# (c) 2019-2020, Ansible by Red Hat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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"""Utils related to inline skipping of rules.""" from __future__ import annotations import collections.abc import logging import re import warnings from functools import cache from itertools import product from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any # Module 'ruamel.yaml' does not explicitly export attribute 'YAML'; implicit reexport disabled from ruamel.yaml import YAML from ruamel.yaml.composer import ComposerError from ruamel.yaml.scanner import ScannerError from ruamel.yaml.tokens import CommentToken from ansiblelint.config import used_old_tags from ansiblelint.constants import ( NESTED_TASK_KEYS, PLAYBOOK_TASK_KEYWORDS, RENAMED_TAGS, SKIPPED_RULES_KEY, ) from ansiblelint.errors import LintWarning, WarnSource if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Generator, Sequence from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleBaseYAMLObject from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _found_deprecated_tags: set[str] = set() _noqa_comment_re = re.compile(r"^# noqa(\s|:)") # playbook: Sequence currently expects only instances of one of the two # classes below but we should consider avoiding this chimera. # ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq # ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleSequence def get_rule_skips_from_line( line: str, lintable: Lintable, lineno: int = 1, ) -> list[str]: """Return list of rule ids skipped via comment on the line of yaml.""" _before_noqa, _noqa_marker, noqa_text = line.partition("# noqa") result = [] for v in noqa_text.lstrip(" :").split(): if v in RENAMED_TAGS: tag = RENAMED_TAGS[v] if v not in _found_deprecated_tags: msg = f"Replaced outdated tag '{v}' with '{tag}', replace it to avoid future errors" warnings.warn( message=msg, category=LintWarning, source=WarnSource( filename=lintable, lineno=lineno, tag="warning[outdated-tag]", message=msg, ), stacklevel=0, ) _found_deprecated_tags.add(v) v = tag result.append(v) return result def append_skipped_rules( pyyaml_data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, lintable: Lintable, ) -> AnsibleBaseYAMLObject: """Append 'skipped_rules' to individual tasks or single metadata block. For a file, uses 2nd parser (ruamel.yaml) to pull comments out of yaml subsets, check for '# noqa' skipped rules, and append any skips to the original parser (pyyaml) data relied on by remainder of ansible-lint. :param pyyaml_data: file text parsed via ansible and pyyaml. :param file_text: raw file text. :param file_type: type of file: tasks, handlers or meta. :returns: original pyyaml_data altered with a 'skipped_rules' list added \ to individual tasks, or added to the single metadata block. """ try: yaml_skip = _append_skipped_rules(pyyaml_data, lintable) except RuntimeError: # Notify user of skip error, do not stop, do not change exit code _logger.exception("Error trying to append skipped rules") return pyyaml_data if not yaml_skip: return pyyaml_data return yaml_skip @cache def load_data(file_text: str) -> Any: """Parse ``file_text`` as yaml and return parsed structure. This is the main culprit for slow performance, each rule asks for loading yaml again and again ideally the ``maxsize`` on the decorator above MUST be great or equal total number of rules :param file_text: raw text to parse :return: Parsed yaml """ yaml = YAML() # Ruamel role is not to validate the yaml file, so we ignore duplicate keys: yaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True try: return yaml.load(file_text) except ComposerError: # load fails on multi-documents with ComposerError exception return yaml.load_all(file_text) def _append_skipped_rules( pyyaml_data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, lintable: Lintable, ) -> AnsibleBaseYAMLObject | None: # parse file text using 2nd parser library try: ruamel_data = load_data(lintable.content) except ScannerError as exc: _logger.debug( "Ignored loading skipped rules from file %s due to: %s", lintable, exc, ) # For unparsable file types, we