"""Rule for checking content of jinja template strings.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import re import sys from collections import namedtuple from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import black import jinja2 from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleUnicode from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError from ansiblelint.constants import LINE_NUMBER_KEY from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable from ansiblelint.rules import AnsibleLintRule from ansiblelint.skip_utils import get_rule_skips_from_line from ansiblelint.text import has_jinja from ansiblelint.utils import parse_yaml_from_file, template from ansiblelint.yaml_utils import deannotate, nested_items_path if TYPE_CHECKING: from ansiblelint.errors import MatchError from ansiblelint.utils import Task _logger = logging.getLogger(__package__) KEYWORDS_WITH_IMPLICIT_TEMPLATE = ("changed_when", "failed_when", "until", "when") Token = namedtuple("Token", "lineno token_type value") ignored_re = re.compile( "|".join( # noqa: FLY002 [ r"^Object of type method is not JSON serializable", r"^Unexpected templating type error occurred on", r"^obj must be a list of dicts or a nested dict$", r"^the template file (.*) could not be found for the lookup$", r"could not locate file in lookup", r"unable to locate collection", r"^Error in (.*)is undefined$", r"^Mandatory variable (.*) not defined.$", r"is undefined", r"Unrecognized type <> for (.*) filter $", # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/3155 r"^The '(.*)' test expects a dictionary$", ], ), flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL, ) class JinjaRule(AnsibleLintRule): """Rule that looks inside jinja2 templates.""" id = "jinja" severity = "LOW" tags = ["formatting"] version_added = "v6.5.0" _ansible_error_re = re.compile( r"^(?P.*): (?P.*)\. String: (?P.*)$", flags=re.MULTILINE, ) env = jinja2.Environment(trim_blocks=False) _tag2msg = { "invalid": "Syntax error in jinja2 template: {value}", "spacing": "Jinja2 spacing could be improved: {value} -> {reformatted}", } _ids = { "jinja[invalid]": "Invalid jinja2 syntax", "jinja[spacing]": "Jinja2 spacing could be improved", } def _msg(self, tag: str, value: str, reformatted: str) -> str: """Generate error message.""" return self._tag2msg[tag].format(value=value, reformatted=reformatted) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def matchtask( self, task: Task, file: Lintable | None = None, ) -> list[MatchError]: result = [] try: for key, v, path in nested_items_path( task, ignored_keys=("block", "ansible.builtin.block", "ansible.legacy.block"), ): if isinstance(v, str): try: template( basedir=file.path.parent if file else Path("."), value=v, variables=deannotate(task.get("vars", {})), fail_on_error=True, # we later decide which ones to ignore or not ) # ValueError RepresenterError except AnsibleError as exc: bypass = False orig_exc = ( exc.orig_exc if getattr(exc, "orig_exc", None) else exc ) orig_exc_message = getattr(orig_exc, "message", str(orig_exc)) match = self._ansible_error_re.match( getattr(orig_exc, "message", str(orig_exc)), ) if ignored_re.search(orig_exc_message) or isinstance( orig_exc, AnsibleParserError, ): # An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'template'. Error was a , original message: the template file ... could not be found for the lookup. the template file ... could not be found for the lookup # ansible@devel (2.14) new behavior: # AnsibleError(TemplateSyntaxError): template error while templating string: Could not load "ipwrap": 'Invalid plugin FQCN (ansible.netcommon.ipwrap): unable to locate collection ansible.netcommon'. String: Foo {{ buildset_registry.host | ipwrap }}. Could not load "ipwrap": 'Invalid plugin FQCN (ansible.netcommon.ipwrap): unable to locate collection ansible.netcommon' bypass = True elif ( isinstance(orig_exc, (AnsibleError, TemplateSyntaxError)) and match ): error = match.group("error") detail = match.group("detail") if error.startswith( "template error while templating string", ): bypass = False elif detail.startswith("unable to locate collection"): _logger.debug("Ignored AnsibleError: %s", exc) bypass = True else: bypass = False elif re.match(r"^lookup plugin (.