--- - name: Fixture for no-changed-when (pass) hosts: all tasks: - name: Handle command output with return code # noqa: command-instead-of-shell ansible.builtin.command: cat {{ my_file | quote }} register: my_output changed_when: my_output.rc != 0 - name: Handle shell output with return code # noqa: command-instead-of-shell ansible.builtin.shell: cat {{ my_file | quote }} register: my_output changed_when: my_output.rc != 0 - name: Handle shell output with false changed_when # noqa: command-instead-of-shell ansible.builtin.shell: cat {{ my_file | quote }} register: my_output changed_when: false - name: Command with argument command: createfile.sh # noqa: fqcn args: creates: /tmp/????unknown_files????