# meta-runtime This rule checks the meta/runtime.yml `requires_ansible` key against the list of currently supported versions of ansible-core. This rule can produce messages such as: - `meta-runtime[unsupported-version]` - `requires_ansible` key must refer to a currently supported version such as: >=2.14.0, >=2.15.0, >=2.16.0 - `meta-runtime[invalid-version]` - `requires_ansible` is not a valid requirement specification Please note that the linter will allow only a full version of Ansible such `2.16.0` and not allow their short form, like `2.16`. This is a safety measure for asking authors to mention an explicit version that they tested with. Over the years we spotted multiple problems caused by the use of the short versions, users ended up trying an outdated version that was never tested against by the collection maintainer. ## Problematic code ```yaml # runtime.yml --- requires_ansible: ">=2.9" ``` ```yaml # runtime.yml --- requires_ansible: "2.15" ``` ## Correct code ```yaml # runtime.yml --- requires_ansible: ">=2.15.0" ``` ## Configuration In addition to the internal list of supported Ansible versions, users can configure additional values. This allows those that want to maintain content that requires a version of ansible-core that is already out of support. ```yaml # Also recognize these versions of Ansible as supported: supported_ansible_also: - "2.14" ```