*) not found$", exc.message): # lookup plugin 'template' not found bypass = True # AnsibleError: template error while templating string: expected token ':', got '}'. String: {{ {{ '1' }} }} # AnsibleError: template error while templating string: unable to locate collection ansible.netcommon. String: Foo {{ buildset_registry.host | ipwrap }} if not bypass: result.append( self.create_matcherror( message=str(exc), lineno=_get_error_line(task, path), filename=file, tag=f"{self.id}[invalid]", ), ) continue reformatted, details, tag = self.check_whitespace( v, key=key, lintable=file, ) if reformatted != v: result.append( self.create_matcherror( message=self._msg( tag=tag, value=v, reformatted=reformatted, ), lineno=_get_error_line(task, path), details=details, filename=file, tag=f"{self.id}[{tag}]", ), ) except Exception as exc: _logger.info("Exception in JinjaRule.matchtask: %s", exc) raise return result def matchyaml(self, file: Lintable) -> list[MatchError]: """Return matches for variables defined in vars files.""" data: dict[str, Any] = {} raw_results: list[MatchError] = [] results: list[MatchError] = [] if str(file.kind) == "vars": data = parse_yaml_from_file(str(file.path)) # pylint: disable=unused-variable for key, v, _path in nested_items_path(data): if isinstance(v, AnsibleUnicode): reformatted, details, tag = self.check_whitespace( v, key=key, lintable=file, ) if reformatted != v: results.append( self.create_matcherror( message=self._msg( tag=tag, value=v, reformatted=reformatted, ), lineno=v.ansible_pos[1], details=details, filename=file, tag=f"{self.id}[{tag}]", ), ) if raw_results: lines = file.content.splitlines() for match in raw_results: # lineno starts with 1, not zero skip_list = get_rule_skips_from_line( line=lines[match.lineno - 1], lintable=file, ) if match.rule.id not in skip_list and match.tag not in skip_list: results.append(match) else: results.extend(super().matchyaml(file)) return results def lex(self, text: str) -> list[Token]: """Parse jinja template.""" # https://github.com/pallets/jinja/issues/1711 self.env.keep_trailing_newline = True self.env.lstrip_blocks = False self.env.trim_blocks = False self.env.autoescape = True self.env.newline_sequence = "\n" tokens = [ Token(lineno=t[0], token_type=t[1], value=t[2]) for t in self.env.lex(text) ] new_text = self.unlex(tokens) if text != new_text: _logger.debug( "Unable to perform full roundtrip lex-unlex on jinja template (expected when '-' modifier is used): {text} -> {new_text}", ) return tokens def unlex(self, tokens: list[Token]) -> str: """Return original text by compiling the lex output.""" result = "" last_lineno = 1 last_value = "" for lineno, _, value in tokens: if lineno > last_lineno and "\n" not in last_value: result += "\n" result += value last_lineno = lineno last_value = value return result # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals def check_whitespace( self, text: str, key: str, lintable: Lintable | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """Check spacing inside given jinja2 template string. We aim to match Python Black formatting rules. :raises NotImplementedError: On few cases where valid jinja is not valid Python. :returns: (string, string, string) reformatted text, detailed error, error tag """ def cook(value: str, *, implicit: bool = False) -> str: """Prepare an implicit string for jinja parsing when needed.""" if not implicit: return value if value.startswith("{{") and value.endswith("}}"): # maybe we should make this an error? return value return f"{{{{ {value} }}}}" def uncook(value: str, *, implicit: bool = False) -> str: """Restore an string to original form when it was an implicit one.""" if not implicit: return value return value[3:-3] tokens = [] details = "" begin_types = ("variable_begin", "comment_begin", "block_begin") end_types = ("variable_end", "comment_end", "block_end") implicit = False # implicit templates do not have the {{ }} wrapping if ( key in KEYWORDS_WITH_IMPLICIT_TEMPLATE and lintable and lintable.kind in ( "playbook", "task", ) ): implicit = True text = cook(text, implicit=implicit) # don't try to lex strings that have no jinja inside them if not has_jinja(text): return text, "", "spacing" expr_str = None expr_type = None verb_skipped = True lineno = 1 try: for token in self.lex(text): if ( expr_type and expr_type.startswith("{%") and token.token_type in ("name", "whitespace") and not verb_skipped ): # on {% blocks we do not take first word as part of the expression tokens.append(token) if token.token_type != "whitespace": verb_skipped = True elif token.token_type in begin_types: tokens.append(token) expr_type = token.value # such {#, {{, {% expr_str = "" verb_skipped = False elif token.token_type in end_types and expr_str is not None: # process expression # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test if isinstance(expr_str, str) and "\n" in expr_str: raise NotImplementedError leading_spaces = " " * (len(expr_str) - len(expr_str.lstrip())) expr_str = leading_spaces + blacken(expr_str.lstrip()) if tokens[ -1 ].token_type != "whitespace" and not expr_str.startswith(" "): expr_str = " " + expr_str if not expr_str.endswith(" "): expr_str += " " tokens.append(Token(lineno, "data", expr_str)) tokens.append(token) expr_str = None expr_type = None elif expr_str is not None: expr_str += token.value else: tokens.append(token) lineno = token.lineno except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError as exc: return "", str(exc.message), "invalid" # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/7433 - py311 only # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member except (NotImplementedError, black.parsing.InvalidInput) as exc: # black is not able to recognize all valid jinja2 templates, so we # just ignore InvalidInput errors. # NotImplementedError is raised internally for expressions with # newlines, as we decided to not touch them yet. # These both are documented as known limitations. _logger.debug("Ignored jinja internal error %s", exc) return uncook(text, implicit=implicit), "", "spacing" # finalize reformatted = self.unlex(tokens) failed = reformatted != text reformatted = uncook(reformatted, implicit=implicit) details = ( f"Jinja2 template rewrite recommendation: `{reformatted}`." if failed else "" ) return reformatted, details, "spacing" def blacken(text: str) -> str: """Format Jinja2 template using black.""" return black.format_str( text, mode=black.FileMode(line_length=sys.maxsize, string_normalization=False), ).rstrip("\n") if "pytest" in sys.modules: import pytest from ansiblelint.rules import RulesCollection # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports from ansiblelint.runner import Runner # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports @pytest.fixture(name="error_expected_lines") def fixture_error_expected_lines() -> list[int]: """Return list of expected error lines.""" return [33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 74] # 21 68 @pytest.fixture(name="lint_error_lines") def fixture_lint_error_lines() -> list[int]: """Get VarHasSpacesRules linting results on test_playbook.""" collection = RulesCollection() collection.register(JinjaRule()) lintable = Lintable("examples/playbooks/jinja-spacing.yml") results = Runner(lintable, rules=collection).run() return [item.lineno for item in results] def test_jinja_spacing_playbook( error_expected_lines: list[int], lint_error_lines: list[int], ) -> None: """Ensure that expected error lines are matching found linting error lines.""" # list unexpected error lines or non-matching error lines error_lines_difference = list( set(error_expected_lines).symmetric_difference(set(lint_error_lines)), ) assert len(error_lines_difference) == 0 def test_jinja_spacing_vars() -> None: """Ensure that expected error details are matching found linting error details.""" collection = RulesCollection() collection.register(JinjaRule()) lintable = Lintable("examples/playbooks/vars/jinja-spacing.yml") results = Runner(lintable, rules=collection).run() error_expected_lineno = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32] assert len(results) == len(error_expected_lineno) for idx, err in enumerate(results): assert err.lineno == error_expected_lineno[idx] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("text", "expected", "tag"), ( pytest.param( "{{-x}}{#a#}{%1%}", "{{- x }}{# a #}{% 1 %}", "spacing", id="add-missing-space", ), pytest.param("", "", "spacing", id="1"), pytest.param("foo", "foo", "spacing", id="2"), pytest.param("{##}", "{# #}", "spacing", id="3"), # we want to keep leading spaces as they might be needed for complex multiline jinja files pytest.param("{# #}", "{# #}", "spacing", id="4"), pytest.param( "{{-aaa|xx }}foo\nbar{#some#}\n{%%}", "{{- aaa | xx }}foo\nbar{# some #}\n{% %}", "spacing", id="5", ), pytest.param( "Shell with jinja filter", "Shell with jinja filter", "spacing", id="6", ), pytest.param( "{{{'dummy_2':1}|true}}", "{{ {'dummy_2': 1} | true }}", "spacing", id="7", ), pytest.param("{{{foo:{}}}}", "{{ {foo: {}} }}", "spacing", id="8"), pytest.param( "{{ {'test': {'subtest': variable}} }}", "{{ {'test': {'subtest': variable}} }}", "spacing", id="9", ), pytest.param( "http://foo.com/{{\n case1 }}", "http://foo.com/{{\n case1 }}", "spacing", id="10", ), pytest.param("{{foo(123)}}", "{{ foo(123) }}", "spacing", id="11"), pytest.param("{{ foo(a.b.c) }}", "{{ foo(a.b.c) }}", "spacing", id="12"), # pytest.param( # "spacing", # ), pytest.param( "{{foo(x =['server_options'])}}", "{{ foo(x=['server_options']) }}", "spacing", id="14", ), pytest.param( '{{ [ "host", "NA"] }}', '{{ ["host", "NA"] }}', "spacing", id="15", ), pytest.param( "{{ {'dummy_2': {'nested_dummy_1': value_1,\n 'nested_dummy_2': value_2}} |\ncombine(dummy_1) }}", "{{ {'dummy_2': {'nested_dummy_1': value_1,\n 'nested_dummy_2': value_2}} |\ncombine(dummy_1) }}", "spacing", id="17", ), pytest.param("{{ & }}", "", "invalid", id="18"), pytest.param( "{{ good_format }}/\n{{- good_format }}\n{{- good_format -}}\n", "{{ good_format }}/\n{{- good_format }}\n{{- good_format -}}\n", "spacing", id="19", ), pytest.param( "{{ {'a': {'b': 'x', 'c': y}} }}", "{{ {'a': {'b': 'x', 'c': y}} }}", "spacing", id="20", ), pytest.param( "2*(1+(3-1)) is {{ 2 * {{ 1 + {{ 3 - 1 }}}} }}", "2*(1+(3-1)) is {{ 2 * {{1 + {{3 - 1}}}} }}", "spacing", id="21", ), pytest.param( '{{ "absent"\nif (v is version("2.8.0", ">=")\nelse "present" }}', "", "invalid", id="22", ), pytest.param( '{{lookup("x",y+"/foo/"+z+".txt")}}', '{{ lookup("x", y + "/foo/" + z + ".txt") }}', "spacing", id="23", ), pytest.param( "{{ x | map(attribute='value') }}", "{{ x | map(attribute='value') }}", "spacing", id="24", ), pytest.param( "{{ r(a= 1,b= True,c= 0.0,d= '') }}", "{{ r(a=1, b=True, c=0.0, d='') }}", "spacing", id="25", ), pytest.param("{{ r(1,[]) }}", "{{ r(1, []) }}", "spacing", id="26"), pytest.param( "{{ lookup([ddd ]) }}", "{{ lookup([ddd]) }}", "spacing", id="27", ), pytest.param( "{{ [ x ] if x is string else x }}", "{{ [x] if x is string else x }}", "spacing", id="28", ), pytest.param( "{% if a|int <= 8 -%} iptables {%- else -%} iptables-nft {%- endif %}", "{% if a | int <= 8 -%} iptables{%- else -%} iptables-nft{%- endif %}", "spacing", id="29", ), pytest.param( # "- 2" -> "-2", minus does not get separated when there is no left side "{{ - 2 }}", "{{ -2 }}", "spacing", id="30", ), pytest.param( # "-2" -> "-2", minus does get an undesired spacing "{{ -2 }}", "{{ -2 }}", "spacing", id="31", ), pytest.param( # array ranges do not have space added "{{ foo[2:4] }}", "{{ foo[2:4] }}", "spacing", id="32", ), pytest.param( # array ranges have the extra space removed "{{ foo[2: 4] }}", "{{ foo[2:4] }}", "spacing", id="33", ), pytest.param( # negative array index "{{ foo[-1] }}", "{{ foo[-1] }}", "spacing", id="34", ), pytest.param( # negative array index, repair "{{ foo[- 1] }}", "{{ foo[-1] }}", "spacing", id="35", ), pytest.param("{{ a +~'b' }}", "{{ a + ~'b' }}", "spacing", id="36"), pytest.param( "{{ (a[: -4] *~ b) }}", "{{ (a[:-4] * ~b) }}", "spacing", id="37", ), pytest.param("{{ [a,~ b] }}", "{{ [a, ~b] }}", "spacing", id="38"), # Not supported yet due to being accepted by black: pytest.param("{{ item.0.user }}", "{{ item.0.user }}", "spacing", id="39"), # Not supported by back, while jinja allows ~ to be binary operator: pytest.param("{{ a ~ b }}", "{{ a ~ b }}", "spacing", id="40"), pytest.param( "--format='{{'{{'}}.Size{{'}}'}}'", "--format='{{ '{{' }}.Size{{ '}}' }}'", "spacing", id="41", ), pytest.param( "{{ list_one + {{ list_two | max }} }}", "{{ list_one + {{list_two | max}} }}", "spacing", id="42", ), pytest.param( "{{ lookup('file' , '/tmp/non-existent', errors='ignore') }}", "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/non-existent', errors='ignore') }}", "spacing", id="43", ), # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/pull/3057 # since jinja 3.0.0, \r is converted to \n if the string has jinja in it pytest.param( "{{ 'foo' }}\r{{ 'bar' }}", "{{ 'foo' }}\n{{ 'bar' }}", "spacing", id="44", ), # if we do not have any jinja constructs, we should keep original \r # to match ansible behavior pytest.param( "foo\rbar", "foo\rbar", "spacing", id="45", ), ), ) def test_jinja(text: str, expected: str, tag: str) -> None: """Tests our ability to spot spacing errors inside jinja2 templates.""" rule = JinjaRule() reformatted, details, returned_tag = rule.check_whitespace( text, key="name", lintable=Lintable("playbook.yml"), ) assert tag == returned_tag, details assert expected == reformatted @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("text", "expected", "tag"), ( pytest.param( "1+2", "1 + 2", "spacing", id="0", ), pytest.param( "- 1", "-1", "spacing", id="1", ), # Ensure that we do not choke with double templating on implicit # and instead we remove them braces. pytest.param("{{ o | bool }}", "o | bool", "spacing", id="2"), ), ) def test_jinja_implicit(text: str, expected: str, tag: str) -> None: """Tests our ability to spot spacing errors implicit jinja2 templates.""" rule = JinjaRule() # implicit jinja2 are working only inside playbooks and tasks lintable = Lintable(name="playbook.yml", kind="playbook") reformatted, details, returned_tag = rule.check_whitespace( text, key="when", lintable=lintable, ) assert tag == returned_tag, details assert expected == reformatted @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("lintable", "matches"), (pytest.param("examples/playbooks/vars/rule_jinja_vars.yml", 0, id="0"),), ) def test_jinja_file(lintable: str, matches: int) -> None: """Tests our ability to process var filesspot spacing errors.""" collection = RulesCollection() collection.register(JinjaRule()) errs = Runner(lintable, rules=collection).run() assert len(errs) == matches for err in errs: assert isinstance(err, JinjaRule) assert errs[0].tag == "jinja[invalid]" assert errs[0].rule.id == "jinja" def test_jinja_invalid() -> None: """Tests our ability to spot spacing errors inside jinja2 templates.""" collection = RulesCollection() collection.register(JinjaRule()) success = "examples/playbooks/rule-jinja-fail.yml" errs = Runner(success, rules=collection).run() assert len(errs) == 2 assert errs[0].tag == "jinja[spacing]" assert errs[0].rule.id == "jinja" assert errs[0].lineno == 9 assert errs[1].tag == "jinja[invalid]" assert errs[1].rule.id == "jinja" assert errs[1].lineno == 9 def test_jinja_valid() -> None: """Tests our ability to parse jinja, even when variables may not be defined.""" collection = RulesCollection() collection.register(JinjaRule()) success = "examples/playbooks/rule-jinja-pass.yml" errs = Runner(success, rules=collection).run() assert len(errs) == 0 def _get_error_line(task: dict[str, Any], path: list[str | int]) -> int: """Return error line number.""" line = task[LINE_NUMBER_KEY] ctx = task for _ in path: ctx = ctx[_] if LINE_NUMBER_KEY in ctx: line = ctx[LINE_NUMBER_KEY] if not isinstance(line, int): msg = "Line number is not an integer" raise RuntimeError(msg) return line