"""PyTest Fixtures.""" import importlib import os import platform import subprocess import sys import warnings from pathlib import Path import pytest # Ensure we always run from the root of the repository if Path.cwd() != Path(__file__).parent: os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent) # checking if user is running pytest without installing test dependencies: missing = [ module for module in ["ansible", "black", "mypy", "pylint"] if not importlib.util.find_spec(module) ] if missing: pytest.exit( reason=f"FATAL: Missing modules: {', '.join(missing)} -- probably you missed installing test requirements with: pip install -e '.[test]'", returncode=1, ) # See: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1402#issuecomment-186299177 def pytest_configure(config: pytest.Config) -> None: """Ensure we run preparation only on master thread when running in parallel.""" if is_help_option_present(config): return if is_master(config): # we need to be sure that we have the requirements installed as some tests # might depend on these. This approach is compatible with GHA caching. try: subprocess.check_output( ["./tools/install-reqs.sh"], # noqa: S603 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print(f"{exc}\n{exc.stderr}\n{exc.stdout}", file=sys.stderr) # noqa: T201 sys.exit(1) def is_help_option_present(config: pytest.Config) -> bool: """Return true if pytest invocation was not about running tests.""" return any(config.getoption(x) for x in ["--fixtures", "--help", "--collect-only"]) def is_master(config: pytest.Config) -> bool: """Return true if is run on master thread.""" return not hasattr(config, "workerinput") # ruff: noqa: E402 from ansible.module_utils.common.yaml import ( # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position HAS_LIBYAML, ) if not HAS_LIBYAML: # While presence of libyaml is not required for runtime, we keep this error # fatal here in order to be sure that we spot libyaml errors during testing. arch = platform.machine() if arch not in ("arm64", "x86_64"): warnings.warn( f"This architecture ({arch}) is not supported by libyaml, performance will be degraded.", category=pytest.PytestWarning, stacklevel=1, ) else: pytest.fail( "FATAL: For testing, we require pyyaml to be installed with its native extension, missing it would make testing 3x slower and risk missing essential bugs.", ) @pytest.fixture(name="project_path") def fixture_project_path() -> Path: """Fixture to linter root folder.""" return Path(__file__).resolve().parent