# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Will Thames # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # spell-checker:ignore dwim # pylint: disable=too-many-lines """Generic utility helpers.""" from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import inspect import logging import os import re from collections.abc import Generator, ItemsView, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence from dataclasses import _MISSING_TYPE, dataclass, field from functools import cache from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import yaml from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader from ansible.parsing.mod_args import ModuleArgsParser from ansible.parsing.yaml.constructor import AnsibleConstructor, AnsibleMapping from ansible.parsing.yaml.loader import AnsibleLoader from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, AnsibleSequence from ansible.plugins.loader import add_all_plugin_dirs from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig from yaml.composer import Composer from yaml.representer import RepresenterError from ansiblelint._internal.rules import ( AnsibleParserErrorRule, RuntimeErrorRule, ) from ansiblelint.app import get_app from ansiblelint.config import Options, options from ansiblelint.constants import ( ANNOTATION_KEYS, FILENAME_KEY, INCLUSION_ACTION_NAMES, LINE_NUMBER_KEY, NESTED_TASK_KEYS, PLAYBOOK_TASK_KEYWORDS, ROLE_IMPORT_ACTION_NAMES, SKIPPED_RULES_KEY, FileType, ) from ansiblelint.errors import MatchError from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable, discover_lintables from ansiblelint.skip_utils import is_nested_task from ansiblelint.text import removeprefix # ansible-lint doesn't need/want to know about encrypted secrets, so we pass a # string as the password to enable such yaml files to be opened and parsed # successfully. DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD = "x" # noqa: S105 COLLECTION_PLAY_RE = re.compile(r"^[\w\d_]+\.[\w\d_]+\.[\w\d_]+$") PLAYBOOK_DIR = os.environ.get("ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIR", None) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse_yaml_from_file(filepath: str) -> AnsibleBaseYAMLObject: """Extract a decrypted YAML object from file.""" dataloader = DataLoader() if hasattr(dataloader, "set_vault_password"): dataloader.set_vault_password(DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD) return dataloader.load_from_file(filepath) def path_dwim(basedir: str, given: str) -> str: """Convert a given path do-what-I-mean style.""" dataloader = DataLoader() dataloader.set_basedir(basedir) return str(dataloader.path_dwim(given)) def ansible_templar(basedir: Path, templatevars: Any) -> Templar: """Create an Ansible Templar using templatevars.""" # `basedir` is the directory containing the lintable file. # Therefore, for tasks in a role, `basedir` has the form # `roles/some_role/tasks`. On the other hand, the search path # is `roles/some_role/{files,templates}`. As a result, the # `tasks` part in the basedir should be stripped stripped. if basedir.name == "tasks": basedir = basedir.parent dataloader = DataLoader() dataloader.set_basedir(basedir) templar = Templar(dataloader, variables=templatevars) return templar def mock_filter(left: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # noqa: ARG001 """Mock a filter that can take any combination of args and kwargs. This will return x when x | filter(y,z) is called e.g. {{ foo | ansible.utils.ipaddr('address') }} :param left: The left hand side of the filter :param args: The args passed to the filter :param kwargs: The kwargs passed to the filter :return: The left hand side of the filter """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return left def ansible_template( basedir: Path, varname: Any, templatevars: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Render a templated string by mocking missing filters. In the case of a missing lookup, ansible core does an early exit when disable_lookup=True but this happens after the jinja2 syntax already passed return the original string as if it had been templated. In the case of a missing filter, extract the missing filter plugin name from the ansible error, 'Could not load "filter"'. Then mock the filter and template the string again. The range allows for up to 10 unknown filters in succession :param basedir: The directory containing the lintable file :param varname: The string to be templated :param templatevars: The variables to be used in the template :param kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to the templating engine :return: The templated string or None :raises: AnsibleError if the filter plugin cannot be extracted or the string could not be templated in 10 attempts """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals filter_error = "template error while templating string:" lookup_error = "was found, however lookups were disabled from templating" re_filter_fqcn = re.compile(r"\w+\.