path: root/packaging/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging/')
1 files changed, 1495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/ b/packaging/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97c58a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Manage upstream ansible-core releases."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import dataclasses
+import datetime
+import enum
+import functools
+import gzip
+import hashlib
+import http.client
+import inspect
+import json
+import math
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import secrets
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import typing as t
+import urllib.error
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
+import venv
+import webbrowser
+import zipfile
+import jinja2
+from packaging.version import Version, InvalidVersion
+# region CLI Framework
+C = t.TypeVar("C", bound=t.Callable[..., None])
+def path_to_str(value: t.Any) -> str:
+ """Return the given value converted to a string suitable for use as a command line argument."""
+ return f"{value}/" if isinstance(value, pathlib.Path) and value.is_dir() else str(value)
+def run(*args: t.Any, env: dict[str, t.Any] | None, cwd: pathlib.Path | str, capture_output: t.Literal[True]) -> CompletedProcess:
+ ...
+def run(*args: t.Any, env: dict[str, t.Any] | None, cwd: pathlib.Path | str, capture_output: t.Literal[False]) -> None:
+ ...
+def run(*args: t.Any, env: dict[str, t.Any] | None, cwd: pathlib.Path | str) -> None:
+ ...
+def run(
+ *args: t.Any,
+ env: dict[str, t.Any] | None,
+ cwd: pathlib.Path | str,
+ capture_output: bool = False,
+) -> CompletedProcess | None:
+ """Run the specified command."""
+ args = [arg.relative_to(cwd) if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path) else arg for arg in args]
+ str_args = tuple(path_to_str(arg) for arg in args)
+ str_env = {key: path_to_str(value) for key, value in env.items()} if env is not None else None
+"--> {shlex.join(str_args)}", color=Display.CYAN)
+ try:
+ p =, check=True, text=True, env=str_env, cwd=cwd, capture_output=capture_output)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
+ # improve type hinting and include stdout/stderr (if any) in the message
+ raise CalledProcessError(
+ message=str(ex),
+ cmd=str_args,
+ status=ex.returncode,
+ stdout=ex.stdout,
+ stderr=ex.stderr,
+ ) from None
+ if not capture_output:
+ return None
+ # improve type hinting
+ return CompletedProcess(
+ stdout=p.stdout,
+ stderr=p.stderr,
+ )
+def suppress_when(error_as_warning: bool) -> t.Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """Conditionally convert an ApplicationError in the provided context to a warning."""
+ if error_as_warning:
+ try:
+ yield
+ except ApplicationError as ex:
+ display.warning(ex)
+ else:
+ yield
+class ApplicationError(Exception):
+ """A fatal application error which will be shown without a traceback."""
+class CalledProcessError(Exception):
+ """Results from a failed process."""
+ def __init__(self, message: str, cmd: tuple[str, ...], status: int, stdout: str | None, stderr: str | None) -> None:
+ if stdout and (stdout := stdout.strip()):
+ message += f"\n>>> Standard Output\n{stdout}"
+ if stderr and (stderr := stderr.strip()):
+ message += f"\n>>> Standard Error\n{stderr}"
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ self.status = status
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ self.stderr = stderr
+class CompletedProcess:
+ """Results from a completed process."""
+ stdout: str
+ stderr: str
+class Display:
+ """Display interface for sending output to the console."""
+ CLEAR = "\033[0m"
+ RED = "\033[31m"
+ BLUE = "\033[34m"
+ PURPLE = "\033[35m"
+ CYAN = "\033[36m"
+ def fatal(self, message: t.Any) -> None:
+ """Print a fatal message to the console."""
+"FATAL: {message}", color=self.RED)
+ def warning(self, message: t.Any) -> None:
+ """Print a warning message to the console."""
+"WARNING: {message}", color=self.PURPLE)
+ def show(self, message: t.Any, color: str | None = None) -> None:
+ """Print a message to the console."""
+ print(f"{color or self.CLEAR}{message}{self.CLEAR}", flush=True)
+class CommandFramework:
+ """
+ Simple command line framework inspired by nox.
+ Argument parsing is handled by argparse. Each function annotated with an instance of this class becomes a subcommand.
+ Options are shared across all commands, and are defined by providing kwargs when creating an instance of this class.
+ Options are only defined for commands which have a matching parameter.
+ The name of each kwarg is the option name, which will be prefixed with `--` and with underscores converted to dashes.
+ The value of each kwarg is passed as kwargs to ArgumentParser.add_argument. Passing None results in an internal only parameter.
+ The following custom kwargs are recognized and are not passed to add_argument:
+ name - Override the positional argument (option) passed to add_argument.
+ exclusive - Put the argument in an exclusive group of the given name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict[str, t.Any] | None) -> None:
+ self.commands: list[t.Callable[..., None]] = []
+ self.arguments = kwargs
+ self.parsed_arguments: argparse.Namespace | None = None
+ def __call__(self, func: C) -> C:
+ """Register the decorated function as a CLI command."""
+ self.commands.append(func)
+ return func
+ def run(self, *args: t.Callable[..., None], **kwargs) -> None:
+ """Run the specified command(s), using any provided internal args."""
