", "config-backend.json", "dhcpv4-over-dhcpv6.json", "global-reservations.json", "ha-load-balancing-server1-mt-with-tls.json", "ha-load-balancing-server2-mt.json", "hooks.json", "hooks-radius.json", "leases-expiration.json", "multiple-options.json", "mysql-reservations.json", "pgsql-reservations.json", "reservations.json", "several-subnets.json", "shared-network.json", "single-subnet.json", "vendor-specific.json", "vivso.json", //"with-ddns.json", }; for (auto const& file : examples) { resetSession(); string path = string(CFG_EXAMPLES) + "/kea4/" + file; SCOPED_TRACE("\n* Tested file: " + path); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(json = loadFile(path)); json = isc::test::moveComments(json); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(json)); } } // Check Kea6 example files. TEST_F(ConfigTestKeaV6, examples6) { vector examples = { "advanced.json", "all-keys-netconf.json", "all-options.json", "backends.json", "classify.json", "classify2.json", "comments.json", "config-backend.json", "dhcpv4-over-dhcpv6.json", "duid.json", "global-reservations.json", "ha-hot-standby-server1-with-tls.json", "ha-hot-standby-server2.json", "hooks.json", "iPXE.json", "leases-expiration.json", "multiple-options.json", "mysql-reservations.json", "pgsql-reservations.json", "reservations.json", "several-subnets.json", "shared-network.json", "simple.json", "softwire46.json", "stateless.json", "tee-times.json", //"with-ddns.json", }; for (auto const& file : examples) { resetSession(); string path = string(CFG_EXAMPLES) + "/kea6/" + file; SCOPED_TRACE("\n* Tested file: " + path); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(json = loadFile(path)); json = isc::test::moveComments(json); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(json)); } } // Check the example in the design document. TEST_F(ConfigTestIetfV6, designExample) { ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(designExampleTree)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(designExampleJson)); resetSession(); ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(load(designExampleJson)); EXPECT_TRUE(verify(designExampleTree)); } } // namespace