\w+\.\w+") re_filter_in_err = re.compile(r"Could not load \"(\w+)\"") re_valid_filter = re.compile(r"^\w+(\.\w+\.\w+)?$") templar = ansible_templar(basedir=basedir, templatevars=templatevars) kwargs["disable_lookups"] = True for _i in range(10): try: templated = templar.template(varname, **kwargs) return templated except AnsibleError as exc: if lookup_error in exc.message: return varname if exc.message.startswith(filter_error): while True: match = re_filter_in_err.search(exc.message) if match: missing_filter = match.group(1) break match = re_filter_fqcn.search(exc.message) if match: missing_filter = match.group(0) break missing_filter = exc.message.split("'")[1] break if not re_valid_filter.match(missing_filter): err = f"Could not parse missing filter name from error message: {exc.message}" _logger.warning(err) raise # pylint: disable=protected-access templar.environment.filters._delegatee[ # noqa: SLF001 missing_filter ] = mock_filter # Record the mocked filter so we can warn the user if missing_filter not in options.mock_filters: _logger.debug("Mocking missing filter %s", missing_filter) options.mock_filters.append(missing_filter) continue raise return None BLOCK_NAME_TO_ACTION_TYPE_MAP = { "tasks": "task", "handlers": "handler", "pre_tasks": "task", "post_tasks": "task", "block": "meta", "rescue": "meta", "always": "meta", } def tokenize(line: str) -> tuple[str, list[str], dict[str, str]]: """Parse a string task invocation.""" tokens = line.lstrip().split(" ") if tokens[0] == "-": tokens = tokens[1:] if tokens[0] == "action:" or tokens[0] == "local_action:": tokens = tokens[1:] command = tokens[0].replace(":", "") args = [] kwargs = {} non_kv_found = False for arg in tokens[1:]: if "=" in arg and not non_kv_found: key_value = arg.split("=", 1) kwargs[key_value[0]] = key_value[1] else: non_kv_found = True args.append(arg) return (command, args, kwargs) def playbook_items(pb_data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject) -> ItemsView: # type: ignore[type-arg] """Return a list of items from within the playbook.""" if isinstance(pb_data, dict): return pb_data.items() if not pb_data: return [] # type: ignore[return-value] # "if play" prevents failure if the play sequence contains None, # which is weird but currently allowed by Ansible # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/849 return [item for play in pb_data if play for item in play.items()] # type: ignore[return-value] def set_collections_basedir(basedir: Path) -> None: """Set the playbook directory as playbook_paths for the collection loader.""" # Ansible expects only absolute paths inside `playbook_paths` and will # produce weird errors if we use a relative one. AnsibleCollectionConfig.playbook_paths = str(basedir.resolve()) def template( basedir: Path, value: Any, variables: Any, *, fail_on_error: bool = False, fail_on_undefined: bool = False, **kwargs: str, ) -> Any: """Attempt rendering a value with known vars.""" try: value = ansible_template( basedir.resolve(), value, variables, **dict(kwargs, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined), ) # Hack to skip the following exception when using to_json filter on a variable. # noqa: FIX004 # I guess the filter doesn't like empty vars... except (AnsibleError, ValueError, RepresenterError): # templating failed, so just keep value as is. if fail_on_error: raise return value def _include_children( basedir: str, k: str, v: Any, parent_type: FileType, ) -> list[Lintable]: # handle special case include_tasks: name=filename.yml if k in INCLUSION_ACTION_NAMES and isinstance(v, dict) and "file" in v: v = v["file"] # we cannot really parse any jinja2 in includes, so we ignore them if not v or "{{" in v: return [] if "import_playbook" in k and COLLECTION_PLAY_RE.match(v): # Any import_playbooks from collections should be ignored as ansible # own syntax check will handle them. return [] # handle include: filename.yml tags=blah # pylint: disable=unused-variable (command, args, kwargs) = tokenize(f"{k}: {v}") result = path_dwim(basedir, args[0]) while basedir not in ["", "/"]: if os.path.exists(result): break basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir) result = path_dwim(basedir, args[0]) return [Lintable(result, kind=parent_type)] def _taskshandlers_children( basedir: str, k: str, v: None | Any, parent_type: FileType, ) -> list[Lintable]: results: list[Lintable] = [] if v is None: raise MatchError( message="A malformed block was encountered while loading a block.", rule=RuntimeErrorRule(), ) for