+ for arg in args:
+ self._run(arg, **kwargs)
+ def main(self) -> None:
+ """Main program entry point."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar="COMMAND", required=True)
+ for func in self.commands:
+ func_parser = subparsers.add_parser(self._format_command_name(func), description=func.__doc__, help=func.__doc__)
+ func_parser.set_defaults(func=func)
+ exclusive_groups = {}
+ signature = inspect.signature(func)
+ for name in signature.parameters:
+ if name not in self.arguments:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"The '{name}' argument, used by '{func.__name__}', has not been defined.")
+ if (arguments := self.arguments.get(name)) is None:
+ continue # internal use
+ arguments = arguments.copy()
+ exclusive = arguments.pop("exclusive", None)
+ # noinspection PyProtectedMember, PyUnresolvedReferences
+ command_parser: argparse._ActionsContainer
+ if exclusive:
+ if exclusive not in exclusive_groups:
+ exclusive_groups[exclusive] = func_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ command_parser = exclusive_groups[exclusive]
+ else:
+ command_parser = func_parser
+ if option_name := arguments.pop("name", None):
+ arguments.update(dest=name)
+ else:
+ option_name = f"--{name.replace('_', '-')}"
+ command_parser.add_argument(option_name, **arguments)
+ try:
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ import argcomplete
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ argcomplete.autocomplete(parser)
+ self.parsed_arguments = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ except ApplicationError as ex:
+ display.fatal(ex)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def _run(self, func: t.Callable[..., None], **kwargs) -> None:
+ """Run the specified command, using any provided internal args."""
+ signature = inspect.signature(func)
+ func_args = {name: getattr(self.parsed_arguments, name) for name in signature.parameters if hasattr(self.parsed_arguments, name)}
+ func_args.update({name: value for name, value in kwargs.items() if name in signature.parameters})
+ printable_args = ", ".join(f"{name}={repr(value)}" for name, value in func_args.items())
+ label = f"{self._format_command_name(func)}({printable_args})"
+"==> {label}", color=Display.BLUE)
+ try:
+ func(**func_args)
+ except BaseException:
+"!!! {label}", color=Display.RED)
+ raise
+"<== {label}", color=Display.BLUE)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _format_command_name(func: t.Callable[..., None]) -> str:
+ """Return the friendly name of the given command."""
+ return func.__name__.replace("_", "-")
+display = Display()
+# endregion
+# region Data Classes
+class GitHubRelease:
+ """Details required to create a GitHub release."""
+ user: str
+ repo: str
+ tag: str
+ target: str
+ title: str
+ body: str
+ pre_release: bool
+class PullRequest:
+ """Details required to create a pull request."""
+ upstream_user: str
+ upstream_repo: str
+ upstream_branch: str
+ user: str
+ repo: str
+ branch: str
+ title: str
+ body: str
+class Remote:
+ """Details about a git remote."""
+ name: str
+ user: str
+ repo: str
+class Remotes:
+ """Details about git removes."""
+ fork: Remote
+ upstream: Remote
+class GitState:
+ """Details about the state of the git repository."""
+ remotes: Remotes
+ branch: str | None
+ commit: str
+class ReleaseArtifact:
+ """Information about a release artifact on PyPI."""
+ package_type: str
+ package_label: str
+ url: str
+ size: int
+ digest: str
+ digest_algorithm: str
+class ReleaseAnnouncement:
+ """Contents of a release announcement."""
+ subject: str
+ body: str
+# endregion
+# region Utilities
+SCRIPT_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
+VENV_DIR = DIST_DIR / ".venv" / "release"
+ANSIBLE_VERSION_PATTERN = re.compile("^__version__ = '(?P<version>.*)'$", re.MULTILINE)
+ANSIBLE_VERSION_FORMAT = "__version__ = '{version}'"
+# These endpoint names match those defined as defaults in twine.
+# See:
+ pypi="",
+ testpypi="",
+PIP_ENV = dict(
+class VersionMode(enum.Enum):
+ """How to handle the ansible-core version."""
+ """Do not allow development versions. Do not allow post release versions."""
+ """Do not allow development versions. Strip the post release from the version if present."""
+ """Do not allow development versions. Require a post release version."""
+ """Require a development or post release version."""
+ """Allow development and post release versions."""
+ def apply(self, version: Version) -> Version:
+ """Apply the mode to the given version and return the result."""
+ original_version = version
+ release_component_count = 3
+ if len(version.release) != release_component_count:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains {version.release} release components instead of {release_component_count}.")
+ if version.epoch:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains an epoch component: {version.epoch}")
+ if version.local is not None:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} contains a local component: {version.local}")
+ if version.is_devrelease and version.is_postrelease:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a development and post release version.")
+ if self == VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST:
+ return version
+ if self == VersionMode.REQUIRE_DEV_POST:
+ if not version.is_devrelease and not version.is_postrelease:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a development or post release version.")
+ return version
+ if version.is_devrelease:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a development release: {}")
+ if self == VersionMode.STRIP_POST:
+ if version.is_postrelease:
+ version = Version(str(version).removesuffix(f".post{}"))
+ display.warning(f"Using version {version} by stripping the post release suffix from version {original_version}.")
