--- - name: Fixture to validate module options pass scenario hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Clone content repository ansible.builtin.git: repo: "{{ archive_services_repo_url }}" dest: /home/www accept_hostkey: true version: master update: false - name: Enable service httpd and ensure it is not masked ansible.builtin.systemd: name: httpd enabled: false masked: false - name: Clear deployment dir ansible.builtin.file: path: /opt/software/deployment state: "{{ item }}" mode: "0755" with_items: - absent - directory - name: Bug https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/2962 become: true ansible.builtin.apt_key: url: "{{ zj_item['url'] | default(omit) }}" data: "{{ zj_item['data'] | default(omit) }}" loop: "{{ repositories_keys }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_item - name: Bug 2428 daemon_reload should be allowed ansible.builtin.systemd: name: foo state: restarted daemon_reload: true - name: Bug 2424 async_status ansible.builtin.async_status: jid: "{{ 999 }}" - name: Bug https://github.com/VSChina/vscode-ansible/issues/261 ansible.builtin.set_fact: dns_nameservers: "{{ var1 }}" - name: Bug cmd should be allowed ansible.builtin.command: cmd: echo "foo" changed_when: false - name: Bag another allowed form of command ansible.builtin.command: "/etc/test.sh" changed_when: false - name: Bug 3090 community.docker.docker_container_exec: container: foo argv: - /bin/bash - "-c" - "ls -lah > /dev/stderr" chdir: /root register: result - name: "Bug 3138" become: true ansible.builtin.service: name: "jenkins" state: started # 'use' is dropped by preprocessing ... use: "{{ ansible_service_mgr }}" changed_when: false - name: "Bug 3152" ansible.posix.synchronize: src: . dest: . owner: false group: false use_ssh_args: true - name: Create software directory (Windows module - Bug 3200) ansible.windows.win_file: path: "c:\\test_dir" state: directory - name: Ansible-lint for args rule should succeed (Bug - 3199) vars: copy_vars: src: "args.json" action: ansible.builtin.copy args: "{{ copy_vars }}" # since, we're unable to analyze jinja, we skip this kind of checks