--- name: Bug report about: > Create a bug report. Ensure that it does reproduce on the main branch with python >=3.9. For anything else, please use the discussion link below. labels: bug, new --- ##### Summary ##### Issue Type - Bug Report ##### OS / ENVIRONMENT ```console (paste below) ansible-lint --version ``` - ansible installation method: one of source, pip, OS package - ansible-lint installation method: one of source, pip, OS package ##### STEPS TO REPRODUCE ```console (paste below) ``` ##### Desired Behavior Possible security bugs should be reported via email to `security@ansible.com` ##### Actual Behavior Please give some details of what is happening. Include a [minimum complete verifiable example] with: - minimized playbook to reproduce the error - the output of running ansible-lint including the command line used - if you're getting a stack trace, also the output of `ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook` ```paste below ``` [minimum complete verifiable example]: http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve