"""Runner implementation.""" from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import multiprocessing import multiprocessing.pool import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import warnings from dataclasses import dataclass from fnmatch import fnmatch from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.parsing.splitter import split_args from ansible.parsing.yaml.constructor import AnsibleMapping from ansible.plugins.loader import add_all_plugin_dirs from ansible_compat.runtime import AnsibleWarning import ansiblelint.skip_utils import ansiblelint.utils from ansiblelint._internal.rules import ( BaseRule, LoadingFailureRule, RuntimeErrorRule, WarningRule, ) from ansiblelint.app import App, get_app from ansiblelint.constants import States from ansiblelint.errors import LintWarning, MatchError, WarnSource from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable, expand_dirs_in_lintables from ansiblelint.logger import timed_info from ansiblelint.rules.syntax_check import OUTPUT_PATTERNS, AnsibleSyntaxCheckRule from ansiblelint.text import strip_ansi_escape from ansiblelint.utils import ( PLAYBOOK_DIR, _include_children, _roles_children, _taskshandlers_children, template, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Generator from typing import Callable from ansiblelint.config import Options from ansiblelint.constants import FileType from ansiblelint.rules import RulesCollection _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class LintResult: """Class that tracks result of linting.""" matches: list[MatchError] files: set[Lintable] class Runner: """Runner class performs the linting process.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, *lintables: Lintable | str | Path, rules: RulesCollection, tags: frozenset[Any] = frozenset(), skip_list: list[str] | None = None, exclude_paths: list[str] | None = None, verbosity: int = 0, checked_files: set[Lintable] | None = None, project_dir: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a Runner instance.""" self.rules = rules self.lintables: set[Lintable] = set() self.project_dir = os.path.abspath(project_dir) if project_dir else None if skip_list is None: skip_list = [] if exclude_paths is None: exclude_paths = [] # Assure consistent type and configure given lintables as explicit (so # excludes paths would not apply on them). for item in lintables: if not isinstance(item, Lintable): item = Lintable(item) item.explicit = True self.lintables.add(item) # Expand folders (roles) to their components expand_dirs_in_lintables(self.lintables) self.tags = tags self.skip_list = skip_list self._update_exclude_paths(exclude_paths) self.verbosity = verbosity if checked_files is None: checked_files = set() self.checked_files = checked_files def _update_exclude_paths(self, exclude_paths: list[str]) -> None: if exclude_paths: # These will be (potentially) relative paths paths = ansiblelint.file_utils.expand_paths_vars(exclude_paths) # Since ansiblelint.utils.find_children returns absolute paths, # and the list of files we create in `Runner.run` can contain both # relative and absolute paths, we need to cover both bases. self.exclude_paths = paths + [os.path.abspath(p) for p in paths] else: self.exclude_paths = [] def is_excluded(self, lintable: Lintable) -> bool: """Verify if a file path should be excluded.""" # Any will short-circuit as soon as something returns True, but will # be poor performance for the case where the path under question is # not excluded. # Exclusions should be evaluated only using absolute paths in order # to work correctly. # Explicit lintables are never excluded if lintable.explicit: return False abs_path = str(lintable.abspath) if self.project_dir and not abs_path.startswith(self.project_dir): _logger.debug( "Skipping %s as it is outside of the project directory.", abs_path, ) return True return any( abs_path.startswith(path) or lintable.path.match(path) or fnmatch(str(abs_path), path) or fnmatch(str(lintable), path) for path in self.exclude_paths ) def run(self) -> list[MatchError]: """Execute the linting process.""" matches: list[MatchError] = [] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings: warnings.simplefilter("always") matches = self._run() for warn in captured_warnings: # Silence Ansible runtime warnings that are unactionable # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/3216 if warn.category is AnsibleWarning and isinstance(warn.source, dict): msg = warn.source["msg"] if msg.startswith( "Falling back to Ansible unique filter as Jinja2 one failed", ): continue # For the moment we are ignoring deprecation warnings as Ansible # modules outside current content can generate them and user # might not be able to do anything about them. if warn.category is DeprecationWarning: continue if warn.category is LintWarning: filename: None | Lintable = None if isinstance(warn.source, WarnSource): match = MatchError( message=warn.source.message or warn.category.