+ return version
+ if self == VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST:
+ if not version.is_postrelease:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a post release version.")
+ return version
+ if version.is_postrelease:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is a post release.")
+ if self == VersionMode.DEFAULT:
+ return version
+ raise NotImplementedError(self)
+def git(*args: t.Any, capture_output: t.Literal[True]) -> CompletedProcess:
+ ...
+def git(*args: t.Any, capture_output: t.Literal[False]) -> None:
+ ...
+def git(*args: t.Any) -> None:
+ ...
+def git(*args: t.Any, capture_output: t.Literal[True] | t.Literal[False] = False) -> CompletedProcess | None:
+ """Run the specified git command."""
+ return run("git", *args, env=None, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR, capture_output=capture_output)
+def get_commit(rev: str | None = None) -> str:
+ """Return the commit associated with the given rev, or HEAD if no rev is given."""
+ try:
+ return git("rev-parse", "--quiet", "--verify", "--end-of-options", f"{rev or 'HEAD'}^{{commit}}", capture_output=True).stdout.strip()
+ except CalledProcessError as ex:
+ if ex.status == 1 and not ex.stdout and not ex.stderr:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Could not find commit: {rev}") from None
+ raise
+def prepare_pull_request(version: Version, branch: str, title: str, add: t.Iterable[pathlib.Path | str], allow_stale: bool) -> PullRequest:
+ """Return pull request parameters using the provided details."""
+ git_state = get_git_state(version, allow_stale)
+ if not git("status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=no", capture_output=True).stdout.strip():
+ raise ApplicationError("There are no changes to commit. Did you skip a step?")
+ upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version)
+ body = create_pull_request_body(title)
+ git("checkout", "-b", branch)
+ git("add", *add)
+ git("commit", "-m", title)
+ git("push", "--set-upstream",, branch)
+ git("checkout", git_state.branch or git_state.commit)
+ git("branch", "-d", branch)
+ pr = PullRequest(
+ upstream_user=git_state.remotes.upstream.user,
+ upstream_repo=git_state.remotes.upstream.repo,
+ upstream_branch=upstream_branch,
+ user=git_state.remotes.fork.user,
+ repo=git_state.remotes.fork.repo,
+ branch=branch,
+ title=title,
+ body=body,
+ )
+ return pr
+def create_github_release(release: GitHubRelease) -> None:
+ """Open a browser tab for creating the given GitHub release."""
+ # See:
+ params = dict(
+ tag=release.tag,
+ title=release.title,
+ body=release.body,
+ prerelease=1 if release.pre_release else 0,
+ )
+ query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
+ url = f"{release.user}/{release.repo}/releases/new?{query_string}"
+"Opening release creation page in new tab using default browser ...")
+ webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
+def create_pull_request(pr: PullRequest) -> None:
+ """Open a browser tab for creating the given pull request."""
+ # See: # noqa
+ params = dict(
+ quick_pull=1,
+ title=pr.title,
+ body=pr.body,
+ )
+ query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
+ url = f"{pr.upstream_user}/{pr.upstream_repo}/compare/{pr.upstream_branch}...{pr.user}:{pr.repo}:{pr.branch}?{query_string}"
+"Opening pull request in new tab using default browser ...")
+ webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
+def create_pull_request_body(title: str) -> str:
+ """Return a simple pull request body created from the given title."""
+ body = f"""
+##### SUMMARY
+Feature Pull Request
+ return body.lstrip()
+def get_remote(name: str, push: bool) -> Remote:
+ """Return details about the specified remote."""
+ remote_url = git("remote", "get-url", *(["--push"] if push else []), name, capture_output=True).stdout.strip()
+ remote_match ="[@/]github[.]com[:/](?P<user>[^/]+)/(?P<repo>[^.]+)(?:[.]git)?$", remote_url)
+ if not remote_match:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to identify the user and repo in the '{name}' remote: {remote_url}")
+ remote = Remote(
+ name=name,
+ )
+ return remote
+def get_remotes() -> Remotes:
+ """Return details about the remotes we need to use."""
+ # assume the devel branch has its upstream remote pointing to the user's fork
+ fork_remote_name = git("branch", "--list", "devel", "--format=%(upstream:remotename)", capture_output=True).stdout.strip()
+ if not fork_remote_name:
+ raise ApplicationError("Could not determine the remote for your fork of Ansible.")
+"Detected '{fork_remote_name}' as the remote for your fork of Ansible.")
+ # assume there is only one ansible org remote, which would allow release testing using another repo in the same org without special configuration
+ all_remotes = git("remote", "-v", capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines()
+ ansible_remote_names = set(line.split()[0] for line in all_remotes if"[@/]github[.]com[:/]ansible/", line))
+ if not ansible_remote_names:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Could not determine the remote which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from.")
+ if len(ansible_remote_names) > 1:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Found multiple candidates for the remote from which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from: {', '.join(ansible_remote_names)}")
+ upstream_remote_name = ansible_remote_names.pop()
+"Detected '{upstream_remote_name}' as the remote from which '{fork_remote_name}' was forked from.")
