path: root/ansible_collections/community/aws/tox.ini
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/community/aws/tox.ini')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible_collections/community/aws/tox.ini b/ansible_collections/community/aws/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..179ed761c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/community/aws/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+skipsdist = True
+envlist = clean,ansible{2.12,2.13}-py{38,39,310}-{with_constraints,without_constraints},linters
+# Tox4 supports labels which allow us to group the environments rather than dumping all commands into a single environment
+labels =
+ format = flynt, black, isort
+ lint = complexity-report, ansible-lint, black-lint, isort-lint, flake8-lint, flynt-lint
+ units = ansible{2.12,2.13}-py{38,39,310}-{with_constraints,without_constraints}
+format_dirs = {toxinidir}/plugins {toxinidir}/tests
+description = Run the test-suite and generate a HTML coverage report
+deps =
+ pytest
+ pytest-cov
+ ansible2.12: ansible-core>2.12,<2.13
+ ansible2.13: ansible-core>2.13,<2.14
+ !ansible2.12-!ansible2.13: ansible-core
+ pytest-ansible
+ -rtest-requirements.txt
+ with_constraints: -rtests/unit/constraints.txt
+commands = pytest --cov-report html --cov plugins/callback --cov plugins/inventory --cov plugins/lookup --cov plugins/module_utils --cov plugins/modules --cov plugins/plugin_utils plugins {posargs:tests/}
+deps = coverage
+skip_install = true
+commands = coverage erase
+description = Generate a HTML complexity report in the complexity directory
+deps =
+ # See:
+ flake8>=3.3.0,<5.0.0
+ flake8-html
+commands = -flake8 --select C90 --max-complexity 10 --format=html --htmldir={posargs:complexity} plugins
+deps =
+ ansible-lint
+commands =
+ ansible-lint {toxinidir}/plugins
+depends =
+ flynt, isort
+deps =
+ black >=23.0, <24.0
+commands =
+ black {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ {[testenv:black]deps}
+commands =
+ black -v --check --diff {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ isort
+commands =
+ isort {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ {[testenv:isort]deps}
+commands =
+ isort --check-only --diff {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ flake8
+commands =
+ flake8 {posargs} {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ flynt
+commands =
+ flynt {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ flynt
+commands =
+ flynt --dry-run {[common]format_dirs}
+deps =
+ {[testenv:black]deps}
+ {[testenv:isort]deps}
+ flake8
+commands =
+ black -v --check {toxinidir}/plugins {toxinidir}/tests
+ isort --check-only --diff {toxinidir}/plugins {toxinidir}/tests
+ flake8 {posargs} {toxinidir}/plugins {toxinidir}/tests
+# E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
+show-source = True
+ignore = E123,E125,E203,E402,E501,E741,F401,F811,F841,W503
+max-line-length = 160
+builtins = _