"""Application.""" from __future__ import annotations import copy import itertools import logging import os from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from ansible_compat.runtime import Runtime from rich.markup import escape from rich.table import Table from ansiblelint import formatters from ansiblelint._mockings import _perform_mockings from ansiblelint.color import console, console_stderr, render_yaml from ansiblelint.config import PROFILES, Options, get_version_warning from ansiblelint.config import options as default_options from ansiblelint.constants import RC, RULE_DOC_URL from ansiblelint.loaders import IGNORE_FILE from ansiblelint.stats import SummarizedResults, TagStats if TYPE_CHECKING: from ansiblelint._internal.rules import BaseRule from ansiblelint.errors import MatchError from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable from ansiblelint.runner import LintResult _logger = logging.getLogger(__package__) class App: """App class represents an execution of the linter.""" def __init__(self, options: Options): """Construct app run based on already loaded configuration.""" options.skip_list = _sanitize_list_options(options.skip_list) options.warn_list = _sanitize_list_options(options.warn_list) self.options = options formatter_factory = choose_formatter_factory(options) self.formatter = formatter_factory(options.cwd, options.display_relative_path) # Without require_module, our _set_collections_basedir may fail self.runtime = Runtime(isolated=True, require_module=True) def render_matches(self, matches: list[MatchError]) -> None: """Display given matches (if they are not fixed).""" matches = [match for match in matches if not match.fixed] if isinstance( self.formatter, (formatters.CodeclimateJSONFormatter, formatters.SarifFormatter), ): # If formatter CodeclimateJSONFormatter or SarifFormatter is chosen, # then print only the matches in JSON console.print( self.formatter.format_result(matches), markup=False, highlight=False, ) return ignored_matches = [match for match in matches if match.ignored] fatal_matches = [match for match in matches if not match.ignored] # Displayed ignored matches first if ignored_matches: _logger.warning( "Listing %s violation(s) marked as ignored, likely already known", len(ignored_matches), ) for match in ignored_matches: if match.ignored: # highlight must be off or apostrophes may produce unexpected results console.print(self.formatter.apply(match), highlight=False) if fatal_matches: _logger.warning( "Listing %s violation(s) that are fatal", len(fatal_matches), ) for match in fatal_matches: if not match.ignored: console.print(self.formatter.apply(match), highlight=False) # If run under GitHub Actions we also want to emit output recognized by it. if os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true" and os.getenv("GITHUB_WORKFLOW"): _logger.info( "GitHub Actions environment detected, adding annotations output...", ) formatter = formatters.AnnotationsFormatter(self.options.cwd, True) for match in itertools.chain(fatal_matches, ignored_matches): console_stderr.print( formatter.apply(match), markup=False, highlight=False, ) # If sarif_file is set, we also dump the results to a sarif file. if self.options.sarif_file: sarif = formatters.SarifFormatter(self.options.cwd, True) json = sarif.format_result(matches) with Path.open( self.options.sarif_file, "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as sarif_file: sarif_file.write(json) def count_results(self, matches: list[MatchError]) -> SummarizedResults: """Count failures and warnings in matches.""" result = SummarizedResults() for match in matches: # any ignores match counts as a warning if match.ignored: result.warnings += 1 continue # tag can include a sub-rule id: `yaml[document-start]` # rule.id is the generic rule id: `yaml` # *rule.tags is the list of the rule's tags (categories): `style` if match.tag not in result.tag_stats: result.tag_stats[match.tag] = TagStats( tag=match.tag, count=1, associated_tags=match.rule.tags, ) else: result.tag_stats[match.tag].count += 1 if {match.tag, match.rule.id, *match.rule.tags}.isdisjoint( self.options.warn_list, ): # not in warn_list if match.fixed: result.fixed_failures += 1 else: result.failures += 1 else: result.tag_stats[match.tag].warning = True if match.fixed: result.fixed_warnings += 1 else: result.warnings += 1 return result @staticmethod def count_lintables(files: set[Lintable]) -> tuple[int, int]: """Count total and modified files.""" files_count = len(files) changed_files_count = len([file for file in files if file.updated]) return files_count, changed_files_count @staticmethod def _get_matched_skippable_rules( matches: list[MatchError], ) -> dict[str, BaseRule]: """Extract the list of matched rules, if skippable, from the list of matches.""" matches_unignored = [match for match in matches if not match.ignored] # match.tag is more specialized than match.rule.id matched_rules = { match.tag or match.rule.id: match.rule for match in matches_unignored } # remove unskippable rules from the list for rule_id in list(matched_rules.keys()): if "unskippable" in matched_rules[rule_id].tags: matched_rules.pop(rule_id) return matched_rules def report_outcome( self, result: LintResult, *, mark_as_success: bool = False, ) -> int: """Display information about how to skip found rules. Returns exit code, 2 if errors were found, 0 when only warnings were found. """ msg = "" summary = self.count_results(result.matches) files_count, changed_files_count = self.count_lintables(result.files) matched_rules = self._get_matched_skippable_rules(result.matches) if matched_rules and self.options.generate_ignore: # ANSIBLE_LINT_IGNORE_FILE environment variable overrides default # dumping location in linter and is not documented or supported. We # use this only for testing purposes. ignore_file_path = Path( os.environ.get("ANSIBLE_LINT_IGNORE_FILE", IGNORE_FILE.default), ) console_stderr.print(f"Writing ignore file to {ignore_file_path}") lines = set() for rule in result.matches: lines.add(f"{rule.filename} {rule.tag}\n") with ignore_file_path.