+ if fork_remote_name == upstream_remote_name:
+ raise ApplicationError("The remote for your fork of Ansible cannot be the same as the remote from which it was forked.")
+ remotes = Remotes(
+ fork=get_remote(fork_remote_name, push=True),
+ upstream=get_remote(upstream_remote_name, push=False),
+ )
+ return remotes
+def get_upstream_branch(version: Version) -> str:
+ """Return the upstream branch name for the given version."""
+ return f"stable-{version.major}.{version.minor}"
+def get_git_state(version: Version, allow_stale: bool) -> GitState:
+ """Return information about the current state of the git repository."""
+ remotes = get_remotes()
+ upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version)
+ git("fetch",, upstream_branch)
+ upstream_ref = f"{}/{upstream_branch}"
+ upstream_commit = get_commit(upstream_ref)
+ commit = get_commit()
+ if commit != upstream_commit:
+ with suppress_when(allow_stale):
+ raise ApplicationError(f"The current commit ({commit}) does not match {upstream_ref} ({upstream_commit}).")
+ branch = git("branch", "--show-current", capture_output=True).stdout.strip() or None
+ state = GitState(
+ remotes=remotes,
+ branch=branch,
+ commit=commit,
+ )
+ return state
+def ensure_venv() -> dict[str, t.Any]:
+ """Ensure the release venv is ready and return the env vars needed to use it."""
+ # TODO: consider freezing the ansible and release requirements along with their dependencies
+ ansible_requirements = ANSIBLE_REQUIREMENTS_FILE.read_text()
+ release_requirements = """
+ requirements_file = CHECKOUT_DIR / "test/sanity/code-smell/package-data.requirements.txt"
+ requirements_content = requirements_file.read_text()
+ requirements_content += ansible_requirements
+ requirements_content += release_requirements
+ requirements_hash = hashlib.sha256(requirements_content.encode()).hexdigest()[:8]
+ python_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
+ venv_dir = VENV_DIR / python_version / requirements_hash
+ venv_bin_dir = venv_dir / "bin"
+ venv_requirements_file = venv_dir / "requirements.txt"
+ venv_marker_file = venv_dir / "marker.txt"
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None) # avoid interference from ansible being injected into the environment
+ env.update(
+ PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(venv_bin_dir), env["PATH"])),
+ )
+ if not venv_marker_file.exists():
+"Creating a Python {python_version} virtual environment ({requirements_hash}) ...")
+ if venv_dir.exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(venv_dir)
+ venv.create(venv_dir, with_pip=True)
+ venv_requirements_file.write_text(requirements_content)
+ run("pip", "install", "-r", venv_requirements_file, env=env | PIP_ENV, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ venv_marker_file.touch()
+ return env
+def get_ansible_version(version: str | None = None, /, commit: str | None = None, mode: VersionMode = VersionMode.DEFAULT) -> Version:
+ """Parse and return the current ansible-core version, the provided version or the version from the provided commit."""
+ if version and commit:
+ raise ValueError("Specify only one of: version, commit")
+ if version:
+ source = ""
+ else:
+ if commit:
+ current = git("show", f"{commit}:{ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}", capture_output=True).stdout
+ else:
+ current = ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.read_text()
+ if not (match :=
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to get the ansible-core version.")
+ version ="version")
+ source = f" in '{ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE}'"
+ try:
+ parsed_version = Version(version)
+ except InvalidVersion:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Invalid version{source}: {version}") from None
+ parsed_version = mode.apply(parsed_version)
+ return parsed_version
+def get_next_version(version: Version, /, final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, mode: VersionMode = VersionMode.DEFAULT) -> Version:
+ """Return the next version after the specified version."""
+ # TODO: consider using development versions instead of post versions after a release is published
+ pre = pre or ""
+ micro = version.micro
+ if version.is_devrelease:
+ # The next version of a development release is the same version without the development component.
+ if final:
+ pre = ""
+ elif not pre and version.pre is not None:
+ pre = f"{version.pre[0]}{version.pre[1]}"
+ elif version.is_postrelease:
+ # The next version of a post release is the next pre-release *or* micro release component.
+ if final:
+ pre = ""
+ elif not pre and version.pre is not None:
+ pre = f"{version.pre[0]}{version.pre[1] + 1}"
+ if version.pre is None:
+ micro = version.micro + 1
+ else:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} is not a development or post release version.")
+ version = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}.{micro}{pre}"
+ return get_ansible_version(version, mode=mode)
+def check_ansible_version(current_version: Version, requested_version: Version) -> None:
+ """Verify the requested version is valid for the current version."""
+ if requested_version.release[:2] != current_version.release[:2]:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {requested_version} does not match the major and minor portion of the current version: {current_version}")
+ if requested_version < current_version:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {requested_version} is older than the current version: {current_version}")
+ # TODO: consider additional checks to avoid mistakes when incrementing the release version
+def set_ansible_version(current_version: Version, requested_version: Version) -> None:
+ """Set the current ansible-core version."""
+ check_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version)
+ if requested_version == current_version:
+ return
+"Updating version {current_version} to {requested_version} ...")