return empty skip lists return None skipped_rules = _get_rule_skips_from_yaml(ruamel_data, lintable) if lintable.kind in [ "yaml", "requirements", "vars", "meta", "reno", "test-meta", "galaxy", ]: # AnsibleMapping, dict if hasattr(pyyaml_data, "get"): pyyaml_data[SKIPPED_RULES_KEY] = skipped_rules # AnsibleSequence, list elif ( not isinstance(pyyaml_data, str) and isinstance(pyyaml_data, collections.abc.Sequence) and skipped_rules ): pyyaml_data[0][SKIPPED_RULES_KEY] = skipped_rules return pyyaml_data # create list of blocks of tasks or nested tasks if lintable.kind in ("tasks", "handlers"): ruamel_task_blocks = ruamel_data pyyaml_task_blocks = pyyaml_data elif lintable.kind == "playbook": try: pyyaml_task_blocks = _get_task_blocks_from_playbook(pyyaml_data) ruamel_task_blocks = _get_task_blocks_from_playbook(ruamel_data) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return pyyaml_data else: # For unsupported file types, we return empty skip lists return None # get tasks from blocks of tasks pyyaml_tasks = _get_tasks_from_blocks(pyyaml_task_blocks) ruamel_tasks = _get_tasks_from_blocks(ruamel_task_blocks) # append skipped_rules for each task for ruamel_task, pyyaml_task in zip(ruamel_tasks, pyyaml_tasks): # ignore empty tasks if not pyyaml_task and not ruamel_task: continue # AnsibleUnicode or str if isinstance(pyyaml_task, str): continue if pyyaml_task.get("name") != ruamel_task.get("name"): msg = "Error in matching skip comment to a task" raise RuntimeError(msg) pyyaml_task[SKIPPED_RULES_KEY] = _get_rule_skips_from_yaml( ruamel_task, lintable, ) return pyyaml_data def _get_task_blocks_from_playbook(playbook: Sequence[Any]) -> list[Any]: """Return parts of playbook that contains tasks, and nested tasks. :param playbook: playbook yaml from yaml parser. :returns: list of task dictionaries. """ task_blocks = [] for play, key in product(playbook, PLAYBOOK_TASK_KEYWORDS): task_blocks.extend(play.get(key, [])) return task_blocks def _get_tasks_from_blocks(task_blocks: Sequence[Any]) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: """Get list of tasks from list made of tasks and nested tasks.""" if not task_blocks: return def get_nested_tasks(task: Any) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: if not task or not is_nested_task(task): return for k in NESTED_TASK_KEYS: if k in task and task[k]: if hasattr(task[k], "get"): continue for subtask in task[k]: yield from get_nested_tasks(subtask) yield subtask for task in task_blocks: yield from get_nested_tasks(task) yield task def _get_rule_skips_from_yaml( yaml_input: Sequence[Any], lintable: Lintable, ) -> Sequence[Any]: """Traverse yaml for comments with rule skips and return list of rules.""" yaml_comment_obj_strings = [] if isinstance(yaml_input, str): return [] def traverse_yaml(obj: Any) -> None: for entry in obj.ca.items.values(): for v in entry: if isinstance(v, CommentToken): comment_str = v.value if _noqa_comment_re.match(comment_str): line = v.start_mark.line + 1 # ruamel line numbers start at 0 lintable.line_skips[line].update( get_rule_skips_from_line( comment_str.strip(), lintable=lintable, lineno=line, ), ) yaml_comment_obj_strings.append(str(obj.ca.items)) if isinstance(obj, dict): for val in obj.values(): if isinstance(val, (dict, list)): traverse_yaml(val) elif isinstance(obj, list): for element in obj: if isinstance(element, (dict, list)): traverse_yaml(element) else: return if isinstance(yaml_input, (dict, list)): traverse_yaml(yaml_input) rule_id_list = [] for comment_obj_str in yaml_comment_obj_strings: for line in comment_obj_str.split(r"\n"): rule_id_list.extend(get_rule_skips_from_line(line, lintable=lintable)) return [normalize_tag(tag) for tag in rule_id_list] def normalize_tag(tag: str) -> str: """Return current name of tag.""" if tag in RENAMED_TAGS: used_old_tags[tag] = RENAMED_TAGS[tag] return RENAMED_TAGS[tag] return tag def is_nested_task(task: dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Check if task includes block/always/rescue.""" # Cannot really trust the input if isinstance(task, str): return False return any(task.get(key) for key in NESTED_TASK_KEYS)