{ "access": "write", "avail": "1.6.0", "brief": [ "This command creates or updates one or more global parameters in the configuration database." ], "cmd-comment": [ "This command carries multiple global parameters with their values (including maps with scalar parameters). Care should be taken when specifying more than one parameter; in some cases, only a subset of the parameters may be successfully stored in the database and other parameters may fail to be stored. In such cases the ``remote-global-parameter6-get-all`` command may be useful to verify the contents of the database after the update. The ``server-tags`` list is mandatory and must contain exactly one server tag. Specifying an empty list, a value of ``null``, or multiple server tags will result in an error. The server tag \"all\" is allowed; it associates the specified parameters with all servers." ], "cmd-syntax": [ "{", " \"command\": \"remote-global-parameter6-set\",", " \"arguments\": {", " \"parameters\": {", " : ,", " : ", " },", " \"remote\": {", " ", " },", " \"server-tags\": [ ]", " }", "}" ], "hook": "cb_cmds", "name": "remote-global-parameter6-set", "resp-syntax": [ "{", " \"result\": 0,", " \"text\": \"DHCPv6 global parameter(s) successfully set.\",", " \"arguments\": {", " \"parameters\": {", " : ,", " : ", " },", " \"count\": 2", " }", "}" ], "support": [ "kea-dhcp6" ] }