+ current = ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.read_text()
+ updated = ANSIBLE_VERSION_PATTERN.sub(ANSIBLE_VERSION_FORMAT.format(version=requested_version), current)
+ if current == updated:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to set the ansible-core version.")
+ ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE.write_text(updated)
+def create_reproducible_sdist(original_path: pathlib.Path, output_path: pathlib.Path, mtime: int) -> None:
+ """Read the specified sdist and write out a new copy with uniform file metadata at the specified location."""
+ with as original_archive:
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ tar_file = pathlib.Path(temp_dir) / "sdist.tar"
+ with, mode="w") as tar_archive:
+ for original_info in original_archive.getmembers(): # type: tarfile.TarInfo
+ tar_archive.addfile(create_reproducible_tar_info(original_info, mtime), original_archive.extractfile(original_info))
+ with"rb") as tar_archive:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(output_path, "wb", mtime=mtime) as output_archive:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(tar_archive, output_archive)
+def create_reproducible_tar_info(original: tarfile.TarInfo, mtime: int) -> tarfile.TarInfo:
+ """Return a copy of the given TarInfo with uniform file metadata."""
+ sanitized = tarfile.TarInfo()
+ =
+ sanitized.size = original.size
+ sanitized.mtime = mtime
+ sanitized.mode = (original.mode & ~(stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)) | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWUSR
+ sanitized.type = original.type
+ sanitized.linkname = original.linkname
+ sanitized.uid = 0
+ sanitized.gid = 0
+ sanitized.uname = "root"
+ sanitized.gname = "root"
+ if original.mode & (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH):
+ sanitized.mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+ return sanitized
+def test_built_artifact(path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
+ """Test the specified built artifact by installing it in a venv and running some basic commands."""
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name:
+ temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name)
+ venv_dir = temp_dir / "venv"
+ venv_bin_dir = venv_dir / "bin"
+ venv.create(venv_dir, with_pip=True)
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None) # avoid interference from ansible being injected into the environment
+ env.update(
+ PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(venv_bin_dir), env["PATH"])),
+ )
+ run("pip", "install", path, env=env | PIP_ENV, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ run("ansible", "--version", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ run("ansible-test", "--version", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+def get_sdist_path(version: Version, dist_dir: pathlib.Path = DIST_DIR) -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Return the path to the sdist file."""
+ return dist_dir / f"ansible-core-{version}.tar.gz"
+def get_wheel_path(version: Version, dist_dir: pathlib.Path = DIST_DIR) -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Return the path to the wheel file."""
+ return dist_dir / f"ansible_core-{version}-py3-none-any.whl"
+def calculate_digest(path: pathlib.Path) -> str:
+ """Return the digest for the specified file."""
+ # TODO: use hashlib.file_digest once Python 3.11 is the minimum supported version
+ return, path.read_bytes()).hexdigest()
+def get_release_artifact_details(repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> list[ReleaseArtifact]:
+ """Return information about the release artifacts hosted on PyPI."""
+ endpoint = PYPI_ENDPOINTS[repository]
+ url = f"{endpoint}/ansible-core/{version}/json"
+ opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
+ response: http.client.HTTPResponse
+ try:
+ with as response:
+ data = json.load(response)
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
+ if ex.status == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} not found on PyPI.") from None
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get {version} from PyPI: {ex}") from ex
+ artifacts = [describe_release_artifact(version, item, validate) for item in data["urls"]]
+ expected_artifact_types = {"bdist_wheel", "sdist"}
+ found_artifact_types = set(artifact.package_type for artifact in artifacts)
+ if found_artifact_types != expected_artifact_types:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Expected {expected_artifact_types} artifact types, but found {found_artifact_types} instead.")
+ return artifacts
+def describe_release_artifact(version: Version, item: dict[str, t.Any], validate: bool) -> ReleaseArtifact:
+ """Return release artifact details extracted from the given PyPI data."""
+ package_type = item["packagetype"]
+ # The artifact URL is documented as stable, so is safe to put in release notes and announcements.
+ # See:
+ url = item["url"]
+ pypi_size = item["size"]
+ pypi_digest = item["digests"][DIGEST_ALGORITHM]
+ if package_type == "bdist_wheel":
+ local_artifact_file = get_wheel_path(version)
+ package_label = "Built Distribution"
+ elif package_type == "sdist":
+ local_artifact_file = get_sdist_path(version)
+ package_label = "Source Distribution"
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"Package type '{package_type}' is not supported.")
+ if validate:
+ try:
+ local_size = local_artifact_file.stat().st_size
+ local_digest = calculate_digest(local_artifact_file)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Missing local artifact: {local_artifact_file.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}") from None
+ if local_size != pypi_size:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"The {version} local {package_type} size {local_size} does not match the PyPI size {pypi_size}.")
+ if local_digest != pypi_digest:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"The {version} local {package_type} digest '{local_digest}' does not match the PyPI digest '{pypi_digest}'.")
+ return ReleaseArtifact(
+ package_type=package_type,
+ package_label=package_label,
+ url=url,
+ size=pypi_size,
+ digest=pypi_digest,
+ digest_algorithm=DIGEST_ALGORITHM.upper(),
+ )
+def get_next_release_date(start:, step: int, after: ->
+ """Return the next release date."""