task_handler in v: # ignore empty tasks, `-` if not task_handler: continue with contextlib.suppress(LookupError): children = _get_task_handler_children_for_tasks_or_playbooks( task_handler, basedir, k, parent_type, ) results.append(children) continue if any(x in task_handler for x in ROLE_IMPORT_ACTION_NAMES): task_handler = normalize_task_v2(task_handler) _validate_task_handler_action_for_role(task_handler["action"]) results.extend( _roles_children( basedir, k, [task_handler["action"].get("name")], parent_type, main=task_handler["action"].get("tasks_from", "main"), ), ) continue if "block" not in task_handler: continue results.extend( _taskshandlers_children(basedir, k, task_handler["block"], parent_type), ) if "rescue" in task_handler: results.extend( _taskshandlers_children( basedir, k, task_handler["rescue"], parent_type, ), ) if "always" in task_handler: results.extend( _taskshandlers_children( basedir, k, task_handler["always"], parent_type, ), ) return results def _get_task_handler_children_for_tasks_or_playbooks( task_handler: dict[str, Any], basedir: str, k: Any, parent_type: FileType, ) -> Lintable: """Try to get children of taskhandler for include/import tasks/playbooks.""" child_type = k if parent_type == "playbook" else parent_type # Include the FQCN task names as this happens before normalize for task_handler_key in INCLUSION_ACTION_NAMES: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): # ignore empty tasks if not task_handler: # pragma: no branch continue file_name = task_handler[task_handler_key] if isinstance(file_name, Mapping) and file_name.get("file", None): file_name = file_name["file"] f = path_dwim(basedir, file_name) while basedir not in ["", "/"]: if os.path.exists(f): break basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir) f = path_dwim(basedir, file_name) return Lintable(f, kind=child_type) msg = f'The node contains none of: {", ".join(sorted(INCLUSION_ACTION_NAMES))}' raise LookupError(msg) def _validate_task_handler_action_for_role(th_action: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Verify that the task handler action is valid for role include.""" module = th_action["__ansible_module__"] if "name" not in th_action: raise MatchError(message=f"Failed to find required 'name' key in {module!s}") if not isinstance(th_action["name"], str): raise MatchError( message=f"Value assigned to 'name' key on '{module!s}' is not a string.", ) def _roles_children( basedir: str, k: str, v: Sequence[Any], parent_type: FileType, # noqa: ARG001 main: str = "main", ) -> list[Lintable]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument # parent_type) results: list[Lintable] = [] if not v: # typing does not prevent junk from being passed in return results for role in v: if isinstance(role, dict): if "role" in role or "name" in role: if "tags" not in role or "skip_ansible_lint" not in role["tags"]: results.extend( _look_for_role_files( basedir, role.get("role", role.get("name")), main=main, ), ) elif k != "dependencies": msg = f'role dict {role} does not contain a "role" or "name" key' raise SystemExit(msg) else: results.extend(_look_for_role_files(basedir, role, main=main)) return results def _rolepath(basedir: str, role: str) -> str | None: role_path = None possible_paths = [ # if included from a playbook path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join("roles", role)), path_dwim(basedir, role), # if included from roles/[role]/meta/main.yml path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join("..", "..", "..", "roles", role)), path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join("..", "..", role)), # if checking a role in the current directory path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join("..", role)), ] for loc in get_app(offline=True).runtime.config.default_roles_path: loc = os.path.expanduser(loc) possible_paths.append(path_dwim(loc, role)) possible_paths.append(path_dwim(basedir, "")) for path_option in possible_paths: # pragma: no branch if os.path.isdir(path_option): role_path = path_option break if role_path: # pragma: no branch add_all_plugin_dirs(role_path) return role_path def _look_for_role_files( basedir: str, role: str, main: str | None = "main", # noqa: ARG001 ) -> list[Lintable]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument # main role_path = _rolepath(basedir, role) if not role_path: # pragma: no branch return [] results = [] for kind in ["tasks", "meta", "handlers", "vars", "defaults"]: current_path = os.path.join(role_path, kind) for folder, _, files in os.walk(current_path): for file in files: file_ignorecase = file.lower() if file_ignorecase.