"""Utils to generate rules documentation.""" import logging from collections.abc import Iterable from rich import box from rich.console import RenderableType, group from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.table import Table from ansiblelint.config import PROFILES from ansiblelint.constants import RULE_DOC_URL from ansiblelint.rules import RulesCollection DOC_HEADER = """ # Default Rules (lint_default_rules)= Below you can see the list of default rules Ansible Lint use to evaluate playbooks and roles: """ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def rules_as_str(rules: RulesCollection) -> RenderableType: """Return rules as string.""" table = Table(show_header=False, header_style="title", box=box.SIMPLE) for rule in rules.alphabetical(): tag = f"[dim] ({', '.join(rule.tags)})[/dim]" if rule.tags else "" table.add_row( f"[link={RULE_DOC_URL}{rule.id}/]{rule.id}[/link]", rule.shortdesc + tag, ) return table def rules_as_md(rules: RulesCollection) -> str: """Return md documentation for a list of rules.""" result = DOC_HEADER for rule in rules.alphabetical(): # because title == rule.id we get the desired labels for free # and we do not have to insert `(target_header)=` title = f"{rule.id}" if rule.help: if not rule.help.startswith(f"# {rule.id}"): # pragma: no cover msg = f"Rule {rule.__class__} markdown help does not start with `# {rule.id}` header.\n{rule.help}" raise RuntimeError(msg) result += f"\n\n{rule.help}" else: description = rule.description if rule.link: description += f" [more]({rule.link})" result += f"\n\n## {title}\n\n**{rule.shortdesc}**\n\n{description}" return result @group() def rules_as_rich(rules: RulesCollection) -> Iterable[Table]: """Print documentation for a list of rules, returns empty string.""" width = max(16, *[len(rule.id) for rule in rules]) for rule in rules.alphabetical(): table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="title", box=box.MINIMAL) table.add_column(rule.id, style="dim", width=width) table.add_column(Markdown(rule.shortdesc)) description = rule.help or rule.description if rule.link: description += f" [(more)]({rule.link})" table.add_row("description", Markdown(description)) if rule.version_added: table.add_row("version_added", rule.version_added) if rule.tags: table.add_row("tags", ", ".join(rule.tags)) if rule.severity: table.add_row("severity", rule.severity) yield table def profiles_as_md(*, header: bool = False, docs_url: str = RULE_DOC_URL) -> str: """Return markdown representation of supported profiles.""" result = "" if header: result += """ # Profiles Ansible-lint profiles gradually increase the strictness of rules as your Ansible content lifecycle. !!! note Rules with `*` in the suffix are not yet implemented but are documented with linked GitHub issues. """ for name, profile in PROFILES.items(): extends = "" if profile.get("extends", None): extends = ( f" It extends [{profile['extends']}](#{profile['extends']}) profile." ) result += f"## {name}\n\n{profile['description']}{extends}\n" for rule, rule_data in profile["rules"].items(): if "[" in rule: url = f"{docs_url}{rule.split('[')[0]}/" else: url = f"{docs_url}{rule}/" if not rule_data: result += f"- [{rule}]({url})\n" else: result += f"- [{rule}]({rule_data['url']})\n" result += "\n" return result def profiles_as_rich() -> Markdown: """Return rich representation of supported profiles.""" return Markdown(profiles_as_md())