+ if start > after:
+ raise ValueError(f"{start=} is greater than {after=}")
+ current_delta = after - start
+ release_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=(math.floor(current_delta.days / step) + 1) * step)
+ release = start + release_delta
+ return release
+def create_template_environment() -> jinja2.Environment:
+ """Create and return a jinja2 environment."""
+ env = jinja2.Environment()
+ env.filters.update(
+ basename=os.path.basename,
+ )
+ return env
+def create_github_release_notes(upstream: Remote, repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> str:
+ """Create and return GitHub release notes."""
+ env = create_template_environment()
+ template = env.from_string(GITHUB_RELEASE_NOTES_TEMPLATE)
+ variables = dict(
+ version=version,
+ releases=get_release_artifact_details(repository, version, validate),
+ changelog=f"{upstream.user}/{upstream.repo}/blob/v{version}/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v{version.major}.{version.minor}.rst",
+ )
+ release_notes = template.render(**variables).strip()
+ return release_notes
+def create_release_announcement(upstream: Remote, repository: str, version: Version, validate: bool) -> ReleaseAnnouncement:
+ """Create and return a release announcement message."""
+ env = create_template_environment()
+ subject_template = env.from_string(RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE)
+ body_template = env.from_string(RELEASE_ANNOUNCEMENT_BODY_TEMPLATE)
+ today =
+ variables = dict(
+ version=version,
+ info=dict(
+ name="ansible-core",
+ short=f"{version.major}.{version.minor}",
+ releases=get_release_artifact_details(repository, version, validate),
+ ),
+ next_rc=get_next_release_date(, 8, 9), 28, today),
+ next_ga=get_next_release_date(, 8, 16), 28, today),
+ rc=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "rc",
+ beta=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "b",
+ alpha=version.pre and version.pre[0] == "a",
+ major=version.micro == 0,
+ upstream=upstream,
+ )
+ if version.pre and version.pre[0] in ("a", "b"):
+ display.warning("The release announcement template does not populate the date for the next release.")
+ subject = subject_template.render(**variables).strip()
+ body = body_template.render(**variables).strip()
+ message = ReleaseAnnouncement(
+ subject=subject,
+ body=body,
+ )
+ return message
+# endregion
+# region Templates
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+# Changelog
+See the [full changelog]({{ changelog }}) for the changes included in this release.
+# Release Artifacts
+{%- for release in releases %}
+* {{ release.package_label }}: [{{ release.url|basename }}]({{ release.url }}) - {{ release.size }} bytes
+ * {{ release.digest }} ({{ release.digest_algorithm }})
+{%- endfor %}
+# These release templates were adapted from sivel's release announcement script.
+# See:
+New release{% if rc %} candidate{% elif beta %} beta{% elif alpha %} alpha{% endif %}: {{ }} {{ version }}
+# NOTE: Gmail will automatically wrap the plain text version when sending.
+# There's no need to perform wrapping ahead of time for normal sentences.
+# However, lines with special formatting should be kept short to avoid unwanted wrapping.
+Hi all- we're happy to announce the{{ " " }}
+{%- if rc -%}
+following release candidate
+{%- elif beta -%}
+beta release of
+{%- elif alpha -%}
+alpha release of
+{%- else -%}
+general release of
+{%- endif -%}:
+{{ }} {{ version }}
+How to get it
+$ python3 -m pip install --user {{ }}=={{ version }}
+The release artifacts can be found here:
+{% for release in info.releases %}
+# {{ release.package_label }}: {{ release.size }} bytes
+# {{ release.digest_algorithm }}: {{ release.digest }}
+{{ release.url }}
+{%- endfor %}
+What's new
+{% if major %}
+This release is a major release.
+{%- else -%}
+This release is a maintenance release containing numerous bugfixes.
+{% endif %}
+The full changelog can be found here:
+{{ upstream.user }}/{{ upstream.repo }}/blob/v{{ version }}/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v{{ info.short }}.rst
+Schedule for future releases
+{% if rc %}
+The release candidate will become a general availability release on {{ next_ga.strftime('%-d %B %Y') }}.
+{% elif beta %}
+Subject to the need for additional beta releases, the first release candidate is scheduled for X.
+{% elif alpha %}
+Subject to the need for additional alpha releases, the first release beta is scheduled for X.
+{% else %}
+The next release candidate is planned to be released on {{ next_rc.strftime('%-d %B %Y') }}. The next general availability release will be one week after.
+{% endif %}
+Porting help
+If you discover any errors or if any of your working playbooks break when you upgrade, please use the following link to report the regression:
+{{ upstream.user }}/{{ upstream.repo }}/issues/new/choose
+In your issue, be sure to mention the version that works and the one that doesn't.