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")): results.append(Lintable(os.path.join(folder, file))) return results def _sanitize_task(task: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a stripped-off task structure compatible with new Ansible. This helper takes a copy of the incoming task and drops any internally used keys from it. """ result = task.copy() # task is an AnsibleMapping which inherits from OrderedDict, so we need # to use `del` to remove unwanted keys. for k in [SKIPPED_RULES_KEY, FILENAME_KEY, LINE_NUMBER_KEY]: if k in result: del result[k] return result def _extract_ansible_parsed_keys_from_task( result: dict[str, Any], task: dict[str, Any], keys: tuple[str, ...], ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict with existing key in task.""" for k, v in list(task.items()): if k in keys: # we don't want to re-assign these values, which were # determined by the ModuleArgsParser() above continue result[k] = v return result def normalize_task_v2(task: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Ensure tasks have a normalized action key and strings are converted to python objects.""" result: dict[str, Any] = {} ansible_parsed_keys = ("action", "local_action", "args", "delegate_to") if is_nested_task(task): _extract_ansible_parsed_keys_from_task(result, task, ansible_parsed_keys) # Add dummy action for block/always/rescue statements result["action"] = { "__ansible_module__": "block/always/rescue", "__ansible_module_original__": "block/always/rescue", } return result sanitized_task = _sanitize_task(task) mod_arg_parser = ModuleArgsParser(sanitized_task) try: action, arguments, result["delegate_to"] = mod_arg_parser.parse( skip_action_validation=options.skip_action_validation, ) except AnsibleParserError as exc: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise MatchError( rule=AnsibleParserErrorRule(), message=exc.message, filename=task.get(FILENAME_KEY, "Unknown"), lineno=task.get(LINE_NUMBER_KEY, 0), ) from exc # denormalize shell -> command conversion if "_uses_shell" in arguments: action = "shell" del arguments["_uses_shell"] _extract_ansible_parsed_keys_from_task( result, task, (*ansible_parsed_keys, action), ) if not isinstance(action, str): msg = f"Task actions can only be strings, got {action}" raise RuntimeError(msg) action_unnormalized = action # convert builtin fqn calls to short forms because most rules know only # about short calls but in the future we may switch the normalization to do # the opposite. Mainly we currently consider normalized the module listing # used by `ansible-doc -t module -l 2>/dev/null` action = removeprefix(action, "ansible.builtin.") result["action"] = { "__ansible_module__": action, "__ansible_module_original__": action_unnormalized, } result["action"].update(arguments) return result def normalize_task(task: dict[str, Any], filename: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Unify task-like object structures.""" ansible_action_type = task.get("__ansible_action_type__", "task") if "__ansible_action_type__" in task: del task["__ansible_action_type__"] task = normalize_task_v2(task) task[FILENAME_KEY] = filename task["__ansible_action_type__"] = ansible_action_type return task def task_to_str(task: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Make a string identifier for the given task.""" name = task.get("name") if name: return str(name) action = task.get("action") if isinstance(action, str) or not isinstance(action, dict): return str(action) args = [ f"{k}={v}" for (k, v) in action.items() if k not in [ "__ansible_module__", "__ansible_module_original__", "_raw_params", LINE_NUMBER_KEY, FILENAME_KEY, ] ] _raw_params = action.get("_raw_params", []) if isinstance(_raw_params, list): for item in _raw_params: args.append(str(item)) else: args.append(_raw_params) return f"{action['__ansible_module__']} {' '.join(args)}" def extract_from_list( blocks: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, candidates: list[str], *, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[Any]: """Get action tasks from block structures.""" results = [] for block in blocks: for candidate in candidates: if isinstance(block, dict) and candidate in block: if isinstance(block[candidate], list): subresults = add_action_type(block[candidate], candidate) if recursive: subresults.extend( extract_from_list( subresults, candidates, recursive=recursive, ), ) results.extend(subresults) elif block[candidate] is not None: msg = f"Key '{candidate}' defined, but bad value: '{block[candidate]!s}'" raise RuntimeError(msg) return results @dataclass class Task(dict[str, Any]): """Class that represents a task from linter point of view. raw_task: When looping through the tasks in the file, each "raw_task" is minimally processed to include these special keys: __line__, __file__, skipped_rules. normalized_task: When each