# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files __pycache__ *.py[co] *$py.class # Temporary ruff file *.isorted # Packages .Python build/ develop-eggs/ dist/ downloads/ eggs/ .eggs/ lib64/ parts/ pip-wheel-metadata sdist/ var/ *.egg-info/ .installed.cfg *.egg # Installer logs pip-log.txt # Unit test / coverage reports .tox # Needed for CLI tests .sandbox # pyenv .python-version # Environments .env .venv env/ venv/ # Coverage artifacts .coverage* coverage*.xml pip-wheel-metadata .test-results/ # mypy .mypy_cache # Generated by setuptools-scm src/ansiblelint/_version.py # Unformatted fixtures, need to be added with force as we need to exclude # them from being reformatted (.prettierignore is a symlink to .gitignore) test/fixtures/formatting-before/ # prettier should not edit this due to forcibly extra-long lines examples/playbooks/vars/strings.transformed.yml # prettier should not edit this due to intentionally spaced nesting examples/playbooks/vars/transform_nested_data.yml # other .cache .DS_Store .vscode .idea src/ansiblelint/_version.py *.tar.gz .pytest_cache test/eco/CODENOTIFY.html test/eco test/schemas/node_modules test/local-content .envrc # collections # !/collections site _readthedocs *.tmp.* coverage.lcov