+# endregion
+# region Commands
+command = CommandFramework(
+ repository=dict(metavar="REPO", choices=tuple(PYPI_ENDPOINTS), default="pypi", help="PyPI repository to use: %(choices)s [%(default)s]"),
+ version=dict(exclusive="version", help="version to set"),
+ pre=dict(exclusive="version", help="increment version to the specified pre-release (aN, bN, rcN)"),
+ final=dict(exclusive="version", action="store_true", help="increment version to the next final release"),
+ commit=dict(help="commit to tag"),
+ mailto=dict(name="--no-mailto", action="store_false", help="write announcement to console instead of using a mailto: link"),
+ validate=dict(name="--no-validate", action="store_false", help="disable validation of PyPI artifacts against local ones"),
+ prompt=dict(name="--no-prompt", action="store_false", help="disable interactive prompt before publishing with twine"),
+ allow_tag=dict(action="store_true", help="allow an existing release tag (for testing)"),
+ allow_stale=dict(action="store_true", help="allow a stale checkout (for testing)"),
+ allow_dirty=dict(action="store_true", help="allow untracked files and files with changes (for testing)"),
+def instructions() -> None:
+ """Show instructions for the release process."""
+ message = """
+Releases must be performed using an up-to-date checkout of a fork of the Ansible repository.
+1. Make sure your checkout is up-to-date.
+2. Run the `prepare` command [1], then:
+ a. Submit the PR opened in the browser.
+ b. Wait for CI to pass.
+ c. Merge the PR.
+3. Update your checkout to include the commit from the PR which was just merged.
+4. Run the `complete` command [2], then:
+ a. Submit the GitHub release opened in the browser.
+ b. Submit the PR opened in the browser.
+ c. Send the release announcement opened in your browser.
+ d. Wait for CI to pass.
+ e. Merge the PR.
+[1] Use the `--final`, `--pre` or `--version` option for control over the version.
+[2] During the `publish` step, `twine` may prompt for credentials.
+def show_version(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None) -> None:
+ """Show the current and next ansible-core version."""
+ current_version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST)
+"Current version: {current_version}")
+ try:
+ next_version = get_next_version(current_version, final=final, pre=pre)
+ except ApplicationError as ex:
+" Next version: Unknown - {ex}")
+ else:
+" Next version: {next_version}")
+ check_ansible_version(current_version, next_version)
+def check_state(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Verify the git repository is in a usable state for creating a pull request."""
+ get_git_state(get_ansible_version(), allow_stale)
+# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+def prepare(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, version: str | None = None) -> None:
+ """Prepare a release."""
+ update_version,
+ check_state,
+ generate_summary,
+ generate_changelog,
+ create_release_pr,
+ )
+def update_version(final: bool = False, pre: str | None = None, version: str | None = None) -> None:
+ """Update the version embedded in the source code."""
+ current_version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_DEV_POST)
+ if version:
+ requested_version = get_ansible_version(version)
+ else:
+ requested_version = get_next_version(current_version, final=final, pre=pre)
+ set_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version)
+def generate_summary() -> None:
+ """Generate a summary changelog fragment for this release."""
+ version = get_ansible_version()
+ release_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
+ summary_path = CHANGELOGS_FRAGMENTS_DIR / f"{version}_summary.yaml"
+ major_minor = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}"
+ content = f"""
+release_summary: |
+ | Release Date: {release_date}
+ | `Porting Guide <{major_minor}/porting_guides/porting_guide_core_{major_minor}.html>`__
+ summary_path.write_text(content.lstrip())
+def generate_changelog() -> None:
+ """Generate the changelog and validate the results."""
+ env = ensure_venv()
+ env.update(
+ PATH=os.pathsep.join((str(ANSIBLE_BIN_DIR), env["PATH"])),
+ )
+ # TODO: consider switching back to the original changelog generator instead of using antsibull-changelog
+ run("antsibull-changelog", "release", "-vv", "--use-ansible-doc", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ run("antsibull-changelog", "generate", "-vv", "--use-ansible-doc", env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ run("ansible-test", "sanity", CHANGELOGS_DIR, ANSIBLE_RELEASE_FILE, env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+def create_release_pr(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Create a branch and open a browser tab for creating a release pull request."""
+ version = get_ansible_version()
+ pr = prepare_pull_request(
+ version=version,
+ branch=f"release-{version}-{secrets.token_hex(4)}",
+ title=f"New release v{version}",
+ add=(
+ ),
+ allow_stale=allow_stale,
+ )
+ create_pull_request(pr)
+# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+def complete(repository: str, mailto: bool = True, allow_dirty: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Complete a release after the prepared changes have been merged."""
+ check_state,
+ build,
+ test,
+ publish,
+ tag_release,
+ post_version,
+ create_post_pr,
+ release_announcement,
+ )
+def build(allow_dirty: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Build the sdist and wheel."""
+ version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST)
+ env = ensure_venv()
+ dirty = git("status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=all", capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines()
+ if dirty:
+ with suppress_when(allow_dirty):
+ raise ApplicationError(f"There are {len(dirty)} files which are untracked and/or have changes, which will be omitted from the build.")
+ sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version)
+ wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=DIST_DIR, prefix=f"build-{version}-", suffix=".tmp") as temp_dir_name:
+ temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name)
+ dist_dir = temp_dir / "dist"
+ commit_time = int(git("show", "-s", "--format=%ct", capture_output=True).stdout)
+ env.update(
+ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=commit_time,
+ )
+ git("worktree", "add", "-d", temp_dir)
+ try:
+ run("python", "-m", "build", env=env, cwd=temp_dir)
+ create_reproducible_sdist(get_sdist_path(version, dist_dir), sdist_file, commit_time)
+ get_wheel_path(version, dist_dir).rename(wheel_file)
+ finally:
+ git("worktree", "remove", temp_dir)
+def test() -> None:
+ """Test the sdist and wheel."""