raw_task is "normalized", action shorthand (strings) get parsed by ansible into python objects and the action key gets normalized. If the task should be skipped (skipped is True) or normalizing it fails (error is not None) then this is just the raw_task instead of a normalized copy. skip_tags: List of tags found to be skipped, from tags block or noqa comments error: This is normally None. It will be a MatchError when the raw_task cannot be normalized due to an AnsibleParserError. position: Any """ raw_task: dict[str, Any] filename: str = "" _normalized_task: dict[str, Any] | _MISSING_TYPE = field(init=False, repr=False) error: MatchError | None = None position: Any = None @property def name(self) -> str | None: """Return the name of the task.""" return self.raw_task.get("name", None) @property def action(self) -> str: """Return the resolved action name.""" action_name = self.normalized_task["action"]["__ansible_module_original__"] if not isinstance(action_name, str): msg = "Task actions can only be strings." raise RuntimeError(msg) return action_name @property def args(self) -> Any: """Return the arguments passed to the task action. While we usually expect to return a dictionary, it can also return a templated string when jinja is used. """ if "args" in self.raw_task: return self.raw_task["args"] result = {} for k, v in self.normalized_task["action"].items(): if k not in ANNOTATION_KEYS: result[k] = v return result @property def normalized_task(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the name of the task.""" if not hasattr(self, "_normalized_task"): try: self._normalized_task = normalize_task( self.raw_task, filename=self.filename, ) except MatchError as err: self.error = err # When we cannot normalize it, we just use the raw task instead # to avoid adding extra complexity to the rules. self._normalized_task = self.raw_task if isinstance(self._normalized_task, _MISSING_TYPE): msg = "Task was not normalized" raise RuntimeError(msg) return self._normalized_task @property def skip_tags(self) -> list[str]: """Return the list of tags to skip.""" skip_tags: list[str] = self.raw_task.get(SKIPPED_RULES_KEY, []) return skip_tags def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the task.""" return f"Task('{self.name}' [{self.position}])" def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get a value from the task.""" return self.normalized_task.get(key, default) def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> Any: """Allow access as task[...].""" return self.normalized_task[index] def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Provide support for 'key in task'.""" yield from (f for f in self.normalized_task) def task_in_list( data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, file: Lintable, kind: str, position: str = ".", ) -> Iterator[Task]: """Get action tasks from block structures.""" def each_entry(data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, position: str) -> Iterator[Task]: if not data: return for entry_index, entry in enumerate(data): if not entry: continue _pos = f"{position}[{entry_index}]" if isinstance(entry, dict): yield Task( entry, position=_pos, ) for block in [k for k in entry if k in NESTED_TASK_KEYS]: yield from task_in_list( data=entry[block], file=file, kind="tasks", position=f"{_pos}.{block}", ) if not isinstance(data, list): return if kind == "playbook": attributes = ["tasks", "pre_tasks", "post_tasks", "handlers"] for item_index, item in enumerate(data): for attribute in attributes: if not isinstance(item, dict): continue if attribute in item: if isinstance(item[attribute], list): yield from each_entry( item[attribute], f"{position }[{item_index}].{attribute}", ) elif item[attribute] is not None: msg = f"Key '{attribute}' defined, but bad value: '{item[attribute]!s}'" raise RuntimeError(msg) else: yield from each_entry(data, position) def add_action_type(actions: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, action_type: str) -> list[Any]: """Add action markers to task objects.""" results = [] for action in actions: # ignore empty task if not action: continue action["__ansible_action_type__"] = BLOCK_NAME_TO_ACTION_TYPE_MAP[action_type] results.append(action) return results def get_action_tasks(data: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, file: Lintable) -> list[Any]: """Get a flattened list of action tasks from the file.""" tasks = [] if file.kind in ["tasks", "handlers"]: tasks = add_action_type(data, file.kind) else: tasks.extend(extract_from_list(data, PLAYBOOK_TASK_KEYWORDS)) # Add sub-elements of block/rescue/always to tasks list tasks.extend(extract_from_list(tasks, NESTED_TASK_KEYS, recursive=True)) return tasks @cache def parse_yaml_linenumbers( lintable: Lintable, ) -> AnsibleBaseYAMLObject: """Parse yaml as ansible.utils.parse_yaml but with linenumbers. The line numbers are stored in each node's LINE_NUMBER_KEY key. """ result = [] def compose_node(parent: yaml.nodes.Node, index: int) -> yaml.nodes.Node: # the line number where the previous token has ended (plus empty lines) line = loader.line node = Composer.compose_node(loader, parent, index) if not isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.Node): msg = "Unexpected yaml data." raise RuntimeError(msg) node.