# ignore-errors This rule checks that playbooks do not use the `ignore_errors` directive to ignore all errors. Ignoring all errors in a playbook hides actual failures, incorrectly mark tasks as failed, and result in unexpected side effects and behavior. Instead of using the `ignore_errors: true` directive, you should do the following: - Ignore errors only when using the `{{ ansible_check_mode }}` variable. - Use `register` to register errors. - Use `failed_when:` and specify acceptable error conditions. ## Problematic Code ```yaml --- - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Run apt-get update ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update ignore_errors: true # <- Ignores all errors, including important failures. ``` ## Correct Code ```yaml --- - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Run apt-get update ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}" # <- Ignores errors in check mode. ``` ```yaml --- - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Run apt-get update ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update ignore_errors: true register: ignore_errors_register # <- Stores errors and failures for evaluation. ``` ```yaml --- - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Disable apport become: "yes" lineinfile: line: "enabled=0" dest: /etc/default/apport mode: 0644 state: present register: default_apport failed_when: default_apport.rc !=0 and not default_apport.rc == 257 # <- Defines conditions that constitute a failure. ```