+ test_sdist,
+ test_wheel,
+ )
+def test_sdist() -> None:
+ """Test the sdist."""
+ version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST)
+ sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name:
+ temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name)
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
+ try:
+ sdist = stack.enter_context(
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Missing sdist: {sdist_file.relative_to(CHECKOUT_DIR)}") from None
+ # deprecated: description='extractall fallback without filter' python_version='3.11'
+ if hasattr(tarfile, 'data_filter'):
+ sdist.extractall(temp_dir, filter='data') # type: ignore[call-arg]
+ else:
+ sdist.extractall(temp_dir)
+ pyc_glob = "*.pyc*"
+ pyc_files = sorted(path.relative_to(temp_dir) for path in temp_dir.rglob(pyc_glob))
+ if pyc_files:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Found {len(pyc_files)} '{pyc_glob}' file(s): {', '.join(map(str, pyc_files))}")
+ test_built_artifact(sdist_file)
+def test_wheel() -> None:
+ """Test the wheel."""
+ version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.ALLOW_DEV_POST)
+ wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir_name:
+ temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir_name)
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
+ try:
+ wheel = stack.enter_context(zipfile.ZipFile(wheel_file))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Missing wheel for version {version}: {wheel_file}") from None
+ wheel.extractall(temp_dir)
+ test_built_artifact(wheel_file)
+def publish(repository: str, prompt: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Publish to PyPI."""
+ version = get_ansible_version()
+ sdist_file = get_sdist_path(version)
+ wheel_file = get_wheel_path(version)
+ env = ensure_venv()
+ if prompt:
+ try:
+ while input(f"Do you want to publish {version} to the '{repository}' repository?\nEnter the repository name to confirm: ") != repository:
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise ApplicationError("Publishing was aborted by the user.") from None
+ run("twine", "upload", "-r", repository, sdist_file, wheel_file, env=env, cwd=CHECKOUT_DIR)
+def tag_release(repository: str, commit: str | None = None, validate: bool = True, allow_tag: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Create a GitHub release using the current or specified commit."""
+ upstream = get_remotes().upstream
+ if commit:
+ git("fetch", # fetch upstream to make sure the commit can be found
+ commit = get_commit(commit)
+ version = get_ansible_version(commit=commit)
+ tag = f"v{version}"
+ if upstream_tag := git("ls-remote", "--tags",, tag, capture_output=True).stdout.strip():
+ with suppress_when(allow_tag):
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Version {version} has already been tagged: {upstream_tag}")
+ upstream_branch = get_upstream_branch(version)
+ upstream_refs = git("branch", "-r", "--format=%(refname)", "--contains", commit, capture_output=True).stdout.strip().splitlines()
+ upstream_ref = f"refs/remotes/{}/{upstream_branch}"
+ if upstream_ref not in upstream_refs:
+ raise ApplicationError(f"Commit {upstream_ref} not found. Found {len(upstream_refs)} upstream ref(s): {', '.join(upstream_refs)}")
+ body = create_github_release_notes(upstream, repository, version, validate)
+ release = GitHubRelease(
+ user=upstream.user,
+ repo=upstream.repo,
+ target=commit,
+ tag=tag,
+ title=tag,
+ body=body,
+ pre_release=version.pre is not None,
+ )
+ create_github_release(release)
+def post_version() -> None:
+ """Set the post release version."""
+ current_version = get_ansible_version()
+ requested_version = get_ansible_version(f"{current_version}.post0", mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST)
+ set_ansible_version(current_version, requested_version)
+def create_post_pr(allow_stale: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Create a branch and open a browser tab for creating a post release pull request."""
+ version = get_ansible_version(mode=VersionMode.REQUIRE_POST)
+ pr = prepare_pull_request(
+ version=version,
+ branch=f"release-{version}-{secrets.token_hex(4)}",
+ title=f"Update Ansible release version to v{version}.",
+ allow_stale=allow_stale,
+ )
+ create_pull_request(pr)
+def release_announcement(repository: str, version: str | None = None, mailto: bool = True, validate: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Generate a release announcement for the current or specified version."""
+ parsed_version = get_ansible_version(version, mode=VersionMode.STRIP_POST)
+ upstream = get_remotes().upstream
+ message = create_release_announcement(upstream, repository, parsed_version, validate)
+ recipients = ", ".join(recipient_list)
+ if mailto:
+ to = urllib.parse.quote(recipients)
+ params = dict(
+ subject=message.subject,
+ body=message.body,
+ )
+ query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
+ url = f"mailto:{to}?{query_string}"
+"Opening email client through default web browser ...")
+ else:
+ print(f"TO: {recipients}")
+ print(f"SUBJECT: {message.subject}")
+ print()
+ print(message.body)
+# endregion
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ command.main()