__name__, rule=WarningRule(), filename=warn.source.filename.filename, tag=warn.source.tag, lineno=warn.source.lineno, ) else: filename = warn.source match = MatchError( message=warn.message if isinstance(warn.message, str) else "?", rule=WarningRule(), filename=str(filename), ) matches.append(match) continue _logger.warning( "%s:%s %s %s", warn.filename, warn.lineno or 1, warn.category.__name__, warn.message, ) return matches def _run(self) -> list[MatchError]: """Run the linting (inner loop).""" files: list[Lintable] = [] matches: list[MatchError] = [] # remove exclusions for lintable in self.lintables.copy(): if self.is_excluded(lintable): _logger.debug("Excluded %s", lintable) self.lintables.remove(lintable) continue if isinstance(lintable.data, States) and lintable.exc: lintable.exc.__class__.__name__.lower() matches.append( MatchError( lintable=lintable, message=str(lintable.exc), details=str(lintable.exc.__cause__), rule=LoadingFailureRule(), tag=f"load-failure[{lintable.exc.__class__.__name__.lower()}]", ), ) lintable.stop_processing = True # identify missing files/folders if not lintable.path.exists(): matches.append( MatchError( lintable=lintable, message="File or directory not found.", rule=LoadingFailureRule(), tag="load-failure[not-found]", ), ) # -- phase 1 : syntax check in parallel -- app = get_app(offline=True) def worker(lintable: Lintable) -> list[MatchError]: # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._get_ansible_syntax_check_matches( lintable=lintable, app=app, ) for lintable in self.lintables: if lintable.kind not in ("playbook", "role") or lintable.stop_processing: continue files.append(lintable) # avoid resource leak warning, https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/90549 # pylint: disable=unused-variable global_resource = multiprocessing.Semaphore() # noqa: F841 pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) return_list = pool.map(worker, files, chunksize=1) pool.close() pool.join() for data in return_list: matches.extend(data) matches = self._filter_excluded_matches(matches) # -- phase 2 --- if not matches: # do our processing only when ansible syntax check passed in order # to avoid causing runtime exceptions. Our processing is not as # resilient to be able process garbage. matches.extend(self._emit_matches(files)) # remove duplicates from files list files = [value for n, value in enumerate(files) if value not in files[:n]] for file in self.lintables: if file in self.checked_files or not file.kind: continue _logger.debug( "Examining %s of type %s", ansiblelint.file_utils.normpath(file.path), file.kind, ) matches.extend( self.rules.run(file, tags=set(self.tags), skip_list=self.skip_list), ) # update list of checked files self.checked_files.update(self.lintables) # remove any matches made inside excluded files matches = self._filter_excluded_matches(matches) return sorted(set(matches)) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def _get_ansible_syntax_check_matches( self, lintable: Lintable, app: App, ) -> list[MatchError]: """Run ansible syntax check and return a list of MatchError(s).""" default_rule: BaseRule = AnsibleSyntaxCheckRule() fh = None results = [] if lintable.kind not in ("playbook", "role"): return [] with timed_info( "Executing syntax check on %s %s", lintable.kind, lintable.path, ): if lintable.kind == "role": playbook_text = f""" --- - name: Temporary playbook for role syntax check hosts: localhost tasks: - ansible.builtin.import_role: name: {lintable.path.expanduser()!s} """ # pylint: disable=consider-using-with fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".yml", prefix="play") fh.write(playbook_text) fh.flush() playbook_path = fh.name else: playbook_path = str(lintable.path.expanduser()) # To avoid noisy warnings we pass localhost as current inventory: # [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available # [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all' cmd = [ "ansible-playbook", "-i", "localhost,", "--syntax-check", playbook_path, ] if app.options.extra_vars: cmd.extend(["--extra-vars", json.dumps(app.options.extra_vars)]) # To reduce noisy warnings like # CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated # https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/2038 env = app.runtime.environ.copy() env["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore" run = subprocess.run( cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, capture_output=True, shell=False, # needed when command is a list # noqa: S603 text=True, check=False, env=env, ) if run.returncode != 0: message = None filename = lintable lineno = 1 column = None stderr = strip_ansi_escape(run.stderr) stdout = strip_ansi_escape(run.stdout) if stderr: details = stderr if stdout: details += "\n" + stdout else: details = stdout for pattern in OUTPUT_PATTERNS: rule = default_rule match = re.search(pattern.regex, stderr) if match: groups = match.groupdict() title = groups.get("title", match.group(0)) details = groups.get("details", "") lineno = int(groups.get("line", 1)) if "filename" in groups: filename = Lintable(groups["filename"]) else: filename = lintable column = int(groups.get("column", 