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as ignore_file: ignore_file.write( "# This file contains ignores rule violations for ansible-lint\n", ) ignore_file.writelines(sorted(lines)) elif matched_rules and not self.options.quiet: console_stderr.print( "Read [link=https://ansible-lint.readthedocs.io/configuring/#ignoring-rules-for-entire-files]documentation[/link] for instructions on how to ignore specific rule violations.", ) # Do not deprecate the old tags just yet. Why? Because it is not currently feasible # to migrate old tags to new tags. There are a lot of things out there that still # use ansible-lint 4 (for example, Ansible Galaxy and Automation Hub imports). If we # replace the old tags, those tools will report warnings. If we do not replace them, # ansible-lint 5 will report warnings. # # We can do the deprecation once the ecosystem caught up at least a bit. # for k, v in used_old_tags.items(): # _logger.warning( # "error in the future.", # k, # v, if self.options.write_list and "yaml" in self.options.skip_list: _logger.warning( "You specified '--write', but no files can be modified " "because 'yaml' is in 'skip_list'.", ) if mark_as_success and summary.failures: mark_as_success = False if not self.options.quiet: console_stderr.print(render_yaml(msg)) self.report_summary( summary, changed_files_count, files_count, is_success=mark_as_success, ) if mark_as_success: if not files_count: # success without any file being analyzed is reported as failure # to match match, preventing accidents where linter was running # not doing anything due to misconfiguration. _logger.critical( "Linter finished without analyzing any file, check configuration and arguments given.", ) return RC.NO_FILES_MATCHED return RC.SUCCESS return RC.VIOLATIONS_FOUND def report_summary( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # noqa: C901 self, summary: SummarizedResults, changed_files_count: int, files_count: int, is_success: bool, ) -> None: """Report match and file counts.""" # sort the stats by profiles idx = 0 rule_order = {} for profile, profile_config in PROFILES.items(): for rule in profile_config["rules"]: rule_order[rule] = (idx, profile) idx += 1 _logger.debug("Determined rule-profile order: %s", rule_order) failed_profiles = set() for tag, tag_stats in summary.tag_stats.items(): if tag in rule_order: tag_stats.order, tag_stats.profile = rule_order.get(tag, (idx, "")) elif "[" in tag: tag_stats.order, tag_stats.profile = rule_order.get( tag.split("[")[0], (idx, ""), ) if tag_stats.profile: failed_profiles.add(tag_stats.profile) summary.sort() if changed_files_count: console_stderr.print(f"Modified {changed_files_count} files.") # determine which profile passed summary.passed_profile = "" passed_profile_count = 0 for profile in PROFILES: if profile in failed_profiles: break if profile != summary.passed_profile: summary.passed_profile = profile passed_profile_count += 1 stars = "" if summary.tag_stats: table = Table( title="Rule Violation Summary", collapse_padding=True, box=None, show_lines=False, ) table.add_column("count", justify="right") table.add_column("tag") table.add_column("profile") table.add_column("rule associated tags") for tag, stats in summary.tag_stats.items(): table.add_row( str(stats.count), f"[link={RULE_DOC_URL}{ tag.split('[')[0] }]{escape(tag)}[/link]", stats.profile, f"{', '.join(stats.associated_tags)}{' (warning)' if stats.warning else ''}", style="yellow" if stats.warning else "red", ) # rate stars for the top 5 profiles (min would not get rating = 5 - (len(PROFILES.keys()) - passed_profile_count) if 0 < rating < 6: stars = f" Rating: {rating}/5 star" console_stderr.print(table) console_stderr.print() msg = "[green]Passed[/]" if is_success else "[red][bold]Failed[/][/]" msg += f": {summary.failures} failure(s), {summary.warnings} warning(s)" if summary.fixed: msg += f", and fixed {summary.fixed} issue(s)" msg += f" on {files_count} files." # Now we add some information about required and passed profile if self.options.profile: msg += f" Profile '{self.options.profile}' was required" if summary.passed_profile: msg += f", but only '{summary.passed_profile}' profile passed." else: msg += "." elif summary.passed_profile: msg += f" Last profile that met the validation criteria was '{summary.passed_profile}'." if stars: msg += stars # on offline mode and when run under pre-commit we do not want to # check for updates. if not self.options.offline and os.environ.get("PRE_COMMIT", "0") != "1": version_warning = get_version_warning() if version_warning: msg += f"\n{version_warning}" console_stderr.print(msg) def choose_formatter_factory( options_list: Options, ) -> type[formatters.BaseFormatter[Any]]: """Select an output formatter based on the incoming command line arguments.""" r: type[formatters.BaseFormatter[Any]] = formatters.Formatter if options_list.format == "quiet": r = formatters.QuietFormatter elif options_list.format in ("json", "codeclimate"): r = formatters.CodeclimateJSONFormatter elif options_list.format == "sarif": r = formatters.SarifFormatter elif options_list.parseable or options_list.format == "pep8": r = formatters.ParseableFormatter return r def _sanitize_list_options(tag_list: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Normalize list options.""" # expand comma separated entries tags = set() for tag in tag_list: tags.update(str(tag).split(",")) # remove duplicates, and return as sorted list return sorted(set(tags)) @lru_cache def get_app(*, offline: bool | None = None) -> App: """Return the application instance, caching the return value.""" if offline is None: offline = default_options.offline if default_options.offline != offline: options = copy.deepcopy(default_options) options.offline = offline else: options = default_options app = App(options=options) # Make linter use the cache dir from compat options.cache_dir = app.runtime.cache_dir role_name_check = 0 if "role-name" in app.options.warn_list: role_name_check = 1 elif "role-name" in app.options.skip_list: role_name_check = 2 # mocking must happen before prepare_environment or galaxy install might # fail. _perform_mockings(options=app.options) app.runtime.prepare_environment( install_local=(not offline), offline=offline, role_name_check=role_name_check, ) return app