__line__ = line + 1 # type: ignore[attr-defined] return node def construct_mapping( node: AnsibleBaseYAMLObject, *, deep: bool = False, ) -> AnsibleMapping: mapping = AnsibleConstructor.construct_mapping(loader, node, deep=deep) if hasattr(node, "__line__"): mapping[LINE_NUMBER_KEY] = node.__line__ else: mapping[ LINE_NUMBER_KEY ] = mapping._line_number # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa: SLF001 mapping[FILENAME_KEY] = lintable.path return mapping try: kwargs = {} if "vault_password" in inspect.getfullargspec(AnsibleLoader.__init__).args: kwargs["vault_password"] = DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD loader = AnsibleLoader(lintable.content, **kwargs) loader.compose_node = compose_node loader.construct_mapping = construct_mapping # while Ansible only accepts single documents, we also need to load # multi-documents, as we attempt to load any YAML file, not only # Ansible managed ones. while True: data = loader.get_data() if data is None: break result.append(data) except ( yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError, yaml.constructor.ConstructorError, ) as exc: msg = "Failed to load YAML file" raise RuntimeError(msg) from exc if len(result) == 0: return None # empty documents if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return result def get_cmd_args(task: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Extract the args from a cmd task as a string.""" if "cmd" in task["action"]: args = task["action"]["cmd"] else: args = task["action"].get("_raw_params", []) if not isinstance(args, str): return " ".join(args) return args def get_first_cmd_arg(task: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Extract the first arg from a cmd task.""" try: first_cmd_arg = get_cmd_args(task).split()[0] except IndexError: return None return first_cmd_arg def get_second_cmd_arg(task: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Extract the second arg from a cmd task.""" try: second_cmd_arg = get_cmd_args(task).split()[1] except IndexError: return None return second_cmd_arg def is_playbook(filename: str) -> bool: """Check if the file is a playbook. Given a filename, it should return true if it looks like a playbook. The function is not supposed to raise exceptions. """ # we assume is a playbook if we loaded a sequence of dictionaries where # at least one of these keys is present: playbooks_keys = { "gather_facts", "hosts", "import_playbook", "post_tasks", "pre_tasks", "roles", "tasks", } # makes it work with Path objects by converting them to strings if not isinstance(filename, str): filename = str(filename) try: f = parse_yaml_from_file(filename) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except # noqa: BLE001 _logger.warning( "Failed to load %s with %s, assuming is not a playbook.", filename, exc, ) else: if ( isinstance(f, AnsibleSequence) and hasattr(next(iter(f), {}), "keys") and playbooks_keys.intersection(next(iter(f), {}).keys()) ): return True return False # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def get_lintables( opts: Options = options, args: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[Lintable]: """Detect files and directories that are lintable.""" lintables: list[Lintable] = [] # passing args bypass auto-detection mode if args: for arg in args: lintable = Lintable(arg) lintables.append(lintable) else: for filename in discover_lintables(opts): path = Path(filename) lintables.append(Lintable(path)) # stage 2: guess roles from current lintables, as there is no unique # file that must be present in any kind of role. _extend_with_roles(lintables) return lintables def _extend_with_roles(lintables: list[Lintable]) -> None: """Detect roles among lintables and adds them to the list.""" for lintable in lintables: parts = lintable.path.parent.parts if "roles" in parts: role = lintable.path while role.parent.name != "roles" and role.name: role = role.parent if role.exists() and not role.is_file(): lintable = Lintable(role) if lintable.kind == "role" and lintable not in lintables: _logger.debug("Added role: %s", lintable) lintables.append(lintable) def convert_to_boolean(value: Any) -> bool: """Use Ansible to convert something to a boolean.""" return bool(boolean(value))