1)) results.append( MatchError( message=title, lintable=filename, lineno=lineno, column=column, rule=rule, details=details, tag=f"{rule.id}[{pattern.tag}]", ), ) if not results: rule = RuntimeErrorRule() message = ( f"Unexpected error code {run.returncode} from " f"execution of: {' '.join(cmd)}" ) results.append( MatchError( message=message, lintable=filename, lineno=lineno, column=column, rule=rule, details=details, tag="", ), ) if fh: fh.close() return results def _filter_excluded_matches(self, matches: list[MatchError]) -> list[MatchError]: return [ match for match in matches if not self.is_excluded(match.lintable) and match.tag not in match.lintable.line_skips[match.lineno] ] def _emit_matches(self, files: list[Lintable]) -> Generator[MatchError, None, None]: visited: set[Lintable] = set() while visited != self.lintables: for lintable in self.lintables - visited: try: children = self.find_children(lintable) for child in children: if self.is_excluded(child): continue self.lintables.add(child) files.append(child) except MatchError as exc: if not exc.filename: # pragma: no branch exc.filename = str(lintable.path) exc.rule = LoadingFailureRule() yield exc except AttributeError: yield MatchError(lintable=lintable, rule=LoadingFailureRule()) visited.add(lintable) def find_children(self, lintable: Lintable) -> list[Lintable]: """Traverse children of a single file or folder.""" if not lintable.path.exists(): return [] playbook_dir = str(lintable.path.parent) ansiblelint.utils.set_collections_basedir(lintable.path.parent) add_all_plugin_dirs(playbook_dir or ".") if lintable.kind == "role": playbook_ds = AnsibleMapping({"roles": [{"role": str(lintable.path)}]}) elif lintable.kind not in ("playbook", "tasks"): return [] else: try: playbook_ds = ansiblelint.utils.parse_yaml_from_file(str(lintable.path)) except AnsibleError as exc: raise SystemExit(exc) from exc results = [] # playbook_ds can be an AnsibleUnicode string, which we consider invalid if isinstance(playbook_ds, str): raise MatchError(lintable=lintable, rule=LoadingFailureRule()) for item in ansiblelint.utils.playbook_items(playbook_ds): # if lintable.kind not in ["playbook"]: for child in self.play_children( lintable.path.parent, item, lintable.kind, playbook_dir, ): # We avoid processing parametrized children path_str = str(child.path) if "$" in path_str or "{{" in path_str: continue # Repair incorrect paths obtained when old syntax was used, like: # - include: simpletask.yml tags=nginx valid_tokens = [] for token in split_args(path_str): if "=" in token: break valid_tokens.append(token) path = " ".join(valid_tokens) if path != path_str: child.path = Path(path) child.name = child.path.name results.append(child) return results def play_children( self, basedir: Path, item: tuple[str, Any], parent_type: FileType, playbook_dir: str, ) -> list[Lintable]: """Flatten the traversed play tasks.""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument delegate_map: dict[str, Callable[[str, Any, Any, FileType], list[Lintable]]] = { "tasks": _taskshandlers_children, "pre_tasks": _taskshandlers_children, "post_tasks": _taskshandlers_children, "block": _taskshandlers_children, "include": _include_children, "ansible.builtin.include": _include_children, "import_playbook": _include_children, "ansible.builtin.import_playbook": _include_children, "roles": _roles_children, "dependencies": _roles_children, "handlers": _taskshandlers_children, "include_tasks": _include_children, "ansible.builtin.include_tasks": _include_children, "import_tasks": _include_children, "ansible.builtin.import_tasks": _include_children, } (k, v) = item add_all_plugin_dirs(str(basedir.resolve())) if k in delegate_map and v: v = template( basedir, v, {"playbook_dir": PLAYBOOK_DIR or str(basedir.resolve())}, fail_on_undefined=False, ) return delegate_map[k](str(basedir), k, v, parent_type) return [] def _get_matches(rules: RulesCollection, options: Options) -> LintResult: lintables = ansiblelint.utils.get_lintables(opts=options, args=options.lintables) for rule in rules: if "unskippable" in rule.tags: for entry in (*options.skip_list, *options.warn_list): if rule.id == entry or entry.startswith(f"{rule.id}["): msg = f"Rule '{rule.id}' is unskippable, you cannot use it in 'skip_list' or 'warn_list'. Still, you could exclude the file." raise RuntimeError(msg) matches = [] checked_files: set[Lintable] = set() runner = Runner( *lintables, rules=rules, tags=frozenset(options.tags), skip_list=options.skip_list, exclude_paths=options.exclude_paths, verbosity=options.verbosity, checked_files=checked_files, project_dir=options.project_dir, ) matches.extend(runner.run()) # Assure we do not print duplicates and the order is consistent matches = sorted(set(matches)) # Convert reported filenames into human readable ones, so we hide the # fact we used temporary files when processing input from stdin. for match in matches: for lintable in lintables: if match.filename == lintable.filename: match.filename = lintable.name break return LintResult(matches=matches, files=checked_files)